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Chie Satonaka

From BlazBlue Wiki
You have called, and here I am!
Have a taste of our combination attack![1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png
Chie Satonaka

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Chie Satonaka Main.png


Chie Satonaka

Voice Actors

HORIE Yui (Japanese)
Erin Fitzgerald (English)

Character Titles

Spunky Dragon with Deadly Legs[1] (男勝りの足技系ドラゴン)[2]

Character Themes

Like The Dragon

A member of the Investigation Team, and a bright and vigerous third-year in high school. A huge fan of kung fu movies, she specializes in a self-taught style of footwork. Her Persona is Tomoe.

Although her reach is short, her close-quarters rush is extraordinarily strong. Following Power Charge with Dragon Kick, end it all at once! [3]

Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A · A · A · A
Smart Combo 2 ← + A · ← + A · ← + A · ← + A
Smart Combo 3 B · B
Smart Combo 4 Midair A · A
Special 1 ← + A
Reversal Action
DHyper Counter
Haipā Kāuntā
A · D simultaneously (midair also)
↓↘→ + A (midair also)
→ Skull Cracker
Nōten Otoshi
A or B or C during Rampage
→→ Dragon Kick
Doragon Kikku
A or B or C during Skull Cracker
Dragon Kick
Doragon Kikku
↓↘→ + B (midair also)
Herculean Strike
Kongō Happa
↓↙← + A or B
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
EX Dragon Kick
EX ドラゴンキック
EX Doragon Kikku
↓↘→ + C
EX Herculean Strike
EX 金剛発破
EX Kongō Happa
←↙↓ + C
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
God's Hand
Goddo Hando
↓↘→ + B · C simultaneously
Power Charge
←↙↓ + B · C simultaneously (delayable)
Midair ↓↘→ + B · C simultaneously
or ←↙↓ + B · C simultaneously
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
God's Hand
Goddo Hando
P during the main character's Distortion Skill

Evolution Championship Series Japan

Name Command
Smart Combo 1 ◻ · ◻ · ◻ · ◻
Smart Combo 2 ← + ◻ · ← + ◻ · ← + ◻ · ← + ◻
Smart Combo 3 △ · △
Smart Combo 4 Midair ◻ · ◻
Special 1 ← + ◻
Hyper Counter
Haipā Kāuntā
◻ · ✕ simultaneously
↓↘→ + ◻ (midair also)
→ Skull Cracker
Nōten Otoshi
◻ or △ or ⭕ during Rampage
→→ Dragon Kick
Doragon Kikku
◻ or △ or ⭕ during Skull Cracker
Dragon Kick
Doragon Kikku
↓↘→ + △ (midair also)
Herculean Strike
Kongō Happa
↓↙← + ◻ · △
EX Dragon Kick
EX ドラゴンキック
EX Doragon Kikku
↓↘→ + ⭕
EX Herculean Strike
EX 金剛発破
EX Kongō Happa
←↙↓ + ⭕
God's Hand
Goddo Hando
↓↘→ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously
Power Charge
←↙↓ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously (delayable)
Midair ↓↘→ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously or ←↙↓ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously
God's Hand
Goddo Hando
R1 during the main character's Distortion Skill




Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro Haiyah! Lemme show you what I've got.
Intro チェリャー!修行の成果みせちゃうよ!
Intro Call my name, and I shall appear!
Intro 呼ばれて飛び出て あたし参上!
Intro Can't forget the warmup! Now, let's do this!
Intro 準備運動はしっかりとねっ!さあ いくよ!
Intro One, two, three, four... Ha ha. Ready to rock!
Intro いっち!に!さん!し!よしっ!ばっちし!
Intro Just try to take our dynamic duo on! I dare you!
Intro いざっ!我らのコンビネーション!受けてみよ!
Outro Piece of cake! I could take a few more of you on!
Outro 楽勝!楽勝!どんどんきなさい!
Outro Eheheh... I'm just getting started.
Outro えっへへ あたしはまだまだこんなもんじゃないよ
Outro Watchaaa! ...Hey! Now, who wants some!?
Outro アチョー!……ほっ!どっからでもかかってきなさーい!
Outro You see that? ...That! Is Satonaka style! ...Heh.
Outro みたか!……これが!里中流だ!……なんてね
Time Up Outro Heh heh heh... Out of stamina?
Time Up Outro へっへーん スタミナ切れ?
Time Up Outro Awww, so close.
Time Up Outro むむっ!おしかったねー
Time Up Defeat No way...
Time Up Defeat そんなぁ……
Time Up Defeat Wait, are you kidding me?
Time Up Defeat ちょっとー どういうことよこれ……

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Yu Narukami
Partner with Yu Narukami
Partner with Yu Narukami
Partner with Yu Narukami
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Yukiko Amagi
Partner with Yukiko Amagi
Partner with Yukiko Amagi
Partner with Yukiko Amagi
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Naoto Shirogane
Partner with Naoto Shirogane
Partner with Naoto Shirogane
Partner with Naoto Shirogane
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo
Partner with Akihiko Sanada
Partner with Akihiko Sanada
Partner with Akihiko Sanada
Partner with Akihiko Sanada
Partner with Aegis
Partner with Aegis
Partner with Aegis
Partner with Aegis
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Tohru Adachi
Partner with Tohru Adachi
Partner with Tohru Adachi
Partner with Tohru Adachi



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Yoh! Man, I'm hungry... Let's go get some MEAT!
Outro with partner よっと!おなかすいちゃった 肉行こっ!肉!
Outro with partner Heh heh... We don't know the meaning of defeat!
Outro with partner へっへー!私たちに敗北の二文字はなーい!

Makoto Nanaya

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Makoto: Is Kung Fu kinda like this? Wa-tcha!
No, no! Like this! You've gotta do it with SPIRIT! WA-TCHAAA!PS4: No, no! You've gotta do it with SPIRIT! WA-TCHAAA!
Intro マコト「カンフーってこんな感じ? アチョー!」
千枝「違う違う!もっとこう 魂を燃やす感じで……アチョー!」
Outro Chie: This is the sign of...
Makoto & Chie: VICTORY!
Makoto: We did it!
Outro 千枝「勝利の合図は」

Platinum the Trinity

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Luna: Here's the plan: we're gonna kick their asses ASAP!
Chie: You bet! Lead the way, Platinum-chan!
Intro ルナ「作戦決定! アイツ等ソッコーでボッコボコだー!」
千枝「おうよー!了解したぜー プラチナちゃん!」
Outro Luna: What a wimp! C'mon, get up...!
Chie: Hey! That's not nice! No bullying!
Outro ルナ「よっわーい! このこのー!」
千枝「コーラ!相手が可哀相じゃん いじめない!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael:
Show me the power of a real carnivore! It's time to EAT!PS4: Show me the power of a real carnivore!

Chie: Carnivore's kind of a loaded term! It's not like that!
Intro アズラエル「女を捨てた肉食獣の力 見せてもらうとしよう」
千枝「だから肉食獣じゃないっつの!誤解だから それ!」
Outro Azrael: Tch, pathetic. I don't even WANT to eat you.
Chie: Oh, so I guess you won't eat everything...
Outro アズラエル「チッ 雑魚が 喰らう気も起きんわ」
千枝「あ 一応 好き嫌いはあんだね……」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Susano'o: I'll show you the power of God.
Chie: I'll show you the power of Kung Fu! A-CHO!
Intro スサノオ「見せてやろう 神の力を」
千枝「見せてやろう 私のカンフー! あちょーっ!」
Outro Susano'o: This is the essence of power.
Chie: Don't think, feel... Got it!
Outro スサノオ「此れが 力の真髄だ」
千枝「考えるな 感じろ……ってね!」

