More actions
Solo Actions
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Weak Attack | ||
Medium Attack | ||
Strong Attack | ||
Drive Attack | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Distortion Drives
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Astral Heat
Situation | Quote | Audio |
System Mechanics
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Throw | ||
Aerial Throw | ||
Throw Whiff | ||
Throw Break | ||
Throw Escape | ||
Counter Assault | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Small | ||
Medium | ||
Large | ||
Instant Block | ||
Barrier Burst | ||
Guard Break | ||
Guard Fail (High) | ||
Guard Fail (Low) | ||
Guard Fail (Unblockable) | ||
Taking Damage
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Weakest | ||
Weak | ||
Medium | ||
Heavy | ||
Spinning | ||
Spinning Knockback | ||
Knockback | ||
Wall Bounce | ||
Ground Bounce | ||
Electrocuted | ||
Staggered | ||
Hit by Counter Assault | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Wakeup (Prone) | ||
Wakeup (Supine) | ||
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Ground Ukemi (Forward/Backward) |
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | ||
Stagger Recovery | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Idle | ||
Taunt | Ahh, I can't see! | |
Huh? | ||
Huh? | ||
Ahh! | ||
Backstep | ||
Combo (2k Damage) | ||
Combo (3k Damage) | ||
Combo (5k Damage) | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Bolverk... come on! | |
Summoning Bolverk... let's go! | ||
If you can't obey the law... don't blame me. | ||
I am Lieutenant Noel Vermillion... you're under arrest! | ||
Round Win | Still wanna fight? | |
It's pointless... Give up. | ||
I admire your resolve. | ||
You're a true soldier. | ||
Outro | Ahh... I'm placing you under arrest! | |
Freeze! | ||
No lawyer for you! | ||
Please don't waste my time! | ||
Ha! | ||
Huh! | ||
Defeat | Ahhh, AAAAAAHHHHHHH! | |
Kyaaaaaaaaah! | ||
Father, Mother... I'm sorry... | ||
Is this it...? | ||
Time Up Defeat | This is the gap. | |
Oh... | ||
back to top
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
XI. Optic Barrel | Optic barrel! | |
There! | ||
XIII. Revolver Blast | Revolver blast! | |
IX. Muzzle Flitter | Let's see you dodge this! | |
II. Bloom Trigger | Bloom trigger! | |
Type two! | ||
III. Spring Raid | Spring raid! | |
Type Three! | ||
V. Assault Through | Assault through! | |
Type five! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Zero Gun: Fenrir | Fenrir don't fail me! | |
→ Nemesis Stabilizer | Unleashing! | |
Bullet Storm ⇒ Zero-Gun: Thor | Bullet storm...Thor! | |
Bullet storm...Go! | ||
Zero-gun: Gungnir | Bolverk... PLEASE! | |
Let's go Bolverk! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Valkyrie Veil | Releasing Armagus! | |
Armagus Unleashed! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Taunt | Ahh, I can't see! | |
Huh? | ||
Ahh, stupid thing! | ||
Ahh! | ||
Idle | Fuffu | |
Fu | ||
Combo (2k Damage) | Combo Complete! | |
Combo (3k Damage) | How's that? | |
Combo (5k Damage) | Not done yet! | |
Standing Throw | Please don't resist! | |
Aerial Throw | This'll sting! | |
Throw Whiff | Huh? | |
Huh? | ||
Throw Break | ||
Throw Escape | ||
Guard | ||
Taking Damage | ||
Taking Damage (Spinning) | ||
Aaaaahhh! | ||
Taking Damage (Wall Bounce) | Uguh! | |
Ngah! | ||
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Bolverk, come on! | |
If you can't obey the law, don't blame me. | ||
Summoning Bolverk, let's go! | ||
I am Lieutenant Noel Vermillion, you're under arrest! | ||
Must we really fight? | ||
Outro | Ahh, i'm placing you under arrest. | |
Freeze! | ||
No defender for you! | ||
Please don't waste my time! | ||
Defeat | Father, Mother, i'm sorry! | |
Kyaaaaaaaaah! | ||
Time Up Defeat | This is the gap. | |
Round End | You're a true soldier. | |
Still wanna fight? | ||
It's pointless, give up. | ||
I admire your resolve. | ||
back to top
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
XI. Optic Barrel | Optic barrel! | |
Please hit! | ||
XVII. Chamber Shot | Chamber shot! | |
Fire! | ||
XIII. Revolver Blast | Revolver blast! | |
IX. Muzzle Flitter | Can you dodge this? | |
Type nine! | ||
II. Bloom Trigger | Bloom trigger! | |
It's over! | ||
III. Spring Raid | Spring raid! | |
V. Assault Through | Assault through! | |
Silencer | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Zero Gun: Fenrir | I'm gonna finish this! | |
→ Nemesis Stabilizer | Unleashing! | |
Bullet Storm ⇒ Zero-Gun: Thor | Bullet rain...Thor! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Valkyrie Veil | Valkyrie Veil! | |
Unleashing Armagus! | ||
System Mechanics
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Chain Quasar (Overdrive) | Charging armagus! | |
Activating overdrive! | ||
Burst | No holding back! | |
Overloading barrier! | ||
Taunt | Get out of my way! | |
I'm placing you under arrest...If I were still a soldier. | ||
Resist and I will use force! | ||
I am technically a millitary veteran! | ||
Standing Throw | Stand still! | |
Gotcha! | ||
Aerial Throw | Don't resist! | |
This'll hurt! | ||
Throw Whiff | Huh? | |
Ah? | ||
Throw Break | Ahh! | |
You're pretty good! | ||
Throw Escape | Nu-uh! | |
Too slow! | ||
Let go! | ||
Guard | ||
Guard Break | ||
Instant Block | ||
Wakeup | I'm still in this! | |
I can do this! | ||
I'm not giving up! | ||
I won't lose! | ||
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Ground Ukemi (Forwards or Backward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | ||
Counter Assault | Now! | |
Back off! | ||
Hit by Counter Assault | A counter? | |
No! | ||
Crush Trigger | Halt! | |
Freeze! | ||
Staggered | ||
Stagger Recovery | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Idle | ||
Combo (2k Damage) | Combo complete! | |
How's that? | ||
Combo (3k Damage) | Surrender! | |
Please surrender! | ||
Combo (5k Damage) | I'm not finished yet! | |
I was NOL you know! | ||
Taking Damage | ||
Taking Damage (Spinning) | ||
Taking Damage (Wall Bounce) | ||
Taking Damage (Ground Bounce) | ||
Taking Damage (Overhead) | ||
Taking Damage (Unblockable) | ||
Can't stop it! | ||
Taking Damage (Low) | Oh no! | |
From below? | ||
Taking Damage (Electricity) | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | ||
Outro | I cannot be stopped here! | |
Ah, I won! | ||
If you cannot provide an attorney, one will be provided for you. | ||
That was a close one! | ||
Defeat | Is this... The end? | |
