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Weiss Schnee

From BlazBlue Wiki
We should always be working toward the best versions of ourselves. There is no time to stand idly by
If we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together.[1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png
Weiss Schnee

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Weiss Schnee Main.png


Weiss Schnee

Voice Actors

Yōko Hikasa (Japanese)
Kara Eberle (English)[1]

Character Titles

Mirror Mirror[1]

Character Themes

Weiss Mix (BBTAG Special)

A young lady of the large corporation, the Schnee Dust Company. Her weapon is a Multi Action Dust Rapier named Myrtenaster.

Weiss is a character that specializes in using her reach to fight from a distance. The rushing attack Glyph Dash Strike sets a magic circle and allows her to perform a variety of derivative skills.[2]


Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A · A · A · A
Smart Combo 2 ← + A · ← + A · ← + A · ← + A
Smart Combo 3 B · B
Smart Combo 4 Midair A · A
Smart Combo 5 Midair B · B
Special 1 ← + A
Reversal Action
Snow Globe
Sunō Gurōbu
A · D simultaneously
Ice Shadow
Aisu Shyādo
↓↘→ + A or B (delayable for a magic circle)
① Glyph Dash Strike
Gurifu Dasshu Sutoraiku
↓↙← + A or B (delayable)
① Snowfall
Sunō Fōru
Midair ↓↙← + A or B
① Twisting Air Step
Tsuisuchingu Ea Suteppu
During ① near a magic circle ↑ + A (midair also)
① Piercing Air Step
Piasshingu Ea Suteppu
During ① near a magic circle ↑ + B (midair also)
① Pirouette
During ① near a magic circle ↑ + C (midair also)
Ice Pillar
Aisu Pirā
↓↓ + A or B
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
EX Ice Shadow
EX アイスシャード
EX Aisu Shyādo
↓↘→ + C (delayable for a magic circle)
① Glyph Dash Triple Strike
Gurifu Dasshu Toripuru Sutoraiku
←↙↓ + C
① Snowstorm
Sunō Sutōmu
Midair ←↙↓ + C
Precision Parry
Pureshijion Parī
↓↓ + C
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Glacial Torrent
Gureisharu Torento
↓↘→ + B · C simultaneously
Snow Flurry
Sunō Furarī
←↙↓ + B · C simultaneously
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
Glacial Torrent
Gureisharu Torento
P during the main character's Distortion Skill

Evolution Championship Series Japan

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 ◻ · ◻ · ◻ · ◻
Smart Combo 2 ← + ◻ · ← + ◻ · ← + ◻ · ← + ◻
Smart Combo 3 △ · △
Smart Combo 4 Midair ◻ · ◻
Smart Combo 5 Midair ⭕ · ⭕
Special 1 ← + ◻
Reversal Action
Snow Globe
Sunō Gurōbu
◻ · ✕ simultaneously
Ice Shadow
Aisu Shyādo
↓↘→ + ◻ or △ (delayable for a magic circle)
① Glyph Dash Strike
Gurifu Dasshu Sutoraiku
↓↙← + ◻ or △ (delayable)
① Snowfall
Sunō Fōru
Midair ↓↙← + ◻ or △
① Twisting Air Step
Tsuisuchingu Ea Suteppu
During ① near a magic circle ↑ + ◻ (midair also)
① Piercing Air Step
Piasshingu Ea Suteppu
During ① near a magic circle ↑ + △ (midair also)
① Pirouette
During ① near a magic circle ↑ + ⭕ (midair also)
Ice Pillar
Aisu Pirā
↓↓ + ◻ or △
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
EX Ice Shadow
EX アイスシャード
EX Aisu Shyādo
↓↘→ + ⭕ (delayable for a magic circle)
① Glyph Dash Triple Strike
Gurifu Dasshu Toripuru Sutoraiku
←↙↓ + ⭕
① Snowstorm
Sunō Sutōmu
Midair ←↙↓ + ⭕
Precision Parry
Pureshijion Parī
↓↓ + ⭕
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Glacial Torrent
Gureisharu Torento
↓↘→ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously
Snow Flurry
Sunō Furarī
←↙↓ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
Glacial Torrent
Gureisharu Torento
R1 during the main character's Distortion Skill




Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro I expect a fair duel.
Intro 優雅に参りますわ
Intro My name is Weiss Schnee. It would do you well to remember it.
Intro 私はワイス・シュニー 覚えておいてもらえると嬉しいですわ
Intro As long as I bear the honor of the Schnee family... I shall be sure not to tarnish it.
Intro シュニー家の名を背負っている以上 恥ずかしい真似はできませんわ
Intro There's no time to waste.
Intro ぐずぐずしている暇はなくてよ
Intro We must work together to win this battle.
Intro この戦いに勝つためには 協力が必要ですわ よろしくて?
Intro Let us both fight fair and with honor.
Intro お互いベストを尽くしましょう
Outro It appears that you're slacking.
Outro あなた たるんでいますわよ
Outro We must strive for the best versions of ourself. There is no time to stand idly by.
Outro 目指すべきは最高の自分自身 ここで立ち止まっているわけにはいきませんの
Outro Heh... you'll catch a cold if you sleep there.
Outro あら?そんなところで寝ていると 風邪をひきますわよ
Outro Shall I teach you how to fight?
Outro 戦い方 私が教えて差し上げましょうか?
Time Up Outro You were this close.
Time Up Outro あと一歩でしたわね
Time Up Outro At least you're still standing
Time Up Outro 命拾いしましたわね
Time Up Defeat How-how could I...?
Time Up Defeat 私としたことが……
Time Up Defeat I let my guard down.
Time Up Defeat 油断……しましたわ……

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change My turn.
Duo Change
Duo Change May I cut in?
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change If you don't mind.
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change I'll leave this to you.
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst What a nuisance.
Cross Burst
Cross Burst We will not yield!
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat I can do this on my own.
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat You. Will. Pay!
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo () This is how it ends!
Distortion Skill Duo ()
Distortion Skill Duo () En garde!
Distortion Skill Duo ()
Cross Combo An opening!
Cross Combo
Cross Combo Do try to keep up.
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Generic Ready!
Generic Now!
Partner with Ruby Rose Ruby!
Partner with Ruby Rose
Partner with Ruby Rose Go, Ruby!
Partner with Ruby Rose
Partner with Blake Belladonna Blake!
Partner with Blake Belladonna
Partner with Blake Belladonna Now, Blake!
Partner with Blake Belladonna
Partner with Yang Xiao Long Yang!
Partner with Yang Xiao Long
Partner with Yang Xiao Long Your turn, Yang!
Partner with Yang Xiao Long
Partner with Neo Politan
Partner with Neo Politan
Partner with Neo Politan
Partner with Neo Politan



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Mission complete.
Outro with partner 任務完了ですわ
Outro with partner I suppose this was to be expected.
Outro with partner 私達ならこんなものですわね


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hakumen: Do not doubt yourself, nor your resolve.
Weiss: I know. I just need to overcome my old self!
Intro ハクメン「己を その覚悟を疑うな 」
ワイス「心得ています 超えるべきは 過去の私自身……!」
Outro Hakumen: That was purely a matter of power--
Weiss: --and the resolve we hold in our hearts.
Outro ハクメン「これが純然たる力の差――」
ワイス「――そして 掲げた覚悟の差ですわ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: We'll do this properly, fair and square.
Nu: Illogical. Eliminate all who get in the way.
Intro ワイス「正々堂々 真摯に参りましょう」
ニュー「理解不能 邪魔するヤツは 排除するだけ」
Outro Nu: Confirming damage report -- damage negligible.
Weiss: Under my command, what else do you expect?
Outro ニュー「被害状況確認 損害軽微」

Makoto Nanaya

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss:
Are you ready? Be sure to follow the plan to a T.PS4: Are you ready? Be sure to follow the plan.