Mai Natsume

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Mai: Hehe, let's take 'em out with a bang!
Chie: Heh heh heh... Let me show you Satonaka-style kung fu!
Intro マイ「ふふっ ドーンと行こっか!」
千枝「ふっふっふ 里中流カンフー術の真髄 お見せするぜよ!」
Outro Chie: A dragon goes all out, even when hunting for rabbits! Waa-chaaa!
Mai: P-Please be careful...
Outro 千枝「ドラゴンは兎を狩るのにも全力なのだ!アチョー!」
マイ「お お大事にどうぞ~……」

Yu Narukami

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yu: Let's what your daily training has got you, Satonaka.
Chie: You bet! Presenting the new and improved Chie Satonaka!
Intro 悠「日ごろの修行の成果 見せてもらうぞ 里中」
千枝「まっかせて!強くなったニュー里中千枝 見せちゃうぜー!」
Outro Yu: Are you okay, Satonaka?
Chie: I'm doin' great! Ready for another round! Wa-taaa!
Outro 悠「里中 大丈夫か?」

Yosuke Hanamura

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Chie: Let's go, Hanamura! If you mess around, I'll smack you in the back of the head!
Yosuke: Gimme a break! That'd be three-on-one, dammit!
Intro 千枝「よーし 花村!ぼさぼさしてると後ろから引っぱたくかんね!」
陽介「ひっぱたくな!なんで味方から攻撃されそうなのよ 俺!」
Outro Yosuke: Yes! I rocked, didn't I?
Chie: Heh heh...But I rocked even more, right?
Outro 陽介「うっし!決まっちゃったろ オレ!」
千枝「へっへーん あたしの方が決まってんじゃない?ね?」

Yukiko Amagi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yukiko: Chie, let's do our best!
Chie: Of course! Let's go, Yukiko!
Intro 雪子「千枝 一緒にがんばろ!」
千枝「もっちろん さあいくよ 雪子!」
Outro Chie: No matter the enemy, I will always protect Yukiko.
Yukiko: Oh... Chie... You're so cool.
Outro 千枝「どんな奴が相手でも 雪子はあたしが守る!」

Akihiko Sanada

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Chie: I'm really pumped to be able to fight alongside you, Master! Let's go!
Akihiko: Heh. Me too, Satonaka. Let's see how your training's been going.
Intro 千枝「師匠と一緒に戦えるとか 気合入りまくりです!押忍!」
明彦「フッ 里中 あれからどれほど鍛錬を積んだのか 見せてもらうぞ」
Outro Akihiko: The requirements for victory are obvious.
Chie: Training and effort, right, Master!?
Akihiko: Yeah. And protein!
Outro 明彦「勝利に必要なことは決まりきっている」
千枝「努力と鍛錬 ですよね 師匠!」
明彦「ああ それとプロテインだ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Waldstein: Fellow warrior, let us march boldly to our bloody ends!
Er, you wanna turn that down a notch? Like to a "We're the strongest, yeah!" kinda level? You know?PS4: Uh, you wanna turn that down a notch? Like to a "We're the strongest, yeah!" kinda level?
Intro ワレンシュタイン「戦士よ 共に死地へと参ろうぞ」
千枝「えー もっと気楽に行きません?強いぞ おー!みたいな感じで」
Outro Chie: BWAHAHAHA! We reign victorious! Right?
Waldstein: Gwaahahahaa! Delightful! A delightful fight indeed!
Outro 千枝「はっはっはー!我等の勝利ぜよ!ってか!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hilda: Now, try to stay focused here.
Chie: If we win... Can you buy me some steak?
Intro ヒルダ「さぁて しっかり働いてもらうわよぉ?」
千枝「勝ったらフィレ肉……とか ダメ?」
Outro Hilda: What a bunch of disappointments.
Chie: We could have done that in our sleep!
Outro ヒルダ「歯ごたえ無い連中ねぇ」
千枝「やったね 楽勝 楽勝~!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Chie: Lemme show you a special move straight from a kung-fu DVD! At-chaah!
Mika: Mmhmmhmm. ♪ Then I'll show you my ultimate move! ♪ Let's go, Pachelbel! ♪
Intro 千枝「カンフーDVD直伝の必殺拳 見せちゃうよ!あっちょー!」
ミカ「んっふっふー♪ならアチシもとっておきを見せてあげるんゆ♪ バッヘルベル 手番なんゆー♪」
Outro Chie: Yeah! With my kicks...
Mika: ...and my punches, we're invincible!
Outro 千枝「よーし!あたしの蹴り技と!」
ミカ「アチシのパンチに! 死角はなーい んゆー! 」

