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From BlazBlue Wiki

Blazblue Alternative: Dark War

Situation Quote Audio
New Unit Good day. I'm Tweyen of the Eternals. I'll accompany you on your journey. ...As friends, alright? Hehe.
New Unit こんにちは、私は十天衆ソーン。あなたの旅にご一緒するわ。……お友達として、ね? ふふふ……っ。
Ascension (SS+) That's all for warm-ups.
Ascension (SS+) 準備運動はおしまいね
Ascension (SS++) I can hit targets even a kilometer away.
Ascension (SS++) 私の眼は、千里をも射抜く
Ascension (SS+++) I'll show you, I can hit anything in sight.
Ascension (SS+++) この眼に映ったものは、全て射抜いてみせるわ
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Talk There's many kinds of strength....Your strength is your heart and your way of living. That will let you overcome anything.
Talk 強さには、それぞれの形があるの。……あなたの強さは、その心と在り方。その強さ、何があっても貫き通してね。
Likes When going to a new place, you have to research which shops to stop at! Desserts, clothes.... I want to find lots of stores that we can all go to together.
Likes 新しい街に行くなら、流行のお店をリサーチしなきゃ!スイーツに洋服に……みんなと一緒に行くお店を、たくさん探しておきたいの。
Talk 2 Having fun with a large group of people is incredibly fun, I think. As more people are gathered here on Fugaku, things will become even more lively and even more enjoyable, I think.
Talk 2 大人数でわいわいするのって、とっても楽しいと思うの。フガクももっと人が集まって、今よりもっと賑やかになったら……もっともっと、楽しくなると思うわ。
Talk 3 I wonder where we're headed next. It'd be wonderful if there was a nice cafe there. If there is, it'd be sad to go why don't we all go together?
Talk 3 次の目的地はどんなところかな。素敵なカフェがあるといいわよね。もし見つけたら、1人で行くのは寂しいから……みんなで一緒に行ってみない?
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