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From BlazBlue Wiki
Standing against me? Don't you know who I am!?
Well, you better not bore me...[1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Carmine Main.png



Voice Actors

KONDŌ Takashi (Japanese)[2]
Greg Chun (English)

Character Titles

Insanity & Pleasure[1] (願うは狂気と快楽)[3]

Character Themes

Bad Surface

A youth who controls an extremely unique ability in exchange for his own lifeforce. The outlaw's goal is to show off his own abilities and revel in the battle itself, and for this possibly bothersome reason will attack other ability-holders.

When attacking, in exchange for his health he can call out Dissolve to set up a pool of blood. Once Dissolve has been used, he becomes able to use chained attacks with explosive power![4]

Command Lists


Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A ・ A ・ A ・ A
Smart Combo 2 B ・ B
Smart Combo 3 Midair A ・ A
Smart Combo 4 Midair B ・ B
Reversal Action
A + D
↓↘→ + A or B (midair also)
↓↙← + A or B or C
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
EX Spin!
EX まわれェ!
EX Maware!
↓↘→ + C (midair also)
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Hahahaha! Be Devoured!
Hyahahahahaha! Kuraitsukuse!
↓↘→ + B + C
No Escape...! ↓↙← + B + C
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
Hahahaha! Be Devoured!
Hyahahahahaha! Kuraitsukuse!
P during the main character's distortion skill
Astral Heat
You Shit! This is the END!
Kuso ga! Kore de Shimai da!
↓↓↓ + B + C




Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro Looks like you need your wings plucked.
Intro 少々とっちめてやるとすっかな……
Intro Standing against me? Don't you know who I am!?
Intro オレ様に歯向かうとはいい度胸じぇねぇのぉ!?
Intro It's too late to run away.
Intro もう逃げられねえぜぇ
Intro Just don't die before I tell you to.
Intro 簡単にくたばるんじゃねぇぞ
Intro Tch... What a pain in the ass.
Intro ……ちっ やかましいったらねぇな
Intro Well, you better not bore me...
Intro まぁためんどくせぇことになっちまったなぁ……
Outro What's wrong? We're just getting started!
Outro 気にくわねぇ まだまだこれからだろぉ!?
Outro Don't you get it!? I'm on another level!
Outro 格が違うんだよ 格がよぉ!
Outro Aww, bedtime already? WAKE UP!
Outro もうおネンネかぁ!?おい!
Outro Stop pretending you're worth something, you scum.
Outro もうおネンネかぁ!?おい!
Outro Maybe you'd be more entertaining.
Outro もっとオレを楽しませてくれよぉ!
Time Up Outro That's the end!? Hey!
Time Up Outro もう終わりかぁ!?おい!
Time Up Outro You disgust me!
Time Up Outro 哀れだなぁ!?
Time Up Defeat Bullshit!
Time Up Defeat はあぁー!?
Time Up Defeat Are you serious!?
Time Up Defeat オイ まじかよ

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Maybe you'd be more entertaining.
Outro with partner もっとオレを楽しませてくれよぉ!
Outro with partner You're not bad... Not bad at all.
Outro with partner いいぜぇ……テメェ 悪くねぇ


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hazama: We've been caught. Not a good look for the intelligence department.
Carmine: What do I care? They're just two more chunks of meat.
Intro ハザマ「捕捉されちゃいましたね 諜報部として恥ずかしい限りです」
カーマイン「構わねぇよ 肉塊が二つばかり増えるだけだ」
Outro Carmine: Like I said, two meat chunks, comin' right up!
Hazama: Good job. A violent opponent should be dealt with by a violent ally.
Outro カーマイン「予告通り 肉塊二丁あがりだ……!」
ハザマ「お見事 やはり粗暴の相手は粗暴に限りますね」

Makoto Nanaya

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Makoto: Here we go! Let's beat 'em up!
Carmine: Hyahaha! Let's tear them apart!
Intro マコト「よっしゃー! ボッコボコにしちゃうよー!」
Outro Makoto: Yikes... Were we too hard on them?
Carmine: We weren't hard enough. They're still in one piece...
Outro マコト「ありゃりゃ……やりすぎちゃったかな?」
カーマイン「足りねぇよ 五体満足なら儲けもんだろ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: I don't need your blood. It'll spoil my food.
Carmine: Yeah, whatever. This place'll be a mess by the time you're done anyway.
Intro アズラエル「貴様の血は不要だ 餌場を汚されては敵わん」
カーマイン「ほざいてんじゃねぇ どうせ食い散らかすクセによぉ」
Outro Carmine: See, what'd I say? Blood everywhere!
Azrael: Tch... A disappointing hunt for unworthy prey.
Outro カーマイン「ホレ見ろ 結局グチャミソじゃねぇか!」
アズラエル「チッ……無粋な餌場にしおって 興醒めも甚だしい」

