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From BlazBlue Wiki


Solo Actions



Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio
Fissuring Slash
Fissuring Slash
Fissuring Slash
Fissuring Slash
→ Additional Attack
→ Additional Attack
→ Additional Attack
→ Additional Attack
→ Fissuring Impact
→ Fissuring Impact
→ Fissuring Impact
→ Fissuring Impact
Form ONE: Shadow Wolf
Form ONE: Shadow Wolf
Form ONE: Shadow Wolf
Form ONE: Shadow Wolf
Form TWO: Demon Fox
Form TWO: Demon Fox
Form TWO: Demon Fox
Form TWO: Demon Fox
Form THREE: Wild Lion
Form THREE: Wild Lion
Form THREE: Wild Lion
Form THREE: Wild Lion
Form FOUR: Black Panther
Form FOUR: Black Panther
Form FOUR: Black Panther
Form FOUR: Black Panther
Divine Form
Divine Form
Divine Form
Divine Form
Rising Justice
Rising Justice
Rising Justice
Rising Justice


Situation Quote Audio
Thousand Hands: Roaring Pillar
Thousand Hands: Roaring Pillar
Twin Guardians: Mourning Shore
Twin Guardians: Mourning Shore
Immovable Object: Lotus
Immovable Object: Lotus

Exceed Accel

Situation Quote Audio
Miroku: Spherical Illusion
Miroku: Spherical Illusion


Situation Quote Audio
Asura: Thunderbird Rising
Asura: Thunderbird Rising


Situation Quote Audio
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage)
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Time Up Defeat
Time Up Defeat
back to top


Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio

System Mechanics

Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)


Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)


Situation Quote Audio
Intro How 'bout we do a little sparrin'?
Intro どれ 一つ揉んでやるとしよう
Intro Looks like you need to learn a little lesson about respect.
Intro 身の程知らずには 仕置きが必要か?
Intro What're ya waitin' for? I can take on all of ya at once.
Intro どうした まとめてかかって来ても構わんぞ?
Intro Cut the yap and show me what you can do.
Intro さてと お手並み拝見だな
Intro Lemme give ya a little lesson. Watch close, and follow my lead.
Intro これも勉強だ 俺の動きをよく見ておけ
Intro I'll warn ya now, I'm pretty damn fast. Think you can keep up?
Intro 言っておくが俺は疾いぞ 上手く合わせられるか?
Outro So, there's this proverb: "A little learning is a dangerous thing," and... Hm. Fast asleep.
Outro 生兵法は大怪我の元と言ってな……もう聞こえてはいないか
Outro Aw hell, this ain't good... I'm gonna need to start your training over from scratch.
Outro ふぅむ……なってないな 一から鍛え直してはどうだ?
Outro I ain't tryin' to rag on ya, but ya really shouldn't judge someone by their appearance.
Outro 悪いことは言わん 人を見た目で判断するのはやめておけ
Outro Hmph, you're gonna need to do better than that if you wanna stand a chance against me.
Outro 残念だが その腕前では俺を倒すことはできん
Time Up Outro Time flies, huh.
Time Up Outro もうへばったのか?
Time Up Outro I can keep goin'!
Time Up Outro 俺はまだまだいけるぞ
Defeat I'm not....done with ya...
Time Up Defeat Ain't up to scratch...
Time Up Defeat しとめ切れんか…
Time Up Defeat Tougher'n ya look.
Time Up Defeat 油断したか…
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Situation Quote Audio
Intro 強きを論せず正しきを説くべし。
Intro やれやれ……お灸をすえてやろう。
Intro 安心しろ。命まではとらんよ。
Intro 俺の前に立つか……覚悟はできているな?
Outro 見所はあるが……まぁ精進しろ。
Outro 安心しろ、みねうちだ。
Outro 勝負ありだな。
Outro 悪いが、通してもらうぞ。

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: Come, Ragna. It's been a while since I last lent you my ear.
Intro 獣兵衛: ラグナ。久々に胸を貸してやろう。
Outro Seems like you're still just a hatchling.
Outro やれやれ、まだまだヒヨッコだな。

Jin Kisaragi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: The Power of Order... Come, let's see what you've got.
Intro 獣兵衛: 秩序の力か……どれ、調子を見てやろう。
Outro 良い太刀筋だが、まだまだだな。


