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From BlazBlue Wiki
Good grief. This is quite the unexpected coincidence.
Hurry up and get ready. Let down your guard... and you'll be dead the next instant.[1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Linne Main.png



Voice Actors

SAKURA Ayane (Japanese)
Sarah Anne Williams (English)

Character Titles

Reincarnation[1] (永遠を生きる姫Ever-living Princess)[2]

Character Themes

Night Walker

A young girl who is part of an ancient organization known as the Night Blade. She saved Hyde who was being attacked by the Void. For a certain goal of hers, she faces the Abyss of the Hollow Night.

She's a character who specializes in close-ranged combat. Commanding a swift speed, she quickly closes the distance, and with a rushing attack that cannot be blocked while crouching, Hien, finish a surprise attack! [3]

Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A · A · A · A
Smart Combo 2 ← + A · ← + A · ← + A · ← + A
Smart Combo 3 B · B · B
Smart Combo 4 Midair A · A
Special 1 ← + A
Dash Cancel
Dasshu Kyanseru
→→ during the following actions.
Smart Combo 1 (Step 4), Smart Combo 2 (Steps 3, 4), Smart Combo 3 (Step 3), Grounded Kuuga, Grounded Soukuuga
Reversal Action
連月輪Linked Full Moon
A · D simultaneously (midair also)
空牙Empty Fang
↓↘→ + A or B (midair also)
←↙↓ + A
飛燕Flying Swallow
←↙↓ + B
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
双空牙Twin Empty Fangs
↓↘→ + C (midair also)
飛燕翔Soaring Swallow
←↙↓ + C
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
↓↘→ + B · C simultaneously

Ten'ai Jūnisen
←↙↓ + B · C simultaneously
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
P during the main character's Distortion Skill

Evolution Championship Series Japan

Name Command
Smart Combo 1 ◻ · ◻ · ◻ · ◻
Smart Combo 2 ← + ◻ · ← + ◻ · ← + ◻ · ← + ◻
Smart Combo 3 △ · △ · △
Smart Combo 4 Midair ◻ · ◻
Special 1 ← + ◻
Dash Cancel
Dasshu Kyanseru
Do → · → during the following actions:
Smart Combo 1 (Step 4), Smart Combo 2 (Steps 3, 4), Smart Combo 3 (Step 3), Grounded Kuuga, Grounded Soukuuga
連月輪Linked Full Moon
◻ · ✕ simultaneously
空牙Empty Fang
↓↘→ + ◻ or △
←↙↓ + ◻
飛燕Flying Swallow
←↙↓ + △
双空牙Twin Empty Fangs
↓↘→ + ⭕
飛燕翔Soaring Swallow
←↙↓ + ⭕
↓↘→ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously
Ten'ai Jūnisen
←↙↓ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously
R1 during the main character's Distortion Skill


Name Command
Smart Combo 1 ◻ · ◻ · ◻ · ◻
Smart Combo 2 ← + ◻ · ← + ◻ · ← + ◻ · ← + ◻
Smart Combo 3 △ · △ · △
Smart Combo 4 Midair ◻ · ◻
Command Normal ← + ◻
Dash Cancel
Dasshu Kyanseru
Do → · → during the following actions:
Smart Combo 1 (Step 4), Smart Combo 2 (Steps 3, 4), Smart Combo 3 (Step 3), Grounded Kuuga, Grounded Soukuuga
① Kuuga
空牙Empty Fang
↓↘→ + ◻ or △
飛燕Flying Swallow
←↙↓ + ◻ or △
① Soukuuga
双空牙Twin Empty Fangs
↓↘→ + ⭕
連月輪Linked Full Moon
◻ · ✕ simultaneously (midair also)
飛燕翔Soaring Swallow
←↙↓ + ⭕
↓↘→ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously
←↙↓ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously




Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro Okay... Time to focus.
Intro さて……気を入れ直すとしよう
Intro I swear... I'm really getting tired of this.
Intro やれやれ……これっきりにしたいものだ
Intro Ready yourself. If you let your guard die.
Intro さっさと構えろ 気を抜くと……死ぬぞ?
Intro Do you two really think you can defeat me?
Intro お前たちで私に勝てると思っているのか?
Intro ...Let's put an end to this. Now!
Intro ……さっさと終わらせるとするか いくぞ!
Intro Take a break... I'm more than enough to put these guys away.
Intro そこで休んでいろ……私だけで十分だ
Outro Too bad for you... But I've spent more time around death than you two ever will.
Outro 残念だったな 私とお前たちとでは くぐってきた死線の数が違うんだ
Outro That was pretty fun.
Outro なかなかに楽しめた
Outro I'm not soft. If you raise your blade against me, I will not hold back.
Outro 私は甘くない 向かってくるなら容赦はしない
Outro You two need to work on your teamwork. Your problems have nothing to do with combat.
Outro もっとチームワークを磨いてこい 戦う以前の問題だ
Time Up Outro Couldn't you have tried harder?
Time Up Outro もう少し頑張れたんじゃないか?
Time Up Outro Is that all?
Time Up Outro もうおしまいか?
Time Up Defeat Im...possible...
Time Up Defeat ばか……な……
Time Up Defeat I miscalculated...
Time Up Defeat 計算を誤ったか……

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner It's have someone to fight with.
Outro with partner 誰かと共に戦うのもたまには悪くないな
Outro with partner I don't want to get anyone else involved.
Outro with partner 誰も……巻き込みたくはないんだがな

Rachel Alucard

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Linne: What, do you expect me to be your partner?
Rachel: Indeed. I believe our dance would be lovely.
Intro リンネ「やれやれ 胸を貸してやるとするか」
レイチェル「ええ 存分に可愛がってあげましょう」
Outro Rachel: An unsurprising result.
Linne: Yeah. There's no getting around that skill gap.
Outro レイチェル「解りきっていた結果ね」
リンネ「ああ この経験値の差は如何ともし難いだろう」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Linne: Fine then. I'll show you the difference in our strength.
Hakumen: Needless. What matters is the difference in our resolve.
Intro リンネ「仕方ない 力の差を教えてやろう」
ハクメン「否 彼奴等に示すべきは 偏に覚悟の差だ 」
Outro Hakumen: Pathetic. A blade unhoned...
Linne: Spare us the lecture. These kids won't get anything out of it anyway.
Outro ハクメン「未熟……所詮は匹夫の器か」
リンネ「みなまで言うな 戒めるだけでは後進は育たないぞ」

Platinum the Trinity

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Luna: We can take care of this ourselves. Just stay outta the way, pipsqueak.
Linne: I swear... Better shut 'em up with skill.
Intro ルナ「ルナ達だけで十分だ でしゃばるんじゃねぇぞ このちんちくりん」
リンネ「やれやれ 実力で黙らせるか」
Outro Linne: Hmph... Looks like that's that.
Luna: H-How....could she BE that strong...?
Outro リンネ「ふむ……まぁ こんなところか」
ルナ「あ あれ…… コイツもしかして……強い?」

Celica A. Mercury

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Celica: Try to be careful. You're just a little girl, after all.
Linne: Little girl, huh? Hate the sound of that...
Intro セリカ「あんまり無茶しちゃダメだよ? 女の子なんだから」
リンネ「女の子 か……耳が痛いな」
Outro Celica: Now, now, I told you to be careful!
Linne: Hmph. You're one to talk.
Outro セリカ「もう 無茶しちゃダメって言ったのに」
リンネ「ふん 人のことを言えたクチか」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Es: Target in sight. Updating threat lev--
Linne: No need for that. Let's just get this over with.
Intro Es「対象補足 脅威判定更新――」
リンネ「測るまでもない 手早く終わらせよう」
Outro Es: Threat level updated. Target, incapacitated.
Linne: Well, hopefully they learned a thing or two.
Outro Es「脅威判定更新―― 対象 沈黙」
リンネ「まぁ 良い教訓になっただろう」

Yosuke Hanamura

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yosuke: Haha, you're fast, but I'm prety quick myself.
Linne: Are you trying to show off? Oh, to be young again.
Intro 陽介「ヘヘッ 俺もスピードにはちっとばかし自信あんだよね」
Outro Yosuke: Yeah! Against our speed...
Linne: All other powers are meaningless.
NOW you're feelin' it.PS4: Hey, you're actually into it.