Unngh, it hurts! | ||
Don't move, I won this one! | ||
Time Up Defeat | ||
Defeat (Relius Astral) | I don't want to remember! | |
Defeat (Amane Astral) | Uwaaaaaaah! | |
Round End | Please, do not get in my way! | |
Th-that was close! | ||
I suggest you don't get up! | ||
I win this round! | ||
back to top
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Smart Combo 1 | Saw that! | |
Not so fast! | ||
Chamber shot! | ||
Blast! | ||
Fire! | ||
Smart Combo 2 | Here I go. . . tots. Feoh! Ūr! Sunne! Æsc! |
Let's begin... Type one, tots! Feoh! Ūr! Sunne! Æsc! |
Type one, Ēoh! Feoh! Ūr! Sunne! Æsc! |
Ēoh! Feoh! Ūr! Sunne! Æsc! |
Clash | Destroy... | |
Break! | ||
Clash (Connect) | Stay out of my way! |
Bolverk lend me your strength! |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Type IIーBloom Trigger | It's over! | |
Type two! | ||
Bloom Trigger! | ||
Type IIIーSpring Raid | Fly! | |
Type Three! | ||
Spring Raid! | ||
Type XIーOptic Barrel | There! | |
Got you! | ||
Optic Barrel! | ||
Type IXーMuzzle Flitter | Here's type nine! | |
Dodge this! | ||
Muzzle Flitter! | ||
Type VIーFlash Suppressor | Down. . . Give it up! | |
Below. . . Please surrender! | ||
EX Type IIーBloom Trigger | Bolverk! | |
Type two! | ||
Bloom Trigger! | ||
EX Type VーAssault Through | Evading! | |
I'll show you type five! | ||
Assault through! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Zero GunーFenrir | Fenrir! Haaaa! Nemesis Stabilizer |
Mow 'em down! Taaa! Arcus Diabolus |
Bullet Rain Zero GunーThor | Bullet Storm! Thor! |
Haaa! Last Shot! |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Valkyrie Veil | Armegis unleashed. Here I come! Release seal function, initiate event paradox! Valkyrie Veil! | |
System Mechanics
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Resonance Blaze | No hesitation. | |
With all my might! | ||
Throw | Please don't resist! | |
Throw Whiff | Uh-! | |
Throw Break | Whoop! | |
Throw Escape | I'm free! | |
Nice try! | ||
Guard | Don't think so! | |
Guard Fail (Low) | From below!? | |
Guard Fail (Overhead) | How did-!? | |
Reject Guard | Please, stop! | |
Stay away! | ||
Taking Damage | That hurt...! | |
No way! | ||
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | Toh! | |
Ground Ukemi (Forward or Backward) | Not yet! | |
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | Yikes! | |
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | Enough! | |
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | Get it together! | |
Stagger Recovery | Ow... | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Idle | ||
Combo (6k Damage) | Combination complete. | |
Combo (8k Damage) | How about that? | |
Combo (10k Damage) | I AM a military academy alumnus! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Here I come... Bolverk! | |
いきます……ベルヴェルク! | ||
Please, stop this! I don't want to fight you! | ||
やめてください あなたとは戦いたくありません! | ||
As long as we work together, things will be fine! | ||
力を合わせればきっと大丈夫です! | ||
I-I'll try not to get in your way! | ||
あ 足手まといにならないよう 頑張ります | ||
No matter who I have to face, I will not lose! | ||
相手が誰だろうと負けるわけにはいきません! | ||
Why must we fight each other? | ||
どうして私達が戦わなきゃいけないんですか? | ||
Outro | Looks like we won! | |
私たちの勝ちですね! | ||
Whew... Is that it? | ||
ふう……これで 終わり? | ||
Did | ||
勝った……の? | ||
I-I'm sorry but. . . Would you mind staying down ? Just for a little while ? | ||
ごめんなさい 少しだけ そのまま寝ていてください | ||
Time Out Outro | I...won? | |
私……勝てたの……? | ||
That was close... | ||
危なかった…… | ||
Defeat | Is this... How it ends...? | |
うぅ…… こんなところで…… | ||
Tsubaki... Makoto... | ||
ツバキ、マコト…… | ||
Time Out Defeat | Ohh... | |
Not like this... | ||
back to top
Partner Actions
Partner Swap
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Duo Change | My turn! | |
I'm ready! | ||
Partner Skill Change | Retreating. | |
Falling back! | ||
Cross Burst | No! | |
You okay?! | ||
Partner Defeat | This isn't good! | |
I can do this! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Distortion Skill Duo (Zero Gun - Fenrir) | Moving in! Nemesis stabilizer! | |
This is the end! Nemesis Stabilizer! | ||
Cross Combo | Together! | |
Go down already! | ||
Assist Calls
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Generic | Help me! | |
Come on! | ||
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge | Ragna! | |
Come on! | ||
Partner with Jin Kisaragi | Major Kisaragi! | |
Please! | ||
Partner with Rachel Alucard | Miss Rachel! | |
Please! | ||
Partner with Iron Tager | Tager! | |
Please! | ||
Partner with Hakumen | Hakumen! | |
Let's go! | ||
Partner with Nu-13 | Nu! | |
Back me up! | ||
Partner with Hazama | Hazama! | |
Captain Hazama! | ||
Partner with Makoto Nanaya | Makoto! | |
Let's go, Makoto! | ||
Partner with Platinum the Trinity | Platinum! | |
I need your strength! | ||
Partner with Izayoi | Tsubaki! | |
Lend me your strength, Tsubaki! | ||
Partner with Azrael | Azrael! | |
Please, fight! | ||
Partner with Celica A. Mercury | ||
Partner with Nine the Phantom | Nine! | |
Please! | ||
Partner with Naoto Kurogane | ||
Partner with Susano'o | ||
Partner with Es | Es! | |
Requesting support! | ||
Partner with Mai Natsume | Mai! | |
Come on, Mai! | ||
Partner with Jubei | Jubei! | |
Please! | ||
back to top
Ragna the Bloodedge
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Ragna: You're...!? No, never mind. Noel: Ragna the Bloodedge... I'm placing you under arrest! |
Outro | You're not as strong as they say... | |
Jin Kisaragi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Jin & Noel: Dispatched in mankind's darkest hour. We are knights of the blue flame! | |
Outro | Sir, please return to your post! | |
Rachel Alucard
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Have we met before? Rachel: You look quite energetic today. You usually seem tired. |
Outro | No. I can't remember... | |
Iron Tager
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Litchi Faye-Ling
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Whenever I see you, it makes me really... sad. | |
Round Win | Aww... | |
Outro | I won, but it just doesn't feel like it... | |
Carl Clover
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Round Win | Carl... | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: J-just who... are you...? Nu: Me... |
Outro | What... what is this? | |
back to top
Ragna the Bloodedge
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Ragna the Bloodedge, You're under arrest! Ragna: You again? Pain in the ass! |