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: I've got no choice, I'll be your opponent.
Intro 獣兵衛: 仕方ない、相手をしてやるか。
Outro Mm, in the end I'm only one person....
Outro う〜む、威勢だけは一人前なんだがなぁ……。


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei:
Intro 獣兵衛: やれやれ、相変わらず融通の利かんヤツだ。
Outro 全く、少しは頭を冷やしたらどうだ。

Celica A. Mercury

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: I-is that so? It's a strange feeling...
Intro 獣兵衛: す、そうなるのか?妙な気分だなぁ。。。 Play
Outro So she's made yet another strange thing... that Kokonoe.
Outro またけったいな物を作ったもんだなぁ。。。ココノエのやつ Play

Nine the Phantom

Situation Quote Audio
Intro 獣兵衛: そうか……ならば、俺の手でケジメをつけてやろう。
Outro 眠れ……お前の罪は、俺が背負う。


Situation Quote Audio
Intro 獣兵衛: 戦友の躰……返してもらうぞ、テルミ!
Outro ハクメン……仇はとったぞ……!
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Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Ya managed to keep up with me. Impressive, kid.
Outro with partner この俺の動きについてくるとは やるじゃないか
Outro with partner People get a lot stronger when they've got somethin' to protect. So, how about you?
Outro with partner 護るべきものがある時 人は強くなれる お前はどうだ?

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: Leavin' my back to you, Ragna. Now, let's go!
Ragna: Got it. Don't push yourself too hard, Master.
Intro 獣兵衛「背中は任せたぞラグナ 俺について来い」
ラグナ「はいよ あんま無茶すんじゃねぇぞ 師匠」
Outro Jubei: C'mon now... You're just as rough around the edges as ever!
Ragna: Who cares? We won, didn't we?
Outro 獣兵衛「全く……相変わらず色々と雑だなぁお前は」
ラグナ「別にいいじゃねぇか 勝ったんだからよ」

Jin Kisaragi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: Let's take a look-see and find out if you can handle the Power of Order.
Jin: Don't waste your time... There's no doubt in my mind.
Intro 獣兵衛「見せてもらおうか お前なりの『力』との向き合い方を」
ジン「要らぬ世話だ 僕はもう 迷わない」
Outro Jubei: Interesting... So that's your answer, huh?
Jin: Tch... You're the most annoying cat I know.
Outro 獣兵衛「成程な それがお前なりの向き合い方か」

Platinum the Trinity

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Sena: Don't worry, Master Jubei, we'll protect you.
Luna: Bring it! I won't let you lay a finger on Master Jubei!
Jubei: Aw, shucks... I can always count on you two.
Intro セナ「僕達が護ります 安心してくださいね 獣兵衛様」
ルナ「おら来いやぁ! 獣兵衛様には指一本触れさせねーぞ!」
獣兵衛「やれやれ 頼もしい限りだな」
Outro Luna: We did it, Master Jubei! Praise us, praise us!
Jubei: H-Hold on, now, don't get too clingy!
Outro ルナ「やったよ獣兵衛様! 褒めて褒めてー!」
獣兵衛「こ こらこら そんなにくっつくな」
Outro Sena: Master Jubeiii, I did my best.
Jubei: H-Hold on, now, don't get too clingy!
Outro セナ「獣兵衛様ぁ 僕 いっぱい頑張りましたよ~」
獣兵衛「こ こらこら そんなにくっつくな」

Nine the Phantom

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nine: I haven't seen you in action in a while, Darling...
Jubei: Stop flirtin' and focus on the battle.
Intro ナイン「久々にカッコイイところ見せてね アナタ?」
獣兵衛「じゃれるな 目の前の敵に集中しろ」
Outro Nine: Oh, finished already? That's no fun...
Jubei: *sigh* I have one crazy wife...
Outro ナイン「あら もう終わりなの? だらしないわねぇ」
獣兵衛「やれやれ 我ながらとんでもない嫁をもらったもんだ……」

Yukiko Amagi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: Don't worry. If it comes down to it, I'll keep you safe.
Yukiko: Mister Kitty... Thank you. I'll give you some catnip when this is over.
Intro 獣兵衛「安心しろ いざという時は 俺が何とかしてやる」
雪子「猫さん……ありがとう 戦い終わったらマタタビあげるね」
Outro Yukiko: Having two tails must be so convenient for cooking.
Jubei: I can't tell if you're making fun of me or not...
Outro 雪子「尻尾2本使えるとお料理の時便利そう」

