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Makoto Nanaya/Biography

From BlazBlue Wiki

Born to a large and poor family in the 11th Hierarchical City of Shinatsu, Makoto has faced countless amounts of prejudice in her life because of her species, making her detest most humans for their behaviour. She entered the Military Academy so her family could have more money, and her parents, although proud, were worried about her entering. Makoto passed her examinations, and was soon accepted. [1] She personally knows Kagura Mutsuki.

Military Academy

Heart to Heart, Remix Heart, The BLUE

One week after meeting Noel and Tsubaki, Makoto met Mai Natsume, becoming interested in her and becoming good friends. She went to the Ars Magus aptitude test which was presided over by Estella McKenzie; her physical abilities were noted to be exceptionally high but her ability to study was low. Makoto told Mai to not eat Noel's dreaded cooking later that evening and watched as she not only went against her advice, but also enjoyed the “death dinner” that had been prepared – soon afterwards, she learnt of Mai's super-taste ability and looked after her after she fainted in the changing rooms. Around this time, she met Kajun Faycott, becoming good friends with her. [2] The Torifune Festival soon came, and Makoto met Taro Sasaga'e, and Akane Teruhiko. She stole Mai's first kiss, and helped Tsubaki try to win the festival's tournament, being confused when Kajun usurped her glory. [3]

The girls would soon end up lost in Torifune's lower floors in an attempt to find watermelons. They were choked by a thick cloud of seithr, and sought refuge in a nearby mansion where they were attacked by a mutated watermelon. Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, and Kajun were saved by Mai, and they found the Evolution Grimoire. Afterwards, they decided to name themselves Team Remix Heart. [4] Spring cleaning was ordered by Estella days afterwards, and Remix Heart dedicated themselves to cleaning their professor's room, only to discover a hidden room with numerous frilly dresses - Makoto tried some on, giving Noel some bra padding. They discovered the Ammit Cryas Grimoire, handing it over to Estella, but being issued the maximum penalty - a full course of Noel's cooking. [5] When the time for the sports festival arrived, Makoto led Team Remix Heart with her formidable strength, being protected by Noel and Tsubaki when she was flanked by other participants; the girls discovered that they would have to find the Conversion Grimoire, and journeyed lower into Torifune to do so. [6] They found themselves in a desert, and Makoto fell into a lion ant pit; she was saved by Mai's quick thinking. The actions of the group earned the praise of the Guardian, who gave them the Conversion Grimoire after a small test, and the girls returned back to the higher levels only to discover that they had come last place. [7]

Thanks to Taro, Makoto, Remix Heart, and Jin were all sent hurtling towards a beach when Torifune's weather system had broken down. Using Golden Angel supplied by Kajun, Makoto swam in the sea, finding the Regulation Grimoire. The girls fixed it, and restored Torifune's weather. [8] With Tsubaki, Kajun, and Noel, Makoto found Mai unconscious, being stuck in a dream created by the Hypnagogia Grimoire. She battled against a weak version of Hakumen accidentally created by Tsubaki, and Mai saw a vision of her in the future within the dream before finally waking up. [9] When Mai lost her memories, the only way to restore them was to taste the tears of those close to her - Makoto supplied her own by crying when yawning, becoming happy with having helped. [10]

In an attempt to find the Azure Grimoire, Remix Heart travelled to the lower levels of Torifune, and used several Grimoire that they had stolen from the Academy to do so. They cleared a cooking trial, but became separated from Mai when a fissure swallowed her up. [11] Makoto passed the laundry trial with the remaining girls before finally finding Mai near the Aedsqui Grimoire - they returned to the higher levels. [12] Makoto learned about Mai becoming the Intermediary Grimoire, and later met Shiori Kirihito and Chachakaka. [13] She was introduced to the former, falling for her lies of being frail. Jin, Akane, and Taro were bedridden, and Makoto helped to look after them with the other girls. [14] She watched Noel and Shiori work together to make porridge for the boys, calling out Taro when he ate Jin's and not his own. [15] She watched as Jin went berserk with his Nox Nyctores - the Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa and as he was knocked out by Cypher Albar. [16] As she was involved in this incident, Makoto helped watch over the giant icebergs that were created, and cheered on Shiori in a contest for eating shaved ice, also being assaulted by a Torifune panda. [17]

