More actions
Solo Actions
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Weak Attack | ||
Medium Attack | ||
Strong Attack | ||
Drive Attack | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Distortion Drives
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Astral Heat
Situation | Quote | Audio |
System Mechanics
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Throw | ||
Aerial Throw | ||
Throw Whiff | ||
Throw Break | ||
Throw Escape | ||
Counter Assault | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Small | ||
Medium | ||
Large | ||
Instant Block | ||
Barrier Burst | ||
Guard Break | ||
Guard Fail (High) | ||
Guard Fail (Low) | ||
Guard Fail (Unblockable) | ||
Taking Damage
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Weakest | ||
Weak | ||
Medium | ||
Heavy | ||
Spinning | ||
Spinning Knockback | ||
Knockback | ||
Wall Bounce | ||
Ground Bounce | ||
Electrocuted | ||
Staggered | ||
Hit by Counter Assault | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Wakeup (Prone) | ||
Wakeup (Supine) | ||
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Ground Ukemi (Forward/Backward) |
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | ||
Stagger Recovery | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Idle | What's the matter? | |
Show me your power! | ||
Taunt | Quite disappointing. | |
I can calculate everything. | ||
Waste of time. | ||
You still have a ways to go. | ||
Turn around | ||
Jumping | ||
Backstep | ||
Forward Air Dash | ||
Backward Air Dash | ||
Combo (2k Damage) | ||
Combo (3k Damage) | ||
Combo (5k Damage) | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Show me...your power! | |
No problem! | ||
All | ||
If I use too much strength... Kokonoe gets mad at me. | ||
Don't think this will be easy. | ||
Switching to battle mode. | ||
Round Win | I’m surprised you survived this long. | |
I see you have some potential! | ||
Settle down, rookie! | ||
Oh, so you still get up! | ||
Outro | You’re within my estimates. | |
It’s me. Hm, no reception. | ||
You’re a second-rate soldier. | ||
Hey, Kokonoe. Nothing. | ||
Defeat | Sorry, Kokonoe. | |
Fate can be cruel on the battlefield. | ||
Craaaaap! | ||
Time Up Defeat | A miscalculation. | |
I'm out of time!? | ||
back to top
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Eat this! | ||
I dare you! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Gigantic Tager Driver | Gigantic tager...driver! | |
Don't think so, GIGANTIC! | ||
Atomic Collider | Atomic collider! | |
Plasma! | ||
Sledge | Sledge! | |
→ Hammer | Hammer! | |
Shatter! | ||
Gadget Finger | Gadget finger! | |
You have nowhere to run! | ||
Voltec Charge | EM! | |
Voltec! | ||
Spark Bolt | Spark bolt! | |
Magnetic spark! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Magna Tech Wheel | Here goes! Magna tech wheel! | |
Output a hundred and twenty percent, the power of magnetism! | ||
→ Terra Break | Terra break! | |
Pulverize! | ||
Genesic Emerald Tager Buster | Genesic...Emerald...Tager...Buster! | |
Gotcha! Any last words? This gonna be...Your end! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
King of Tager | Releasing armagus! King of...Tager! Quite disappointing. | |
Critical Limit! Forgive me...Limit break! Don't think this will be easy. | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Taunt | I can calculate everything! | |
Quite disappointing! | ||
Idle | What's the matter? | |
Show me your power! | ||
Combo (2k Damage) | How's that? | |
That's just basics! | ||
Combo (3k Damage) | Success! | |
Can you handle it? | ||
Combo (5k Damage) | As calculated! | |
Just as planned! | ||
Standing Throw | Prepare yourself! | |
Ready? | ||
Aerial Throw | You're not getting out of this! | |
Die! | ||
Throw Whiff | You dodged? | |
What? | ||
Throw Break | What? | |
Not enough pressure? | ||
Throw Escape | Not enough! | |
