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From BlazBlue Wiki
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Hilda Main.png



Voice Actors

TAKADA Hatsumi (Japanese)
Allegra Clark (English)

Character Titles


Character Themes

Overwhelm Despair

The leader and lynchpin of a rather famous gathering of ability users known as "The Spiral of Oblivion [Amnesia]," as well as an almost superhuman ability user known and feared in her own right as "Paradox."

Thanks to her EXS of Light and Darkness, Paradox, she specializes in far-ranged battles. Using a myriad of projectiles, fight without letting the opponent draw near.[2]

Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A · A · A · A
Smart Combo 2 B · B · B
Smart Combo 3 Crouching B · B
Smart Combo 4 Crouching C · C
Smart Combo 5 Midair A · A
Smart Combo 6 Midair B · B
Reversal Action

A + D (Air OK)
↓↘→ + A or B
Condensity Gloom
Kondensu Gurūmu
↓↙← + A (Air OK)
Anchi Disupāshiba
↓↙← + B (Air OK)
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
Pillar of Revenance
Rebanansu Pirā
↓↘→ + C
Fallen Pain
Fōrun Pein
↓↙← + C (Air OK)
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
↓↘→ + B + C
Nail Torrent
Nēru Tōrento
↓↙← + B + C (Air OK)
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
During the main character's Distortion Skill SP
Astral Heat
↓↓↓ + B + C




Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro You'll entertain me now, won't you?
Intro アタシを楽しませてよぉ?
Intro Come play with Hilda.
Intro このヒルダ様が遊んであげる
Intro Too bad... That was your last chance to run away.
Intro ざぁんねん もう逃がさないわぁ
Intro I'll make you dance for me.
Intro さぁ 無様に踊って頂戴
Intro You better not take my prey.
Intro アタシの獲物を取らないでよぉ?
Intro This should be a beautiful dance.
Intro さぁ 優雅に踊りましょう
Outro Heehee... AAAAHAHAHAHA!
Outro フフッ……アーッハッハッハ!
Outro The ground suits you.
Outro その様 とってもお似合いよぉ
Outro Oh no, broken already?
Outro あらぁ もう壊れちゃったのぉ?
Outro You're SO weak! Ahahaha!
Outro 貴方……弱いのねぇ! アハハッ!
Time Up Outro No, no! I haven't gotten my fill!
Time Up Outro 足りない 足りない 全然満ち足りない!
Time Up Outro Mmm, too bad. A shame, really.
Time Up Outro う~ん ダメねぇ 全っ然ダメ
Time Up Defeat You simply ran around. Hardly a win...
Time Up Defeat 逃げ回ってばかりで それで勝ったつもり?
Time Up Defeat Huh? I can't believe it. I lost track of time...
Time Up Defeat あら?アタシとしたことが……時間を忘れるほど夢中になっちゃうなんて

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Oh, could you not handle that?
Outro with partner ちょっとやり過ぎちゃったかしらぁ
Outro with partner Heehee... You made that fun.
Outro with partner ふふっ 悪くなかったわぁ

Rachel Alucard

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Rachel: Would you care for a dance?
Hilda: Make sure you can lead us properly.
Intro レイチェル「ダンスのお相手 宜しくて?」
Outro Rachel: Your stamina is clearly lacking.
Hilda: And your rhythm is abysmal. How embarrassing.
Outro レイチェル「あら もう腰砕けかしら?」
ヒルダ「だっらしなぁ~い ノリわっる~い」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Enemies confirmed. Deploying petals.
Hilda: Looks like I get to try out my new toy.
Intro ニュー「敵性因子を確認 ペタル展開」
ヒルダ「良い機会ね 新しいオモチャを試すには」
Outro Nu: Target silenced. If you're not Ragna...then you should die.
Hilda: Oh no. Don't tell me she's defective.
Outro ニュー「対象沈黙……ラグナじゃないなら 死んじゃえ……」
ヒルダ「あらぁ? もしかしてこれ 不良品?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: Maybe I can let my hair down a little.
Hazama: By all means. I'm not about to stop you.
Intro ヒルダ「ちょ~っとハメ 外しちゃおうかしらぁ?」
ハザマ「どうぞご勝手に 誰も止めはしませんよ」
Outro Hilda: Oh! I'm soooo sorry. Was that rude of me?
Hazama: Not at all. Chaos is rather becoming on you.
Outro ヒルダ「しっつれ~い 端なかったかしらぁ?」
ハザマ「いえいえ とてもお似合いの暴れっぷりでした」

