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From BlazBlue Wiki
I will take this prey. A most curious encounter. Interesting. [1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Merkava Main.png



Voice Actors

KIUCHI Hidenobu (Japanese)
Benjamin Diskin (English)

Character Themes

Unseen Entities

A mysterious man(?) bearing a strong resemblance to a Void. Those taking the form of Voids are but shadows of their former selves, who aimed to surpass In-Births and become Re-Births. There are many who take interest in these strange beings.
With a long reach and an abundance of airborne moves, Merkava is a character who excels at mid- to long-range. For those who advance within his guard, ambush them from midair with I, Soar the Sky.[2]

Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A ・ A ・ A ・ A
Smart Combo 2 B ・ B ・ B
Smart Combo 3 In mid-air A ・ A
I, Spring to the Sky
"Ware, Ten wo Odoru"
In mid-air ↖ or ↑ or ↗
During I, Spring to the Sky, Merkava can move through the air freely for a certain period of time.[3]
I, Soar the Sky
"Ware, Sora wo Kakeru"
In mid-air ←← or →→
After using I, Soar the Sky, Merkava can use jump attacks and specials.[3]
Reversal Action
I, Penetrate the Clear Skies
"Ware, Kyūryū wo Tsuranuku"
A + D
You become invulnerable at the start of the action. The ground version cannot be blocked in the air.
I, Drill Through
"Ware, Ugatsu"
↓↘→ + A or B
I, Capture and Devour
"Ware, Hokakushite Kurau"
↓↙← + A or B
I, Breathe Out[Note 1]
"Ware, Iki Fuku"
In mid-air ↓↙← + A or B
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
I, Drill Through
"Ware, Ugatsu"
↓↘→ + C
I, Capture and Devour
"Ware, Hokakushite Kurau"
↓↙← + C
"Ware, Iki Fuku"
In mid-air ↓↙← + C
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
I, Resentfully Rage
"Ware, Ikidoru"?
↓↘→ + B + C
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
I, Frolic
"Ware, Zonbun ni Hasemeguru"
↓↙← + B + C
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
I, Resentfully Rage
"Ware, Ikidoru"?
P during the main character's Distortion Skill
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Astral Heat
I, Overrun
"Ware, Jūrinsen"
↓↓↓ + B + C
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
[Requirements]In order to activate, you must have Resonance Blaze active (Lv 4), have 9 Skill Gauges at time of activation, and the opponent must be down to one character.



Tactics Mode

For an explanation of how numpad notation works, see also "Numpad Notation" on Dustloop.
  1. 5AAA > 214B
  2. j.B > 2A > 2B > 2C > 236B+C
  3. [Activate Anti-Air Attack] 5A > 2C > jc > j.AA > j.C
  4. B+C > 2C > jc > j.A > j.B > 214B+C
  5. [Start in Corner] 5BB > 2C > jc > j.B > 866 > j.214C > 5AAA > 214B
  6. Activate Resonance Blaze > j.C > j.214C > 5AA > 5BBB > 2C > 236B > 236B+C


  1. Spelled incorrectly as I, Breath Out on Merkava's command list.



Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro I take no joy in unnecessary killing... But you leave me no choice.
Intro これでも 無益な殺生は好まぬのだが……致し方あるまい
Intro I shall perform your last rites.
Intro 引導を渡してやろう
Intro Kyoohhhhh!
Intro キュオオーッ!
Intro Let me taste that soul of yours.
Intro その魂 味わわせてもらう
Intro A most curious encounter. Interesting.
Intro 奇妙な縁だ 面白い
Intro A brief frenzy... I am grateful to have your aid.
Intro 方時の狂乱 身を委ねるもまた一興
Outro I shall ascend!
Outro 昂る!昂るぞぉ!!
Outro Stop your crying... You only make yourself smaller.
Outro 喚くな 程度が知れるぞ
Outro Boring! How boring!
Outro 退屈 ああ 退屈だ
Outro Gyo'aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Outro ギョォァアアアアァァ――――!
Time Up Outro Hardly a diversion.
Time Up Outro 退屈凌ぎにもならぬ
Time Up Outro How truly shameful...
Time Up Outro 情けない体たらくだな
Time Up Defeat Such power...
Time Up Defeat これほどとは……
Time Up Defeat Time waits for no man...
Time Up Defeat 時の流れとは無常であるな

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner I will take this prey.
Outro with partner 獲物はいただいていくぞ
Outro with partner This was...surprisingly enjoyable.
Outro with partner 存外楽しませてもらった