II. Bloom Trigger | Stop calling me stupid! | |
III. Spring Raid | I'm not dumb! | |
XI. Optic Barrel | Please let this land! | |
Combo (2k Damage) | Turn yourself in! | |
Combo (3k Damage) | You're wanted for treason! | |
Zero Gun: Fenrir | I'm sick of being called stupid! | |
→ Nemesis Stabilizer | Especially by a moron like you! | |
Outro | Now, please calm down! | |
Jin Kisaragi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel & Jin: Dispatched in mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame! | |
Bullet Storm ⇒ Zero-Gun: Thor | Major Kisaragi... Even you can't dodge this! | |
Zero-Gun: Fenrir | You're no longer my superior! Jin Kisaragi... | |
→ Nemesis Stabilizer | You're under arrest! | |
Rachel Alucard
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: What do you know about me? Rachel: You seem rather vibrant. |
Outro | Please leave me alone! | |
Litchi Faye-Ling
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Litchi... How dare you use that panda as a shield! Litchi: Umm, why are you so angry? |
Idle | Focus, focus... | |
XI. Optic Barrel | Hands off the panda! | |
Combo (2k Damage) | Your breasts are illegal! | |
Combo (3k Damage) | PANDA! I mean... | |
Taunt | Awww! | |
Outro | That panda... I must confi-scate... | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Taokaka: Hey, it's Lacking Lady! Noel: Stop calling me that! |
Outro | I can't believe yours are... So much... Than mine! | |
Tsubaki Yayoi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel & Tsubaki: Dispatched in mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame! | |
Outro | I didn't wanna fight you, Tsubaki! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel & Hazama: Dispatched in mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame! | |
Outro | Unngh, my head! | |
Makoto Nanaya
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel & Makoto: Dispatched in mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame! | |
Noel: Dispatched in mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame! Makoto: Dispatched in mankind's darkest... erm... uhh... Oh forget it! Noel: I had to work really super hard to memorize that you know! |
Idle | Good luck, Makoto! | |
Bullet Storm | Here I go! | |
Round end | ||
Outro | Hehehe, I can't wait to play with your soft fluffy tail! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Ah! Hakumen: Child of the Azure, show me your determination. |
Outro | I just don't... Understand. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Who are you? Lambda: Attempting to apprehend target. |
Outro | No, you're wrong! | |
back to top
Ragna the Bloodedge
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Fair and square! Ragna: Let's get this over with Noel. |
Staggered | The azure! | |
Ground Ukemi (Forward/Backward) | You're good! | |
Type II: Bloom Trigger | Stop calling me stupid! | |
Type III: Spring Raid | You're making me mad! | |
Type XI: Optic Barrel | I can't miss! | |
Combo (2k damage) | I'm not stupid! | |
Combo (3k damage) | Stop saying that! | |
Combo (5k damage) | That's what you get! | |
Zero-Gun: Fenrir | Ragna the Bloodedge! You brought this... | |
→ Nemesis Stabilizer | On yourself! | |
Outro | Ragna... were you holding back? | |
Jin Kisaragi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Jin: The trash still lives! Noel: Major Kisaragi... |
Staggered | Major! | |
Ground Ukemi (Forward/Backward) | Impressive! | |
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | Not yet, major! | |
IX. Muzzle Flitter | I can do it! | |
Combo (2k damage) | That was good! | |
Combo (3k damage) | Stop this! | |
Combo (5k damage) | Major! | |
Bullet Storm ⇒ Zero-Gun: Thor | Major, You're mine! | |
Zero Gun: Fenrir | Major Kisaragi, don't think that I... | |
→ Nemesis Stabilizer | Haven't changed! | |
Outro | This is... The power of order? | |
Rachel Alucard
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Miss Rachel, it's an honor! Rachel: Successor of the azure. |
Outro | How... Did I do? | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Taokaka: I found you, Lacking Lady! Noel: Stop saying lacking! |
Outro | I can't believe you have more than me Tao, it's just not fair! *sob* | |
Iron Tager
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Tager, please don't hold back on me! Tager: Let's see if you've become as strong as you say. |
Ground Ukemi (Forward/Backward) | Why do this? | |
Zero-gun Fenrir | I may not have strength, but that doesn't mean... | |
→ Nemesis Stabilizer | I'll lose to you! | |
Outro | You live up to your name, Red Devil! | |
Litchi Faye-Ling
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Miss Litchi, why the librarium? Litchi: This is the path i've chosen. |
Idle | C-Concentrate! | |
Combo (2k damage) | It's not fair! | |
Combo (3k damage) | Size isn't everything! *sob* | |
Taunt | Size doesn't mean anything! | |
Outro | I cannot bear to... see you like this. | |
Carl Clover
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Carl, Why? Carl: I will not lose, Miss Noel! |
Combo (2k damage) | Carl, calm down! | |
Round end | Why Carl? | |
Outro | I'm sorry, but please understand! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Hakumen: Show me the power of the azure! Noel: Ah! |
Outro | I... don't understand! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Nu: Anomaly detected, Terminating target. Noel: What are you? |
Outro | No, you're not the same as me! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Lambda: Who... Am I? Noel: It's okay, just trust yourself! |
Idle | It's not easy to fight you, but I have to try! | |
Round end (Bullet Storm) | Alright, that should do it. | |
Outro | That wasn't so bad now, was it? | |
Tsubaki Yayoi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tsubaki: You do not deserve, to be by his side! Noel: Open your eyes, Tsubaki! |
Idle | Tsubaki, let's stop! | |
Combo (2k damage) | Tsubaki, wake up! | |
Combo (3k damage) | I don't wanna fight you! | |
Combo (5k damage) | This isn't right! | |
Nemesis Stabelizer | Tsubaki! | |
Bullet Storm | Please stop! | |
Outro | We shouldn't be doing this! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Hazama, I will defeat you! Hazama: You're still alive? |
Outro | Unngh, my head still hurts! | |
Makoto Nanaya
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Makoto: You ready Noel? Noel: Let's have a fair fight, Makoto! |
