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I suggest you give up. I've done the calculations, and the probability of you winning is, well, nil. |
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諦めてください。 どう計算しても僕らに勝つことは不可能です。 |
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Confidence isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can distract you from calmly assessing the situation. |
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自信を持つことは悪いことではありませんが、 時には冷静に、状況を確認した方がいいと思いますよ。 |
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A battle is just like an investigation. It's crucial to examine every clue, consider every variable... When you neglected to do that, you sealed your fate. |
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戦いも調査と同様に綿密な情報と確認に基づいて行われます。 その段階を怠ったあなたに勝機はありませんよ。 |
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You're far stronger than I believed. I wouldn't have been able to handle that irregularity on my own, so...thank you, very much. |
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予想以上の強さでした。 僕だけだったらイレギュラーに対応できなかった…… ご協力に感謝します。 |
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Collaborating with an ally can make you two or three times stronger... Heh, a short while ago, I never would have imagined saying that. |
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仲間と協力することで強さが2倍にも3倍にもなる…… ふふっ、少し前の僕なら考えられないような言葉ですよ。 |
Partner with Noel Vermillion |
Noel: I was going to fight like usual, but your strategy made things so much easier... You're really something, Shirogane. Naoto: You're too kind. We couldn't have done it without your strength, Noel-san. Now, let us hurry! |
Partner with Noel Vermillion |
ノエル「いつも通り戦ったはずなのにこんなに楽に勝てるなんて…… すごい……白鐘さんの言った通り……」 直斗「ノエルさんの実力あっての作戦ですよ。 さあ、先を急ぎましょう。」 |
Partner with Hazama |
Naoto: The way you move and that Ouroboros of yours matches perfectly with my combat style. Hehe. I can't expect anyone will be able to defeat our team. Hazama: I'd advise you not to be so arrogant. If you keep thinking you're the hunter, you might not notice that you've become the prey. |
Partner with Hazama |
直斗「その身のこなし、僕との相性のいい『ウロボロス』という力。 フフッ、予想通り、我々が組めばすぐに勝てましたね。」 ハザマ「あまり人を食ったような態度を取らない方が宜しいかと。 気付いた時には、自分がパックリ食べられちゃったりしますよぅ?」 |
Partner with Izayoi |
Naoto: Those who do not question their sense of justice may well lose their way. You should be careful not to-- No, never mind... Izayoi: Call it blind faith if you wish, but nothing will stop me from carrying out justice as I determine it. |
Partner with Izayoi |
直斗「盲目的に己の正義を信じる人間は、時として道を踏み外します。 くれぐれも貴方は……いえ、やめておきましょう。」 イザヨイ「ええ。たとえ貴方の目に盲目的に映ろうと、 私は私の正義を信じ、貫くまでです。」 |
Partner with Naoto Kurogane |
Naoto S.: That turned out even better than I expected. I can always count on you, Naoto-san. Naoto K.: Aww, c'mon. It was all because of your great strategy, Naoto! Huh. Ever think about switching to last names? |
Partner with Naoto Kurogane |
直斗「予想以上の戦果です。 やはり貴方は頼りになりますね、ナオトさん。」 ナオト「何言ってんだ、お前の作戦あってこそだぜ、直斗! って、何か微妙にややこしいな、このやりとり……」 |
Partner with Es |
Es: I have determined that your nickname, "Killjoy Detective" doesn't suit you. On the contrary, you develop strategies that make combat more enjoyable for all involved. Where did this nickname come from? Naoto: I swear, I've wondered that myself. Who wouldn't thrill at the chance to study their surroundings and the psychology of those around them? I can't believe anyone called me that in the first place... |