Makoto: R-Roger that! (...Crap, what was the plan again?)
Intro ワイス「準備は宜しくて? 作戦通り参りますわよ」
マコト「り りょーかーい! 作戦って 何だっけ……?」
Outro Makoto: ...W-Well, we got through that somehow, right...?
Weiss: I think we need to have a little talk after this...
Makoto: O-Okay...
Outro マコト「ま まぁ 何とかなったねぇ~……」
ワイス「後でお話しがあります 宜しいですわね?」
マコト「は は~い……」

Platinum the Trinity

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: Please try to stick to the plan.
Luna: Shut up! I don't take orders from flat-chested sidekicks!
Intro ワイス「くれぐれも私の指示通りにお願いしますわね」
ルナ「うるせぇ! 指図してんじゃねぇよ このぺったん2号!」
Outro Luna: Well, I guess you did okay, in spite of your cup size.
EXCUSE YOU!? What does THAT have to do with leadership, anyway!?PS4: EXCUSE ME!?
Outro ルナ「ま ぺったんにしてはやる方じゃねーの ぺったんにしては」

Nine the Phantom

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nine: I'll show you the meaning of "scorched earth."
Weiss: Or would you prefer to learn "whiteout"?
Intro ナイン「焼野原をご覧にいれましょう」
Outro Nine: You look cold. Should I warm you up?
Weiss: No, you should let them cool their heads.
Outro ナイン「寒そうねぇ 温めてあげましょうか?」
ワイス「いいえ 冷やして差し上げるのが最良ですわ」

Yu Narukami

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: It's an honor to fight with the leader of the Investigation Team.
Yu: Guess I better not embarrass myself.
Intro ワイス「特別捜査隊のリーダーがお相手とは 光栄ですわ」
Outro Weiss: That was so easy, it's almost sad.
Yu: Sad? I was having fun.
Weiss: You have an interesting definition of "fun."
Outro ワイス「悲しいくらいに余裕ですわね」
ワイス「……冗談ですわ 楽しかったですわよ」

Yukiko Amagi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yukiko: I shall show you my greatest fire dance.
Weiss: How lovely. I'm a confident dancer myself. Allow me to join you.
Intro 雪子「本日限りの大舞台 最高の炎舞見せてあげるね」
ワイス「あら素敵 私もダンスは得意ですの ご一緒しますわ」
Outro Yukiko: Oh? Done already?
Weiss: I feel so let down.
Outro 雪子「あれ? もうおわり?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: Do exactly as I say, and we'll be fine. Okay?
Teddie: I'll go where you lead, Ice Queen!
Intro ワイス「私の指示通りに いいですわね?」
Outro Weiss: Hm. I love it when a plan comes together.
Teddie: You're a true leader, Weiss-chan.
Outro ワイス「ふふっ 作戦通りですわ」

Naoto Shirogane

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Naoto:
So, I take it you're the infamous Ice Queen?PS4: So, you're the famed Ice Queen...

Weiss: Why does everybody call me that?
Intro 直斗「なるほど 貴方が噂のアイスクイーンですか」
ワイス「ちょっと! なぜみんなその名で呼びますの!?」
Outro Weiss: Weiss Schnee. That's the name of the huntress who beat you. Don't forget it!
Naoto: Hmm... She's actually pretty sensitive.
Outro ワイス「ワイス・シュニー 貴方達を倒した者の名前ですわ 覚えておいてちょうだい!」

Mitsuru Kirijo

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: The strong can go into battle with a sense of ease.
Mitsuru: That's true, but don't let your guard down.
Intro ワイス「強者とは 常に余裕をもって戦いに挑むものですわ」
美鶴「ああ だが気は引き締めていこう」
Outro Mitsuru: Execution complete.
Weiss: Execution? That's disturbing...
Outro 美鶴「処刑完了だ」
ワイス「あら 処刑なんて物騒ですこと」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: I fight for the honor of the Schnee family name!
Elizabeth: Betting has closed. Time for the showdown.
Intro ワイス「敗けられません シュニー家の誇りに懸けて……!」
エリザベス「ノーモアベット ショーダウンと参ります。」
Outro Elizabeth: It seems you've busted out.
Weiss: Let this be a lesson to you.
Outro エリザベス「バストアウト ご破産でございます」
ワイス「いかが 良い教訓になりまして?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: Weiss, it seems we are wanted.
Weiss: Oh, I'm honored. Let's treat them with the respect they deserve.
Intro オリエ「ワイス 私達をご指名みたいよ」
ワイス「光栄なことですわ 丁重におもてなしして差し上げましょう」
Outro Weiss: The secret to victory...
Orie: is justice!
Weiss: And nobility!
Orie: And...teamwork, maybe?
Outro ワイス「勝利の秘訣は……」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: No need to wake up for this.
Vatista: *Yaawwn*...Executing reserved task.
Intro ワイス「眠っていてもよろしくてよ」
バティスタ「ふわあぁ~…… リザーブドタスクを実行する」
Outro Vatista: Your capabilities have surpassed those of humans...
Weiss: Oh, have you noticed? I tend to agree.
Outro バティスタ「お前の人としての能力は逸脱している」
ワイス「あら わかります? 私もそう思いますわ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: You're just in time for the ball.
Hilda: So dance like mad, you fools.
Intro ワイス「さぁ 舞踏会の開演ですわ」
Outro Hilda: Oh... Over before it even began.
Weiss: Truly an uneventful affair.
Outro ヒルダ「終演はあっという間ねぇ」