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hakumen: I shall cut through any evil that stands in the path of righteousness...!
Merkava: And I shall dine on their remains!
Intro ハクメン「我が正道を阻む悪は 悉くを斬り捨てる……!」
メルカヴァ「然らば 敗残は私が頂こう……!」
Outro Merkava: Now, you shall sate my hunger...!
Hakumen: Did you really think I'd let a beast like you run free...!?
Outro メルカヴァ「さぁ 我が餓えの慰みと成るが良い……!」
ハクメン「其の様な外道 私が捨て置くと思うか……!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: Your aid is unnecessary. My hunger is beyond MEASURE...!
Hazama: Oooh, how scary. This is why I can't deal with monsters.
Intro メルカヴァ「手出しは無用だ 此度の我が餓えは 見境が無い……!」
ハザマ「おー怖い怖い これだからケダモノは始末に負えませんね」
Outro Merkava: My body has fallen to savagery... Though I still force my mind to resist.
Hazama: Yes, you have an unusual way of showing mercy. I find it unseemly.
Outro メルカヴァ「醜い獣へと堕ちたこの身……貴様もまた 忌避の念を抱くか?」
ハザマ「ええ 下手に心を残している所がまた 輪をかけて醜悪だ」

Celica A. Mercury

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: There's no escape. I shall dine upon your flesh.
Celica: Wait, stop! I can make you something if you're hungry!
Intro メルカヴァ「逃さん 悉く我が糧としてやろう」
セリカ「待って待って! この後ご飯作ってあげるからぁ~!」
Outro Merkava: Now, we are to become one!
Celica: Wait, I said! Waaiit!
Outro メルカヴァ「さぁ 我が一部と成り果てよ……!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: Your fate is sealed. You will be devoured!
Susano'o: Not a scrap of you will remain!
Intro メルカヴァ「逃さん 諸共我が糧と成り果てよ……!」
スサノオ「否 欠片も残さん……!」
Outro Merkava: This will not quell my hunger.
Susano'o: Hmph. It's meal enough for a beast.
Outro メルカヴァ「何とも食い出の無い様よ」
スサノオ「ふん 獣の餌には相応しかろう」

Mai Natsume

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: You dwell within an unusual piece of flesh. How enticing...
Mai: I-I promise, I'm not very tasty...
Intro メルカヴァ「貴様 奇妙な肉を携えているな 実に唆られる」
マイ「わ 私は食べても美味しくないですよぅ……」
Outro Merkava: I see... Your body and spirit are in conflict...
Mai: Ugh... I don't like that look...
Outro メルカヴァ「成程 相克する肉と魂か……」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: We are both animals... Let's give into our instincts and DEVOUR them!
Jubei: Hate ta tell ya, but that's really not my thing.
Intro メルカヴァ「互いに獣の身 本能のまま 共に食い散らかすとしよう」
獣兵衛「悪いな 生憎とそういうのは趣味じゃない」
Outro Merkava: Pathetic... What a fragile body you have...
Jubei: Ain't the body that matters. It's all about the mindset.
Outro メルカヴァ「貧弱……何と脆き器か」
獣兵衛「器ではない この勝敗を分けたのは 気構えの差だ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: Neither human nor beast... An odd creature.
Teddie: Look who's talking! What's YOUR deal!?
Intro メルカヴァ「虚無にも人にも非ず……奇怪なものよ」
クマ「そっちこそ 人のこと言えないでしょーが!」
Outro Teddie: You see that? I'm unBEARably good, right?
Merkava: Well, you did make for a momentary amusement.
Outro クマ「どうどう? クマかっちょいーでしょー?」
メルカヴァ「まぁ 寸刻の慰めにはなったか」

Naoto Shirogane

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: The humanity within me drives me to take part in this fight.
Naoto: Merkava-san... If there is a human soul within you, I will find it...
Intro メルカヴァ「己の人の意思をもってこの戦い 臨ませてもらおう」
直斗「メルカヴァさん 貴方の中の人の心……見極めさせてもらいます」
Outro Merkava: I can contain the urge no longer! Gyyyyyyaaaaaaaaah!
Naoto: So his heart really is human... No, this is--!?
Outro メルカヴァ「昂ぶりが抑えられぬ……キイィーォオオオオッ!」
直斗「やはり心は人間なのか……いや これは……!?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: I shall enjoy feasting upon you...!
Carmine: Now let's see you struggle!
Intro メルカヴァ「その味 堪能させて貰うぞ……!」
Outro Carmine: You're the smallest of small fry...
Merkava: And thus hardly a diversion.
Outro カーマイン「雑魚すぎて話になんねぇ……」
メルカヴァ「而して 慰みにもならん」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Vatista: I will begin my sweep, in accordance with the master's will.
Merkava: Very well. If we are both non-human, than it seems only fitting we run amok.
Intro バティスタ「『主の命』に従い 掃討を開始します」
メルカヴァ「応よ 共に人外なれば 相応に猛り狂うまでだ」
Outro Merkava: Your attachment to your the reason for your loss.
Vatista: But the expandability of the mind software is quite intriguing...
Outro メルカヴァ「器への未練――其れが貴様らの敗因だ」
バティスタ「しかしそれ故の精神の拡張性 非常に興味深い」

