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Blake Belladonna

From BlazBlue Wiki
What a troublesome bunch. Fine... I'll lend you a hand.
I'm a member of Team RWBY, I can't afford to disappoint. [1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png
Blake Belladonna
Bureiku Beradon'na

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Blake Belladonna Main.png


Blake Belladonna

Voice Actors

SHIMAMURA Yū (Japanese)
Arryn Zech (English)

Character Titles

From Shadows[1]

Character Themes

Blake Mix (BBTAG Special)

Wearing a large ribbon on her head, Blake is an impressive young lady with many mysteries. Her weapon can change itself between a sword, shortsword, and chain-and-sickle, and is called Gambol Shroud.

She has attacks that can cover both close range and far range. Beginning with Fire Clone, she can create many kinds of selves to bewitch the opponent.[2]

Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A · A · A · A · A
Smart Combo 2 B · B
Smart Combo 3 Midair A · A · A
Special 1 Midair ↓ + A
Reversal Action
Cat Scratch
Kyatto Sukuracchi
A · D simultaneously
You become invulnerable at the start of the action. The attack cannot be blocked in air.
Quick Draw
Kuikku Dorō
↓↘→ + A or B
① Duality Strike
Duaritī Sutoraiku
↓↙← + A (midair also)
① Ribbon Dance
Ribon Dansu
↓↙← + B (midair also)
Stone Clone
Sutōn Kurōn
↓↓ + A (midair also)
Stone Clone is a skill that summons a clone made of stone. The clone can withstand one strike, so try to use it to counter an opponent's attack. Blake will step back after summoning the clone by default, but inputting → before summoning will make her step forward.[3]
Shadow Clone
Shadō Kurōn
↓↓ + B (midair also)
Shadow Clone is a skill that summons a clone made of shadow. When the clone is hit by the opponent or one of your Partner Skills, it disperses into mist, making Blake disappear. Blake will step back after summoning the clone by default, but inputting → before summoning will make her step forward.[3]
Shadow Pounce
Shadō Paunsu
A during ①
Shadow Kick
Shadō Kikku
B during ①
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
Deadly Nightshade
Deddorī Naitosheido
↓↘→ + C
① Uprising
Appu Raizingu
←↙↓ + C (midair also)
The ground version is invulnerable to Head attribute attacks from the middle of the action.
The ground version of Uprising is invulnerable against head attribute attacks, so it is effective against jump-in attacks. When it hits, follow up with either Shadow Pounce, or Shadow Trick. In the former case, follow up into standing A. In the latter, dash, then follow up with crouching B.[3]
Fire Clone
Faiā Kurōn
↓↓ + C (midair also)
Fire Clone is a skill that summons a clone made of fire. When the clone is hit by the opponent or one of your Partner Skills, iit explodes and deals damage. Blake will step back after summoning the clone by default, but inputting → before summoning will make her step forward.[3]
Shadow Trick
Shadō Torikku
C during ①
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Untouchable Beauty
Antacchyaburu Biyūchī
↓↘→ + B · C simultaneously
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Ferocious Beast
Ferōshasu Bīsuto
←↙↓ + B · C simultaneously
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
Untouchable Beauty
Antacchyaburu Biyūchī
P during the main character's Distortion Skill
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Astral Heat
Black Death ↓↓↓ + B · C simultaneously (during Lv4 Resonance Blaze)
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
[Requirements] In order to activate, you must have Resonance Blaze active (Lv 4), have 9 Skill Guages at the time of activation, and the opponent must be down to one character.