Nine the Phantom

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nine: No need to be scared...
Hilda: We'll take gooood care of you. ♪
Intro ナイン「怖がらなくても大丈夫よ?」
Outro Hilda: Oh? Worn out already?
Nine: We could've had so much more fun.
Outro ヒルダ「あらぁ? もうオネンネかしらぁ?」
ナイン「残念 もっと可愛がってあげたのに」

Chie Satonaka

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: Now, try to stay focused here.
Chie: If we win... Can you buy me some steak?
Intro ヒルダ「さぁて しっかり働いてもらうわよぉ?」
千枝「勝ったらフィレ肉……とか ダメ?」
Outro Hilda: What a bunch of disappointments.
Chie: We could have done that in our sleep!
Outro ヒルダ「歯ごたえ無い連中ねぇ」
千枝「やったね 楽勝 楽勝~!」

Kanji Tatsumi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: Let's go, little boy.
Kanji: Wha-- Don't treat me like some brat!
Intro ヒルダ「さ 行くわよ坊や」
Outro Hilda: Ahahaha! You broke so beautifully!
Kanji: Y-You're a lot scarier than you look...
Outro ヒルダ「あっは! バラバラよ バッラバラァ!」
完二「な なんかおっかねぇな……アンタ……」

Mitsuru Kirijo

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: Show me why they call you the Queen of Execution. ♪
Mitsuru: I certainly will try to... Now let's go!
Intro ヒルダ「お手前拝見よぉ 処刑女王さん♪」
Outro Hilda: Ouch. That was gruesome even by my standards.
Mitsuru: I see no need for mercy in battle.
Outro ヒルダ「えっぐ~い ヒドいことするのね アナタ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: I'll make this nice and slow for you... ♪
Elizabeth: You're really getting quite a bargain.
Intro ヒルダ「じっくり遊んでア・ゲ・ル♪」
Outro Hilda: You're already turning in? Too bad.
Elizabeth: Next time, we will await you in the VIP lounge.
Outro ヒルダ「あらぁ もうお帰りかしらぁ?」

Tohru Adachi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: Come on, give me your best shot!
Adachi: Don't be shy, she won't bite!
Intro ヒルダ「ほぅら さっさとかかってきなさいな」
足立「楽しんでいきなよ 大人の時間ってやつをさ」
Outro Adachi: Don't tell me you're giving up.
Hilda: Too bad. I was just getting into it.
Outro 足立「あっれー? もうギブアップ?」
ヒルダ「勿体無ぁい 大人の時間はこれからなのに」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: Well now, have you finally decided to join our side?
Hyde: Hell no. Now focus on the fight.
Intro ヒルダ「あらぁ? とうとう『忘却の螺旋』に鞍替えってワケぇ?」
ハイド「んなわけねぇだろ 気ぃ散らすな」
Outro Hilda: You've grown into quite the man. I like it.
Hyde: Pfft. I can't deal with you.
Outro ヒルダ「イイ男になったじゃない 嫌いじゃないわぁ」
ハイド「ったく 付き合ってられねぇな」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: I'll show you the depths of light and darkness.
Linne: And the sting of the blade that serves the Night.
Intro ヒルダ「見せてあげるわぁ 煌と曜の深淵を」
リンネ「そして 『夜』に伏す刀の切れ味をな」
Outro Linne: This is what your lust for power earns you.
Hilda: Why does that feel like it's pointed at me?
Outro リンネ「それが力に溺れた末路だ 覚えておけ」
ヒルダ「なぁにぃそれ 厭味のつもりぃ?」

Weiss Schnee

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: You're just in time for the ball.
Hilda: So dance like mad, you fools.
Intro ワイス「さぁ 舞踏会の開演ですわ」
Outro Hilda: Oh... Over before it even began.
Weiss: Truly an uneventful affair.
Outro ヒルダ「終演はあっという間ねぇ」