Linne: Sh-Shut up!
Outro 陽介「っしゃ!俺らのスピードの前には……」
陽介「……って ノリノリじゃん」
リンネ「う うるさいぞ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Linne: I'll show you how the Night works.
Elizabeth: Night work? This should be interesting.
Intro リンネ「教示してやろう 『夜』の駆り方を」
エリザベス「深夜営業 どんと来いでございます」
Outro Linne: This is going nowhere. Go home already.
Elizabeth: Please watch your step on the way out.
Outro リンネ「話にならない とっとと帰れ」
エリザベス「お足元には どうぞお気をつけください」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Linne: Let's get this done. No need to draw it out.
Labrys: Mm-hmm! I'll take 'em out in one hit!
Intro リンネ「一気に決めるぞ 長引かせる必要はあるまい」
ラビリス「ん!分かった 一撃で決めるで!」
Outro Linne: Old age and treachery...
Labrys: R-Really? I-I'm really not that old, though...
Outro リンネ「年季の差というやつだ」
ラビリス「そ そうなん?ウチ まだそんな長く生きとらんけど」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hyde: Don't worry, I'll protect you!
Linne: Hmph... That's my line, you amateur.
Intro ハイド「安心しな 俺がお前を護ってやる!」
リンネ「ふん……こっちの台詞だ 未熟者め」
Outro Linne: Beyond lies only the darkness of night.
Hyde: If you're not ready for it, then go home.
Outro リンネ「これより先は『夜』の深淵――」
ハイド「――覚悟が無ぇなら さっさと帰りな」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Waldstein:
Hmph, they dare to hinder the path of the Night Blade? How reckless.PS4: Hmph, they dare to hinder the path of the night's blade? How reckless.