KVO x TSB 2018

Name Command
Smart Combo 1 A · A · A · A · A
Smart Combo 2 B · B
Smart Combo 3 Midair A · A · A
Special 1 Midair ↓ + A
Cat Scratch
Kyatto Sukuracchi
A · D simultaneously
You become invulnerable at the start of the action. The attack cannot be blocked in air.
Quick Draw
Kuikku Dorō
↓↘→ + A or B
① Duality Strike
Duaritī Sutoraiku
↓↙← + A (midair also)
① Ribbon Dance
Ribon Dansu
↓↙← + B (midair also)
Stone Clone
Sutōn Kurōn
↓↓ + A (midair also)
Shadow Clone
Shadō Kurōn
↓↓ + B (midair also)
Shadow Pounce
Shadō Paunsu
A during ①
Shadow Kick
Shadō Kikku
B during ①
Deadly Nightshade
Deddorī Naitosheido
↓↘→ + C
① Uprising
Appu Raizingu
←↙↓ + C (midair also)
Fire Clone
Faiā Kurōn
↓↓ + C (midair also)
Shadow Trick
Shadō Torikku
C during ①
Untouchable Beauty
Antacchyaburu Biyūchī
↓↘→ + B · C simultaneously
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Ferocious Beast
Ferōshasu Bīsuto
←↙↓ + B · C simultaneously
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Untouchable Beauty
Antacchyaburu Biyūchī
P during the main character's Distortion Skill
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Black Death ↓↓↓ + B · C simultaneously (during Lv4 Resonance Blaze)
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
[Requirements] In order to activate, you must have Resonance Blaze active (Lv 4), have 9 Skill Guages at the time of activation, and the opponent must be down to one character.




Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro *sigh* ...If you're looking for someone to pass the time, could you look somewhere else?
Intro まったく……退屈凌ぎなら他を当たってくれる?
Intro Looks like I'll have to save this book...for later.
Intro 読書の続きは……また今度みたいね
Intro Violence won't solve anything.
Intro 暴力行為では何も変えられない
Intro Why do battles always seem to find me?
Intro ここでも戦いからは逃げられないみたいね
Intro Let's take this one step at a time.
Intro 油断せずに行きましょう
Intro Fine... I'll lend you a hand.
Intro 仕方ない 手を貸すわ
Outro What a troublesome bunch.
Outro 世話のやける人達ね
Outro Have you learned your lesson yet?
Outro 少しは懲りたかしら
Outro Unfortunately for you, I'm no pushover.
Outro 生憎と 私はか弱い女じゃないの
Outro You nearly killed me...with boredom.
Outro 死ぬほど退屈だった……冗談よ
Time Up Outro ...I'm tired.
Time Up Outro ……疲れたわ
Time Up Defeat No...way...
Time Up Defeat そんな……

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Ruby Rose
Partner with Ruby Rose
Partner with Ruby Rose
Partner with Ruby Rose
Partner with Weiss Schnee
Partner with Weiss Schnee
Partner with Weiss Schnee
Partner with Weiss Schnee
Partner with Yang Xiao Long
Partner with Yang Xiao Long
Partner with Yang Xiao Long
Partner with Yang Xiao Long
Partner with Neo Politan
Partner with Neo Politan
Partner with Neo Politan
Partner with Neo Politan



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Now, who's next?
Outro with partner さあ 次 行きましょう
Outro with partner I can't complain.
Outro with partner 悪くない結果ね

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Ragna: Sorry, but I'm gonna do what I want.
Blake: Sure. I just have to follow along, right?
Intro ラグナ「悪いが 好きにやらせて貰うぜ」
ブレイク「はいはい 適当に合わせれば良いんでしょ?」
Outro Ragna: Hmph. Nothin' but small fry.
Blake: Says you... You don't know what I had to go through.
Outro ラグナ「ったく ただの雑魚だったな」
ブレイク「良く言う 人の苦労も知らないで」