Too simple! | ||
Weak! | ||
Thought so! | ||
Guard | ||
Taking Damage | ||
Stagger | Crap, a hypercore! | |
G-Gyro! | ||
Stagger Recovery | Did I make it? | |
Take two! | ||
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | Nothing! | |
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | Evade! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | No problem! | |
Show me... Your power! | ||
Don't think this will be easy. | ||
If I use too much strength, Kokonoe gets mad at me. | ||
All Systems, Green! | ||
Switching to battle mode! | ||
Outro | You're within my estimates! | |
It's me. Hm, no reception. | ||
You're a second rate soldier! | ||
Hey Kokonoe, nothing. | ||
Round End | I see you have some potential! | |
I'm surprised you survived this long! | ||
Settle down, rookie! | ||
Oh, so you still get up! | ||
Defeat | Fate can be cruel on the battlefield! | |
CRA-A-A-AP! | ||
Sorry...Kokonoe! | ||
Time Up Defeat | What a shame! | |
I'm out of time? | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Taking Damage (burned) | You call this fire? | |
Not even hot! | ||
Taking Damage (Frozen) | ||
Not even cold! | ||
Taking Damage (Poisoned) | ||
back to top
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Gigantic Tager Driver | Gigantic tager...driver! | |
Gigantic Tager Driver (Aerial) | Air driver, break! | |
Feast on this, blast! | ||
Atomic Collider | Atomic collider! | |
Come closer! | ||
Sledge | Sledge! | |
Pulverizing | ||
→ Hammer | Hammer! | |
Smash! | ||
Gadget Finger | Gadget finger! | |
Get up! | ||
Voltec Charge | ||
Spark Bolt | Spark bolt! | |
Magnetize! | ||
Locked on! | ||
You're mine! | ||
Crimson Punisher | Crimson Meteor! | |
There's no escape! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Magna Tech Wheel | Overloading systems... Magna tech wheel! | |
→ Terra Break | Terra breaker! | |
Pulverize! | ||
Genesic Emerald Tager Buster | Genesic...Emerald...Tager...Buster! | |
Say your prayers! Cos this... is gonna be, your end! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
King of Tager | Ars Magus Engaged! King of...Tager! That is not enough to defeat me. | |
System Mechanics
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Overdrive | Activating drive! | |
Initiating overdrive! | ||
Burst | Overloading! | |
Barrier overload! | ||
Taunt | I'd hardly call that strategy! | |
Not even worth collecting data! | ||
What a let down! | ||
Your attacks are predictable! | ||
Throw | Prepare yourself! | |
Stand still! | ||
Aerial Throw | ||
Throw Whiff | Wha-? | |
Huh? | ||
Throw Break | ||
Throw Escape | ||
Guard | ||
Guard Break | ||
Instant Block | ||
Wakeup | ||
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Ground Ukemi (Forwards or Backward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | ||
Counter Assault | ||
Hit by Counter Assault | ||
Crush Trigger | It's over! | |
Done! | ||
Staggered | Shorting out! | |
Systems down! | ||
Stagger Recovery | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Idle | What's wrong? I don't have all day. | |
Are you afraid of me? | ||
Combo (2k Damage) | Well? | |
Feel the burn! | ||
Combo (3k Damage) | Working as intended! | |
That'll leave a mark! | ||
Combo (5k Damage) | Within Calculation! | |
Better than expected! | ||
Taking Damage | ||
Taking Damage (Spinning) | Irregularities detected! | |
Taking Damage (Spinning in Air) | ||
Taking Damage (Wall Bounce) | ||
Taking Damage (Ground Bounce) | ||
Taking Damage (Overhead) | ||
Taking Damage (Unblockable) | Crap! | |
My guard?! | ||
Taking Damage (Low) | ||
Taking Damage (Electricity) | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | ||
Show me... What you're made of! | ||
I suggest you surrender! | ||
Just following Orders! | ||
Kokonoe: Tager, new orders... Take em down! | ||
Outro | That is not enough to defeat me! | |