Yang Xiao Long

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Chie: Your punches are pretty dang strong, Yang... But I think my kicks might be even stronger.
Yang: Ohh...? Then let's see which of us can dish out more damage.
Intro 千枝「ヤンちゃんのパンチも強いけどさ あたしの蹴りの方がちょっとだけ強いかもよ?」
ヤン「へぇ~ んじゃどっちが相手に効くか 試してみようか」
Outro Yang: *whistle* Way to go, Chie!
Chie: Heheh, you too!
Outro ヤン「ふっ~♪ 千枝 やるじゃん!」
千枝「へへ そっちこそ!」

Neo Politan

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Chie: Time to work up an appetite!
Neo: ............
Intro 千枝「じゃ いっちょ腹ごなしといきますか!」
Outro Chie: Appetite worked up! Now let's go get some meat!
Neo: ............
Outro 千枝「よーし 勝ったし勝利の肉と行こう!肉―!」

Heart Aino

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Heart: Boom! Heart Aino, at your service!
Chie: And here comes Chie Satonaka, with a bang!
Intro はぁと「愛乃はぁと ずばーんと参上!」
千枝「合わせて里中千枝も ドカーンと登場!」
Outro Chie: This is the power of blood, sweat, guts--
Heart: And love!
Outro 千枝「これが血と 汗と 根性と―――」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Not bad! Guess I've got some more training to do!
Generic やるじゃん! 次戦う時までにあたしももっと鍛えなくちゃ!
Generic This feeling...! Of course! I've become even stronger!
Generic この感覚……っ! そっか! あたしまた強くなれたんだ……
Generic WaaaaTAH! C'mon, who's next!? There's no sneaking up on Chie Satonaka, kung-fu master!
Generic ほわったー! さあさあ次の相手は誰? カンフーマスター里中に死角はない! なんちって!
Generic What's that? You want to know my secret to strength? Sure, I'll tell you! It's meat! You've gotta eat more meat!
Generic なになに? あたしみたいに強くなりたい? なら教えてしんぜよう! 秘密は肉だよ! 肉を食べなさい!
Generic Woohoo! Ha ha! What a win! Oh, let's keep this up!
Generic きまったー! 大勝利! こんな感じでじゃんじゃん行こう!
Partner with Makoto Nanaya Makoto: Phew, I'm hungry. Times like these call for some red, juicy meat. Whaddaya say, Chie? Shall we?
Chie: Ahhh, just hearing you say that is making me hungry! Okay, it's settled! We're doing a carnivorous walking tour! Meat, meat, can't wait to meet you, meat. ♪
Partner with Makoto Nanaya マコト「はぁ~、おなかすいたー。 こんな時は血の滴るガツッっとしたお肉が食べたいよね。 どう? 千枝ちゃん。行っちゃう?」
千枝「あー、そんなこと言われたらお腹空いてきちゃった。 よーし! じゃあ肉食べ歩きツアー行こう! お肉♪ お肉♪ 待っててねー♪」
Partner with Platinum the Trinity Luna: Yeaaaaah! You better not step to Team Luna ever again!
Sena: *sniff sniff*... Chie! I smell meat! Hmm... It's this way! Chaaaarge!
Chie: Er... Can we really just leave them here like-- Wait, did you say MEAT!? I'm coming for you, meat!!!
Partner with Platinum the Trinity プラチナ「しゃーおらー! ルナたちに歯向かうとは身の程しらずなやつめ。 ……すんすん。千枝! 肉の匂いがするぞ。 むむっ! こっちだ! 突撃ー!!」
千枝「え、ちょ……この人たちこのままでいいわけ!? えー、あたしも行くってば! 待てーい、肉ー!」
Partner with Azrael Azrael: I see, your Meat-Lover nickname wasn't just for show. After the way you tenderized this meat, the texture will be perfect!