Kanji Tatsumi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kanji: You don't wanna get hurt. Just leave this one to me.
Jubei: Hah, don't count me out yet, whippersnapper.
Intro 完二「怪我すんじゃねぇぞ ここは俺に任せな」
獣兵衛「見縊るな まだまだ若いモンには遅れをとらんぞ」
Outro Jubei: That's the end of that. Take stock of your abilities.
Kanji: Aw man... I just... I just wanna pet him...
Outro 獣兵衛「幕引きだ 己の力量を 今一度見つめ直すといい」
完二「おお……たまらねえ……さ 触りてえ……」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Teddie: Don't you DARE try to take my place as the mascot!
Jubei: The hell're you talkin' about?
Intro クマ「マスコットの座は渡さんクマよ~!」
Outro Teddie: Heh heh! Nobody can match up to MY charm!
Jubei: Whatever you say, kid...
Outro クマ「ふふーん! ぷりちーさはクマの圧勝クマね!」

Tohru Adachi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: These folks need an attitude adjustment.
Adachi: Oh, lighten up. Cats are supposed to be relaxed!
Intro 獣兵衛「さて 不義を正すとするか」
足立「おかたいなぁ もっと気楽に行こうよ」
Outro Jubei: Ya need more training. Again!
Adachi: Sheesh. What a slave driver.
Outro 獣兵衛「練度が足りん 出直してこい」
足立「やれやれ 最後までおかたいねぇ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Waldstein: Stand aside. This is too much for your tiny frame to take.
Jubei: Well, I guess I'm used to being underestimated...
Intro ワレンシュタイン「退いておれ 左様な矮躯では荷が重かろう」
獣兵衛「やれやれ 随分と安く買われたものだな」
Outro Jubei: Hah. That about wraps it up.
Waldstein: Ah, I see... You're quite the trickster.
Outro 獣兵衛「まぁ ざっとこんなものだ」
ワレンシュタイン「ほぉ……成程 小細工だけは達者なようだ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei:
Welp, here they come... Think you're ready for this?PS4: Welp, here they come... Are you ready?

Orie: Of course. I shall carry out my mission, right here, right now.
Intro 獣兵衛「さぁて来るぞ…… 覚悟は出来ているな?」
オリエ「無論です 我が使命 ここに示しましょう」
Outro Orie: Impressive technique. As I'd expect of a seasoned warrior.
Jubei: Well, missy, you're not the only one with a mission.
Outro オリエ「流石は歴戦の勇士 見事な腕前です」
獣兵衛「俺にも 果たすべき責務があるのでな」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: We are both animals... Let's give into our instincts and DEVOUR them!
Jubei: Hate ta tell ya, but that's really not my thing.
Intro メルカヴァ「互いに獣の身 本能のまま 共に食い散らかすとしよう」
獣兵衛「悪いな 生憎とそういうのは趣味じゃない」
Outro Merkava: Pathetic... What a fragile body you have...
Jubei: Ain't the body that matters. It's all about the mindset.
Outro メルカヴァ「貧弱……何と脆き器か」
獣兵衛「器ではない この勝敗を分けたのは 気構えの差だ」