Bullet Storm | This is gonna hurt! | |
Ground Ukemi (Forward/Backward) | Makoto! | |
Combo (2k Damage) | I'm not the same! | |
Round end | Woohoo! I beat you, Makoto! | |
Round end (Bullet Storm) | Oh my gosh! Are you ok, Makoto? | |
Outro | I won! Now... to claim my prize! | |
Platinum the Trinity
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Luna: Bring it on washboard! Noel: Who are you calling a washboard!? |
Outro | It's not that flat... is it? | |
Relius Clover
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Relius: You've surpassed my expectation! Noel: You are too dangerous! |
Outro | I'm taking you into custody! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: That's the murakumo? Izayoi: Come, Noel! |
Outro | I'm sorry, Tsubaki... But I couldn't lose this fight! | |
Kagura Mutsuki
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kagura: If I win, I get to take you to dinner! Noel: Y-You can't just decide! |
Outro | I-If you'll excuse me... | |
Yuuki Terumi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Terumi: Hey little doll! Noel: You can call me a doll, but I will no longer lose to you! |
Outro | Understand a human's pain, Yuuki Terumi! | |
Celica A. Mercury
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Don't pull your punches for me! Celica: You're going to fight me, Noellie? |
Round end | Leave the fighting to us, Celica! | |
I won't let anyone hurt you! | ||
Idle | Get ready, Celica! | |
Combo (2k Damage) | I'm not gonna lose to you! | |
Outro | Wow, magic is amazing! | |
back to top
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Outro with partner | Umm thank you very much, I wouldn't have won without your help. | |
あの ありがとうございます これもあなたのお陰です | ||
...I hope I helped... | ||
……私 少しは役に立てたのかな? |
Ragna the Bloodedge
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Wh-what do we do, Ragna? We haven't devised a strategy or anything! Ragna: Huh? Who cares? |
ノエル「ど どうしましょうラグナさん まだお互いの連携に関する共有が――」 ラグナ「あん? んなもん適当でいいだろ」 |
Outro | Noel: W-we did it... We won... Ragna: Damn, that was a little too close for comfort.PS4: Geez that was close! |
ノエル「や やった 勝てた……」 ラグナ「ったく 危なっかしいったらないぜ」 |
Jin Kisaragi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Jin: I expect nothing from the likes of you. Just stay out of my way, you obstacle. Noel: Y-Yessir... |
ジン「貴様には何も期待していない 僕の邪魔だけはするなよ 障害」 ノエル「は はいぃ……」 |
Outro | Noel: We, we did it, Major Kisaragi! Jin: Obviously. And stop making such a fuss every single time. It's embarrassing. Noel: Y-Yessir... |
ノエル「や やりましたね!キサラギ少佐!」 ジン「当然だ こんなことでいちいち騒ぐな 耳障りだ」 ノエル「は はいぃ……」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Nu: Target, confirmed. Obstruction, confirmed. Noel: Target acknowledged.PS4: Target acknowledged as an obstruction. Noel & Nu: Commencing annihilation of the target. Noel: Wait, what am I saying...? |
ニュー「対象 認識 障害 認識――」 ノエル「対象を障害と認識――」 ノエル・ニュー「対象の殲滅を開始します」 ノエル「って……私 何を言って……?」 |
Outro | Nu: Target incapacitated. Noel: Functions ceased. Exiting battle mode. Gh... What's happening to me? |
ニュー「対象 沈黙」 ノエル「機関停止 戦闘モード終了―― っ……どうしちゃったの 私……」 |
Makoto Nanaya
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Makoto: Let's gooo, Noel! I'll leave ya behind if ya don't move quick! Noel: You too, Makoto! Keep up with me! |
マコト「いっくよ~のえるん! ぼやぼやしてると置いてっちゃうぞ~!」 ノエル「マコトこそ!ちゃんと付いてきてよね!」 |
Outro | Makoto: We did it, Noelars! ...Even if I did do most of the work. Noel: Grrr! I gave it my all, too! |
マコト「やったね のえるん! ま 私の方が活躍したけどね!」 ノエル「む~! 私だって頑張ったんだからー!」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Izayoi: Here they come, Noel... Are you ready? Noel: You bet, Tsubaki. With you by my side, I have nothing to fear! |
イザヨイ「来るわよ ノエル 準備はいい?」 ノエル「うん ツバキが一緒なら 私何も怖くないよ!」 |
Outro | Izayoi: Well done, Noel. Great job. Noel: Yeah! Our friendship reigns victorious! |
イザヨイ「お疲れ様 ノエル やったわね」 ノエル「うん!私達の友情の勝利 だね!」 |
Celica A. Mercury
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Celica: I'm ready! Just watch me, Noel! Noel: T-Try not to hurt yourself, Celica. |
セリカ「いようし! 私頑張るからね ノエルちゃん!」 ノエル「あ あんまり無茶しないでね セリカちゃん」 |
Outro | Noel: Phew... That went pretty well, actually. Celica: Yeah. Great work, Noel. |
ノエル「ふぅ なんとかなったかな?」 セリカ「うん お疲れ様 ノエルちゃん」 |
Mai Natsume
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Mai: Say, Noel... After this fight is over... Noel: I know, Mai. Once we win, I'll make you all the food you can eat! |
マイ「ねぇノエル……この戦いが終わったら……」 ノエル「分かってるよ マイ ご飯いっぱい作ってあげるから 頑張ろうね!」 |
Outro | Noel: Phew... Well, I promised. Let's have something to eat! Mai: Woohoo! Make mine extra large, please! |
ノエル「ふうっ……じゃあ 約束通りご飯にしよっか!」 マイ「ぃやったー! 大盛でお願いね!」 |
Naoto Shirogane
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Naoto: I'll back you up. We need to aproach carefully, but daringly... Noel: Daringly... Can I even do that? |
直斗「僕がサポートします 慎重かつ大胆に攻めましょう」 ノエル「大胆に ですか……私にできるかな?」 |
Outro | Noel: We won... We really won, Shirogane! Naoto: Hehe. Of course we did. No need to be so surprised. |
ノエル「勝った…勝てましたよ!白鐘さん!」 直斗「フフ 当然の結果ですよ 驚くことはありません」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: I can't get over how big your axe is, Labrys... Labrys: Heh heh... It ain't just for show, neither. Check this out! |
ノエル「ラビリスさんの武器 いつ見ても大きいですね」 ラビリス「へへ 大きいだけやあらへんで 見とき!」 |
Outro | Labrys: Aw, geez, I think I went overboard.... Mitsuru-san's gonna be so mad... Noel: Wait, was it my fault? Aaaah, I'm so sorry, Labrys! |
ラビリス「やりすぎてしもた 美鶴さんらに怒られてまうかも……」 ノエル「えっ!?……私のせい!? あわわわ ラビリスさん ごめんなさい」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Please surrender. There's no need for us to fight. Hyde: Yeah, I don't think that's gonna work... Sorry. |
ノエル「投降してください 出来れば 無益な争いは――」 ハイド「――避けられないみてぇだな 仕方無ぇ……!」 |
Outro | Noel: I-I'm sorry... I should've held back... Hyde: Why apologize? They had it comin'. |
ノエル「す すみません 手加減できませんでした」 ハイド「謝るこたぁ無ぇだろ 自業自得ってヤツさ」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: W-wake up! They're closing in on us! Vatista: *Yaaaaaaaawwwnn* Morning... |
ノエル「お 起きてください!もうすぐそこまで敵がっ!」 バティスタ「ふぁああああ……もーにん……」 |
Outro | Vatista: Task complete... Good night... Noel: Wha? Whaaat? You're gonna sleep here!? |
バティスタ「タスク消化……ぐっない……」 ノエル「え? ええ!? ここで寝ちゃうの!?」 |
Yang Xiao Long
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: L-Let's start with a warning shot-- Yang: Alright! Let's take 'em head on! |
ノエル「ま まずは警告の牽制を――」 ヤン「いようし! とりあえず 突っ込もー!」 |
Outro | Yang: Ahahaaha... Sorry, was that a little too much? Noel: Uh, that seems like a little more than "a little." |
ヤン「あっははは……ちょっとやりすぎちゃった?」 ノエル「ちょ ちょっとどころじゃないような……」 |