While having lunch with Team Remix Heart, Carl Clover visited them, and Makoto warned him to not try any of Noel's cooking. She prepared her for her date with Taro, painting her nails for the occasion. [18] She later berated him for turning up late to Mai's date. [19] Remix Heart was soon split for survival training, with Makoto being paired with Tsubaki and Noel. They reunited with Shiori, Kajun, and Mai when they found the main body of the Mountain Jellyfish, and managed to not only defeat it, but come first place in the training exercise. [20] Mai was knocked unconscious and Makoto helped gather up the strongest Ars Magus users to help save her under Cypher's orders. It was a trap set by Cypher himself, and she and the rest of Team Remix Heart had their Ars Magus aptitude stripped away from them until they were saved by Chachakaka. Makoto learned through the Ammit Cryas that Mai was originally a man. [21] Mai saved the group from being crushed by an alchemy barrier, and Cypher told them all of his plan to create a Burning Red Grimoire. He briefly battled Mai, and Makoto managed to hug her while the fight had paused, recognizing how hard it was for her living with the secret. [22] When Mai and Shiori were teleported away by the professor, Makoto listened to Jin and helped to round up the best Ars Magus users in the Academy to foil Cypher's plans - they succeeded. [23] She spent the rest of her first year messing around, and getting into trouble in her classes with Estella. [24]

In her second year, Makoto was invited to the 2nd Hierarchical City of Iwatsuchi for Jin's medal ceremony as he had just ended the Ikaruga Civil War. Kagura attempted to flirt with her and the other girls with her (Mai, Noel, and Tsubaki) but she swiftly knocked him out, only to be met by Hibiki Kohaku, who promptly put them to work on preparing the celebration. [25] Kajun, Mai, and Shiori all disappeared, but Makoto was reunited with them thanks to the efforts of Akane. [26] She was later seen revising with Noel and Tsubaki over the Nox Nyctores and the Dark War, and Makoto admitted that she did not know too much on either subject. She soon discovered that Noel was to graduate six months early, and she spent the remainder of her time at the Academy with Tsubaki. [27]

Continuum Shift

A squirrel beastkin. She comes from the lower levels of the city, but was able to take advantage of her unparalleled physical strength to enroll in the Military Academy. At first, she was bullied for her species and hometown, but with the support from her roommates Noel and Tsubaki, she was able to overcome it. Even though she is currently part of the Novus Orbis Librarium's Intelligence Department, she remains close friends with Noel and Tsubaki and still contacts them.[28]

Arcade Mode

Stage IV: Iron Tager

Makoto: Whoa! You're...HUGE!

Tager: That are an officer in the NOL, are you not? What are you doing here?

Makoto: Huh? What, you ask? Why, waiting, of course... Mr. Red Devil of Sector Seven.

Tager: What...?

Makoto: I was waiting for someone willing to help me find something "Gnu." Or was it to look for a "Gnu?" But that'd be stupid. They're extinct. You'd only see a "Gnu" in a museum or a history book now.

Tager: "Gnu"...? Don't tell're the person Kokonoe was―

Makoto: Hehe...Now, I wonder? ...I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need you to participate in a little...experiment.

<Makoto Victory>

Tager: Hmph. Not bad...

Makoto: I was going to say the same thing about you. You're much stronger than rumor says. ...Or should I be complimenting Professor Kokonoe right now? Wait, don't answer that. I really don't care. But you are definitely you. Here you go. This is what you came for, right?

Tager: What exactly are you trying to pull...?

Makoto: Actually, I have all sorts of reasons, but... I don't want to bore you with the details as they would just...bore you. Oh, but there is one thing I want to tell you: If, for whatever reason, Noel Vermillion is harmed in ANY way...I will hunt down that person and make them pay...dearly.

