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From BlazBlue Wiki
In the name of justice, I will redeem you both!
As long as we walk the path of righteousness... we shall never know defeat.[1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Orie Main.png



Voice Actors

HAYAMI Saori (Japanese)
Erica Mendez (English)

Character Titles

Licht Kreis Executor[1] (光輪の執行官)[2]

Character Themes

Purity & Strictly

An executor belonging to the organization The Light Circle [Licht Kreis] , which aims to exterminate the Void and preserve humanity's peace. She goes to the same school as Hyde and is in the same grade as him.

With the EXS of Purity, Thanatos, she can execute mid-range attacks, and perform a sharp single strike with the rushing attack Divine Thrust, making her strong in well-paced, sudden attacks.[3]

Command Lists

KVO x TSB 2018

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A · A · A · A
Smart Combo 2 B · B · B
Smart Combo 3 Midair A · A
Reversal Action
Sacred Arrow
Seikuriddo Arō
A · D simultaneously (midair also)
Divine Thrust
Dibain Surasuto
↓↘→ + A or B
Command Order
Ikinasai (Komando Ōdā)
↓↙← + A or B (midair also)
→ Thick and Fast
Shikku Ando Fāsuto
A or B or C after grounded A version of Command Order
→ Succession
A or B or C after grounded B version of Command Order
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
EX Divine Thrust
EX ディバインスラスト
EX Dibain Surasuto
↓↘→ + C
Oblique's Edge
Oburīkusu Ejji
←↙↓ + C (midair also)
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Sacred Spire Lucent
セイクリッドスパイ ルーセント
Antacchyaburu Biyūchī
↓↘→ + B · C simultaneously
Luminous Embrace
Ruminasu Enbureisu
←↙↓ + B · C simultaneously
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
Luminous Embrace
Ruminasu Enbureisu
P during the main character's Distortion Skill




Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro I will fulfill my duty as an Executor.
Intro 執行官としての責務 果たさせてもらいます
Intro In the name of justice, I will redeem you both!
Intro 正義の名の元 あなたたちを救済します
Intro You wish to settle this with a battle...? Very well.
Intro 戦闘で決着ですか……いいでしょう
Intro I will show you the responsibility strength entails.
Intro 力を持つ者の責任 お見せしましょう
Intro A...cooperative mission?
Intro 協力任務……ですか……
Intro I will take the lead. Please back me up.
Intro 私が道を示しましょう 援護をお願いします
Outro I cannot lose until the day I complete my mission.
Outro 使命を果たす その時まで負けるわけにはいきません
Outro Please put down your weapons and surrender.
Outro 武装を解除し投降して下さい
Outro Any more fighting would be meaningless...
Outro これ以上の争いに意味なんてない……
Outro Oh no... Did I go a little too far...?
Outro もしかして……やりすぎちゃった……かな?
Time Up Outro Please stay down.
Time Up Outro 立たないでください
Time Up Outro That was unsatisfying...
Time Up Outro 惜しかったですね
Time Up Defeat Tch... You're strong.
Time Up Defeat くっ…… 手ごわい
Time Up Defeat Next time will be different...
Time Up Defeat 次はこうはいきません……

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner It was an honor to fight by your side.
Outro with partner 貴方と戦えた幸運に感謝します
Outro with partner As long as we walk the path of righteousness...we shall never know defeat.
Outro with partner 正しき道を歩む我等に敗北はありません

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: May your soul be redeemed under the light of the Licht Kreis--
Ragna: Done with the introduction? Then let's do this!
Intro オリエ「『光輪』の名の下 彼の魂に救済を――」
ラグナ「能書きは済んだか? だったら行くぜ!」
Outro Orie: A victor has been determined... Any more fighting would be meaningless.
Ragna: You hear that? Now get lost!
Outro オリエ「勝敗は決しました これ以上の戦いは無意味です」
ラグナ「だとよ とっとと消えな」

Jin Kisaragi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jin: Let the hammer of justice fall...
Orie: ...on all who would disrupt Order!
Intro ジン「秩序を乱す悪に――」
Outro Orie: I will not take your life. Leave this place at once.
Jin: Well said. You're not even worth killing.
Outro オリエ「命までは取りません 速やかに立ち去りなさい」
ジン「全くだ 貴様らは 殺す価値も無い」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: Salvation for the rightous--
Izayoi: --Punishment for the unjust.
Intro オリエ「正しきには救済の施しを――」
Outro Izayoi: Your sins have been judged.
Orie: Leave at once. Before our blades take your life.
Outro イザヨイ「罪はここに裁かれました」
オリエ「立ち去りなさい その命が 我らが剣に散らされる前に」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei:
Welp, here they come... Think you're ready for this?PS4: Welp, here they come... Are you ready?