Chie: Have you even heard a word I've said? And why does it sound so gross when you talk about me tenderizing meat? Ew! Just stay away from me, you pervert!
Partner with Azrael アズラエル「成程、肉食獣の名は伊達ではないと言う事か。 中々に練られた肉だ。さぞかし、喰らい応えもあるのだろう……!」
千枝「だから全っ然話聞いてないじゃん! てか喰らうって変な意味じゃないでしょうね! ちょ! こっちくんな! 変態!!」
Partner with Susano'o Susano'o: Power is truth. And a god is power made manifest. Technique, strategy, and weaponry are all children of human weakness.
Chie: I'm...not sure I get what you're talking about, but... If power's that important to you, I can show you my kung-fu movies?
Partner with Susano'o スサノオ「力こそ真理、其の極点こそが神。 業も、術も、冴も、万事は人の脆さの具現に過ぎぬ。」
千枝「えーっと…なに言ってんのかよく分かんないけど…… 力がどうのってなら、カンフーのDVD貸してあげよっか?」
Partner with Mai Natsume Chie: Man, after all that fighting, I'm kinda hungry! Let's go get some meat, Mai-chan! Meeeeaat!
Mai: Sorry, I'm not good with regular food... Oh, I know! Let's have Noel cook something that we can all eat together? Trust me, Noel's cooking is amazing!
Partner with Mai Natsume 千枝「あー、運動したらお腹すいちゃった。 マイちゃん、肉食べ行こ! 肉!」
マイ「ごめんね。私普通の食事はちょっと…… そうだ! 代わりにノエルにご飯作ってもらって一緒に食べない? ノエルの料理ってすっごい美味しいんだよ!」
Partner with Yu Narukami Chie: And we're done! Hmm... I guess I've still got a long way to go to catch up to you, Narukami-kun!
Yu: Haha, guess I can't afford to stand still. Let's see just how strong we can become.
Partner with Yu Narukami 千枝「終ーわりっと! うーん、あたしもまだまだかな。 早くキミに追いつけるようになんなきゃね、鳴上君!」
悠「フフ、俺も立ち止まれないな。 お互いどこまで強くなれるか、楽しみだよ。」
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura Yosuke: How 'bout that!? Once we're on a roll, no one can stop us! Actually, I think I might've been able to take these two on my own...
Chie: Ha ha, don't get so cocky! Hey, Hanamura, once we get home, buy me a beef skewer. Actually, two. No, three!
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura 陽介「どうよ!? ノリノリな俺らは誰にも止められねぇ、ってな! もしかすっと今回は俺一人でも余裕だったかも?」
千枝「は、あんま調子乗んない! ね、花村。帰ったらビフテキ串奢ってよ、二本……いや三本ね!」
Partner with Yukiko Amagi Yukiko: I can't just let you protect me forever. From now on, I'll protect you too, Chie.
Chie: Yeah! If you protect me, I'll protect you. As long as we both protect what's important to us, everything will be fine!
Partner with Yukiko Amagi 雪子「いつまでも千枝に守られてるだけじゃダメだよね。 これからは、私も千枝を守るから。」
千枝「うん! 雪子があたしを守るならあたしは雪子を守る。 お互いが守りたいものを守れば何も問題ないもんね!」
Partner with Akihiko Sanada Akihiko: Nice kick. You stuck to your training, and it shows. Next up, I'll show you the best protein powders for women. They're really good, too.
Chie: Thank you, Master! I hope they come in meat flavor!