Partner with Es |
Es「『KY探偵』という貴方の呼称は不適切だと判断します。 少なくとも戦闘状況が読めない人物ではありません。 何故このような呼称が付けられたのでしょうか。」 直斗「まったくです。 捜査とはあらゆる状況や人間心理を推理、考察して行うものです。 探偵である僕に、『KY』なんて不相応ですよ。」 |
Partner with Yu Narukami |
Yu: You never change, do you, Naoto? Naoto: Please don't worry. No matter the situation, I'll keep you safe, Senpai. |
Partner with Yu Narukami |
悠「相変わらずだな、直斗。」 直斗「安心してください。 どんな状況だろうと、先輩は僕が守ります。」 |
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi |
Naoto: Impressive, Tatsumi-kun. I feel so confident when we fight together. I can hardly wait until our next match. Kanji: Uh, er... Y-Yeah! Just call my name and I'll be there! I mean-- For a fight! But also, if you just wanna...hang out or something... But not in a weird way! |
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi |
直斗「流石ですね、巽君。 一緒に戦ってくれると心強いですよ。 これからもよろしくお願いします。」 完二「お、おおおおお、おう! いつでも力になってやるからよ! って、別に深い意味とかじゃねえぞ!?」 |
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo |
Mitsuru: You took us lightly. You judged us by our appearance and you lost. Naoto: Never judge a book by its cover. Investigation and battle are fundamentally the same. |
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo |
美鶴「我々もなめられたものだな。 見た目で判断した事が君たちの敗因だ。」 直斗「相手を外見で判断してはいけない。 捜査も戦闘も基本は同じです。」 |
Partner with Hyde |
Naoto: Your powers were more intense than I had predicted. If you take so much as one wrong step, we risk serious injury. Hyde: Don't take this the wrong way, but you shouldn't come near me. I haven't been able to control my power since I got here...and I don't want to hurt you. |
Partner with Hyde |
直斗「貴方の力は想定よりも大きい。 使い方を間違えれば僕達にも被害が出る可能性があります。 これは更に検証が必要ですね。」 ハイド「悪いことは言わねぇ。俺には近付くな。 ここに来てから力の制御が上手く出来ねぇんだ…… 間違ってあんたのことを傷つけちまうかもしれねぇ。」 |
Partner with Orie |
Orie: are also an agent of justice. Naoto: No, I' myself a seeker of the truth. I can't let mysteries remain unsolved. |
Partner with Orie |
オリエ「探偵……貴方も正義の代行者なのですね。」 直斗「いえ、僕は……真実の探求者という所でしょうか。 謎を謎のままにしておけない性分でして。」 |
Partner with Merkava |
Merkava: Living solely by my instincts would make me no different than an animal. That is not what I desire. Though my body may be that of a beast, my heart is human. Naoto: I cannot determine exactly what you are at this moment... You don't seem like a bad person, but... Hmm. This requires further investigation. |
Partner with Merkava |
メルカヴァ「唯喰らい、本能のまま生き続けるのは獣と変わらぬ。 それは我の望むところではない。 我が身は獣なれど心は人なのだから。」 直斗「貴方が何者なのか、僕にはこの場で判断することができません。 悪い人ではないようですが……引き続き調査させていただきます。」 |
Partner with Seth |
Naoto: That worked out remarkably well. Between your logic and your technique, I believe our partnership will be a fruitful one. Seth: How arrogant... to assume you can keep the Night on a leash. |
Partner with Seth |
直斗「想定以上の結果です。暗殺者のロジックとメソッド、 これからも頼らせて貰いますよ。」 セト「つけ上がるな。 この身が纏う『夜』の底は、お前に飼われる程浅くはない。」 |
Partner with Weiss Schnee |
Weiss: So, detective, what sort of strategy should we employ next? You've clearly got a good mind for tactics. Naoto: Hehe, I'm flattered. I'll make sure to stay sharp so I don't let you down. |
Partner with Weiss Schnee |
ワイス「探偵さん。次はどういった作戦で行きましょうか。 あなたにならチームの参謀をお任せできますわ。」 直斗「フフ、光栄です。 ワイスさんの期待を裏切らないように、次の戦いも気を抜けませんね。」 |