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< Narmaya
Situation | Quote | Audio |
New Unit | It's nice to meet you. My name is Narmaya. If there's anything troubling you, just let this big sister take care of it. | |
New Unit | はじめまして、私の名前はナルメア。困ったことがあったら、お姉さんに任せてね~。 | |
Ascension (SS+) | Let's go with the butterflies. | |
Ascension (SS+) | 胡蝶と共に、踊りましょう | |
Ascension (SS++) | Onwards, to even greater, unseen heights... | |
Ascension (SS++) | 往きましょう。いまだ見えぬ、高みへ…… | |
Ascension (SS+++) | To awake suddenly from a dream is to become aware all at once. | |
Ascension (SS+++) | 俄然として夢から覚むれば、則ち遽遽然として周なり | |
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Talk | Say, aren't you hungry? I'll feed you. Here, say "Ah..." | |
Talk | ねぇ、そろそろお腹すいてない? お姉さんが果物食べさせてあげるね?はいどうぞ、あ~ん。 | |
Likes | Children really are cute. When I see them, I feel obligated to do something for them! | |
Likes | 子供って本当に可愛いよね。見てると、ついお姉さんが何かしてあげなきゃ!って気持ちになっちゃうんだ~。 | |
Talk 2 | When basking in the sunlight, the sun feels so warm...and comfortable...I like it very much because it's so nice, but it gradually puts me to sleep. | |
Talk 2 | 日向ぼっこって、お日様の光がぽかぽかで……あったかくて……気持ちいいから好きなんだけど、ついつい眠くなっちゃうのよね……。 | |
Talk 3 | Thank you. Everything that everyone has taught me, the shape of the that I can aim ever higher, I won't put any of it to waste. | |
Talk 3 | ありがとう。みんなが教えてくれた、心の形……更なる高みを目指すためにも、無駄にはしないから。 |