Jin Kisaragi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jin: Stay in the shadows like the beast that you are.
Blake: I don't take orders from you. I'll do what I want.
Intro ジン「影で大人しくしていろ 獣らしくな」
ブレイク「貴方の指図は受けない 私は自由にやる」
Outro Jin: Tch... What an annoying woman, jumping all over the place...
Blake: This is the part where you're supposed to thank me.
Outro ジン「チッ……チョロチョロと目障りな女だ……」
ブレイク「普通 そこは感謝するのが筋じゃない?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hazama: Let's see, which of us should go first?
Blake: I'm NOT turning my back to you.
Intro ハザマ「さてと どちらが前に出ますかね?」
Outro Hazama: Oh, are you getting dizzy?
Blake: You rely too much on your sight. Use all five senses.
Outro ハザマ「おやおや 目でも回しましたか?」
ブレイク「視覚に頼り過ぎ もっと五感を磨くことね」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Izayoi: Now, I shall carry out my justice!
Blake: I can't promise I'll fight fair, though.
Intro イザヨイ「今こそ 私の正義を執行します!」
ブレイク「正面切って とはいかないけどね」
Outro Izayoi: Judgment bestowed.
Blake: With a few sneak attacks thrown in for fun.
Outro イザヨイ「執行 完了」
ブレイク「ま 少しくらいの騙し打ちは ご愛敬ということで」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Susano'o: Show me how you struggle, Mongrel!
Blake: Wouldn't want to disappoint you, "Oh mighty god."
Intro スサノオ「其の足掻き 興じさせて貰うぞ 雑種」
ブレイク「ええ 精々ご期待にお応えするわ 神様」
Outro Susano'o: You played your part, Mongrel.
Blake: You did okay too, for a god.
Outro スサノオ「似合いの様だったぞ 雑種」
ブレイク「貴方も流石の力ね 神様」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: Somethin' wrong? Ya look awfully unmotivated.
Blake: No. I just want to finish reading my book.
Intro 獣兵衛「どうした 何時になくやる気じゃないか」
ブレイク「別に さっさと本の続きを読みたいだけ」
Outro Blake: Whew... Now I can get back to reading.
Jubei: Leavin' so soon? Heh, kids these days.
Outro ブレイク「ふぅ…… これでやっと続きが読める」
獣兵衛「浮足立ちおって 全く仕方の無いヤツだ」

Mitsuru Kirijo

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: I'll throw 'em off balance. You finish them off.
Mitsuru: Understood. I like unsettling my foes, but I'll leave that to you this time.
Intro ブレイク「かく乱は私が トドメはお願い」
美鶴「分かった 絡め手は私も得意だが 今回は譲るとしよう」
Outro Blake: We carry heavier burdens than you do...
Mitsuru: And they drive us harder. Forgive us.
Outro ブレイク「背負っているものの違いね……」
美鶴「我々にはまだ成すべきことがある 許せ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: I don't fight for the sake of violence.
Hyde: I'm just trying to put out the fire here. Gimme a break.
Intro ブレイク「暴力行為には手を貸さない」
ハイド「降りかかる火の粉を払うだけだ やりすぎんなよ?」
Outro Hyde: It was self defense. Don't hold it against me.
Blake: ...Maybe from your perspective.
Outro ハイド「正当防衛だ 悪く思うなよ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: You're not so childish as to confuse power for justice, are you?
Orie: But power is the fastest way to gain control of a situation. And here, we have no choice.
Intro ブレイク「強い者が正義…… なんて子供じみた事 言わないわよね」
オリエ「しかし事態の収束には力を示すのが早いのも事実 致し方ありません」
Outro Blake:
You're free to believe in what you want.PS4: Let me stop you right there. The battle is done.