Heart Aino
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Heart: Come on, Noel! Love will give us strength! Noel: Love? Well, I'm not a bad poet, I guess... |
はぁと「ノエルさん 行くよ! 愛の力で!」 ノエル「愛……うん 何かいいポエムができそう!」 |
Outro | Noel: Further resistance is futile. Heart: Noel, you're so cool! Noel: R-Really? |
ノエル「これ以上の抵抗は無意味です」 はぁと「ノエルさん かっこいい……!」 ノエル「そ そうかな?」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro with Ragna, Jin, and Celica | Jin: Don't get in my way. This is between me and my brother. Ragna: Damn punk never learns his lesson. Celica: Hey, are you two fighting again?! Not on our watch, right Noel? Noel: That's ri-- Wait, OUR watch?! |
ジン「邪魔をするな これは僕と兄さんだけの問題だ」 ラグナ「チッ 懲りねぇクソガキだ」 セリカ「もうっ また喧嘩する気!? 一緒に止めるよ ノエルちゃん!」 ノエル「はいっ……って私も!?」 |
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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | Why...? Why are you holding back? Are you mocking me!? | |
なぜ、 なぜ手を抜くのですか?私を馬鹿にしているのですか!? | ||
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | Major, this is a direct order from HQ. Please return to your post right now. | |
少佐、 統合本部直々の命です。 今すぐ帰還してください。 | ||
Vs. Noel Vermillion | A-An imposter!? I guess working under the major has made me a little famous... | |
わ、私の偽者!?少佐の部下ともなると少しは有名になるのかな。 | ||
Vs. Rachel Alucard | Who are you? I don't feel like this is the first time that we've met... | |
あなたは誰ですか? どこかであったような気がするんです。 | ||
Vs. Taokaka | U-Um... Please don't mock me! I-I was supposed to be the winner... | |
あの、 お願いですから舐めまわさないでください! わ、 私が勝ったはずなのに~。 | ||
Vs. Iron Tager | The Red Devil of Sector Seven... I've heard the rumors about you. I see now that they weren't exaggerations. | |
第七機関の赤鬼。 噂には聞いていましたが恐るべき力ですね。 | ||
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Y-You're cheating! ...In many ways! B-But, I'd like to sit down and talk sometime. Do you think I could touch your... panda? U-Um, that's an order! | |
あ、あなたは、色々な意味で卑怯です!でも、も、もしよろしければお話を聞かせてください! あと出来ればパンダさん触らせてください。 え、えと......これは命令、です。 | ||
Vs. Arakune | B-B-Bugs! Noooooo! Please... don't come any closer! | |
む、虫! いやああああ! お願いです、 これ以上、 寄らないで。 (パタッ...) | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami | I guess there are lots of different people in the world. I've never seen anyone like you. You're really enthusiastic. Maybe a little too enthusiastic... | |
世の中には色々な人がいるのですね。 はじめて見た人種です。 興奮度が違うというか、暑苦しいというか。 | ||
Vs. Carl Clover | Carl... these are the rules... You have to understand what your position as a vigilante means... | |
カルル君、これも規則なんです。 あなたも追いとしての立場を理解してください。 | ||
Vs. Hakumen | You're strong... I can't let my guard down around you at all. | |
強い、 一瞬も気が抜けませんでした。さすがは六英雄ということですか。 | ||
Vs. ν-No.13- | Just... who are you...? Guh... I'm... confused... | |
あなた、一体何者なの?くっ..... 私 混乱してる。 |
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Situation | Quote | Audio |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | Even if I manage to chase you down, there's nothing I can do... Please...forget about what happened...! | |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | Major, let's return to headquarters together. If you explain yourself, I'm sure they'll understand! | |
Vs. Noel Vermillion | it your fault?! People keep telling me about things I did that I don't remember doing! | |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | Why are you picking on me?! If you won't tell me, then please, just leave me alone! | |
Vs. Taokaka | Wh-Why... It's like my attacks have no effect on her... Eek! Wh-What are you doing? Th-There's nothing there...! Ah! I-I admitted it myself... Oogh... | |
Vs. Iron Tager | I'm very busy! I-I have my mission to take care of, so... Please excuse me! | |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | M-Miss Litchi! I...I must interrogate you on behalf of the NOL... P-Please tell me where...where those pandas are! | |
Vs. Arakune | Aiiiieeeeeeee! G-G-G-Ghosts!? way, h-help me... *Faint* | |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | What do you mean "young man"!? I will never forget this...! I'll never forgive you as long as I live! | |
Vs. Carl Clover | were such a kind and gentle kid... There must be some kind of mistake... Please, think about what you're doing! | |
Vs. Hakumen | Just...who are you? I can see a very...warm...light... | |
Vs. λ-No.11- | Why...why do you look me? I'm...I'm scared... | |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | Why are you here, Tsubaki? What should I do...? | |
Vs. Hazama | Hazama, sir... No, I mean-- Who are you!? Please, leave me alone! | |
Vs. μ-No.12- | Wh-Who are you...? I...I...I... | |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Makoto! I get to play with your fur because I won, right? Right? Right?! We had a deal! | |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | A...a wolf!? Hmm...I must be seeing things... | |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | H-Hey now, wait a second, little girl! Uh...boy? Umm...which are you, exactly? | |
Vs. Relius Clover | W-Who are you?! Why are you after me?! | |
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Situation | Quote | Audio |
Location Test | We're location testing right now. | |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | Ragna... You're actually a really nice person. | |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | Major... I don't... I don't want to fight you! | |
Vs. Noel Vermillion | D-Don't tell me... An assassin from the NOL?! B-But you don't look anything like me! ...Mine aren't that small. | |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | I really appreciate all you've done for me, Miss Rachel! Just... don't pick on me too much... | |
Vs. Taokaka | Y-You're very rude, c-calling me such mean names... I-I've grown a little bit, too, you know?! D-Don't look at me like that! | |
Vs. Iron Tager | You are indeed strong, Red Devil... But I've grown, too. | |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Miss Litchi... Why have you joined the NOL? | |
Vs. Arakune | B-Bugs... Bugs! Bugs! Nooo! Get away from me. Ahhh! | |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Bang, have you ever heard of the saying "Confine your tongue, lest it confine you"? | |
Vs. Carl Clover | Carl... I wish we could turn back the hands of time... | |
Vs. Hakumen | I'm scared... What is this strange sensation...? | |
Vs. ν-No.13- | You are... no... No! Stay away from me. | |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | Tsubaki! There's no reason for us to fight each other! | |