Linne: Let's send them home with their tails between their legs.
Intro ワレンシュタイン「ほう 我ら『夜刀』の道を阻むとは 余程の命知らずと見える」
リンネ「仕方が無い お帰り願うとしようか」
Outro Waldstein: Do you fools still want more!?
Run while you can. When his blood's boiling, not even I can deal with him.PS4: Run while you can. Even I can't deal with this beast.
Outro ワレンシュタイン「まだやるか 命知らずなものよ」
リンネ「さっさと帰るのだな この怪物は 私の手にも負えんぞ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: Let's see your skill, "Princess of the Night Blade."
Linne: Sure. Watch and learn, "Little Girl of the Licht Kries."
Intro オリエ「お手並み拝見させて頂きます 『夜刀』の姫君」
リンネ「ああ精々学ぶと良い 『光輪』の小娘」
Outro Orie: Can you stand? I meant to soften my strikes...
Linne: Well, I'm sure they can drag themselves home, at least.
Outro オリエ「立てますか? 手心は加えたつもりですが」
リンネ「ま 歩いて帰るくらいは出来るだろう?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Linne: Sorry, but I'm doing this my way. I have no interest in playing with dolls.
Vatista: No problem. Utilize your combat abilities to your heart's content.
Intro リンネ「悪いが 好きにやらせて貰う 人形とごっこ遊びをするつもりはない」
バティスタ「のーぷろぶれむ 存分にその戦闘力を行使するが良い」
Outro Linne: Even the strong break easily the moment they falter.
Vatista: However, this internal conflict is the essence of human strength. It seems quite complicated.
Outro リンネ「一度揺らげば 強者ほど脆いものだ」
バティスタ「しかし その揺らぎこそが人の力を為す要素 実に難儀なものだ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Seth: Your curtain falls...
Linne: And the Night Blade takes the stage.
Intro セト「帳が……落ちる」
リンネ「即ち 我ら『夜刀』の刻限だ」
Outro Seth: That was a glimpse into the abyss of the Night.
Linne: Crawl away before you're pulled in.
Outro セト「魅入られたか 深き『夜』の淵に」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: I'll show you the depths of light and darkness.
Linne: And the sting of the blade that serves the Night.
Intro ヒルダ「見せてあげるわぁ 煌と曜の深淵を」
リンネ「そして 『夜』に伏す刀の切れ味をな」
Outro Linne: This is what your lust for power earns you.
Hilda: Why does that feel like it's pointed at me?
Outro リンネ「それが力に溺れた末路だ 覚えておけ」
ヒルダ「なぁにぃそれ 厭味のつもりぃ?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Linne: Isn't it past your bedtime? You should go home.
Mika: Why you--! Sit in the corner, eat some snacks, and be a good kid!
Intro リンネ「手出しは無用だ 子供は帰って寝てろ」
ミカ「なにおう! おこちゃまこそオヤツでも食べて大人しくしてるんゆー!」
Outro Linne: Was that unladylike of me?
Mika: Don't worry! You weren't like a lady to begin with!
Outro リンネ「ふう 少し大人げ無かったか?」
ミカ「安心するんゆ! んなもん初めから皆無んゆ!」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic I suggest you don't judge a book by its cover. That kind of thinking could get you killed.
Generic 人を見た目で判断しない方がいい。 その考えの甘さがお前を死へと導くことになる。
Generic There's no reason to feel down... When you live as long as I have, you get used to loss.
Generic そう落ち込むことはない。 お前たちも永き時を生きればこのくらいできるようになるさ。
Generic Are you really going to end this for me? My cursed cycle of rebirth? ...That was a joke. Forget I said anything.
Generic お前たちが終わらせてくれるのか? この身に施された『輪廻の封術』による『転生』を…… ……冗談だ。忘れてくれ。
Generic You've reached rock bottom. If you want to live, you need to be smarter about it. Your kind does have an expiration date, no?
Generic 下の下だな。 長く在りたいのであれば少しは頭を使うことだ。 お前たちにとって『生』とは有限なのだろう?
Generic We're a pretty good combination. Hmm... If fate permits, we should help each other again.
Generic この組み合わせも悪くないんじゃないか? ふむ……再び機会があればまた手を貸すとしよう。
Partner with Rachel Alucard Linne: I would have called that "impressive," but I cannot abide by your capriciousness. When you find yourself in the arms of eternity, you should at least have the decency to contain yourself.
Rachel: Oh, I disagree. There must always be a little room for amusement. Boredom is our greatest enemy, is it not?
Partner with Rachel Alucard リンネ「流石……と言いたいところだが、 お前の浮薄さはどうにもいただけない。 その身を悠久に置けばこそ、我々は自戒を抱いて然るべきだろう。」
レイチェル「あら、何事にも『興じる余裕』というものは必要でしょう? 退屈は、私達の天敵なのだから。」
Partner with Hakumen Hakumen: That you have accomplished so much with such a slight vessel is...impressive.
Linne: Please. You're only using two or three tenths of YOUR potential strength, so spare me the sarcasm.
Partner with Hakumen ハクメン「其の矮小な器で良く遣る。見上げた筋金の太さだ。」
リンネ「見たところ、お前も精々が二、三割の力といったところだろう。 生き汚いのはお互い様というわけだ。」
Partner with Platinum the Trinity Linne: So, have you got anything to say to me?
Luna: W-Well... You did pretty good, for a pipsqueak! I-I guess I can take pity on you and let you fight with us again.
Partner with Platinum the Trinity リンネ「さて、何か言うことはあるか?」
ルナ「ま……まぁ、ちんちくりんもそれなりにやるなぁ! つ、次もちょっとくらいなら手伝ってくれてもいいぞ!」
Partner with Celica A. Mercury Celica: Linne, you can't take such big risks... When a princess is hurt, all her followers suffer.
Linne: *sigh* I can't believe I'm being lectured by a child... But that must mean I still have a lot to learn.
Partner with Celica A. Mercury セリカ「リンネちゃん、もう無茶はこれっきりにしてね。 貴女が傷ついて悲しむのは、貴女だけじゃないんだから。」