But I suggest you believe in your justice.PS4: This match is settled.
Outro ブレイク「何を信じるかは 貴方達の自由……」
オリエ「貴方達は 貴方達の正義を信じなさい」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: You can have your fun, just don't get in my way.
Gordeau: Aw, lighten up. Enjoy yourself a little.
Intro ブレイク「楽しむのは勝手だけど 邪魔だけはしないでね」
ゴルドー「しけてんなぁ もっと余裕を持とうぜ」
Outro Blake: Well, that's one way to pass the time.
Gordeau: See? You ARE having fun.
Outro ブレイク「ま 暇つぶしくらいにはなったわね」
ゴルドー「んだよ 結局テメェも楽しんでんじゃねぇか」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: I'll never judge a book by its cover. Not even you.
Merkava: Spare me your pity. You are but a temporary diversion. A fleeting alliance to help me pass the time.
Intro ブレイク「私は人を見かけで判断したりしない 貴方であっても」
メルカヴァ「情けなど無用 今はただ 我の退屈凌ぎに付き合ってくれればよい」
Outro Merkava: That was, surprisingly, somewhat pleasant. I thank you for your aid, Faunus.
Blake: I can't imagine life's easy for you.
Outro メルカヴァ「幾何かは満たされた 感謝するぞ ファウナスとやら」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: Stealth, shadows, precision...
Seth: We'll use whatever it takes.
Intro ブレイク「奇襲 搦め手 騙し討ち――」
セト「――遣わせて貰うぞ 存分にな」
Outro Seth: That... is how shadows operate.
Blake: It wasn't anything personal.
Outro セト「これが"影"の常套だ」
ブレイク「ま 悪く思わないでね」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yuzuriha: Listen, we're gonna go SLICE, BASH, and WHAM! So, good luck~♪
Blake: Alright. In other words, I can do what I want.
Intro ユズリハ「ズバッズバッずっぱーん☆ みたいな感じでヨロシク~♪」
ブレイク「オーライ 要は 好きにやれってことね」
Outro Yuzuriha: Hmm, that was more like WHACK! SHAM! and WOOSH!
Blake: What's the difference...?
Outro ユズリハ「ちーがーう! これじゃザシュザシュずっぱし☆ じゃんかー」
ブレイク「一体 何が違うの……?」

Ruby Rose

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Ruby: This is getting fun, Blake!
Blake: Well, it's not boring... Even if we know who'll win.
Intro ルビー「ブレイク! 楽しくなってきたね!」
Outro Ruby: We did it! Just as planned!
Blake: Plan? I didn't hear about any plan...
Outro ルビー「やったぁあ! 作戦通りぃ♪」

Weiss Schnee

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: Float like a butterfly...
Blake: And sting like a bee, right?
Intro ワイス「蝶のように舞い……」
ブレイク「蜂のように刺す でいいの?」
Outro Weiss: An elegant and graceful victory.
Blake: You're acting like it was easy...
Outro ワイス「優雅に美しく勝利ですわ」

Yang Xiao Long

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: Our opponents don't look easy, Yang.
Yang: They will once I smash 'em to pieces!
Intro ブレイク「今回の相手は 手ごわそうよ ヤン」
ヤン「上等じゃん 全力でぶったたいてやる!」
Outro Blake: I'll never let you defeat me.
Yang: You're so stiff, Blake...
Outro ブレイク「そう易々と 捕えさせはしない」