Neo Politan

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: The opening act is all yours, young lady.
Neo: ............
Intro ヒルダ「前座は任せたわよ お嬢さん」
Outro Neo: ............
Hilda: Is that all? You didn't even reach the climax.
Outro ニオ「…………」
ヒルダ「あらぁ? 前座だけで終わっちゃったぁ?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: Now, how can we best tease these two?
Akatsuki: Do not underestimate them. Use your full power and win.
Intro ヒルダ「さぁて どんな風におちょくってあげようかしら?」
アカツキ「相手を見くびるな 全力を以て排除すべし」
Outro Hilda: Ahahaha! Was I a little too playful?
Akatsuki: And that was only a third of her power...
Outro ヒルダ「アッハ! おちょくり過ぎちゃったかしらぁ?」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Ugh, how boring... I need a puppy who won’t break so easily.
Generic んもぅ、つまんなぁ~い。 もっとガマンのきく犬はいないのかしらぁ?
Generic You were so close. I had so much more to give, if only you could handle it. Shame...
Generic 惜しいわねぇアナタ。あと少し頑丈だったら、 もっとも~っと可愛がってあげたのに。
Generic Do you get it now? Light begets darkness. No one can change that.
Generic 理解できたかしら? 闇を孕む光――この矛盾は、何人にも冒せないってことよ。
Generic How would you like to join Amnesia? I might have the perfect position for you.
Generic ねぇアナタ、『忘却の螺旋』に来る気はないかしら? 相応の席を用意するわよぉ。
Generic I'm growing quite fond of you. You may continue serving me.
Generic アナタ、とってもいい感じよぉ。 引き続き、アタシに傅くことを許してあげるわぁ。
Partner with Rachel Alucard Hilda: That was no fun. Are there no suitors here with any spine? What a waste of the Night.
Rachel: Complaining about it will do no good. If nothing else, I will dance gracefully through this empty darkness.
Partner with Rachel Alucard ヒルダ「張り合い無いわねぇ、もっと骨のあるヤツはいないのかしらぁ? 折角の『夜』が台無しじゃなぁい。」
レイチェル「強請っても仕方が無いわ。 この空虚な宵闇を、せめて私は優雅に舞いましょう。」
Partner with Nu-13 Nu: Useless... If it's not Ragna, it's useless. And what's useless to Nu should disappear... It should all die...!
Hilda: Ugh, how am I supposed to use a toy like this? Amnesia has no use for junk.
Partner with Nu-13 ニュー「いらない……ラグナじゃないものは、ニューにはいらない…… いらないものは、消えて……全部消えて……!」
ヒルダ「あ~あ……もう使い物にならないわねぇ、コレ。 『忘却の螺旋』にガラクタは必要無いわぁ。」
Partner with Hazama Hilda: You're just my type. Would you like to join me in Amnesia? I think you'd make an excellent servant.
Hazama: Oh, you flatter me, but no. I cannot possibly fill such a position.
Partner with Hazama ヒルダ「アナタ、イケるクチじゃなぁい。どう? 『忘却の螺旋』に来る気は無い? アタシのお付きとか、中々イケてるんじゃないかしら?」
Partner with Nine the Phantom Hilda: Don't you know how to pace yourself!? You break every toy we run into! Let me have some fun for a change.
Nine: I don't like beating around the bush. If I can crush them all in one blow, why wouldn't I?
Partner with Nine the Phantom ヒルダ「アナタ、加減ってものを知らないのぉ? そんなんじゃあオモチャもすぐ壊れちゃうじゃなぁい。 ちょっとは遊ばせなさいよぉ。」
ナイン「チマチマいたぶるのは趣味じゃないわ。 一思いに踏み潰す方が性に合ってるの。」
Partner with Chie Satonaka Chie: Heck yeah! You promised to buy dinner if we won! I want the Special Beef Bowl from Aiya!
Hilda: B-Beef bowl? What an utterly average choice. That'll completely ruin my image!
Partner with Chie Satonaka 千枝「やったー! 勝ったら奢りの約束だったよね! ってことで、愛家のスペシャル肉丼よろしく!」
ヒルダ「に、肉丼? なぁにぃそのチョイス、アタシのイメージじゃないわぁ。」
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi Hilda: Well done. You're not half bad, little boy. But if you really want to be a man, why not come serve me?
Kanji: Y-Yeah, that's a hard no from me! I don't even wanna think of what might happen if I said yes...
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi ヒルダ「ナルホドねぇ……アナタ中々悪くないわよ、坊や。 精々アタシに尽くしなさいな、男を磨いてア・ゲ・ル♪」