リンネ「やれやれ、こんな小娘に説教されるとは…… 私もまだまだ未熟だな。」
Partner with Es Es: Confirming damage status... Damage, negligible. Impossible. The results of this battle are inconsistent with the data.
Linne: Numbers aren't everything. In a real battle, they're hardly even a placebo.
Partner with Es Es「被害状況確認……損害、軽微。有り得ません。 この戦果は、明らかに彼我のデータと矛盾している。」
リンネ「数字も万能ではない。 特に実戦においては、そんなものは気休めにもならないさ。」
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura Linne: It's impossible for anyone to see through my EXS "Speed Star." By the time you realize you've been attacked, it's already too late.
Yosuke: What the hell? I want a cool two-part attack name like that! ...Actually, I might be a little too old for that by now...
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura リンネ「疾駆の顕現『スピードスター』は何物にも認識することは不可能。 気が付いた時には既に手遅れだ。」
陽介「何だそれ! 俺もかっくいー二つ名とか欲しいんですけど!? ……や、この歳で二つ名はそこそこヤベーか。」
Partner with Elizabeth Linne: This is not a woman to be trifled with... Even toying with the enemy, she's displaying such immense power. She's limitless.
Elizabeth: I'm just a friendly elevator girl... I can take you up or down, whichever you'd like. I know no limits.
Partner with Elizabeth リンネ「フン、食えない女だ。 手慰みでもあれ程の力を誇るとは、まるで底が知れん。」
エリザベス「この身はしがないエレベーターガール…… お客人のお望みとあらば上へ下へと自由自在。 底など知ったことではございません。」
Partner with Labrys Linne: It must be convenient to have a machine body. Even though my life is eternal, my bodies are still mortal. It's a real pain when you wind up in the body of an infant and can't move properly for a few years.
Labrys: Well, bodies like these are a lotta work. You've gotta get maintenance, and things can malfunction... It's not as easy as ya might think.
Partner with Labrys リンネ「機械の身体というのは便利なものだな。 永遠に生きようとも私の身体は所詮人間。 幼子の時など思うように動かない時もある。」
ラビリス「機械の身体も大変なんよ? 定期的にメンテナンス受けなあかんし…… 思うほど楽やないんと違うかなあ。」
Partner with Hyde Hyde: I can take care of myself, Linne. Let me continue to fight by your side.
Linne: Do whatever you want. Just don't become a sacrifice.
Partner with Hyde ハイド「自分の始末は自分で付ける。 だからリンネ、これからもお前の隣で戦わせてくれ。」
Partner with Waldstein Waldstein: Princess... As I say must train your body! Power is the heart of combat, and it only resides within those who train! With those scrawny arms, you shall accomplish nothing!
Linne: I refuse. Even I have a little self-respect.
Partner with Waldstein ワレンシュタイン「姫よ。我は常日頃から言っておろう……肉体を練り上げよと! 戦いとは力、そして力は鍛えし五体にこそ宿る! その生白い腕では何事も為し得んぞ!」
リンネ「お断りだ。 こんな私でも、細やかな自尊心くらいは守りたいのでな。」
Partner with Orie Orie: Wow, the embodiment of eternal reincarnation can really fight. I've underestimated your elegance, Phantom Princess.
Linne: Who are you calling a phantom? I swear... Kids these days have no respect for their elders...
Partner with Orie オリエ「流石は輪廻転生の体現者。 噂に名高き『妖怪の姫』の妙技、お見逸れしました。」
リンネ「誰が妖怪だ。 全く……最近の若人は年長者への敬意がまるで足りんな。」
Partner with Vatista Linne: I'm honestly surprised. I guess even dolls have some art and instinct to them.
Vatista: We autonomic nerves are made when doll bodies (inorganic) are bestowed with human souls (organic). If art and instinct are skills of the soul, then this body having one is a logical choice.
Partner with Vatista リンネ「正直驚いた。人形の挙止にも、術理は宿るのだな。」
バティスタ「『自律神経回路』は『人形の体』に『人間の心』を宿した存在。 そして術理は『心』由来のものなれば、 この『体』に人の影を見出すのは、当然の帰結と言える。」
Partner with Seth Seth: Don't forget, Traitor Princess... I won't let anyone else absolve you of your sins. Your punishment will be at my hands.
Linne: You can try. My corruption is too great a burden for a child like you to bear.
Partner with Seth セト「ゆめ忘れるな、裏切りの姫よ。お前の罪は何人にも裁かせん。 その罰は、俺が刻む。」
リンネ「要らぬ世話だ。 私の背徳は、若造の肩には些か重かろう。」
Partner with Hilda Hilda: Do you put all of your attendants through this nonsense, Princess? Just hand over your seal of reincarnation, and I'll go get you a drink.
Linne: You think you want the seal, but you don't. I'll handle my curse on my own. As is the duty of one who protects the Night.
Partner with Hilda ヒルダ「まったく、『夜刀の姫』のアテンドも楽じゃないわねぇ。 さっさと『輪廻の封術』寄越しなさいよ、チップ代わりに貰ってあげる。」
リンネ「お断りだ。この呪いは私自身の手で清算する。 それが、『夜』の護り手たるこの身の責務だ。」
Partner with Mika Linne: Oh, please... I could've handled opponents like this by myself.
Mika: Which means I could've handled 'em with one hand behind my back!
Partner with Mika リンネ「やれやれ。 この程度の相手ならば、私一人で十分だったな。」
ミカ「つまりは! アチシ半人前でもヨユーだったんゆ!」


Main Visual



Staff Extras

BlazBlue Radio



  • Linne's alternate palette references include the following:

External Links

  • BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Official Website (JP), Linne
  • Under Night In-Birth Wiki, Linne


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #1
  2. NicoNico, Arc System Works Official Video Channel, "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle" Character Introduction PV #1
  3. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Linne