Tager: ...I will keep that in mind.

Makoto: All righty, then! I think that's enough chitchat for today. Thanks again!

Stage VIII: Tsubaki Yayoi

Makoto: Tsubaki! Damn, you're a hard one to track down!

Tsubaki: M-Makoto!? What are you doing here?

Makoto: Don't "What are you doing here?" me! Here, I have a direct order, addressed to you.

Tsubaki: ...What? Orders to withdrawal...!?

Makoto: Really...? I wonder if the situation changed somehow...

Tsubaki: going on here...?

Makoto: Um...I was afraid you'd ask me that... My orders said that I was to deliver this to you. I know less than you. ...Huh? What's the matter, Tsubaki?

Tsubaki: Makoto, my current orders came directly from the Imperator. I've never heard of a case of an order of the Imperator being countermanded... Not even the Main Branch would dare do such a thing. Say, Makoto. Who gave you this order? Was it Captain Hazama...?

Makoto: I'd expect nothing less from a former honors student. Right now, you just reminded me of the time I tried to cheat off you in class and you caught me in the act!

Tsubaki: Makoto, don't tell me you―

Makoto: I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, Tsubaki, but... I guess neither of us really has a choice, huh?

<Makoto Victory>

Tsubaki: Ugh...Makoto. Why...?

Makoto: I'm sorry, Tsubaki. But I can't let you run around Kagutsuchi... To have friends killing each other would be more than tragic. As long as I'm here, I won't let you and Noel fight each other!

Stage IX: Noel Vermillion

Makoto: N-Noel... Why are you here?

Noel: ...

Makoto: Oh, don't tell me, you met Hazama...!? ...Argh! I TOLD you to stay away from him! Oooh crap... This might actually be pretty bad. Will I... even be able to stop you now?

Noel: ...

Makoto: ...No! Pull yourself together, Makoto! You can't back down now!

<Makoto Victory>

Noel: ...

Makoto: N-Noel...!? A-Are you OK...?

Noel: ...Hah...

Makoto: Oh, thank goodness! You're just unconscious. I'm sorry, Noel. But truly, I'm so relieved.

Hazama: ...I'm terribly sorry to interrupt such a touching moment, but...

Makoto: !

Hazama: I, uh...actually kind of need that girl there. She's the leading actress for my show, you see. Heh heh heh.

Stage X: Hazama

Makoto: Captain Hazama!

Hazama: Oh, Lieutenant Makoto Nanaya...? I could've sworn I ordered you to go to Ikaruga? Or is my memory failing me? Hahahaha!

Makoto: ...I did go. And that's why I'm here. Captain Hazama... Tell me, why are you―, what is the Library trying to do!? What was that "thing" doing in Ikaruga!?

Hazama: Ahh, so you've found..."that." I see. You're actually somewhat competent. As your commanding officer, I must say how proud I am of you.

Makoto: "Found"? You might as well have erected signs, put out banners, and charged admission... That thing was almost screaming for attention.

Hazama: Wow, you really ARE smarter than you look...To still come here after realizing're a courageous one. ...And of course, I just HAVE to reward a soldier's courage... How about we play for a little while? Restriction 666 released... Dimensional interference force field, deployed!

Terumi: Kehehehehe! I'll show you...the TRUE power of the Azure! Code = S.O.L. 'Azure Grimoire'... ACTIVATE!

Makoto: Just as I thought.

Terumi: Hehehehehahaha. Let's go you little bitch. HahahaHAHAHAHA.



BlazBlue Continuum Shift Makoto Nanaya Arcade 01.png

Terumi: I have to say that as an opponent, you were almost...adequate.

Makoto: *Pant* *Pant* What about...Noel...?

Terumi: Oh, c' saw it, right? All those test subjects in Ikaruga...? All the "failed" versions of Noel Vermillion... hahaha!

Makoto: Does screwing with people's lives get you off that―

Terumi: "Lives"? Hahahaha! What are you, a drooling idiot? Dolls don't have "lives." They got jack-shit!

Makoto: A...doll...?