Orie: Of course. I shall carry out my mission, right here, right now.
Intro 獣兵衛「さぁて来るぞ…… 覚悟は出来ているな?」
オリエ「無論です 我が使命 ここに示しましょう」
Outro Orie: Impressive technique. As I'd expect of a seasoned warrior.
Jubei: Well, missy, you're not the only one with a mission.
Outro オリエ「流石は歴戦の勇士 見事な腕前です」
獣兵衛「俺にも 果たすべき責務があるのでな」

Naoto Shirogane

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: On my honor as one of the Licht Kries, I will not allow evil to stand.
Naoto: On my honor as the Detective Prince, I will get the information I need.
Intro オリエ「『光輪』の名に懸けて 悪を赦すわけにはいきません」
直斗「探偵王子の名に賭けて 情報は頂きます」
Outro Orie: My interrogation isn't finished yet.
Naoto: And I would not recommend playing dumb.
Outro オリエ「貴方達にはまだ聞きたいことがあります」

Mitsuru Kirijo

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: Failure is not an option. Let's stay focused and deal with them.
Mitsuru: Very well. We'll keep them within our reach and suppress them, just as we theorized.
Intro オリエ「私達に失敗は許されません 冷静に対処しましょう」
美鶴「構わない セオリー通り我々の間合いで封殺する」
Outro Orie: The curtain falls. This match is settled.
Mitsuru: That's the end of that. Elegantly done.
Outro オリエ「終幕です 勝負は決しました」
美鶴「手加減無用 これが私達流の礼儀だ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: I shall redeem your wandering soul.
Elizabeth: The center for lost children is right this way.
Intro オリエ「救済します その迷える魂を」
Outro Orie: This is your redemption.
Elizabeth: We have a suggestion box, if you have concerns.
Outro オリエ「これが 貴方達の救済です」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: Let's go, Kido. Think you're ready?
Hyde: Whenever you are, Harada!
Intro オリエ「行くわよ城戸君 準備は良い?」
ハイド「何時でもいいぜ 原田さん!」
Outro Orie: Phew... That was...quite an extracurricular...
Hyde: Man, I miss the days when school was all we had to worry about.
Outro オリエ「ふぅ とんだ課外活動になっちゃったな……」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: Let's see your skill, "Princess of the Night Blade."
Linne: Sure. Watch and learn, "Little Girl of the Licht Kries."
Intro オリエ「お手並み拝見させて頂きます 『夜刀』の姫君」
リンネ「ああ精々学ぶと良い 『光輪』の小娘」
Outro Orie: Can you stand? I meant to soften my strikes...
Linne: Well, I'm sure they can drag themselves home, at least.
Outro オリエ「立てますか? 手心は加えたつもりですが」
リンネ「ま 歩いて帰るくらいは出来るだろう?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Mika: Let's do this, Orie! Follow me~!
Orie: Okay, okay... Just don't forget we're on a mission.
Intro ミカ「征くぞオリエっち! アチシに続くんゆー!」
オリエ「はいはい くれぐれも任務であることを忘れずにね」
Outro Mika: Behold and tremble! This is the power of the Licht Kreis!
Orie: Hey now, don't get too carried away...
Outro ミカ「いざ括目せよ! これが『光輪』の力んゆ!」
オリエ「コラ あまり調子に乗るんじゃありません」

Weiss Schnee

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: Weiss, it seems we are wanted.
Weiss: Oh, I'm honored. Let's treat them with the respect they deserve.
Intro オリエ「ワイス 私達をご指名みたいよ」
ワイス「光栄なことですわ 丁重におもてなしして差し上げましょう」
Outro Weiss: The secret to victory...
Orie: is justice!
Weiss: And nobility!
Orie: And...teamwork, maybe?
Outro ワイス「勝利の秘訣は……」
Blake Belladonna
Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: You're not so childish as to confuse power for justice, are you?
Orie: But power is the fastest way to gain control of a situation. And here, we have no choice.
Intro ブレイク「強い者が正義…… なんて子供じみた事 言わないわよね」
オリエ「しかし事態の収束には力を示すのが早いのも事実 致し方ありません」
Outro Blake:
You're free to believe in what you want.PS4: Let me stop you right there. The battle is done.