Vs. Hazama | Mr. Hazama? Who are you, exactly? | |
Vs. μ-No.12- | You are... My Azure power...? | |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | I beat you, Makoto! Now, to claim my prize. *Excessive Tail Fondling* Oh, I'm in heaven. | |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Mister, are you a beastkin...? Being able to transform must be amazing! And, umm... do you mind if I touch your tail? | |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | "O-Old lady"...? Our ages aren't even that far apart! H-Hey, wait! Get back here! Take that back! | |
Vs. Relius Clover | You give me... very bad vibes. | |
Vs. Izayoi | You've gained new strength, Tsubaki. | |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Me? On stage...? W-Why, you flatter me. What's that? But I AM a woman... H-Hey! Do you mean to tell me you thought I was a...a... a man? | |
Vs. Bullet | Y-Yours are pretty uh... prominent, too. Do you guys have some sort of secret? | |
Vs. Azrael | Such power...! Is this how you've earned your name "Deathbringer from Sector Seven"? | |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | U-Umm... Mr. Kagura. You're really close... | |
Vs. Kokonoe | I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But please don't turn me into a...a... a cyborg! | |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | I have a weird feeling, I can't let you escape here! | |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | U-Um, y-you and Ragna... are you... is he...? N-Nevermind! Let's go hang out with Makoto-! Ahahaha... | |
Vs. λ-No.11- | What am I feeling...? Is this because we're sisters? | |
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Situation | Quote | Audio |
Location Test | We're location testing![N 1] | |
We're location testing right now![N 1] | ||
あの! ここは現在D警報が発令されて……え? ロケテスト? あぁ、だからこんなに……。 |
Rank Up (Network) | I can fight, too! | |
私だって、やるんですからねっ! | ||
Hehehe, we did it. | ||
ウフフ~!やりましたね! | ||
You leveled up...! Congrats! | ||
段位が上がったよ! やったね! | ||
Wooow! You're amazing! How do you keep on winning? | ||
さっすが! こんなに勝てるなんて、嘘みたい! | ||
And you're still becoming stronger...? It'll be a pleasure working with you! | ||
すごい…まだまだ強くなれるんだ! これからもよろしくね! |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) |
This is the end of the line, Grim Reaper! I am placing you under arrest for your crimes against the NOL! | |
ここまでです『死神』! 統制機構への反逆罪で、貴方を連行します! |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) |
This sensation... the Grim Reaper? Do I know you...? | |
この、感覚は…… 『死神』……私は、貴方を知っている……? |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 1/2) |
Captain Kisaragi. Why would you disobey orders...? What IS the Grim Reaper to you? | |
キサラギ大尉、どうして命令違反など……。 『死神』とは、大尉にとって何なのですか? |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 3) |
Please answer me, Captain. What exactly do you know? Does this have anything to do with your defection? | |
答えてください、大尉。貴方は何を知っているのですか? 統制機構への反逆も、何か関係があるのですか? |
Vs. Noel Vermillion | You're me...? N-No, you're not... but then who are you? | |
貴女は私……? ううん、違う……でも、だったら。 貴女は一体誰なの? |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | I'm looking away...? Why... | |
私が目を逸らしている? どういう事……? | ||
Vs. Taokaka (Act 1/2) |
In the name of the NOL, I will... Wh-What is this noise!? Don't tell me, an air strik-- Huh? You're hungry...? | |
統制機構の名において貴女を……な、何、この音!? まさか空襲――え? お腹が空いた……? |
Vs. Taokaka (Act 3) |
You mean I... even destroyed your dream, as well? | |
そんな……貴女の願望も、私が壊してしまったの……? | ||
Vs. Iron Tager (Act 1/2) |
You've been warned. Currently all members of other organizations are banned from hierarchical cities. I will remove you immediately. | |
忠告はしました。現在、全階層都市において他機関の 介入は許されていません。貴方には即刻退去して頂きます。 |
Vs. Iron Tager (Act 3) |
You, too... Red Devil of Sector Seven. How many dreams have I destroyed until now...? | |
第七機関の赤鬼まで…… 私は、どれだけの願望を壊してしまったの……? |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling (Act 1/2) |
The Azure Grimoire... Why else would the town doctor chase the Grim Reaper...? | |
『蒼の魔道書』……それが、一介の町医者である貴女が 『死神』を狙う理由……ですか。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling (Act 3) |
I'm so sorry... I cannot die for your dream. | |
ごめんなさい…… 私は貴女の願望の為に、死ぬことはできません。 |
Vs. Arakune (Act 1/2) |
You're the liquid seithr I've heard about... I'm placing you under arrest for the safety of all citizens here! | |
貴方が例の魔素流動体ですね。 市民の安全のため、ここで捕縛させてもらいます! |
Vs. Arakune (Act 3) |
This is... hatred? Are you trying to kill me for your dream, too...? | |
これは、憎悪……? この人も願望を叶える為に、私を…… | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 1/2) |
Finding the Grim Reaper is our duty. I kindly ask all Vigilantes to stay out of this! | |
『死神』の捜索は我々衛士の務め。咎追いの出る幕ではありません! | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 3) |
No... is this supposed to be punishment for my crimes...? | |
もう、嫌……これが、私の罪に対する罰だとでも言うの……? | ||
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 1/2) |
Please, Carl... don't do anything dangerous. | |
お願いカルル君、危険な事は止めて。 | ||
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 3) |
Please stop, Carl... don't look at me with those eyes...! | |
やめて、カルル君……そんな目を私に向けないで……! | ||
Vs. Hakumen | Your swordsmanship is amazing...! But I won't lose to you! | |
何て鋭い太刀捌き……! でも、負けるわけにはいきません! | ||
Vs. Nu-13 | No... no no no no! P-Please, stay away from me...! | |
嫌、嫌、嫌ァ……! お願い……私の中に入って来ないで! | ||
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | I don't want this...! Why do I have to fight you, Tsubaki!? | |
こんなの嫌……! どうしてツバキと戦わなきゃいけないの……? | ||
Vs. Hazama | What's Intelligence doing here...? What's going on? | |
どうしてここに諜報部が……一体何が起きているの……? | ||
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) |
I feel like... I'm forgetting something really important. | |
私……とても大切なことを忘れているような……。 | ||
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) |
You're... what I've lost...? | |
貴女が、私のなくしたものなの……? | ||
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 1/2) |
Don't underestimate me, Makoto! I won't always be weak...! | |
甘く見ないでよね、マコト! 私だっていつまでも弱虫じゃないんだから! |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 3) |
No, not you too, Makoto... This can't be true... it just can't be! | |
まさか、マコトまで私を……嘘だよ、そんなの嘘に決まってる……! | ||
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing (Act 1/2) |
Why are the Six Heroes after me...? I shouldn't think about that. First, I have to report this. | |
六英雄がどうして私を……ううん、まず報告が先決だよね。 | ||