BlazBlue Continuum Shift General Arcade 02.png

Terumi: Soul or not, if it was made by human hands, then obviously it was meant to be used as a tool by humans! I mean, seriously! Wait a second...I guess that would make beastkin TOOLS, too, huh?

Makoto: Shut the hell up! We were never tools, you stupid asshole!

Terumi: Oh, my dear little chipmunk... You were created for the purpose of defeating the Black Beast. SHE was created for the purpose of killing a "God." Observe! The perfect sword forged and tempered in the fires of despair.

BlazBlue Continuum Shift General Arcade 03.png

Terumi: Kuhahahahaha! Now... Murakumo, Awaken! Everything in this whole world is lies! LIES!

BlazBlue Continuum Shift General Arcade 04.png

Terumi: That's why I'm gonna show you guys the truth! The truth called "despair"! In the name of Susano'o, I command you! Murakumo, AWAKEN!

BlazBlue Continuum Shift General Arcade 05(A).png

Terumi: Behold the sword of the god-slayer, KUSANAGI!

BlazBlue Continuum Shift General Arcade 05(B).png

Terumi: Let all lies fall before your divine blade!

BlazBlue Continuum Shift Makoto Nanaya Arcade 02.png

Terumi: Gaahahahaha! Finally, I've got the true successor to the Azure! Try and stop me NOW, Master Unit

BlazBlue Continuum Shift General Arcade 06.png

Terumi: Amaterasu!

Chrono Phantasma

Makoto once acted as an intelligence agent for the Novus Orbis Librarium. After receiving all sorts of missions, she realized the dangers of the Librarium and defected to Sector Seven. There, she met the lead scientist of Sector Seven, Kokonoe, as well as her subordinate Tager, and now works alongside them. Now, she fights with her best friend Noel to save Tsubaki.[29]

Chrono Phantasma

As a month passed after the events in Kagutsuchi, Makoto was on her way to Sector Seven with both Tager and Noel. She managed to get the former to state his frank opinion on Kokonoe to Noel, and learned that their destination had changed to be the 6th Hierarchical City of Yabiko, where they would meet with Kagura. Makoto helped Tager explain who Kagura is to Noel, stunned that her friend knew so little about the Black Knight.[30] When the group arrived in the 7th Hierarchical City of Kazamotsu, they were surrounded by NOL troops.[31]

Makoto, Noel, and Tager woke up in a cell in Yabiko. She attempted to punch her way through its walls, but only hurt her fist by doing so. The three of them were soon taken out of the cell to meet Kagura, although Makoto was less than thrilled about the idea after seeing a woman run out of office, screaming obscenities at him. The Black Knight was having a hangover from a party the previous night, so Makoto gave him some water before proceeding to shout and punch him for his inappropriate behaviour. She punched him again when he suggested that the two had spent a romantic night together. Kokonoe retrieved new outfits for Makoto and Noel, and the two girls went out to explore Yabiko together.[32]

When they returned, Makoto overheard Kokonoe and Kagura discuss possibly having to kill Tsubaki, so she burst into the room, demanding to know what they meant. She learned that Tsubaki was in Ikaruga but was still under the Imperator's control. She then left, grabbing Noel and heading straight for Tsubaki's location. They were nearly stopped by Tager, but he allowed them to go.[33]

In Ibukido, Makoto recalled the events of two months ago where she was saved by Rachel. As she turned around, Tsubaki appeared, acting strangely and calling everyone in the world insects who should dedicate their lives to the Imperator. She lost to her friend, but before Tsubaki could finally arrest her, Kagura arrived with a forged imperial decree, allowing him to take Makoto into custody and save her from her friend. They walked back to the Yabiko NOL branch together, Makoto learning that Noel and various interesting people were waiting there.[34]