Blake Belladonna

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: I'll never judge a book by its cover. Not even you.
Merkava: Spare me your pity. You are but a temporary diversion. A fleeting alliance to help me pass the time.
Intro ブレイク「私は人を見かけで判断したりしない 貴方であっても」
メルカヴァ「情けなど無用 今はただ 我の退屈凌ぎに付き合ってくれればよい」
Outro Merkava: That was, surprisingly, somewhat pleasant. I thank you for your aid, Faunus.
Blake: I can't imagine life's easy for you.
Outro メルカヴァ「幾何かは満たされた 感謝するぞ ファウナスとやら」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic If you wish to stand against me, then be prepared to put your life on the line. I do not condone violence for the sake of violence, but I will fight to protect myself.
Generic 未だ我が眼前に立つのであれば覚悟することだ。 理由無き殺戮をする道理なくとも、この身を守るため 振り下ろされた刃もろとも貴様等を喰らうことになるやもしれぬ。
Generic Though I do not expect mankind to forgive me, I refuse to let them end my life.
Generic 罪科を抱えしこの身、たとえ人の世で許されざるとしても 未だ滅される訳にはいかぬ。
Generic Our battle has given me great pleasure, but despite your are only human. No match for a beast like me.
Generic 強者の器を持つものよ。なかなかに楽しませてもらった。 しかし所詮人の身、我が獣には到底及ぶことはない。
Generic Gragh I cannot contain this hunger! Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Generic 収まらぬ! 飢えが収まらぬ! グォァァアアアアアアアァァァ――――――――――――――!
Generic I thoroughly enjoyed our battle today. However, I do not wish to involve anyone in my plight. I will return to the mountains for now.
Generic 今日の共闘、なかなかに愉しませてもらった。 だが、再び近づく者が現れ厄介事に巻き込まれるのもご免被る。 我はまたしばらく、遠き山へと戻り籠もろう。
Partner with Hakumen Hakumen: Should you fall to savagery, you do so at your own peril. Should that time come, my blade shall be there to cast judgment.
Merkava: Your words ring empty. My body is already that of an uncontrollable beast. I have no morals on which to be judged.
Partner with Hakumen ハクメン「畜生に堕ちるの為らば堕ちるが良い。 其の刻は、我が『鳴神』が貴様の罪を裁く迄だ……!」
メルカヴァ「無駄だ。この身は既に道理無き獣。 裁かれる背徳など、元より持ち合わせる筈も無い。」
Partner with Hazama Merkava: Fascinating. You and I are mirror images of each other. I have shattered my human shell in favor of this beastly form, but you... You are a beast, yet choose to cover yourself with a human shell. Our forms may be different, but our nature is the same.
Hazama: Please don't lump us in together. I have no interest in making friends with a monster like you.
Partner with Hazama メルカヴァ「成程、我と貴様は鏡写しというわけか。 我は人から異形へと殻を破り、元より異形の貴様はその身を殻で覆う。 容姿は違えど、その業は等価と見える。」
ハザマ「勝手に一括りにしないでくれますかぁ。 ケダモノに懐かれた所で、私全く嬉しくありませんので。」
Partner with Celica A. Mercury Celica: Eating people just isn't right! No matter who you become, you're still human on the inside!
Merkava: Are you offering me sympathy? Or some form of pity? Neither will satisfy the hunger within me.
Partner with Celica A. Mercury セリカ「人を食べるだなんて……どんな姿になったとしても、そんなのは駄目だよ。 だって、貴方はまだ『人』なんだから……!」
メルカヴァ「それは情けか? それとも慈愛の真似事か? 何れにしろ無意味だ。そんなもの、些かも腹の足しには為らぬ。」
Partner with Susano'o Susano'o: You are but a beast clad in sin. Loathsome in every regard. I shall give you the absolution you so desperately deserve.
Merkava: That will not be necessary. I have long since passed any hope of salvation. I am a mad beast, following my instincts.
Partner with Susano'o スサノオ「業を抱えし獣……其の愚かさは余りにも度し難い。 手向けだ、我が名に於いて相応の裁きをくれてやろう。」
メルカヴァ「無用だ。この身には贖いも救いも意味を為さん。 ただ只管に、本能の猛りを擦るのみだ。」