Neo Politan

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: You do what you want, I'll do what I want.
Neo: ............
Intro ブレイク「やり方はどうぞお好きに 私もそうする」
Outro Blake: This makes more sense than trying to play nice.
Neo: ............
Outro ブレイク「この方が合理的ね 下手に合わせるよりも」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro with Ruby, Weiss, and Yang Ruby: Hello~!! ♪ How's everyone doing?
Blake: Team RWBY is back.
Yang: Alright, let's make this a good one!
Weiss: Then I'll count us down. Three... two... one...
Intro ルビー「やっほー♪ みんな元気にしてたー?」
ブレイク「チームRWBY 復活ね」
ヤン「よっし 景気づけにいっちょやりますか」
ワイス「相変わらずですわね それではいざ尋常に……」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Somebody needs to stop the inequality and corruption... But I... I just want to protect what's dear to me.
Generic 不平等や腐敗は誰かが止めないと…… 私は……私達の大切なものを守りたい。
Generic I'm sorry... But I have no time to deal with you.
Generic ごめんなさい…… あなたにかまってる暇はないの。
Generic Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale... Waiting around and hoping won't get you anything.
Generic 残念だけど現実はおとぎ話のようにはいかない。 待っているだけじゃ……願っているだけじゃ何も得られはしないわ。
Generic You should try to rely on people. Having friends isn't so bad...surprisingly.
Generic もう少し誰かを頼るといいわ。 仲間って悪くないものよ。案外ね。
Generic It's not hard to defeat someone overtaken by fear. Take your time and think things through.
Generic 恐怖に駆り立てられた人を倒すのは難しくない。 焦らず冷静になることね。
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Blake: Geez... You're charging in head-first without even thinking. You could at least pay a LITTLE attention to your partner.
Ragna: Sorry, but in a fight, I'd rather not screw around.
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge ブレイク「全く、考え無しに突っ込みすぎ。 振り回されるこっちの身にもなって。」
Partner with Jin Kisaragi Jin: Stay out of my range while I'm fighting, or I might cut you, too.
Blake: Don't worry about me... I'm used to fighting with people who use Iaido.
Partner with Jin Kisaragi ジン「あまり僕の間合いをうろつくな。 諸共に斬り捨てられたいのか。」
ブレイク「心配ご無用。 これでも、居合遣いのお守りは慣れてるの。」
Partner with Hazama Hazama: Running, ducking, and dodging your way through battle... The shadows really do suit you, young lady.
Blake: I'm honored. But I'd watch my back, if I were you.
Partner with Hazama ハザマ「ひたすら逃げて避けて掻い潜る。いやぁ、実に見事な戦法だ。 貴女には、やはり物陰がお似合いですね。」
Partner with Izayoi Blake: Call me cheap, or a coward, or whatever you want. I don't care what you think.
Izayoi: No. If that is your justice, I will not question it. As long as it doesn't interfere with mine.
Partner with Izayoi ブレイク「卑怯者でも臆病者でも、好きに呼んでくれて構わない。 別に私は気にしない。」
イザヨイ「いいえ。それが貴女の正義ならば、是非は問いません。 私は、己の正義を貫くだけです。」
Partner with Susano'o Susano'o: Enough of this mockery! You were born a mongrel, and you shall die as such. Such pathetic beings are hardly worthy of my absolution!
Blake: I don't care what the gods think of me. My friends are proud of me, and they're all that matter.
Partner with Susano'o スサノオ「もう飽いた、混ざり物は所詮混ざり物か。 斯様な不条理は、此処で塵と成り果てるのが相応しかろう。」
ブレイク「神様の評価なんて関係無い。 仲間に誇れる自分であれば、私はそれで構わない。」
Partner with Jubei Jubei: Deception's just a start. It's only worth a damn once you've managed to limit your opponent's options. If ya don't learn how to do that, you're only gonna beat weaker opponents.
Blake: I get it, I get it... Please, just let me read in peace...
Partner with Jubei 獣兵衛「惑わすだけでは足りん。相手の選択肢を削ぎ落とし、限定化させてこそ 初めて陽動は意味を成す。お前には、選択肢を奪うだけの圧が明らかに 不足している。その様でどうにかなるのは、格下相手の時だけだぞ。」
ブレイク「解った、解ったから。 お願いだから、本の続きを読ませて……」
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo Mitsuru: Incroyable. You're tremendously skilled. You would be a great addition to our organization.
Blake: To think someone like you is praising a Faunus like me... While I'm flattered, I'm afraid that there are still things I have to do. Until then...
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo 美鶴「ブリリアントだな。君の能力は素晴らしい。 組織に欲しいくらいだ。」
ブレイク「ファウナスである私をそこまで評価してくれるなんて…… でもごめんなさい。私にはまだやることがあるの。 それが終わるまでは……」