Nine the Phantom

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Carmine: Stay back, my massive friend. You'll ruin my fun.
Nine: Oh dear... Suddenly I feel the urge to set this whole place ablaze...!
Intro カーマイン「大きなお友達は引っ込んでな 折角のお楽しみが白けちまう」
ナイン「どうしましょう 何だか無性に焼野原が見たくなってきたわ……!」
Outro Nine: Phew... I finally feel refreshed.
Carmine: Tch... What are you, in heat?
Outro ナイン「ふうっ やっと清々したわ」
カーマイン「チッ……サカってんじゃねぇよ クソが」

Naoto Kurogane

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Carmine: You ready to drown in a sea of blood?
Naoto: Chill, man. You'll give yourself anemia.
Intro カーマイン「沈んでみるかぁ? 血の池によぉ!」
ナオト「はしゃぐなって 貧血になっても知らねぇぞ」
Outro Naoto: My bloodstained blade will cut you down.
Carmine: And you'll return to the Crimson Origin!
Outro ナオト「刻みな 血染めの刃を」
カーマイン「そんで還れや 原初の赤にな」

Yukiko Amagi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yukiko: Attacking with your nosebleed... Awesome.
Carmine: No, it's not! And that's not what I-- Gah, dammit...
Intro 雪子「鼻血で攻撃とか……すごそう」
カーマイン「ねぇよ!バカかよ!……ったく なんで俺がこんなやつと」
Outro Yukiko: Um... You're bleeding everywhere. Are you okay?
Carmine: Shut up! Leave me alone!
Outro 雪子「あの……血ドバッっと出てるよ?大丈夫?」

Kanji Tatsumi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kanji: Hey, punk! Once we're done here, I'll take YOU on!
Carmine: Fine. Let's get this trash out of the way.
Intro 完二「よおオメー アイツら倒したら相手してやんぜ」
カーマイン「いいねぇ さっさと終わらせるとすっか」
Outro Kanji: A hundred years too soon. Try harder!
Carmine: We'd never lose to garbage like you.
Outro 完二「百年早え 出直して来いや」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Teddie: Behold the elegant majesty of TEDDIE!
Carmine: Pain in the ass...
Intro クマ「華麗なるクマの雄姿 しっかり見とくクマ~!」
Outro Carmine: GAH, you're so annoying! What the hell even are you!?
Teddie: Teddie is Teddie! Hehe!
Outro カーマイン「あーウゼェ! 結局何なんだよ テメェは!!」
クマ「クマは クマクマ!」

Akihiko Sanada

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Carmine: Listen, meathead. All this muscle stuff's made you crazy.
Akihiko: Nothing crazy about it. I'll show you why in battle.
Intro カーマイン「筋肉筋肉って頭おかしいんじゃねぇのかぁ?」
明彦「何もおかしくはないさ 戦いの中で答えを見せるとしよう」
Outro Carmine: Sleepy time already!?
Akihiko: Ten count... That's a win for me.
Outro カーマイン「もうオネンネかよ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Waldstein: Stand down, or I shall tear you apart with my claws!
Carmine: Nah, I think skewering them with my blood spikes will suit them better...!
Intro ワレンシュタイン「身の程知らずが 我が爪で引き裂いてくれよう!」
カーマイン「いいや 俺の血針で串刺しの方がお似合いだろうよ……!」
Outro Waldstein: How weak... You tear like paper!
Carmine: How fitting, after all those holes I put in 'em!
Outro ワレンシュタイン「脆弱な……まるで障子紙よのう」
カーマイン「ピッタリじゃねぇか 良い感じに穴だらけだしよぉ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Carmine: Stay in your lane, "Greed."
Gordeau: Well, they don't call me that for nothin'. Sorry if I hurt your feelings...
Intro カーマイン「出しゃばるんじゃねぇぞ 『強欲』」
ゴルドー「いやいや 俺は欲張りなんでね 気に障ったら許してくれ……」
Outro Gordeau: Heh, this chaff isn't worth reaping.
Carmine: In other words, come back when you die!
Outro ゴルドー「ま この分じゃ刈り取るまでもねぇな」
カーマイン「要は 死んでから出直して来いっつう話だ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: I shall enjoy feasting upon you...!
Carmine: Now let's see you struggle!
Intro メルカヴァ「その味 堪能させて貰うぞ……!」
Outro Carmine: You're the smallest of small fry...
Merkava: And thus hardly a diversion.
Outro カーマイン「雑魚すぎて話になんねぇ……」
メルカヴァ「而して 慰みにもならん」