完二「なっ……なに言ってんだゴラァ! アンタみてぇな、得体の知れねぇヤツの言いなりにはならねぇぜ!」
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo Hilda: I expected nothing less from the queen. Now, why don't you show me all the different ways you carry out your executions! My body's trembling in anticipation.
Mitsuru: I fear you may be disappointed. I fight to the best of my abilities: nothing more, nothing less. Execution is the means, not the end.
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo ヒルダ「流石は女王様ねぇ。次はどんな処刑を見せてくれるのかしら? 今から楽しみだわぁん♪」
美鶴「生憎と期待には応えられそうにもない。 全力を尽くす――私に出来ることは、ただそれだけだからな。」
Partner with Elizabeth Hilda: You're my kind of crazy. Why don't you join Amnesia and really run wild.
Elizabeth: While that is a very enticing offer, there is a place I must go. That said, do keep in touch if anything opens up in the future.
Partner with Elizabeth ヒルダ「アナタのトびっぷり、気に入ったわぁ。 とっとと『忘却の螺旋』に来なさいな、好き放題暴れられるわよぉ?」
エリザベス「たいへん興味深いご勧誘ですが、私には向かうべき場所がございます。 またの機会のスカウトをお待ちしております。」
Partner with Tohru Adachi Hilda: Oh, I do like you. You're just so intriguing. You'd be a wonderful addition to Amnesia.
Adachi: I'm sick and tired of being a part of someone else's organization. That life is far behind me now.
Partner with Tohru Adachi ヒルダ「アナタ、なかなか見どころがあるわねぇ。 『忘却の螺旋』にピッタリの人材じゃないかしらぁ?」
足立「冗談、もう組織とかはウンザリだよ。 馴れ合いとか、二度と御免だね。」
Partner with Hyde Hilda: Aww, what a waste. With the Insulator, you could bend the Night to your will.
Hyde: If that's a joke, I'm not laughing. I've put my life on the line to prevent that from ever happening. Me and the Princess of the Night Blade both.
Partner with Hyde ヒルダ「あ~あ、ホントもったいない坊やねぇ。 その『断裂の免罪符』があれば『夜』で好き放題できるのにぃ。」
ハイド「笑えねぇ冗談だ。 そうさせねぇために命懸けなんだよ、俺も夜刀の姫もな。」
Partner with Linne Hilda: Do you put all of your attendants through this nonsense, Princess? Just hand over your seal of reincarnation, and I'll go get you a drink.
Linne: You think you want the seal, but you don't. I'll handle my curse on my own. As is the duty of one who protects the Night.
Partner with Linne ヒルダ「まったく、『夜刀の姫』のアテンドも楽じゃないわねぇ。 さっさと『輪廻の封術』寄越しなさいよ、チップ代わりに貰ってあげる。」
リンネ「お断りだ。この呪いは私自身の手で清算する。 それが、『夜』の護り手たるこの身の責務だ。」
Partner with Weiss Schnee Weiss: Sorry if I made for a difficult dance partner. We Schnees move to our own rhythm.
Hilda: Not at all. I've always preferred making others dance to dancing myself.
Partner with Weiss Schnee ワイス「失礼。つい興が乗ってしまいましたわ。 貴方には少々速すぎたかしら、シュニーの様式は。」
ヒルダ「お構いなく。 これでもアタシ、踊るよりも踊らせる方が好みなの♪」
Partner with Neo Politan Hilda: You might've taken this a little TOO seriously. You put them to bed before the main act.
Neo: ......
Partner with Neo Politan ヒルダ「アナタ、ちょっと張り切りすぎじゃなぁい? 次は主役の見せ場もしっかり残しといてよぉ?」
Partner with Akatsuki Akatsuki: Excuse me, ma'am. Your rather...geisha-like outfit may invite some misunderstandings about our relationship. Couldn't you wear something more...modest?
Hilda: Ugh... Ugly, smelly, AND stupid. This is why I don't like straight-laced men. I'll do what I damn well please.
Partner with Akatsuki アカツキ「お前と一緒だと、色々と誤解されそうで困る。 その芸者みたいな恰好は何とかならんのか……。」
ヒルダ「あ~も~五月蝿いダサい古臭い。これだから堅物の相手はイヤなのよ。 折角ノってきたのに萎えさせないでほしいわね。」


Main Visual




Staff Extra



External Links

  • BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Official Website (JP), Hilda
  • Under Night In-Birth Wiki, Hilda


  1. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Version 2.0 Character Introduction trailer (9/21/2019)
  2. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Official Site, Hilda