Blake Belladonna

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jubei: Somethin' wrong? Ya look awfully unmotivated.
Blake: No. I just want to finish reading my book.
Intro 獣兵衛「どうした 何時になくやる気じゃないか」
ブレイク「別に さっさと本の続きを読みたいだけ」
Outro Blake: Whew... Now I can get back to reading.
Jubei: Leavin' so soon? Heh, kids these days.
Outro ブレイク「ふぅ…… これでやっと続きが読める」
獣兵衛「浮足立ちおって 全く仕方の無いヤツだ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akatsuki: Ah, a sword-wielding cat... I'm clearly delirious.
Jubei: Don't worry, I won't slow ya down none.
Intro アカツキ「二刀流の化け猫……疲れているのかもしれん」
獣兵衛「案ずるな 足は引っ張らんさ」
Outro Jubei: Thinkin' a little more clearly now?
Akatsuki: It seems an apology is in order...
Outro 獣兵衛「さて 眼鏡には適ったかな」
アカツキ「いやはや 恐れ入った……」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro with Hakumen, Platinum, and Nine Nine: My... What a lovely bunch of nostalgic faces.
Jubei: Never thought we'd see four of the Six Heroes gather in this day 'n age.
Luna: What's that!? You punks talkin' about Luna? Huh?
Hakumen: Words no longer bear meaning. If you wish to converse...then do so with your weapon!
Intro with Hakumen, Platinum, and Nine ナイン「あら 懐かしい顔ぶれが集まったものね」
獣兵衛「この時代に 六英雄のうち4人が揃うことになるとはな……」
ルナ「あん?なんだなんだ? お前ら何のことを言ってるんだ?」
ハクメン「……今更言葉で語る必要などあるまい 語りたくば……己が力を示せ!」
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Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Location Test
Location Test Play
Rank Up (Network) Looks like you leveled up. Good job!
Rank Up (Network) 段位が上ったぞ。良くやったな。 Play
Rank Up (Network) A result of your hard work. But that doesn't mean training's gonna get any easier.
Rank Up (Network) 努力の賜物だな。
Rank Up (Network) There's nothing else I can teach you. You've become a fine fighter.
Rank Up (Network) 俺から教えることはもう何も無い。
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge Well, that's embarrassing to think that I trained you... Get up Ragna. We start from the basics.
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge 全く、我が弟子ながら情けない……立て、ラグナ。
Vs. Jin Kisaragi Your blade is sharply honed, but is dangerous for the same reason. For better or for worse, you have become closer to him.
Vs. Jin Kisaragi 何処までも鋭く、しかしそれ故に危うい太刀筋……
Vs. Noel Vermillion You are letting your weapons control you, missy. How d'ya expect to protect anyone like that?
Vs. Noel Vermillion 武器に振り回されすぎだ。
Vs. Rachel Alucard Sorry Rachel. But, I'm going to stop her. I'd appreciate it if you could stay out of this fight.
Vs. Rachel Alucard 悪いな、レイチェル。
Vs. Taokaka Satisfied yet? I'll play with you again next time, but you gotta give an old man a break.
Vs. Taokaka これで満足したか?
Vs. Iron Tager It is not one's strength or speed that determines the outcome of battle. In the end, it is defined by one's ability to adapt, and their experience to support it.
Vs. Iron Tager 戦いの勝敗を分かつのは、膂力でも速度でもない。
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling I thank you for supporting the Kaka Village as long as you have.
But, you don't belong on the battlefield.
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling カカ族の村に助力してくれていた事には感謝している。
Vs. Arakune I've no intention of parting with the Musashi. I'll let you go this time, but I won't be as kind, the next.
Vs. Arakune 俺の六三四が狙いか……。
Vs. Bang Shishigami We weren't called the Six Heroes for nothing. You've still got lots to learn, youngen.
Vs. Bang Shishigami 生憎と、六英雄の名は伊達ではない。
Vs. Carl Clover I see you've got no intention to part ways with that child. SO be it, Nirvana... I will say no more.
Vs. Carl Clover そうか……
Vs. Hakumen Come to your senses, Hakumen. Nothing will come of blindly swinging your sword. I have no intention of making the same mistake we did 100 years ago.
Vs. Hakumen いい加減悟れ、ハクメン。
Vs. Nu-13 The urge to kill will shackle you, just as your hatred will blind you. You did not lose to me, but yourself.
Vs. Nu-13 殺意は体を強張らせ、憎悪は視界を曇らせる。
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi If I may, young lady... You're overly methodical. Overthinking something can cloud what is really important. Why not try things on a whim? I reckon that'd be perfect for you.
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi 如何せん几帳面すぎるなぁ。過ぎた思考は
Vs. Hazama Terumi's vessel...
If I do not pluck the seed right here, you will eventually become a threat to the world.
Vs. Hazama テルミの器か……。
Vs. Mu-12 Power only has meaning when one can properly use it. I suggest you look deep inside yourself.
Vs. Mu-12 力とは、それを振るう意志が伴って初めて意味を為す。
Vs. Makoto Nanaya I respect your speed and instincts, but you rely on them too much. You need to better understand the strategy of combat.
Vs. Makoto Nanaya 勘が鋭いのは結構だが