The following day, Makoto was present at the large meal cooked by Hibiki, and talked to Noel about Mai and Taro, who neither had seen since graduating. Kokonoe convinced her to eat so she could gather her strength for tomorrow, the day where they would try to save Tsubaki. Later on, Makoto listened to Kagura and Jin's plans for the battle ahead, although she was nervous about having to fight her own friend.[35] That same evening, Noel was attacked by Arakune, and Makoto helped in the attempts to break down her friend's door. When they were successful, Makoto fetched Noel some water and expressed her happiness that nothing bad had happened.[36]

After the Battle of Ragna the Bloodedge, Makoto, Jin, and Noel prepared to free Tsubaki, eventually meeting her in the Colosseum as it was encased in an Eclipse Field. Makoto promised that she would free her friend and the two battled – Makoto won by pushing Tsubaki to her absolute limits, retreating and allowing Noel to Observer her, revealing Izayoi. She then watched as Jin fought against Izayoi, and thought for a brief moment he had been killed by the Immortal Breaker. In truth, he was immune to the attack, and the spell on Tsubaki had been lifted. As she made her way to Makoto and Noel, the three of them reunited, embracing each other and crying as the nightmarish conflict between them ended.[37] She later saved Noel from being hit on by Kagura, stepping on the man as she escorted her friend away.[38]

Receiving orders from Hibiki, Makoto joined Tsubaki with making their way towards the 8th Hierarchical City of Wadatsumi where they faced against Relius, Litchi, Ignis Clover, Nu-13, Carl, and Nirvana. She battled against Litchi, following Bang's command and managed to win against the doctor, although neither took any joy in battling each other.[39] The flow of seithr stopped when Bang was successful in nailing the Rettenjo into Kushinada's Lynchpin; Makoto, Tsubaki, and the recently arrived Valkenhayn defeated the opposing group, but they managed to escape.[40]

Sector Seven

Some time after exiting her cell, Makoto found Kokonoe and Celica A. Mercury. Celica and Makoto introduced themselves before Kokonoe ordered Makoto to look after her, warning the girl that Celica had a tendency to disappear with her bad sense of direction. Makoto gave Celica a tour around Yabiko, settling at a small café, ordering a coffee and chestnut parfait. The two grew close over their meal together, but Makoto was soon called away by Kokonoe to assist Tager in a mission.[41]

Makoto's mission had her gather the seithr readings in Yabiko, so she posed as a daughter with Tager as her father. She abused this mission to eat as much food as she could, and asked Tager if he had any family, sadly finding out that he could not remember. Their mission was cut short when Makoto received a call telling her that Relius' female assistant had been seen in Ikaruga.[42] They discovered that the assistant was Litchi and tracked her to Downtown; they agreed to escort her back to the NOL branch where Kokonoe was waiting, and Makoto went ahead of the group.[43] She later found Litchi, Tager, Kagura, Kokonoe, and Hibiki in Kagura's office, leaving her surprised but unaware of the gruelling challenge that they just had against Nu and Azrael. She overheard Kagura say that something was starting.[44]

Later that same evening, Makoto visited Litchi, asking her if she knew what Kagura meant earlier. Litchi did not know but the two theorized until the doctor asked out loud what Kokonoe was thinking, knowing the professor was eavesdropping; Kokonoe then told them that she was unsure of what was happening, but that it did not look good. [45] With Litchi, Kagura, and Kokonoe, Makoto went to Ibukido again, and learned that Relius was attempting to create a Black Beast – she also learned the true reason why the civil war was started: again, to create a Black Beast.[46]

Central Fiction

A squirrel beastkin. She comes from the lower levels of the city, but was able to take advantage of her unparalleled physical strength to enroll in the Military Academy. At first, she was bullied for her species and hometown, but with the support from her roommates Noel and Tsubaki, she was able to overcome it. She is currently part of the Novus Orbis Librarium's Intelligence Department, but...?[47]

With Tager and Hibiki, Makoto listened to an explanation of events that had happened in the last few months from Kagura and Kokonoe. She became confused over Ragna's alliance as he had injured Noel and Jin after he was forced to go berserk by Izanami. She was eventually absorbed into the Embryo, having her memories altered and believing that the date was 12/31/2199, and that Kagura was now the Hero of Ikaruga. [48]

