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Akihiko Sanada

From BlazBlue Wiki
My muscles roar as they break the limits! Our fists shall collide! And there's the gong![1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png
Akihiko Sanada

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Akihiko Sanada Main.png


Akihiko Sanada

Voice Actors

MIDORIKAWA Hikaru (Japanese)
Liam O'Brien (English)

Character Themes

The Wandering Wolf

Taking action in Persona 3, he was a member of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES). In his pursuit of inexhaustible power, he now travels the world in training to better himself. His Persona is Caesar.
In exchange for his short reach, he's an explosively strong infighter. Cyclone Uppercut forces opponents upwards, with a strong, top-class follow-up to be proud of![2]

Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A ・ A ・ A ・ A
Smart Combo 2 ← + A ・ A ・ A ・ A
Smart Combo 3 In mid-air, A ・ A
Smart Combo 4 In mid-air, B ・ B
Special Attack 1 ← + A
Becomes invulnerable to projectiles from the middle of the action.
You can use follow-up attacks during certain actions.
Akihiko can perform Cyclone Follow-ups after certain actions. Performing follow-ups consecutively raises the Cyclone Level--indicated at the bottom ofthe screen--increasing the damage and chip damage of Cyclone Follow-up attacks.[3]
Boomerang Hook/Sonic Punch
Būmeranfukku/Sonikku Panchi
A or B during Cyclone
Follow-up Clash Assault
Hasē Kurasshu Asaruto
C during Cyclone
Hits high.
Follow-up Sweep
Hasē Ashiharai
↓ + C during Cyclone
Hits low.
Follow-up Throw
Hasē Nage
B + C during Cyclone
A grab that becomes invulnerable to projectiles from the middle of the action.
Reversal Action
Double Uppercut
Daburu Appā
You become invulnerable at the start of the action. The ground version cannot be blocked in the air.
↓↘→ + A or B (B only chargeable)
The B version has invulnerability against body attribute attacks during the action.[3]
Assault Dive
Asaruto Daibu
↓↙← + A or B (Air OK)
Each Assault Dive can be followed up by Cyclone Follow-up attacks.[3]
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
EX Corkscrew
EX コークスクリュー
EX Kōkusukuryū
↓↘→ + C
Becomes invulnerable to projectiles from the middle of the action.
The EX version has invulnerability against projectiles, and can also move through opponents and circle behind them.[3]
EX Assault Dive
EX アサルトダイブ
EX Asaruto Daibu
↓↙← + C (Air OK)
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Cyclone Uppercut
Saikuron Appā
↓↘→ + B + C
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Maha Jiodain
↓↙← + B + C
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
Maha Jiodain
P during the main character's Distortion Skill
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
Astral Heat
Earth Breaker
↓↓↓ + B + C
You become invulnerable at the start of the action.
[Requirements]In order to activate, you must have Resonance Blaze active (Lv 4), have 9 Skill Gauges at time of activation, and the opponent must be down to one character.



Tactics Mode

For an explanation of how numpad notation works, see also "Numpad Notation" on Dustloop.
  1. 5AAA > 236A
  2. j.B > 2A > 5B~A~A~2C > 236B+C
  3. [Activate Anti-Air Attack] 2B > jc > j.B > jc > j.B > j.C > 214B
  4. B+C~B~B~A > 236B
  5. [Activate Anti-Air Attack] 2B > jc > j.B > jc > j.B > j.C > 214C~66~A~A~A > 236B+C
  6. Activate Resonance Blaze > 5AAA > 214C~B~B~A > 236B > 214B+C



Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro Let's do this. Show me everything you've got.
Intro いいだろう お前の全力……俺に見せてみろ
Intro Don't burn out on me... Let's keep this fight HOT!
Intro 滾るな……熱いファイトにしよう
Intro Warm-ups are over. Let's go!
Intro ウォーミングアップは終わりだ いくぞ!
Intro Alright, I'll train with you.
Intro トレーニングに付き合ってもらうぞ
Intro Think you can take a punch from THESE fists?
Intro この拳 貴様に耐えられるか?
Intro ...Yeah, I could use a little exercise. Bring it on.
Intro ……ちょうど体が鈍っていたところだ 相手になろう
Intro I'm in this fight, too... No turning back!
Intro 俺も参戦させて貰う 一気に行くぞ!
Intro Once this battle's over, I'll buy you a bowl at Umiushi.
Intro この戦いが終わったら 海牛で一杯やるか
Outro Sorry about that... "Holding back" isn't really my thing.
Outro すまない 手加減は出来ない性分でな
Outro Really? I just got warmed up, too...
Outro なんだ やっと体がほぐれてきたところだがな
Outro Hm... Can't even last one round, huh? Too bad.
Outro ム……1Rも持たないのか つまらんな
Outro That was a great match. Let's do this again in a proper ring.
Outro いい試合だった また別のリングで会おう
Time Up Outro Won by decision.
Time Up Outro 判定勝ちのようだな
Time Up Outro A win is a win.
Time Up Outro 勝ちは勝ちだがな
Time Up Defeat Damn, saved by the bell.
Time Up Defeat クソッ ここでゴングか……
Time Up Defeat I guess that's it...
Time Up Defeat 判定負けとはな……

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Yu Narukami
Partner with Yu Narukami
Partner with Yu Narukami
Partner with Yu Narukami
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Chie Satonaka
Partner with Chie Satonaka
Partner with Chie Satonaka
Partner with Chie Satonaka
Partner with Yukiko Amagi
Partner with Yukiko Amagi
Partner with Yukiko Amagi
Partner with Yukiko Amagi
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Naoto Shirogane
Partner with Naoto Shirogane
Partner with Naoto Shirogane
Partner with Naoto Shirogane
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo
Partner with Aegis
Partner with Aegis
Partner with Aegis
Partner with Aegis
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Tohru Adachi
Partner with Tohru Adachi
Partner with Tohru Adachi
Partner with Tohru Adachi



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Something wrong? You're out of breath... I think you could use more training.
Outro with partner どうした 息が上がってるぞ 日々の鍛錬が足りてないんじゃないか
Outro with partner Next match, let's see which of us beats their opponent faster.
Outro with partner どちらが先に敵を倒すか 次も勝負だな

Iron Tager

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: A battle is determined by the quality and mass of a team's muscles. These guys don't stand a chance.
Tager: ...Is that some sort of tactical calculation?
Intro 明彦「戦いの決定打は筋肉量とその質だ その点で俺たちの勝利は揺るがない」
テイガー「……それは 作戦の暗号か何かか?」
Outro Tager: You've got potential, but you overestimate your abilities.
Akihiko: Victory only comes to those who train.
Outro テイガー「素質はあるようだが 過信したな」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hakumen: My justice will not falter, no matter how many foes stand against me.
Akihiko: Interesting... Then I'll lend my strength to your cause.
Intro ハクメン「我が正義 何人たりとも阻むこと敵わぬと知れ 」
明彦「面白い 俺の胸板を貸してやる」
Outro Akihiko: You're lacking in every regard. Drink some protein and get training.
Hakumen: Weakling. Know the limits of your strength.
Outro 明彦「そもそもが筋力不足だ プロテインを飲んで鍛え直せ」
ハクメン「弱き者よ 己の無力を知れ 」

Makoto Nanaya

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: Heh... My muscles are aching for some traning tonight.
Makoto: You're always so stoic.
Intro 明彦「フン……今宵の筋肉は鍛錬を求めている」
Outro Makoto: Ha! We're on a roll!
Akihiko: Yeah, I'm all fired up and feeling good!
Outro マコト「絶好調ーってね!」
明彦「ああ 滾るぞ……いい感じだ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: Looks like your muscles were trained in battle... Not bad.
Azrael: I don't give a damn. I'm just here to eat.
Intro 明彦「その筋肉は闘いの中で鍛え抜かれたもの……やるな」
アズラエル「世事は要らん さっさと餌を寄越せ」
Outro Akihiko: Two great strengths, coming together. That was a satisfying fight.
Azrael: Didn't come close to my main dish, though.
Outro 明彦「鍛えあげた力同士のせめぎ合い いい試合だった」
アズラエル「だが 俺のメインディッシュには程遠いな」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: You're going down for the ten count.
Susano'o: Ten? This will be over in the blink of an eye.
Intro 明彦「10カウントで沈めてやろう」
スサノオ「無用だ 瞬刻で終わらせる」
Outro Susano'o: This is your end.
Akihiko: But I'll accept a rematch anytime.
Outro スサノオ「此れにて幕だ」