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing Your body may have aged, but your will has not. Perhaps this old man has a few things to learn from you, eh Valkenhayn?
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing 老いて尚、その意志は顕在か。
Vs. Platinum the Trinity Okay, okay, I get it! Stop your whining. I'll play with you a little more.
Vs. Platinum the Trinity ああもう、分かった分かった!
Vs. Relius Clover What do you intend to do, after you've become more than human?
Vs. Relius Clover お前は……人を『超え』て何になるつもりだ? Play
Vs. Izayoi I'm afraid I don't have a strong sense of what you'd call "justice." Just my own beliefs of what's right and what's wrong.
Vs. Izayoi 生憎と、正義なんて大層なものは持ち合わせちゃいない。
Vs. Amane Nishiki An impressive performance. You move so gracefully, turning the opponent's movement into your own. 'Suppose I've learned something new today.
Vs. Amane Nishiki 見事な『舞』だな。
Vs. Bullet I suggest you do not confuse rage for strength. You must first face and accept your anger before you can hope to become stronger.
Vs. Bullet 怒りに囚われるだけでは意味を為さないぞ。
Vs. Azrael Your strength is overwhelming. Are you really human?
Vs. Azrael その力、正に『鬼神』だな……。
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki I have known many members of the Mutsuki family to be fine warriors. I see that you are no exception... But first, please do something about those women.
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki 歴代のムツキ家の者は何人か知っているが
Vs. Kokonoe Sheesh... Whose side of the family does that stubbornness come from?
Vs. Kokonoe 全く……その強情なところは誰に似たのやら。 Play
Vs. Yuuki Terumi Trinity, I'm afraid that this one is beyond saving. Prepare to meet your end, Terumi.
Vs. Yuuki Terumi こいつを改心させるなんて
Vs. Celica A. Mercury Celica, you... No, never mind. Live your life however you want.
Vs. Celica A. Mercury セリカ、お前は……いや、何も言うまい。
Vs. Lambda-11 The 11th Prime Field Device. I hope that you may live out your life as a human.
Vs. Lambda-11 第十一素体か……願わくば『人』として生きてくれ。 Play
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku You're fast. But, true speed comes from knowing when to slow down. I suggest you remember that.
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku 速いな……だが、
Vs. Nine the Phantom The world belongs to them, Nine. It is not ours to alter... Which is why I am putting an end to all of our crimes, right now.
Vs. Nine the Phantom 世界は『奴ら』のモノだ……ナイン。 
Vs. Naoto Kurogane It's a shame. You've got so much potential, but you lack experience. Don't rely simply on your strength. There are different forms of power.
Vs. Naoto Kurogane 惜しいな。素質は一級品だが、まだまだ経験不足か。
Vs. Izanami It's over, Izanami. I suggest you go back to wherever you came, and never come back.
Vs. Izanami 散れ、冥王。
Vs. Susano'o A pathetic excuse for a god... You and "all your friends" should never have shown up.
Vs. Susano'o 邪神め……
Vs. Es Could it really be... The Embryo Storage? How far did Mitsurugi go...?
Vs. Es まさか……本物の『エンブリオ・ストレージ』なのか?
Vs. Mai Natsume Straight forward and honest. I see you've grown a lot since the last time I saw you... But, that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. Heh heh heh.
Vs. Mai Natsume 真っ直ぐでいて柔軟。
Vs. Jubei I have no doubts or regrets. This path that I traverse, is one that I have chosen myself. It belongs to no one else.
Vs. Jubei 迷いは無い。後悔も無い。
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Situation Quote Audio
Generic Gimme a break, you don't even know how to use your own strength, do ya? How 'bout I give you a lesson?
Generic やれやれ、力の使い方も知らんのか? どれ、稽古の一つでもつけてやるか……
Generic You've got a lot of potential. Don't sweat this loss. Win or lose, every battle has somethin' to teach us.
Generic 可能性を秘めた良い動きだ。 安心しろ、勝利も敗北も、全てがお前達の糧となる。
Generic If you can't beat me now that I'm old and past my prime, then you best turn around and give up on whatever it is you sought.
Generic 今の俺に勝てんようじゃ、どの道生き残るのは無理だな。 さっさと諦めた方が身のためだぞ。
Generic Sorry, but ya don't become one of the Six Heroes for nothin'. I've got years of experience on ya.
Generic すまんな、簡単に敗れるほど『六英雄』の名は安くはない。 お前達とは積み重ねてきた年季が違うんでな。
Generic C'mon now, don't tell me this is all ya got. Stand up, if ya don't wanna regret this moment for the rest of your life.
Generic おいおい、お前達の力はこんなものではなかろう。 後悔したくなければさっさと立つんだな。
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Jubei: Alright, sit your behind down right there. Didja forget everything I taught ya? You really call that "fighting"? Fine then, guess we gotta start all over from the very beginnin'. Get yerself ready.
Ragna: Urk... Cut me some slack, Master...
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge 獣兵衛「そこへ直れ、この馬鹿弟子が。 何ださっきの様は、粗雑にも程があるぞ。 今一度、その向こう見ずを徹底的に正してやる。覚悟しろ。」