Partner with Mai Natsume Merkava: Abandon that immature shell of yours and the conflict between your body and soul shall be erased.
Mai: If there's one thing I know, it's that I like who I am. No matter how immature or weak I may be, I'll never throw myself away.
Partner with Mai Natsume メルカヴァ「その未熟な器を脱ぎ捨てるが良い。 然すれば、貴様を苛む肉と魂の不和も消えよう。」
マイ「私は、私が好きだって解ったんだ。 どんなに未熟でも無様でも、私は自分を捨てたりはしないよ。」
Partner with Jubei Merkava: I serve my beastial body, devouring as my instincts command. There is no room for questioning.
Jubei: Nah, I've seen ya question your consciousness. Ya haven't thrown your human mind away just yet.
Partner with Jubei メルカヴァ「この身は獣の器なればこそ、本能の欲するまま食らい尽くす。 そこに、是非を問う間隙など在りはしない。」
獣兵衛「だが、意志を問うことは出来る。 お前が未だ、人の意識を捨てきれずにいる内はな。」
Partner with Teddie Teddie: Y'know, there's something kinda empathetic about you. We might actually make a good pair!
Merkava: If that is what you believe, then you should allow me to consume you and make us one, creature...!
Partner with Teddie クマ「ほほーう、チミには妙なシンパシーを感じるクマ。 案外クマとはいいコンビなのかもしれないクマ~。」
メルカヴァ「然らば、我が一部と成り果てても異存は有るまいな、 化生の者よ……!」
Partner with Naoto Shirogane Merkava: Living solely by my instincts would make me no different than an animal. That is not what I desire. Though my body may be that of a beast, my heart is human.
Naoto: I cannot determine exactly what you are at this moment... You don't seem like a bad person, but... Hmm. This requires further investigation.
Partner with Naoto Shirogane メルカヴァ「唯喰らい、本能のまま生き続けるのは獣と変わらぬ。 それは我の望むところではない。 我が身は獣なれど心は人なのだから。」
直斗「貴方が何者なのか、僕にはこの場で判断することができません。 悪い人ではないようですが……引き続き調査させていただきます。」
Partner with Carmine Merkava: Guooooooooooh! It's not enough... I hunger! I THIRST...!
Carmine: Then why not dine on these leftovers? You are an animal, after all.
Partner with Carmine メルカヴァ「グォオオオオオオオオオ! 満たされぬ……餓えが、渇きが……!」
カーマイン「だったらソコの残飯処理でもしてな。 ケダモノらしくよぉ。」
Partner with Vatista Merkava: I walk from humanity to nothingness, while you were born in nothingness and strive to be human. If we are both covered in nothingness, then the destruction of natural law must suit us best.
Vatista: False. Although parallel processing is the autonomic nerves' chosen deliberation method, I reject your enforcement of the idea of a heterogeneous origin.
Partner with Vatista メルカヴァ「人より虚無に向かう我と、虚無より人を目指す貴様。 共に虚ろを纏う身なれば、天則の脅威こそが相応しかろう。」
バティスタ「否。『並列化』こそ『自律神経回路』の在り方なれど、 異種由来の『同調圧力』は拒否させて貰う。」
Partner with Blake Belladonna Blake: If you can promise me that you won't hurt anyone, I'll promise you that you will come to no harm.
Merkava: I swear by the human soul that resides within this body that I shall uphold this vow as long as your words remain true. ...Unless, of course, the beast runs rampant.
Partner with Blake Belladonna ブレイク「約束して。イタズラに人を、私達を害さないと。 守ってくれるなら私達も貴方を傷つけはしない。」
メルカヴァ「貴様の言に偽りがない限り、我が獣の身に宿る人の魂に誓おう。 ――我が飢えた『獣』が暴れ出さぬ限りな。」


Main Artwork


BlazBlue Radio

DLC Icons


External Links

  • BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Official Website (JP), Characters, Merkava
  • Under Night In-Birth Wiki, Merkava


  1. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Incoming Character Updates Trailer (EVO 2018)
  2. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Official Website (JP), Characters, Merkava
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Tactics Mode, Characters, Merkava, Character Explanation