Chie Satonaka

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Chie: I'm really pumped to be able to fight alongside you, Master! Let's go!
Akihiko: Heh. Me too, Satonaka. Let's see how your training's been going.
Intro 千枝「師匠と一緒に戦えるとか 気合入りまくりです!押忍!」
明彦「フッ 里中 あれからどれほど鍛錬を積んだのか 見せてもらうぞ」
Outro Akihiko: The requirements for victory are obvious.
Chie: Training and effort, right, Master!?
Akihiko: Yeah. And protein!
Outro 明彦「勝利に必要なことは決まりきっている」
千枝「努力と鍛錬 ですよね 師匠!」
明彦「ああ それとプロテインだ!」

Mitsuru Kirijo

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: Mitsuru... You know what we have to do.
Mitsuru: Yeah. It's time we demonstrate our resolve.
Intro 明彦「美鶴……分かっているな?」
美鶴「ああ 決意の差を見せる時だ」
Outro Mitsuru: Your training seems to be paying off, Akihiko.
Akihiko: I can't stay in one place forever. And neither can you, Mitsuru.
Outro 美鶴「修行の成果は出ているようだな 明彦」
明彦「同じところで立ち止まってはいられない お前もだろ 美鶴」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: Aegis, your technique hasn't slipped a bit.
Aegis: Of course. I'm doing great!
Akihiko: Then we'll have no problem.
Intro 明彦「アイギス 腕は鈍ってないだろうな」
アイギス「心配ありません 絶好調であります!」
明彦「よし なら問題はない」
Outro Aegis: Can you see how I have grown?
Akihiko: Yeah! I better try to keep up!
Outro アイギス「私の成長お見せできたでしょうか」
明彦「ああ 俺もうかうかしてはいられんな」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: Huh... Your muscles were clearly honed in combat...
Waldstein: You can tell, can you? ...Interesting.
Intro 明彦「ほう……闘いの中で磨かれた筋肉だな」
Outro Akihiko: Is that it? I'm not even close to 100%.
Waldstein: Indeed! This is a mere shadow of our full power!
Outro 明彦「こんなものか?まだ100%には程遠いぞ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Carmine: Listen, meathead. All this muscle stuff's made you crazy.
Akihiko: Nothing crazy about it. I'll show you why in battle.
Intro カーマイン「筋肉筋肉って頭おかしいんじゃねぇのかぁ?」
明彦「何もおかしくはないさ 戦いの中で答えを見せるとしよう」
Outro Carmine: Sleepy time already!?
Akihiko: Ten count... That's a win for me.
Outro カーマイン「もうオネンネかよ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Mika: My burning heart sets my chest ablaze!
Akihiko: My muscles roar past their limits!
Akihiko & Mika: Our fists shall collide!
Akihiko: And there's the gong!
Intro ミカ「胸を焦がす熱きハート!」
明彦「さあ ゴングだ!!」
Outro Akihiko: Huf... Nice fight!
Mika: Right back at ya...!
Outro 明彦「ふっ……ナイスファイト!」

Yang Xiao Long

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yang: Akihiko, that look...REALLY works for you!
Akihiko: You think? I only chose it because it's easy to move in...
Intro ヤン「明彦その恰好……超絶イケてる!!」
明彦「そうか?動きやすい以外 特に変わった所はないが」
Outro Akihiko: What can you trust, if not your fists?
Yang: My teammates!
Akihiko: Haha, you're right. Same here.
Outro 明彦「己の拳を信用せず何を信じる」
明彦「フフ 確かにその通りだ それは俺も同じだ」