Partner with Jin Kisaragi Jubei: You've got heaps of potential. You'd be even more fun to train than your big brother.
Jin: Don't patronize me, feline. The last thing I need is your instruction.
Partner with Jin Kisaragi 獣兵衛「やはりお前は筋が良い。兄貴よりも鍛え甲斐がありそうだ。」
Partner with Platinum the Trinity Luna: Hey, Sena! Stop hogging Master Jubei! It's my turn!
Sena: Aww, but you were hugging him so much earlier...
Jubei: Gee... They're almost more of a handful than those enemies were...
Partner with Platinum the Trinity ルナ「おいセナ! お前ばっか獣兵衛様にくっつくな! 交代だ交代!」
Partner with Nine the Phantom Nine: That's my man. I just fell in love with you all over again.
Jubei: You're my one and only. There are, uh...all sorts of reasons I'd never want a divorce.
Partner with Nine the Phantom ナイン「流石は私の選んだ男、惚れ直したわ。」
獣兵衛「これからも精進するさ。 お前からの三下半は、色んな意味で御免だからな。」
Partner with Yukiko Amagi Yukiko: Thank you for protecting me, Mister Kitty... As I promised... Here, catnip.
Jubei: Why do ya just have that on ya? ...Not that I'm complainin'. Thanks.
Partner with Yukiko Amagi 雪子「守ってくれてありがとう、猫さん。 お礼に約束通り……はい、マタタビだよ。」
獣兵衛「何故当たり前のように持っているんだ…… だが、有り難く頂戴しよう。」
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi Kanji: ...Er, uh, hey. Can I ask you a little favor? Can I...squeeze you? Just once? You look so fluffy, that fur is just calling my name!
Jubei: Sorry, you're gonna wanna ask somebody else. But if ya really wanna, er, squeeze me, you've gotta surpass me first.
Partner with [Kanji Tatsumi]] 完二「……あのよ。ちっとばっかし頼みがあるんだが。 一度だけでいい。モフらせてくんねぇか! その毛並みが、俺をよお……!」
獣兵衛「悪いが他を当たってくれ。 どうしてもと言うのならば、この俺を超えて見せろ。」
Partner with Teddie Teddie: Now that I think about it, we're different enough to be a mascot TEAM! Whaddaya say? Think the world's ready for Team Bearcat?
Jubei: I dunno about the world, but I'm sure as hell not.
Partner with Teddie クマ「うんうん、方向性が違うから、チミとはやっていけそうクマ~! チーム熊猫なんてどうクマ?」
Partner with Tohru Adachi Jubei: We all face dark nights of the soul now and then. We're fragile creatures, doomed to failure. But that's why training's so important! If you wanna succeed, you gotta have the strength to face your weaknesses.
Adachi: Haha. Well said. You're more human than I could ever be, cat.
Partner with Tohru Adachi 獣兵衛「心は脆い。迷うのも堕ちるのも詮無い事だ。 しかし、だからこそその鍛錬が肝要になる。 本当の自分と向き合う、強さがな。」
足立「ははっ、随分とご立派なことで。 僕みたいなのより、君の方がよっぽど人らしいね。」
Partner with Waldstein Jubei: Ain't no point in focusin' just on strength or speed. Ya need technique to really make 'em sing. If ya only think size matters, then ya ain't gonna win.
Waldstein: Pah, spoken like a true weakling. Strength is the essence of battle -- turn your back on it, and you will never know true power.
Partner with Waldstein 獣兵衛「膂力だけ、あるいは速度だけでは意味を成さん。 要は、それらを戦術へと練り上げる技量こそが肝心なわけだ。 体躯の差だけで勝敗が分かたれるほど、戦いは甘くはない。」
ワレンシュタイン「それは弱者の弁に過ぎぬ。戦いとは『力』―― その真髄から目を背けていては、真の強者へは至れぬわ。」
Partner with Orie Orie: So this is why you continue to fight... Not for yourself, but to build a future for all of us... May the light of salvation shine upon your soul.
Jubei: Sorry, but I ain't lookin' for salvation. I just wanna get things squared away, for my own sake.
Partner with Orie オリエ「貴方はそうやって戦い続けてきたのですね。 己を省みず、皆の未来を築くために…… いつかその魂に、救済のあらんことを。」
獣兵衛「生憎と、俺は救いを求めているわけじゃない。 ただ、己の筋を通したいだけだ。」
Partner with Merkava Merkava: I serve my beastial body, devouring as my instincts command. There is no room for questioning.
Jubei: Nah, I've seen ya question your consciousness. Ya haven't thrown your human mind away just yet.
Partner with Merkava メルカヴァ「この身は獣の器なればこそ、本能の欲するまま食らい尽くす。 そこに、是非を問う間隙など在りはしない。」
獣兵衛「だが、意志を問うことは出来る。 お前が未だ、人の意識を捨てきれずにいる内はな。」
Partner with Blake Belladonna Jubei: Deception's just a start. It's only worth a damn once you've managed to limit your opponent's options. If ya don't learn how to do that, you're only gonna beat weaker opponents.
Blake: I get it, I get it... Please, just let me read in peace...
Partner with Blake Belladonna 獣兵衛「惑わすだけでは足りん。相手の選択肢を削ぎ落とし、限定化させてこそ 初めて陽動は意味を成す。お前には、選択肢を奪うだけの圧が明らかに 不足している。その様でどうにかなるのは、格下相手の時だけだぞ。」
ブレイク「解った、解ったから。 お願いだから、本の続きを読ませて……」
Partner with Akatsuki Akatsuki: I was shocked by your appearance, but once you drew your blade, I knew I was working with a formidable warrior. Do forgive me for my initial rudeness.
Jubei: Ah, don't sweat it. Nowadays, I'm just a babysitter for my no-good disciple. Still, I'm not about to let some fresh-faced soldier boy show me up.
Partner with Akatsuki アカツキ「姿形は妖なれど、抜けば一騎当千の古強者か。 知らぬとはいえ、先ほどは失敬した。」
獣兵衛「過去の話だ。今は不出来な弟子のお守りさ。 もっとも、まだまだそこいらの新兵に後れを取るつもりはないがな。」
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Blazblue Alternative: Dark War