Ruby Rose

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: It seems it's our turn, Ruby!
Ruby: Yeah... Let's do this!
Intro ワイス「ルビー 私達の出番みたいですわよ」
Outro Ruby: Don't mess with Team RWBY!
Weiss: ...Or at least team RW...
Outro ルビー「私達 チームRWBY!」

Blake Belladonna

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: Float like a butterfly...
Blake: And sting like a bee, right?
Intro ワイス「蝶のように舞い……」
ブレイク「蜂のように刺す でいいの?」
Outro Weiss: An elegant and graceful victory.
Blake: You're acting like it was easy...
Outro ワイス「優雅に美しく勝利ですわ」

Yang Xiao Long

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss:
Yang, stay calm now.PS4: Yang... Calmly. Let's approach this... Calmly.

Yang: Calm is so boring! Check this out!
Intro ワイス「ヤン 冷静に行きましょう」
ヤン「細かいことはいいから まあ見てなって!」
Outro Yang: See? That worked out.
Weiss: Well... I guess it did.
Outro ヤン「ほら なんとかなった」
ワイス「まあ……そう ですわね」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yumi: Our icy performance is about to begin.
Weiss: No one will be excused until it's complete.
Intro 雪泉「零下の舞台 此処に開幕です」
Outro Yumi: Our audience is as silent as a winter's night.
Weiss: They could have at least applauded us.
Outro 雪泉「幕引きは 寒夜の如く静寂に」
ワイス「カーテンコールは どうぞご容赦を」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro with Ruby, Blake, and Yang Ruby: Hello~!! ♪ How's everyone doing?
Blake: Team RWBY is back.
Yang: Alright, let's make this a good one!
Weiss: Then I'll count us down. Three... two... one...
Intro ルビー「やっほー♪ みんな元気にしてたー?」
ブレイク「チームRWBY 復活ね」
ヤン「よっし 景気づけにいっちょやりますか」
ワイス「相変わらずですわね それではいざ尋常に……」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic No matter who I face, I shall always fight with all that I have. Isn't that the proper etiquette?
Generic どんな相手であろうともわたくしは全力でお相手します。 それが『礼儀』というものでしょう?
Generic I am the creme de la creme of Team RWBY. I have no time for losing here.
Generic わたくしはチームRWBYの最高のチームメイト。 こんなところで負けるわけにはいきませんの。
Generic You are quite strong, but lack the proper experience. I will neither hide nor flee. Should you wish to take your training seriously, I await your rematch.
Generic お強いようですが、まだ鍛錬不足のようですわね。 わたくしは逃げも隠れもしません。 何時如何なる時でも再戦をお待ちしておりますわ。
Generic Do you finally understand? You're no match for us.
Generic ご理解いただけまして? あなた達ではわたくし達に勝てないことを。
Generic All the rage in the world will not save you. If you insist on continuing, then perhaps I should cool you off with my ice.
Generic これ以上熱くなっても無駄ですわ。 まだやるというのならわたくしの氷で頭を冷やして差し上げますわ。
Partner with Hakumen Hakumen: Well handled. Never forget the pride that lives within your blade.
Weiss: Right. I cannot disgrace the Schnee family name.
Partner with Hakumen ハクメン「良き冴えだ。其の剣に宿りし誇り、努忘れるな。」
Partner with Nu-13 Weiss: Do you mind!? It's fine to improvise, but would you at least mind listening to your leader's instructions a LITTLE?
Nu: Who is this..."leader"?
Partner with Nu-13 ワイス「ちょっと貴女! 好き放題暴れるのは結構ですが、 少しはリーダーの指示に従ってくれませんこと!?」
ニュー「リーダー? 誰?」