Yang Xiao Long

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Carmine: Grr... Why am I stuck with someone like you...!?
Yang: Once this fight's over, I'll take you on, too. Now c'mon, let's go!
Intro カーマイン「ケッ……!どうして俺がテメェみたいなやつと……!」
ヤン「はいはい この戦いが終わったら相手してあげるからさ ほら いくよ!」
Outro Yang: Too bad. ♪ So close though.
Carmine: Quit tryin' to look cool!
Outro ヤン「ざぁんねん♪ 惜しかったね」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic I crush anyone who pisses me off! And anyone who tries to stop me...
Generic 気に入らねぇやつはみんなぶっ飛ばす! 誰にも文句は言わせねぇ!
Generic You brought this upon yourself when you entered my sight. Now, crawl away like the bug that you are.
Generic オレの視界に入ったテメェが悪いんだぜぇ。 三下は三下らしく地べたにキスしてなぁ。
Generic Heh heh heh heh... What's it like to be so weak? Tell me. It's a feeling I'll never get to experience.
Generic くくくっ……なぁ、弱いってどんな気持ちだぁ? 教えてくれよ。生憎とオレには一生わからねぇみたいでなぁ。
Generic It gives me such a thrill to watch the hope in your eyes die...! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Generic テメェみてぇに自信満々なやつをぶっ倒すのは最高だぜぇ。 ひゃーはっはっはっはぁっーー!
Generic I really hate hangers-on... Why don't you get the hell out of here?
Generic オレは群れてる連中が大嫌いなんでね…… あとは勝手にてめぇでやりな。
Partner with Hazama Hazama: I've been wondering about your hair for a while now... It's so needlessly festive! Half the time it's red, and the other half, white!
Carmine: Keep pissing me off and I'll dye you ALL red.
Partner with Hazama ハザマ「貴方のその頭髪、前々から気にはなっていたのですが…… 何やら無意味におめでたいですよね! 紅白なだけに!」
Partner with Makoto Nanaya Makoto: Hey, you got way too worked up back there. You ever think about relaxing once in a while? Maybe give yoga a try?
Carmine: Shut up and stop pissing me off. I don't want any of your stinking animal blood on my hands.
Partner with Makoto Nanaya マコト「アンタ、さっきから頭に血が上りすぎだよ。 そうカッカしないで、もっとリラックスしてみたら?」
カーマイン「ちっと黙れ。これ以上俺をイラつかせるんじゃねぇ。 臭ぇ獣の血なんざ見たかねぇからよ。」
Partner with Azrael Azrael: If you put your pathetic hands on my prey again, it'll be the last mistake you ever make.
Carmine: Like I care. Why don't you go eat that small fry over there?
Partner with Azrael アズラエル「愚かな貴様に改めて忠告してやろう―― 俺の餌に手を出すな。次は無いと思え。」
カーマイン「知ったこっちゃねぇよ。 ソコに転がってる雑魚でも喰らっとけや。」
Partner with Nine the Phantom Nine: How was that? I tried to make things as lively as possible. Did you enjoy yourself?
Carmine: Shut up. You're lucky I'm not interested in old hags' blood.
Partner with Nine the Phantom ナイン「どう? 私なりに盛り上げたつもりだけど、 退屈せずに済んだかしら?」
Partner with Naoto Kurogane Naoto: I told you to calm down... These powers of yours come at a cost, right? My eye can see these kinds of things.
Carmine: Like I give a shit. As long as I'm wreaking havoc, I don't care how much blood I lose. Maybe I should take some of yours... And that stupid eye, too!
Partner with Naoto Kurogane ナオト「いいからアンタは少し落ち着けって。その力、リスクも半端無ぇんだろ? そういうの視えちまうんだよ、俺の『眼』にはな。」
カーマイン「知ったこっちゃねぇよ。俺は暴れられりゃあそれでいい。 何なら、その『眼』ごとテメェをブチのめしてやってもいいんだぜぇ!?」
Partner with Yukiko Amagi Carmine: The hell's wrong with you? Most people like you tend to run away screaming after they see me.
Yukiko: You act a little bit like one of my friends, so your behavior doesn't scare me. Besides, I wouldn't let some harsh language stop me here.
Partner with Yukiko Amagi カーマイン「てめぇ変わってんな、 お前みたいなやつは俺を見ると びびって逃げ出すか泣き叫ぶんだがな。」