Partner with Akihiko Sanada 明彦「いい蹴りだ。鍛錬は欠かさなかったようだな。 今度は女性向きのプロテインを紹介してやる。なかなかうまいぞ。」
千枝「ありがとうございます、師匠! プロテイン、肉味がいいです! 押忍!」
Partner with Waldstein Chie: So, what do you think, Gramps? It's kinda fun to play nice once in a while, right?
Waldstein: I don't mind sparring from time to time. But who are you calling "Gramps"? ...It isn't me, is it?
Partner with Waldstein 千枝「おじいちゃん、どう? たまにはこういうのも悪くないんじゃない?」
ワレンシュタイン「唯の手合わせというのも稀ならば構わぬ。 して、おじいちゃんとは誰のことだ。 ……まさかワシのことではあるまいな。」
Partner with Hilda Chie: Heck yeah! You promised to buy dinner if we won! I want the Special Beef Bowl from Aiya!
Hilda: B-Beef bowl? What an utterly average choice. That'll completely ruin my image!
Partner with Hilda 千枝「やったー! 勝ったら奢りの約束だったよね! ってことで、愛家のスペシャル肉丼よろしく!」
ヒルダ「に、肉丼? なぁにぃそのチョイス、アタシのイメージじゃないわぁ。」
Partner with Mika Mika: Maybe that was a little childish... But that's okay! It's not my fault! You got the last hit in, so it's all your fault, Chie!
Chie: My fault!? After those big punches you threw? Oh I'm not the only one at fault here! No way!
Partner with Mika ミカ「ちょっと大人げなかったですかね…… 大丈夫! ミカちゃん悪くない! トドメの一撃は千枝だったから悪いのは千枝んゆ!」
千枝「え、あたし!? ミカちゃんだってもの凄いパンチしてたじゃん! 悪いのあたしだけじゃないよね!? 絶対!」
Partner with Yang Xiao Long Chie: Aaah! Now that was some good, refreshing exercise. ...Hm? Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? Oh, right, I was competing with Yang-chan!
Yang: Well, that was short lived. I'm still in the mood to fight, though. There's gotta be another opponent or two around here somewhere.
Partner with Yang Xiao Long 千枝「あー! いい運動になったしスッキリした! ……あれ? 何か忘れてる? あ、ヤンちゃんと勝負してたんじゃん!」
ヤン「なんかいつの間にか終わっちゃった。 そんなことよりさ、あたしまだやりたんないんだよね。 次の愉快なお相手でも探すとしよっか!」
Partner with Neo Politan Chie: So, what do you like to eat, Neo-chan? You're so skinny... Are you sure you're eating right? You know what they say, those who laugh at meat will one day cry at meat!
Neo: ......
Partner with Neo Politan 千枝「ニオちゃんって普段何食べてんの? すんごいほっそいけど、ちゃんと肉食べてる? 肉を笑う者は、肉に泣くんだよ?」
Partner with Heart Aino Heart: Chie, do you wanna come over for sweets sometime? My family runs a bakery!
Chie: Ooh, sounds great! I'll take mine extra large, with a side of steak!
Partner with Heart Aino はぁと「千枝さん、私の家喫茶店なんだけど、 今度スイーツを食べに来ませんか?」
千枝「お、いいねぇ。 そん時はお肉もセットで特盛でお願いね!」


Main Illustration



BlazBlue Radio



  • Chie & Tomoe's alternate palette references include the following:

External Links


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #3
  2. NicoNico, Arc System Works Official Video Channel, "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle" Character Introduction PV #3
  3. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Chie Satonaka