Heart Aino

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Heart: All you need is love, courage, and hope!
Akihiko: And I've got all that in my fists!
Intro はぁと「大切なのは 愛と勇気と希望!」
Outro Akihiko: Whew... That was the best I could muster.
Heart: And all thanks to love!
Outro 明彦「フッ……これが今の俺が出せる全てだ」
はぁと「うん! やっぱり『愛』だよね♪」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akatsuki: Whether it be a sea of blades or hail of bullets!
Akihiko: No obstacle can stand in our way!
Intro アカツキ「剣林弾雨 何するものぞ!」
明彦「ああ 試練なら 何度でも受けて立つ!」
Outro Akatsuki: Go back to bootcamp, rookie.
Akihiko: Train up and challenge us again.
Outro アカツキ「惰弱な……練成が足りん」
明彦「鍛錬を重ねて 出直してくるんだな」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic This won't do at all... You don't have the training or the muscles. Do some squats and come back!
Generic なってないな……基礎も筋肉も足りなさすぎる。 スクワットして反省してこい。
Generic Heh... You've really improved. I can't wait to fight you again.
Generic フッ……なかなかだったぞ。 次に戦う時が楽しみだ。
Generic Now that's the kind of fight that gets your blood going! This is gonna make me even stronger. Nice job.
Generic 血が滾るいいファイトだった。 これでまた俺は強くなれる。グッジョブだ。
Generic We just barely won. Guess I still need more training. How 'bout we train together?
Generic 苦戦したな。俺もまだまだ鍛錬が足りていないようだ。 どうだ? 今から共にトレーニングでも。
Generic Hm!? This fight just gave me a great idea for a new workout! I've gotta get going. Adios!
Generic ム! 今の戦いで、いいトレーニング方法を思いついたぞ。 俺はこの辺で失礼する、アデュオス!
Partner with Iron Tager Akihiko: A good battle like that deserves a good celebration! A toast, with the finest ale-- or, maybe the finest beef bowls!
Tager: Very well. But if you wouldn't mind, please pour me a glass of natural oil.
Partner with Iron Tager 明彦「互いに全力を出しきったいい試合だった。 勝利の美酒……いや、勝利の牛丼で乾杯と行こうじゃないか。」
Partner with Hakumen Hakumen: There is no meaning to justice without power. If you have something to protect, words are useless. Pick up your sword and take action.
Akihiko: The time you spend training will never betray you. If you get lonely training alone, how about a partner?
Partner with Hakumen ハクメン「力無き正義に意味など無い。 貴様に何か守るべきものがあるというなら 言葉を振り翳すのではなく力を得ることだ。」
明彦「鍛錬した時間は裏切らない。 一人が辛いというならば共にトレーニングでもどうだ?」
Partner with Makoto Nanaya Akihiko: Good, but it's not enough. I need more! My muscles still haven't been pushed to their limit!
Makoto: Uh oh, his weirdo switch has been flipped... There's no stopping him now...
Partner with Makoto Nanaya 明彦「いいぞ。だが、もっと。もっとだ! まだ俺の筋肉は限界を超えちゃいない!」
マコト「あーあ、変なスイッチ入っちゃった…… こうなると止まらないんだよねぇ、この人……」
Partner with Azrael Akihiko: My muscles are twitching... That must mean they still have room to grow. It's too early for protein now, so this calls for more training!
Azrael: Good, I like that fighting spirit of yours... Very well! I'll take you on!
Partner with Azrael 明彦「筋肉が震えている……まだ成長できるということか。 プロテインはまだ早い! トレーニング続行だ!」
Partner with Susano'o Akihiko: Power's not about winning or losing. It's all about having a challenger's mentality. I don't care whether you're a god or not, just stop talking trash.
Susano'o: You speak out of turn, human filth. You desire a challenge? Then face the greatest this world has to offer: God's judgment!
Partner with Susano'o 明彦「強さとは即ち勝敗ではない。それは、試練に挑む心の在り方だ。 たとえ神といえど、敗者への侮辱は控えてもらおうか。」
スサノオ「随分と吹くではないか、人間風情が。 然らば其の身に下してやろう、此の世の試練の極地――神の裁きを!」
Partner with Chie Satonaka Akihiko: Nice kick. You stuck to your training, and it shows. Next up, I'll show you the best protein powders for women. They're really good, too.