Situation Quote Audio
New Unit About me, huh? Well, y'can call me Jubei, to start. Don't look at me like just your ordinary housecat. You'll have my skills memorized in no time.
New Unit 俺のことは、獣兵衛と呼んでくれ。ただの猫族と侮るなよ。こう見えて、少々腕には覚えがある。
Ascension (SS+) Dontcha think you're underestimating me a little?
Ascension (SS+) 少々買いかぶりすぎなんじゃないか?
Ascension (SS++) This ain't enough for me. Still got a lotta potential left in me.
Ascension (SS++) まだ俺にも、いくらでも可能性はあるということか……
Ascension (SS+++) You've finally caught on to my true worth. Make sure you watch carefully with those eyes of yours.
Ascension (SS+++) お前が見定めた俺の真価、とくと見届けてくれ
Home Screen
Talk Y'got any family? I do but...well, y'know. Things didn't work out so well. They're still important to me though, no doubting that.
Talk 家族はいるか? 俺は……まあ、なんだ。いるにはいるが……中々うまくいかんもんでな。ただ、大切な存在であることは、間違いない。
Likes Silvervine...Do you know about it? That's some nice stuff. Smells so damn good, gets me in a good mood too. Although you human folk just don't get the appeal. Boy, what a waste.
Likes マタタビ、知ってるか? あれはいいぞ。匂いだけでい~い気分になってくる。といっても、普通の人間のお前さんにはわからんか。いやぁ、もったいないな。
Dislikes D'you know about the Six Heroes? Well, I was one of 'em. But to tell you the truth, the stories are mighty overblown. Lotta people working together, lotta luck... that's the only way we ended up winnin'.
Dislikes 六英雄の話を知ってるか? 俺もそのうちのひとりなんだが……実際は、語られるようなご大層なもんとは違う。大勢の協力と、多くの幸運があって……勝利に辿り着けただけだ。
Hobby Back in the day, I had a lot of fun traveling. Sometimes it was what I had to do, sometimes it was just leisure. Goin' this way and that suits me just fine.
Hobby 昔から旅ばかりしてきた。趣味でもあるし、仕事だったときもあるが……。あっちにいったり、こっちにいったり。そうしてるほうが、俺にとっては自然なんだ。
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