Partner with Makoto Nanaya Weiss: Why didn't you fight according to plan!? We spent so much time devising and going over it!
Makoto: Sorry... I promise I'll do better next time, really! ...But, uh, what was the plan again?
Partner with Makoto Nanaya ワイス「どうして作戦通りに出来ませんの!? あれほど入念に確認いたしましたのに貴女という人は!」
マコト「ゴメンってば~。次は心を入れ替えてちゃんとするからさ~。 ……で、作戦って、何だっけ?」
Partner with Platinum the Trinity Weiss: I can't believe this! Nothing went according to plan, thanks to you!
Luna: Who cares? A win's a win.
Partner with Platinum the Trinity ワイス「ああもう! こんなはずではありませんでしたのに! 貴女が勝手なさるせいで、私のプランが台無しですわ!」
ルナ「んなもんどっちでもいーじゃねーか。 勝ちゃあいいんだよ、勝ちゃあよ。」
Partner with Nine the Phantom Nine: I see... You're pretty good, but be careful not to burn yourself, princess.
Weiss: Likewise. And it's heiress, actually.
Partner with Nine the Phantom ナイン「成程ね……それなりにやるようではあるけれど、 精々ヤケドには気を付けてね、お姫様。」
Partner with Yu Narukami Yu: Your dynamic movement and carefully chosen techniques really saved me. The Schnee family must be something special.
Weiss: It's certainly something... We'll meet again, but until then, farewell.
Partner with Yu Narukami 悠「君の大胆な行動力、状況に応じた多彩な技の数々には助けられたよ。 シュニー家とは、名門なんだな。」
ワイス「そう言ってもらえてよかったですわ。 またお会いしましょう。それでは、ごきげんよう。」
Partner with Yukiko Amagi Weiss: How did you like our dance? Did you enjoy the storm of fire and ice?
Yukiko: If the dance was to your liking, come to the Amagi Inn's hot springs to refresh your body and soul. We eagerly await your visit.
Partner with Yukiko Amagi ワイス「炎と氷の饗宴、お楽しみいただけまして? わたくし達の舞も悪くはないでしょう。」
雪子「舞を楽しんだ後は、心も体も休まる温泉宿、天城屋旅館へ。 いつでも貴方達のお越しをお待ちしております。」
Partner with Teddie Teddie: That was so cold it was scary! No wonder they call you the Ice Queen!
Weiss: You know, you can just call me Weiss. Ugh, whatever. Let's just move on to the next fight!
Partner with Teddie クマ「あっという間に終わっちゃったクマ~! 流石、アイスクイーンの名はダテじゃないクマね!」
ワイス「その名前は返上させていただきますわ。 全く……ほら、次に行きますわよ!」
Partner with Naoto Shirogane Weiss: So, detective, what sort of strategy should we employ next? You've clearly got a good mind for tactics.
Naoto: Hehe, I'm flattered. I'll make sure to stay sharp so I don't let you down.
Partner with Naoto Shirogane ワイス「探偵さん。次はどういった作戦で行きましょうか。 あなたにならチームの参謀をお任せできますわ。」
直斗「フフ、光栄です。 ワイスさんの期待を裏切らないように、次の戦いも気を抜けませんね。」
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo Mitsuru: Calm analysis and precision strikes... Just what you'd expect from the Ice Queen.
Weiss: You're not bad yourself, Imperious Queen of Executions... I pity the opponent in the face of your mercilessness.
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo 美鶴「冷静な分析と的確な攻撃…… 流石はアイスクイーンといったところか。」
ワイス「あら、貴方も流石ですわよ。孤高の処刑女王。 その容赦のなさ、相手がほんの少し気の毒になる程ですわ。」
Partner with Elizabeth Elizabeth: Your pride gives you strength, and your community provides you a foundation. These are the connections stringing the past to the present, to the future. So this is the shape your bonds take.