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing (Act 3) |
I don't understand... why do I exist? At the cost of ruining others' dreams? Tell me why! | |
解らない……人の願望を踏みにじってまで、 私が存在する意味って何なの? |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | I'm not flat... It's growing. Slowly... | |
ぺったんじゃないもん……少しずつ大きくなってるもん……。 | ||
Vs. Relius Clover | Colonel Clover... your eyes it feels as though... you're seeing right through me.. | |
クローバー技術大佐……この人、何て眼をしているの。 まるで私の全てを見透かすような……。 |
Vs. Izayoi (Act 1/2) |
Why are you rebelling against the NOL, Tsubaki...? | |
どうしてツバキが統制機構に反逆を……? | ||
Vs. Izayoi (Act 3) |
Tsubaki wanting to destroy me...? This can't be true... it just can't! | |
ツバキが私を抹消するだなんて……そんなの嘘だよね? | ||
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 1/2) |
Scouting...? Me? W-Well, I'm flattered, but I don't know if I'm prepared. Mentally, that is... Hm? Playing a woman's part...? |
スカウトですか? 私を? そ、そんな~嬉しいですけど心の準備が……え、女形? |
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 3) |
Perhaps you know what it is... that I've lost. | |
貴方は知っているのではないですか? ……私が失くしたものを。 |
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) |
Right now we're on alert level D. All other organizations are banned from NOL jurisdiction. Leave at once! | |
警戒態勢レベルDが発令中です。 他機関の者は早々に立ち去りなさい! |
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) |
Please stop this... I don't know who you are, or what your dream is...! | |
やめてください…… 私は……貴女も、貴女の願望も知りません……! |
Vs. Azrael (Act 1/2) |
*Pant pant* This is the... Mad Dog... Seems like I won't be able to... arrest you. Oh, what should I do...? | |
ハァ、ハァ……これが狂犬……。 連行は……無理だよね。どうしよう……。 |
Vs. Azrael (Act 3) |
No, I don't want to die here... I can't die here! | |
私は、こんな所で死にたくない……死ぬわけにはいかないの! | ||
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 1/2) |
You have been warned... I am going to report this incident to Captain Kohaku! | |
今回の件、コハク大尉に報告させてもらいます! | ||
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 3) |
Colonel Mutsuki... Do you have some kind of dream, too...? One that's worth killing me for? | |
ムツキ大佐……貴方にもあるのですか? 私を消してまで、叶えたい願望が。 |
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 1/2) |
You're Professor Kokonoe from Sector Seven. Any more resistance is futile... Now, surrender peacefully. | |
第七機関のココノエ博士ですね。これ以上の抵抗は無駄です。 大人しく投降してください。 |
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 3) |
So there's no one here... willing to save me? | |
私を助けてくれる人なんて、どこにもいないんだ……。 | ||
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | This aura... what on earth are you? | |
この嫌な空気……。貴方、一体何者なの? | ||
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | A recovery Ars Magus...? No, don't tell me this is magic? What on earth are you...? | |
回復の術式……いえ、まさかこれは、魔法……? 貴女、誰なの……? |
Vs. Lambda-11 | You look just like me... what's going on? | |
私とよく似た顔……どういう事……? | ||
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku (Act 1/2) |
Stop this, Captain Kohaku. If you continue... you'll be court martialed. | |
止めてください、コハク大尉。 これ以上の交戦は軍規に抵触してしまいます。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku (Act 3) |
I'm sorry, Captain Kohaku. I need to find whatever it is I've lost. | |
すみません、コハク大尉。 私は、私が失くしたものを探さなければならないんです。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom (Act 1/2) |
I... I'm not dreaming or anything... Please! You're not making any sense! | |
わ、私は幻想など観測ていません! これ以上、おかしなことを言わないでください! |
Vs. Nine the Phantom (Act 3) |
Please tell me... what is the dream I'm seeing right now...?[N 2] | |
教えてください…… 私が観測ている願望って、何なんですか? |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | You're the Grim Reaper... or not? The readings are a match, but... I don't understand.[N 3] | |
『死神』……じゃない。 反応はデータ通りなのに……この人は一体……? |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) |
Enemy of the world...? Doll...? No... I don't understand...! | |
世界の敵……人形……? 嫌……私は、私が解らない……! | ||
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) |
What on earth is this power...? What have I ever done to make an enemy of you...? | |
この力は一体……私はこんなものまで敵に回してしまったの……? | ||
Vs. Es (Act 3) |
This child's eyes... why aren't you diverting it...? What are you seeing? | |
この子の瞳……何故か目を逸らせない…… 貴女は何を観測ているの? |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) |
Mai... do you mean to tell me I've destroyed your dream, as well...? | |
マイ、お腹空いたでしょ? 待ってて、直ぐにご飯作ってあげるから! | ||
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) |
H-He's so quick...! This is the speed of the One-Eyed Lotus? | |
何て速さ…… これが『双蓮の隻眼』の力なの……? |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Location test lines are only available in-game as audio and only in Japanese, but they are translated in the game's files.
- ↑ Incorrectly labelled in-game as Naoto's English-translated winquote for Act 3. The English translation instead uses Nine's winquote from Act 1.
- ↑ Incorrectly uses Nine's English-translated winquote for Act 3.
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Situation | Quote | Audio |
Generic | You've been defeated. I'm placing you both under arrest. | |
あなたたちの負けです。 大人しく投降してください。 | ||
Whew... Now that the fighting's over, how about something to eat? I'm actually a really good cook. | ||
戦いも終わったことだし、ご飯にしませんか? 私、料理にはちょっと自信があるんですよね。 | ||
Didn't think I could handle them on my own. I'm so glad we're a team. | ||
こんな強敵、私一人じゃ負けていたかも…… これからも宜しくお願いしますね。 | ||
There's no reason for us to keep fighting. Let's stop this. | ||
これ以上戦う理由はありません。 もう、終わりにしましょう。 | ||
I may look weak, but I can't afford to lose! | ||
もう、弱かった頃の私じゃない。 簡単に負けるわけにはいきません! | ||
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge | Noel: Nice work, Ragna! Um, I made you a drink, if you're thirst-- Ragna: N-NO THANKS! |
ノエル「お疲れ様です、ラグナさん。 あの、実はドリンクを作ったんですけど、良かったら――」 ラグナ「結構です!!!!!!!」 |
Partner with Jin Kisaragi | Jin: Hmph... Why the hell am I stuck on babysitting duty... Noel: Oh no... The Major keeps getting grumpier and grumpier... |
ジン「全く、何故僕がコイツの面倒を見なければならないんだ……!」 ノエル「あうぅ……少佐の機嫌がどんどん悪くなっていくぅ……」 |
Partner with ν-No.13- | Nu: Ragnaaaaa, where are youuuu? Noel: What is I feel...? Could it be...her feelings? |
ニュー「ラグナ――どこにいるの――?」 ノエル「何これ……流れ込んでくる……これは、この子の気持ち……?」 |
Partner with Makoto Nanaya | Noel: Makoto, aren't you hungry? Wanna take a break? I can make you something real quick. Makoto: No no no, not at all! Not hungry at all! So full! Like, bloated! |
ノエル「マコト、お腹空いたでしょ。 ちょっと休憩しない? 簡単なものなら、私作るからさ。」 マコト「いやいやもうぜんぜん! ぜんぜん空いてないよアタシ! お腹いっぱい! 徹頭徹尾満腹だから!」 |