Chie: Thank you, Master! I hope they come in meat flavor!
Partner with Chie Satonaka 明彦「いい蹴りだ。鍛錬は欠かさなかったようだな。 今度は女性向きのプロテインを紹介してやる。なかなかうまいぞ。」
千枝「ありがとうございます、師匠! プロテイン、肉味がいいです! 押忍!」
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo Akihiko: Heh. Guess we're fighting together again.
Mitsuru: Whenever I'm with you, I feel driven to reach greater heights... I guess the word "rivals" suits us well.
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo 明彦「フッ、再び肩を並べることになろうとはな。」
美鶴「お前といると、より高みを目指さねばという気持ちになる。 好敵手という言葉は私達のためにあるのかもしれないな。」
Partner with Aegis Akihiko: Your body will never betray you. Your body was telling me that you've got the potential to become much stronger.
Aegis: So the body really speaks? Impressive, Sanada-san. I could not hear it.
Partner with Aegis 明彦「肉体は裏切らない。お前たちの体が語っていたぞ。 お前たちはまだまだ強くなれる、とな。」
アイギス「体がしゃべるでありますか。 真田さんはやはり凄いです、私には聞こえませんでした。」
Partner with Waldstein Waldstein: This battle was truly thrilling! I am grateful to have met a warrior such as you.
Akihiko: Heh. Well, we both share the desire to be our best, after all. Can't wait to train with you again.
Partner with Waldstein ワレンシュタイン「此度の闘い、実に心躍るものであったわ。 貴様ほどの武人との出会いに感謝しようぞ。」
明彦「ふっ、互いに高みを目指す者としてベストを尽くしただけだ。 また共に鍛錬できるのを楽しみにしている。」
Partner with Carmine Akihiko: Your mind slips because you're thinking about so many unnecessary things. With the proper training, you'd be able to cut down on the internal chatter. I can teach you, what do you say?
Carmine: Gaaah, shut up! Just shut up! What the hell do you know!? Get the hell out of my sight. You don't know anything about me...
Partner with Carmine 明彦「余計なことを考えるから心を乱される。 どうだ? トレーニングをすれば雑念を捨てられるぞ。」
カーマイン「あー! うるせぇ! うるせぇ!! なんなんだよ、てめぇは! 勝手にしろ!! わけわかんねぇ……」
Partner with Mika Mika: Total victory! ♪ C'mon, let's run toward the sunset!
Akihiko: Sure, I could use a jog! And once we're done, let's celebrate with some protein shakes.
Partner with Mika ミカ「大勝利だんゆー♪ さあ、あの夕日に向かってダッシュだんゆー!」
明彦「ああ、まだまだ走り足りないな。 トレーニング後はプロテインで乾杯だ!」
Partner with Yang Xiao Long Yang: I guess that was kind of fun. But it's not a game, so I can't afford to give anything less than my all.
Akihiko: Looks to me like you really do value your training. It shows in battle, too. Your reads were really sharp.
Partner with Yang Xiao Long ヤン「まあまあ楽しめたかな。 遊びじゃないんだ。少しはやれるところ見せないとね。」
明彦「己を律し、日頃からよく鍛えているようだ。 戦いの読みも冴えていたぞ。」
Partner with Heart Aino Akihiko: I'm still not there yet... I know I can push myself farther. I haven't yet reached the strength I'm looking for!
Heart: So your love takes the shape of training? That's so awesome!
Partner with Heart Aino 明彦「まだだ、まだ足りない……もっと先があるはずだ。 俺が欲する力は、こんなものじゃない!」
はぁと「すごいすごい! これが真田さんの『愛』の形なんだね!」
Partner with Akatsuki Akihiko: How 'bout it, Akatsuki? You up for a match with me? My fists are callin' out for another fight!
Akatsuki: I'd step into the ring... But do you mind if I refuel a little first?
Partner with Akatsuki 明彦「どうだろうアカツキ、俺ともう一汗かいてみないか? どうにも、拳の疼きが収まりきらなくてな」
アカツキ「自分は一向に構わんが…… その前に少し燃料を補給してもいいだろうか?」


Main Illustration


DLC Icons


External Links


  1. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Incoming Character Updates Trailer (EVO 2018)
  2. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Official Website (JP), Characters, Akihiko Sanada
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Tactics Mode, Characters, Akihiko Sanada, Character Explanation