Weiss: That's right. And they push me ever-forward. My pride is inherited, and I'm going to make sure it has reason to grow.
Partner with Elizabeth エリザベス「力を形作る矜持、その基盤たる血統。 過去より現在、現在より未来へと続く繋がり。 それが、貴方様の『絆』の在り方なのですね。」
ワイス「ええ、それ故に私は進み続けます。 受け継いだ誇りに恥じぬよう、さらなる高みへと。」
Partner with Orie Weiss: One should always strive to be the best version of herself. I want to be the best partner you could have.
Orie: Hehe, what a wonderful thought. Then I too promise to be your best possible partner, as long as time permits.
Partner with Orie ワイス「常に目指すべきは最高の自分。 私は貴方の最高のパートナーでありたいものですわね。」
オリエ「フフッ、素敵な言葉ね。 私も時間の許す限りは貴方の良きパートナーであると誓いましょう。」
Partner with Vatista Vatista: Such immense power, despite not possessing the Vessel... Is this what these humans, God's children, are capable of?
Weiss: I'm not entirely sure what you're saying, but we are full of possibilities. Hehe, you've got a good eye.
Partner with Vatista バティスタ「器を持たざるとも強大な力を有する個体が…… これが神の子たる『人』の可能性だというのか。」
ワイス「貴方が仰る意味は分かりませんが、私が可能性の塊なのは事実。 フフン。なかなか見どころのある人ですわね。」
Partner with Hilda Weiss: Sorry if I made for a difficult dance partner. We Schnees move to our own rhythm.
Hilda: Not at all. I've always preferred making others dance to dancing myself.
Partner with Hilda ワイス「失礼。つい興が乗ってしまいましたわ。 貴方には少々速すぎたかしら、シュニーの様式は。」
ヒルダ「お構いなく。 これでもアタシ、踊るよりも踊らせる方が好みなの♪」
Partner with Ruby Rose Ruby: Heh! Nobody can stand against us! C'mon, Weiss! Let's go find our next match!
Weiss: I swear, that girl... She's always getting carried away. Sometimes I feel like she'd drive me crazy if I were anyone else.
Partner with Ruby Rose ルビー「えっへん! わが軍に敵なーし! さあ、ワイス! 次の相手に突撃だー!」
ワイス「やれやれですわ。すぐ調子に乗るんですから。 私でなければ愛想尽かされるところですわよ。」
Partner with Blake Belladonna Blake: That went pretty well. But I guess it always does for the Ice Queen.
Weiss: Hey! Stop calling me that! ...And, as I've told you many times, things all work out when you leave them to me.
Partner with Blake Belladonna ブレイク「上手くいったじゃない。 さすがアイスクイーン、冴えてるわね。」
ワイス「ちょっと!! その名前で呼ばないで!! ……言ったでしょう? わたくしに任せておけば間違いはないと。」
Partner with Yang Xiao Long Weiss: Yang, you can't push yourself so hard. We managed to scrape out a victory this time, but remember: a defeat for us is a defeat for our team.
Yang: I know, I know. But, hey! Another day, another victory for Team RWBY!
Partner with Yang Xiao Long ワイス「ヤン、あんまり無茶はおよしなさい。 勝ったからいいものの私達の敗北はチームの敗北なのですわよ。」
ヤン「分かってるって。 よっし! 今日もチームRWBYの活躍、轟かせようじゃないの。」
Partner with Yumi Weiss: Your soft, weightless steps, and those crisp, clean movements... Remarkable. While I'm unfamiliar with your culture, I do admire the grace of your dance.
Yumi: I was impressed with you as well. I've never seen a dance like that before, but I could feel the pride in every step.
Partner with Yumi ワイス「低く静かな足運び、指先にまで冴える様式―― お見事です。その起源は存じませんが、実に華麗な舞踏でしたわ。」
雪泉「其方の舞も、とても鮮やかでした。 西洋の作法に疎いこの身でも、確かに感じ取れます――貴女様に根差す誇りを。」


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #2
  2. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Weiss Schnee