Partner with Izayoi | Noel: You really are amazing, Tsubaki. I'm going to have to work harder. Izayoi: I wouldn't say that... You were a huge help in this fight. I'm counting on you for next time too, Noel! |
ノエル「やっぱりツバキは凄いなぁ。私ももっと頑張らないと。」 イザヨイ「そんなことない。私も貴女に助けられているわ。 次も頼りにしてるわよ、ノエル。」 |
Partner with Celica A. Mercury | Celica: Hey, Noel! Let's go take a look at what's going on over there! It looks like so much fun! Noel: W-Wait! Hold on, Celica! Don't run off on your own! We'll get separated again! |
セリカ「ねぇねぇノエルちゃん。次、あっち行ってみない? 何だか賑やかで面白そうだよ。」 ノエル「ちょ、ちょっと待ってセリカちゃん! 一人でどんどん行かないで! また離れ離れになっちゃうよ~!」 |
Partner with Mai Natsume | Mai: Nothing beats one of your death dinners after a great workout, Noel! Noel: Hehe. I made plenty, so eat as much as you want! |
マイ「ぷは~! やっぱり運動の後は、ノエルのデスディナーが一番だね!」 ノエル「ふふっ。まだまだいっぱいあるから、ドンドン食べてね!」 |
Partner with Naoto Shirogane | Noel: I was going to fight like usual, but your strategy made things so much easier... You're really something, Shirogane. Naoto: You're too kind. We couldn't have done it without your strength, Noel-san. Now, let us hurry! |
ノエル「いつも通り戦ったはずなのにこんなに楽に勝てるなんて…… すごい……白鐘さんの言った通り……」 直斗「ノエルさんの実力あっての作戦ですよ。 さあ、先を急ぎましょう。」 |
Partner with Labrys | Noel: We did it, Labrys! Should I make us something to replenish our strength? I may not look it, but I'm quite the cook! Labrys: Aww... No hard feelings or nothin', but I don't eat. Thanks anyway, Noel-chan, I appreciate the thought. |
ノエル「ラビリスさん、やりましたね。次もこの調子でいきましょう! そうだ。次の戦いに備えて英気を養うためにご飯食べませんか? こう見えても私料理は得意なんですよ!」 ラビリス「あー、ごめん。ウチ、ごはんは食べへんから…… ありがとう、ノエルちゃん。お気持ちだけありがたく受け取っとくわ。」 |
Partner with Hyde | Noel: What sort of world is this...? How long must we keep fighting...? Hyde: It doesn't matter. We just have to take this as far as we can. |
ノエル「一体何なの、この世界は…… 何時まで戦えばいいんだろう……」 ハイド「どの道やる事は変わらねぇ。行ける所まで行くだけさ。」 |
Partner with Vatista | Noel: Just who is this girl...? Does she even eat...? I only have simple, portable rations to offer, though... Vatista: I will leave this decision to the program... With a vote of 99-to-1, we have decided against ingesting this "dark matter." |
ノエル「一体何なのこの子は……ご飯あげたら、食べるかな……? 簡単な携帯食しかないけど……」 バティスタ「これは――指令による決議。1対99で反対多数。 残念だが、この身に『暗黒物質』を摂取するわけにはいかない。」 |
Partner with Yang Xiao Long | Noel: Uh, er... Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to working with you in the next battle. Yang: Don't sweat it! I couldn't just leave you hangin', could I? |
ノエル「あ、あの……フォローありがとうございました。 次戦もご助力の程、宜しくお願いいたします。」 ヤン「どういたしまして! ま、困ったときはお互い様ってことで。」 |
Partner with Heart Aino | Heart: What are you writing Noel? I wanna see! Noel: Kyagh! N-No way! This is... Um, it's a secret.... Don't look at it! |
はぁと「ノエルさん、さっきから何を書いてるの? 私にも見せてよ!」 ノエル「きゃあっ! だ、駄目だよ! これは……あの、機密事項で……み、見ちゃだめぇ~!!」 |
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Blazblue Alternative: Dark War
Noel Vermillion
Situation | Quote | Audio |
New Unit | Huh? Why am I... where is this? ...You need my help? Yes, I understand. I'll do my best. My name is Noel Vermillion. It's nice to meet you. I'm pretty good at cooking; would you like to try some? | |
あれ?私、どうして……ここは?……私の力が必要?はい、わかりました。精一杯、頑張ってみます。ノエル=ヴァーミリオンといいます、よろしくお願いします。私、料理が得意なんです。食べてみませんか? | ||
Ascension (SS+) | Somehow, I feel like I've gotten stronger! | |
なんだか、強くなれた気がします! | ||
Ascension (SS++) | I can feel it...Deep inside me, a strange power... | |
感じる……私の中の、不思議な力…… | ||
Ascension (SS+++) | I'll protect you from now on! | |
これからは、私があなたを守ってみせます! | ||
Home Screen | ||
Talk | It's important to take a break sometimes. You know, I'm pretty confident in my cooking! Want me to make you something? | |
たまには休憩 も必要ですよ。これでも私、料理には自信があるんです!何か作りましょうか? | ||
Likes | "What do I like" it? Umm... Oh, cute things! Like stuffed animals... and cats! Hehe. | |
私の好きなもの、ですか?うーん……あっ、かわいいものが好きです。ぬいぐるみとか……猫さんとか!ふふっ。 | ||
Dislikes | Aaaaaah! B-bugs! A bug...! N-no, I hate bugs!! | |
きゃあああっ!む、虫!虫が……っ!嫌、わ、私、虫は……虫は駄目なんです~~~~!! | ||
Hobby | A-a hobby of mine, huh!? W-well, um... oh, online shopping! You can buy anything, and it's super convenient. | |
わ、私の趣味ですか!?そ、その……ええと……あ、通販とか!なんでも買えて、とっても便利ですよ。 |
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Noel Vermillion (Academy)
Situation | Quote | Audio |
New Unit | H-huh? This isn't the Military Academy? ...Um, calling me here, like this, I don't know what to do... um, t-the world's in danger? M-me, help out? I-I don't know.... O-oh, I'm N-noel. Noel Vermillion. Um, it's nice to meet you. Let's get along. | |
あ、あれ?士官学校じゃない?……呼び出したって、そんな、困ります。え……そんな、世界の危機って。私に手伝いなんて……できるのかな……。あ、ノ、ノエルです。ノエル=ヴァーミリオンといいます。その、はじめまして。よろしくお願いします。 | ||
Ascension (SS+) | To think I had this much power in me.... | |
私にこんな力があったなんて…… | ||
Ascension (SS++) | It feels like I can do anything with you here. | |
あなたといるとなんでもできそう | ||
Ascension (SS+++) | I might be able to make a difference like this. | |
私にも、なにかできるかもしれない | ||
Home Screen | ||
Talk | The Military Academy is a place for training soldiers for the NOL. My grades aren't so good, but my aptitude for Ars Magus is really high, apparently, so they let me in. | |
士官学校っていう、統制機構の衛士になるための学校があるんです。 私、成績はあんまりよくないんですけど、術式適性っていうのがすごく高かったらしくて、それで入れたんです。 | ||
Likes | I like cute things. I even collect stuffed animals, you know. Rabbits, cats.... They're all so adorable! | |
かわいいものが好きですね。ぬいぐるみを集めたりしてますよ。うさぎさんとか、猫さんとか。みんなかわいいですよねー。 | ||
Dislikes | Just bugs. I've disliked them since a long time ago.... Especially the ones with many legs. Auugh, just imagining it gives me goosebumps. | |
虫だけは、昔から苦手なんです……足の多いモノとかは特に。うぅぅ、想像しただけで、もう……鳥肌が……。 | ||
Hobby | Wrapped in sweet fragrance, autumn ripens. Take a leisurely afternoon break under the sun to drink tea.... Huh? Did you hear me just now? P-please forget it all! | |
甘い香りに包まれる、実りの秋。お日様ものんびり午後のティーブレイク……。え?聞こえてましたか?い、今のは忘れてくださーい! |
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Noel (Holynight Guardian)
Situation | Quote | Audio |
New Unit | ||
愛と平和をあなたにお届け! 私、ノエル=ヴァーミリオンが、素敵なプレゼントと共に参上です!クリスマスですよ、パーっといきましょう! | ||
Ascension (SS+) | ||
これなら、世界中の子供たちに元気を与えられそうです! | ||
Ascension (SS++) | ||
パワーがみなぎって、冬の寒さもへっちゃらです! | ||
Ascension (SS+++) | ||
みんなの夢と希望は、私が守ってみせます! | ||
Home Screen | ||
Talk | ||
ローストターキーに、クリスマスケーキ……ジンジャークッキーも!クリスマスっておいしいお楽しみもたくさんありますよね。ふふっ、腕が鳴るなぁ~! | ||
Likes | ||
クリスマスプレゼントと言えば、代表的なものはやっぱりぬいぐるみじゃないですか?私、ぬいぐるみって好きなんです。ふわふわで、かわいくって……こーんな大きなくまのぬいぐるみ、憧れたなぁ。 | ||
Dislikes | ||
今までは通販で、色々なものを届けてもらう側でしたけど……今回の私は、届ける側です!どんな世界へも、素敵なプレゼントを届けていきますよ! | ||
Hobby | ||
クリスマスの思い出は、たくさんあるんですよ。育ててくれた義理の両親は、毎年ささやかながら家族そろってお祝いしてくれましたし……。士官学校に入ってからは、友達と楽しくすごしたり。大好きなイベントです。 |
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