Partner with Hyde Blake: It's just constant fighting, both here and at home... I just want a little rest.
Hyde: We both just want boring lives. But I guess we've got a lot more suffering to do.
Partner with Hyde ブレイク「元の世界でもここでも戦いばかり…… 少しは落ち着かせて。」
ハイド「俺達は退屈な生活が欲しいだけなんだがな。 お互いこの先も苦労しそうな気しかしねぇ……」
Partner with Orie Orie: I don't believe that our justice is right for everyone. We merely wish to be a guiding light for the people.
Blake: Light, huh... Then I must be the shadow that light casts. Fine then. I'll fight for the future I believe in.
Partner with Orie オリエ「我等の正義がどのような人にとっても正義だとは思っていません。 それでも私達は人々を照らす光であり続けたい。」
ブレイク「光、か……さしずめ私は光に照らされてできる影というわけかしら。 いいわ。私は私の信じる未来のために戦うだけよ。」
Partner with Gordeau Blake: You're all over the place... I can't even keep track of who the enemy is.
Gordeau: Don't be like that. Evasion is right up your ally, isn't it?
Partner with Gordeau ブレイク「まったく……やりたい放題ね…… どっちが敵なんだか解ったものじゃないわ。」
Partner with Merkava Blake: If you can promise me that you won't hurt anyone, I'll promise you that you will come to no harm.
Merkava: I swear by the human soul that resides within this body that I shall uphold this vow as long as your words remain true. ...Unless, of course, the beast runs rampant.
Partner with Merkava ブレイク「約束して。イタズラに人を、私達を害さないと。 守ってくれるなら私達も貴方を傷つけはしない。」
メルカヴァ「貴様の言に偽りがない限り、我が獣の身に宿る人の魂に誓おう。 ――我が飢えた『獣』が暴れ出さぬ限りな。」
Partner with Seth Seth: The agility of a beast, the mastery of a human... I see now. Your distorted existence gives you your fangs.
Blake: I define my existence, not the other way around. You don't know the first thing about me.
Partner with Seth セト「奔る影は獣、振るう技は人―― 成程、その歪みこそがお前の牙という訳か。」
ブレイク「私の在り方は私が決める。 他人に軽々しく線引きされる覚えは無い。」
Partner with Yuzuriha Yuzuriha: We are the blades that hide within sound and cut through the shadows! Yea, I totally rocked that!
Blake: Do you have to say that every single time?
Partner with Yuzuriha ユズリハ「我ら、音に潜み、影を絶つ刃なり――決まった……!」
Partner with Ruby Rose Blake: I'm a member of Team RWBY, I can't afford to disappoint. For my teammates' sake and my own.
Ruby: Aw, c'mon, Blake! You've gotta be happier than that! Enjoy the moment!
Partner with Ruby Rose ブレイク「チームRWBYの一員として情けない姿は見せられないの。 チームメイトのためにも、私のためにも。」
ルビー「もうブレイク! ダメダメ、もっとテンション上げていこう! 今を楽しまなくっちゃ!」
Partner with Weiss Schnee Blake: That went pretty well. But I guess it always does for the Ice Queen.
Weiss: Hey! Stop calling me that! ...And, as I've told you many times, things all work out when you leave them to me.
Partner with Weiss Schnee ブレイク「上手くいったじゃない。 さすがアイスクイーン、冴えてるわね。」
ワイス「ちょっと!! その名前で呼ばないで!! ……言ったでしょう? わたくしに任せておけば間違いはないと。」
Partner with Yang Xiao Long Yang: Gotta admit, taking us on took some guts. But charging in without thinking was a good way to lose.
Blake: But don't feel down about it. A little experience will go a long way to making you stronger. No one is born strong, human or Faunus.
Partner with Yang Xiao Long ヤン「挑んでくる根性は悪くないんだけどね。 考えなしに飛び込んで来るとヤケドするよ。」
ブレイク「落ち込む必要はないわ。 貴方達も経験を積めば強くなれる。 最初から強い人はどこにもいない。」
Partner with Neo Politan Blake: I don't know what you're really after, and I don't care. When you finally turn on me, I won't show you any mercy.
Neo: ......
Partner with Neo Politan ブレイク「貴女の真意を私は知らないし、知るつもりもない。 けど、容赦だけはしないから、その時はそのつもりで。」


Main Artwork





Staff Extra


  • Blake's alternate palette references include the following:
    • Ramlethal Valentine (Guilty Gear series)
    • Kokonoe
    • Yosuke Hanamura (Persona series)
    • Linne (Under Night In-Birth series)
    • Lie Ren (RWBY series)
    • Belle (Disney's Beauty and the Beast)

External Links


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 YouTube, arcsystemworks, EVOLUTION 2018 - Road to Las Vegas
  2. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Blake Belladonna
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Tactics Mode, Characters, Blake Belladonna, Character Explanation