But I suggest you believe in your justice.PS4: This match is settled.
Outro ブレイク「何を信じるかは 貴方達の自由……」
オリエ「貴方達は 貴方達の正義を信じなさい」

Heart Aino

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: Salvation for the righteous...
Heart: And punches for the bad guys!
Intro オリエ「正しきには救済の施しを――」
Outro Heart: Love will never be defeated!
Orie: Nor will justice succumb to evil!
Outro はぁと「『愛』は絶対に負けないよ―――」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Orie: In the name of justice...
Yumi: May this world be cleansed of evil.
Intro オリエ「我らが正義の名の下に──」
Outro Orie: All is to uphold law, order, and--
Yumi: and for the good of this world.
Outro オリエ「全ては 翳す法と秩序と――」
雪泉「――そして 善なる世界のために」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akatsuki: You have a burden on your shoulders, too.
Orie: Yes. Which is why I cannot back down here.
Intro アカツキ「お前にも背負う物があるのか」
オリエ「ええ 故にここは退けません」
Outro Orie: We will not be swayed from our purpose.
Akatsuki: Not until our missions are complete.
Outro オリエ「我らが使命は揺らぎません」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic This match is settled. Any more fighting would be pointless. We both fought for what we believe in, but enough is enough.
Generic 勝敗が決した今、再び剣を重ねることに意味はありません。 互いに引けない理由あっての戦い、 この時をもって終幕としましょう。
Generic Strength wielded incorrectly is nothing but violence. It is my role as an Executor of the Licht Kreis to cast judgment upon it.
Generic 如何に力を持とうとも正しく振るわなければそれは唯の暴力。 『光輪』の定めに従い、正義を執行します。
Generic I am an Executor. My mission and creed will not change. The moment you used your powers for evil, you sentenced yourself to death.
Generic 私は『執行官』。 何時如何なる時であろうとも定めは変わりません。 その力を悪用した時、あなたの死を持って贖罪とします。
Generic What incredible power... I thought everyone this strong died long ago...
Generic なんていう強大な力…… まだこれ程の力の持ち主がいたなんて……
Generic I feel blessed to have made an ally of someone so strong. We finished that battle in a flash.
Generic 貴方という協力者を得られた幸運に感謝します。 おかげで迅速に役目を全うできました。
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Ragna: It's a mission, it's justice, it's fate... Do you always need some sort of justification to fight? What a drag.
Orie: Power without purpose is nothing but violence. My oath is not a shackle, it's a boon.
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge ラグナ「使命だの正義だの定めだの…… いちいち自分を縛らねぇと戦えもしねぇのかよ、メンドクセェな。」
オリエ「約定無き力はだだの暴力です。 この誓いは糧にこそ成り得ど、枷になる事はありません。」
Partner with Jin Kisaragi Orie: To bring judgment upon all evil... Is that really the "Law" and "Order" you serve?
Jin: So what if it is...? Shall I judge the evil within you?
Partner with Jin Kisaragi オリエ「全ての悪を裁く――それが、貴方の翳す法と秩序なのですか?」
ジン「だとしたら何だ? 貴様も、僕の『悪』となるつもりか、女――?」
Partner with Izayoi Orie: We can only carry out law and order through the use of force, which means the justice we uphold is far from perfect. Even so--
Izayoi: Yes. Even so, we will always choose the sword. Until the day that all immorality is purged.
Partner with Izayoi オリエ「私達は、力を振るう事でしか法と秩序を語れない。 掲げる正義もまた、完璧には程遠い。それでも――」
イザヨイ「ええ。それでも尚、私達は剣を執る。 全ての不義を正す、その刻まで。」
Partner with Jubei Orie: So this is why you continue to fight... Not for yourself, but to build a future for all of us... May the light of salvation shine upon your soul.
Jubei: Sorry, but I ain't lookin' for salvation. I just wanna get things squared away, for my own sake.
Partner with Jubei オリエ「貴方はそうやって戦い続けてきたのですね。 己を省みず、皆の未来を築くために…… いつかその魂に、救済のあらんことを。」
獣兵衛「生憎と、俺は救いを求めているわけじゃない。 ただ、己の筋を通したいだけだ。」
Partner with Naoto Shirogane Orie: are also an agent of justice.
Naoto: No, I' myself a seeker of the truth. I can't let mysteries remain unsolved.
Partner with Naoto Shirogane オリエ「探偵……貴方も正義の代行者なのですね。」
直斗「いえ、僕は……真実の探求者という所でしょうか。 謎を謎のままにしておけない性分でして。」
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo Orie: I value the success of the Licht Kreis over my own. Anyone working for an organization they value would do the same. So, as long as our goals are aligned, I will continue to fight alongside you.