雪子「私の仲間にも貴方みたいな言葉遣いの人いるの。 もう慣れっこだし、こんなことで立ち止まってるわけにいかないから。」
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi Kanji: Heh, you wanna go? Then let's go! I can take everything you've got to give!
Carmine: Th-The hell...? I don't like the sound of that... Look, I'm not interested in...whatever the hell this is. Go do that shit on your own time.
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi 完二「ヘッ、じゃあやるかよ? 来いやオラァ! オメーの気持ち、俺が全部受け止めてやんぜ!」
カーマイン「ん、んだよお前……なんか気持ちわりいな。 俺にはそういう趣味はねーんだ。勝手に一人でやってろや。」
Partner with Teddie Teddie: *Sparkle* Do you finally understand the joy of Teddie, Mine-chan?
Carmine: Just shut up! If you say another word, I'm gonna stab you right through that stupid costume of yours, dammit!
Partner with Teddie クマ「きらりん☆ マインチャンにも、クマのぷりちーさがお分かりいただけたクマ?」
カーマイン「るっせぇ、それ以上囀るんじゃねぇよ。 そのふざけた着ぐるみごと串刺しにすんぞ。」
Partner with Akihiko Sanada Akihiko: Your mind slips because you're thinking about so many unnecessary things. With the proper training, you'd be able to cut down on the internal chatter. I can teach you, what do you say?
Carmine: Gaaah, shut up! Just shut up! What the hell do you know!? Get the hell out of my sight. You don't know anything about me...
Partner with Akihiko Sanada 明彦「余計なことを考えるから心を乱される。 どうだ? トレーニングをすれば雑念を捨てられるぞ。」
カーマイン「あー! うるせぇ! うるせぇ!! なんなんだよ、てめぇは! 勝手にしろ!! わけわかんねぇ……」
Partner with Waldstein Waldstein: You are completely lacking in strength! A scrawny creature like you is not even worthy to stand on the battlefield! Train your body. Your BODY!
Carmine: I don't need all that muscle. It'd just get in the way. But I can take a chunk of yours, though, if you insist.
Partner with Waldstein ワレンシュタイン「貴様は圧倒的に地力が足りぬ! 己の力に蝕まれる未熟者は、そも戦場に立つべきではない! 肉体を鍛えよ、肉体を!」
カーマイン「んなもん要らねぇよ、邪魔になるだけだ。 何ならテメェの肉、俺がゴッソリ削ぎ落としてやろうか?」
Partner with Gordeau Carmine: So, when do you plan on dying, huh?
Gordeau: Not sure I like that question... We're supposed to be "friends" now, aren't we?
Partner with Gordeau カーマイン「んで? テメェは何時になったらくたばってくれんだぁ、ああ?」
ゴルドー「その態度、つれないねぇ…… 今は『仲間』だろう、俺達は?」
Partner with Merkava Merkava: Guooooooooooh! It's not enough... I hunger! I THIRST...!
Carmine: Then why not dine on these leftovers? You are an animal, after all.
Partner with Merkava メルカヴァ「グォオオオオオオオオオ! 満たされぬ……餓えが、渇きが……!」
カーマイン「だったらソコの残飯処理でもしてな。 ケダモノらしくよぉ。」
Partner with Yang Xiao Long Carmine: Weak! You're too weak! If I were as weak as you, I'd want to di--OW! The hell was that for!?
Yang: Sorry, my hand slipped. Now come on, I'm your next opponent. Once I'm done with you, you'll REALLY want to die. ♪
Partner with Yang Xiao Long カーマイン「弱ぇ! 弱すぎんぜおい! 俺がそんなに弱かったら死にたくなっちまいそうだ――痛ェッ! 何しやがんだぁ!?」
ヤン「ごっめーん。手が滑っちゃったー。 ほら、次の相手は私。 私があんたを死にたい気分にしてあげる♪」


Main Artwork


DLC Icons


External Links

  • BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Official Website (JP), Carmine
  • Under Night In-Birth Wiki, Carmine


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #7
  2. Weekly Famitsu, 4/12/2018 issue, pp 40-41
  3. NicoNico, Arc System Works Official Video Channel, "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle" Character Introduction PV #7
  4. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Carmine