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< Sechs
Situation | Quote | Audio |
New Unit | So you Observed me.... Just who are you...? ... You're trying to correct the way of the world. I understand. I shall stay here for a while. This name doesn't hold any meaning anymore, but you can call me Sechs. | |
New Unit | 私を『観測』したか……。お前は一体……。……世界の行方を左右するか。わかった。一時ここに身を置こう。名前に意味はないが、『ゼクス』と呼ぶがいい。 | |
Ascension (SS+) | O Kusanagi.... | |
Ascension (SS+) | クサナギよ…… | |
Ascension (SS++) | It seems there's still room for improvement. | |
Ascension (SS++) | まだ覚醒の余地があるようだな | |
Ascension (SS+++) | The power of a dimension unknown to me gathers.... | |
Ascension (SS+++) | 私の知らない次元の力が、集約する…… | |
Home Screen | ||
Talk | Should you wish for power, I shall grant it. Simply removing that "vessel" of yours should bring about suitable results. ...Hm. So you wish to avoid risks. A wise decision. | |
Talk | 貴様が力を望むのであれば、叶えよう。その『器』で無ければ相応の結果が訪れることになるがな。……ふむ、リスクを避けるか。それも賢明な判断ではある、か。 | |
Likes | I wish for "the truth" alone. When you discovered "that," what did you do? | |
Likes | 私が望むのは『真実』のみ。『それ』を知った時、貴様はどうする? | |
Dislikes | Is there any meaning to this conversation? Wasting time can only be disadvantageous, for the both of us. | |
Dislikes | この会話に意味はあるのか? 無駄な時間は互いにとって不利益にしかならない。 | |
Hobby | Yes, I've looked into this place. Even for me, there's much here that is unfamiliar. I will need time to think. | |
Hobby | ああ、この場所について考察していた。私にとっても未知の事物が多い。思考する時間が必要だ。 |