Mitsuru: No need to be so formal, the fight is over. Besides, it's important for a soldier to find rest wherever she can.
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo オリエ「個より組織の利を追求するのは組織に属する身として自明の理。 目的が違わぬ限り共に戦うことにしましょう。」
美鶴「戦いは終わったんだ、そんなに固くなることはないさ。 休息を取れる時に取るのも戦士としては必要なことだ。」
Partner with Elizabeth Orie: Power should not be wielded without justice, but justice without power is an idle fancy. Should I pursue them one at a time? Or both at once?
Elizabeth: You are also a stray sheep, looking for the "answer." Then I shall join you in the directionless journey.
Partner with Elizabeth オリエ「大義無くして力は振るえず、しかし力無き大義もまた無意味。 私が自身に問うべきはどちらか、あるいはその双方か。」
エリザベス「貴女も私もまた『答え』を探し彷徨う流浪の羊。 ならば共に参りましょう、標無き夜の旅路を。」
Partner with Hyde Hyde: Geez, this is weird... Never thought I'd be fighting alongside you, Harada...
Orie: P-Please keep this a secret from everyone in class.
Partner with Hyde ハイド「全く、奇妙なもんだ。 まさか原田さんに背中を預ける日が来るなんてな。」
Partner with Linne Orie: Wow, the embodiment of eternal reincarnation can really fight. I've underestimated your elegance, Phantom Princess.
Linne: Who are you calling a phantom? I swear... Kids these days have no respect for their elders...
Partner with Linne オリエ「流石は輪廻転生の体現者。 噂に名高き『妖怪の姫』の妙技、お見逸れしました。」
リンネ「誰が妖怪だ。 全く……最近の若人は年長者への敬意がまるで足りんな。」
Partner with Mika Mika: That's my best friend and best partner! Nice support, and nice assists! Even the gods are stunned by our synchronicity!
Orie: You say that all so casually! Try to be a little more modest, for my sake at least..
Partner with Mika ミカ「さっすが我が心の友よー! ナイス補佐あーんどナイス機転! 阿吽もビックリの同調っぷりんゆー!」
オリエ「気楽に言っちゃって。 付き合わされるこっちの身にもなって欲しいものね。」
Partner with Weiss Schnee Weiss: One should always strive to be the best version of herself. I want to be the best partner you could have.
Orie: Hehe, what a wonderful thought. Then I too promise to be your best possible partner, as long as time permits.
Partner with Weiss Schnee ワイス「常に目指すべきは最高の自分。 私は貴方の最高のパートナーでありたいものですわね。」
オリエ「フフッ、素敵な言葉ね。 私も時間の許す限りは貴方の良きパートナーであると誓いましょう。」
Partner with Blake Belladonna Orie: I don't believe that our justice is right for everyone. We merely wish to be a guiding light for the people.
Blake: Light, huh... Then I must be the shadow that light casts. Fine then. I'll fight for the future I believe in.
Partner with Blake Belladonna オリエ「我等の正義がどのような人にとっても正義だとは思っていません。 それでも私達は人々を照らす光であり続けたい。」
ブレイク「光、か……さしずめ私は光に照らされてできる影というわけかしら。 いいわ。私は私の信じる未来のために戦うだけよ。」
Partner with Heart Aino Orie: Both justice and love are signs of righteousness... Two flowers growing from the same stem.
Heart: Yeah! I was just about to say the same thing! I think we're gonna be good friends, Orie!
Partner with Heart Aino オリエ「『正義』と『愛』、どちらも自分の道を進むための正しき標…… きっとその根幹は、同じ祈りなのでしょうね。」
はぁと「うん! きっとその二つは一緒のはずだよ! オリエさんとは、もっと仲良くなれる気がするよ!」
Partner with Yumi Orie: This may be a temporary treaty, but it's certainly effective. For now, I'm happy to believe in the order you uphold.
Yumi: Then I shall devote my fans to the Licht Kreis's justice. Let us sink into the dreams of sleeping souls.
Partner with Yumi オリエ「当座凌ぎの同盟とはいえ、その有用性は認めざるを得ませんね。 今この刻は信じましょう、善忍の翳す法と秩序を。」
雪泉「ならばこの扇もまた、『光輪』の正義に託します。 共に沈みましょう、鎮魂の夢へと。」
Partner with Akatsuki Akatsuki: Orie... I feel as though I saw you in an opera once, long ago. Déjà vu or not, you're an excellent combatant.
Orie: I humbly accept your compliment. It's an honor to fight with another champion of law and order.
Partner with Akatsuki アカツキ「オリエ……以前歌劇で見たような…… いずれにせよ、武勲は抜群だ。」
オリエ「その賛辞、有り難く頂戴致します。 貴方の拳に宿りし法と秩序を以て、この身の誉れとしましょう。」


Main Artwork


DLC Icons



External Links


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #6
  2. NicoNico, Arc System Works Official Video Channel, "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle" Character Introduction PV #6
  3. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Orie