Inside the Embryo's version of Kagutsuchi, Makoto found Kagura hitting on another woman, so she punched him. She was paired with Noel to find Ragna and capture him [49], but went on a tangent, meeting Kagura in the Kagutsuchi museum and jammed all radio signals as Hazama was lurking in the area. [50] Before heading back to her original mission, Relius had found her and began commenting on her soul. Makoto ran, scared of the puppeteer, and found herself in Orient Town. She contacted Kagura to warn him of the man she had just met. [51] She later heard rumours that Noel had fought the Grim Reaper. [52] She was later transported to Ikaruga by Nine the Phantom and told to defeat Izanami to claim her piece of the Azure. [53] She found Tsubaki, but was attacked by her friend as her memories began to confuse her. Makoto managed to repel her and retreated until Tsubaki had regained her composure. [54]

Makoto was ordered by Kokonoe to detain Ragna, and she found him in Yabiko. They battled, but Makoto lost, and was the first of the chosen to have their desires taken by Ragna's Soul Eater. [55] She was later deployed to find Naoto Kurogane and to persuade him into the frozen space-time – she succeeded and they landed outside of Ikaruga before venturing to find Noel and the others. [56]

Naoto and Makoto ran into Es when the demi-human lost her qualification as one of the chosen, and her data was backed up when she rejected the Azure, instead claiming that she wishes to protect the people she loves with her own power, not one she does not understand. She ordered Naoto to run and find the others while Makoto fought Es by herself, being defeated and visited by Amane Nishiki, who came to see her off as she dissolved into seithr. [57]

In the new world created by Ragna, Makoto is a part of the NOL in an infantry division. Alongside Tsubaki, she visited Noel and Lambda at their church, and had dinner with them, extending an invitation from Kagura for Noel to return to the NOL at any time. [58]


  1. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, Teach Me, Miss Litchi! Episode 1 - Reunion! The three girls from the academy!
  2. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 01
  3. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 02
  4. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 03
  5. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 04
  6. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 05
  7. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 06
  8. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 07
  9. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 08
  10. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 09
  11. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 10
  12. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 11
  13. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 12
  14. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 13
  15. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 14
  16. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 15
  17. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 17
  18. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 18
  19. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 19
  20. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 21
  21. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 22
  22. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 23
  23. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 24
  24. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 25
  25. BlazBlue: Variable Heart, Chapter 01
  26. BlazBlue: Variable Heart, Chapter 18
  27. BlazBlue Material Collection, Noel Vermillion Short Story - The BLUE
  28. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend Official Site (JP), Makoto Nanaya
  29. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Official Site (JP), Makoto Nanaya
  30. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 2: Difference of Opinion
  31. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 3: Beneath the Surface
  32. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 4: Kagura Mutsuki
  33. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 6: Friendship
  34. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 9: Izayoi
  35. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 11: The Night Before…”
  36. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 12: Uninvited Guest
  37. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 14: Inherited Will
  38. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 15: The Truth
  39. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Chrono Phantasma, Episode 17: Doomsday
  40. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Episode 18: Beginning of the End
  41. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Sector Seven, Episode 3: The Melancholy of Celica
  42. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Sector Seven, Episode 4: The Land of Ikaruga
  43. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Sector Seven, Episode 6: Litchi's Determination
  44. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Sector Seven, Episode 7: Looming Darkness
  45. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Sector Seven, Episode 8: The Forbidden Research
  46. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Story Mode, Sector Seven, Episode 9: The Beast
  47. BlazBlue: Central Fiction Consumer Edition Official Site (JP), Story - Makoto Nanaya
  48. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 001, Chapter 002
  49. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 002, Chapter 012
  50. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 003, Chapter 017
  51. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Episode 003, Chapter 018, Sub Scenario 1
  52. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 004, Chapter 23
  53. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 005, Chapter 036
  54. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 006, Chapter 044
  55. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 009, Chapter 070
  56. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 011, Chapter 090
  57. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Episode 011, Chapter 092
  58. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 012, Chapter 100