It is an honor to fight someone of your skill! | ||
Second rate at best! | ||
Just like the simulation! | ||
You're within our estimates! | ||
Defeat | ||
Time Up Defeat | ||
Defeat (Relius Astral) | Crap! | |
Defeat (Amane Astral) | Hey, Kokonoe! | |
Round End | I'm surprised you survived this long! | |
You've got potential, i'll give you that! | ||
Settle down, rookie! | ||
You put up quite a great fight! | ||
back to top
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Smart Combo 1 | All yours! | |
You're gone! | ||
Take this! | ||
Crush! | ||
Break! | ||
Smart Combo 2 | Sledge! | |
Hammer! | ||
Watch and learn! | ||
Shatter! | ||
Heavy heavy! | ||
Pulverize! | ||
Clash | Can you survive? | |
Nothing personal. | ||
Clash (Connect) | This will be... The end! | |
This is my mission... Blast! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Charged Lightning | Overload! | |
All limiters release! | ||
Atomic Collider | Atomic Collider! | |
There's no escape! | ||
Plasma. | ||
Gigantic Tager Driver | Gigantic Tager... Driver! | |
Now I've got you... This is the end! | ||
Subject contained... And decommissioned! | ||
Wedge Catapult | Wedge Catapult! | |
Get over here. | ||
Ace in the hole! | ||
Air Driver | Air Driver! | |
You're wide open! | ||
Get a load of this! | ||
Gadget Finger | Gadget Finger! | |
Now, get up! | ||
Got you again. | ||
EX Spark Bolt | Spark Bolt! | |
Discharging! | ||
You're in for a shock! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Magna Tech Wheel | Magna Tech Wheel! Haaaaaah! | |
Here goes! Magna Tech Wheel! | ||
Enhanced Magna Tech Wheel | Tera-Break! | |
You're finished | ||
Genesic Emerald Tager Buster | Genesic... Emerald... Tager... Buster! | |
I will be your end. Say goodbye to your friends. Hell's warden awaits! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
King of Tager | Releasing all limiters! King of... Tager! | |
Releasing Armegis! King of... Tager! | ||
System Mechanics
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Resonance Blaze | Drive, activate! | |
Let's throw this into overdrive! | ||
Throw | Brace yourself! | |
Throw Whiff | What!? | |
Throw Break | What!? | |
Throw Escape | Weak! | |
Telegraphed. | ||
Guard | Grr! | |
You're strong. | ||
Guard Fail (Low) | I miscalculated!? | |
Guard Fail (Overhead) | Within parameters! | |
Reject Guard | Useless! | |
Please. | ||
Taking Damage | Such damage-! | |
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | Damage minimal. | |
Ground Ukemi (Forwards or Backwards) | Damage minimal. | |
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | Hu-hah! | |
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | Not so fast! | |
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | Saw it! | |
Stagger Recovery | In the nick of time! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Idle | What's the matter? Come at me. | |
Combo (6k Damage) | As calculated. | |
Combo (8k Damage) | That's one set! | |
Combo (10k Damage) | Beyond my expectations! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Having someone watching my back...isn't half bad, really. | |
誰かに背中を預けるか……悪くない気分だ | ||
If you think yourself a warrior, then speak with your strength. | ||
お前も戦士なら 力で証明することだ | ||
All engines operational. No problems detected. | ||
全機関駆動開始……問題は無さそうだ | ||
Our performance here will determine the outcome of this mission. I expect you to pull your own weight. | ||
我々の連携が戦況を左右する しくじるなよ? | ||
Kokonoe, do you read me? I'm uploading the combat data now. | ||
聞こえるかココノエ これより戦闘データを記録する | ||
TR=0009 Tager. assessing the situation. | ||
TR/0009テイガー 状況を開始する | ||
Outro | That wasn't a bad battle. | |
悪くない戦いだった | ||
Just as I thought. Is this really all you're capable of? | ||
想定通りだな 貴様達の力はこんなものか? | ||
Sorry, but I'm afraid I have to decomission you. | ||
悪いが 貴様を拘束させてもらうぞ | ||
Hah. You're a second-rate soldier. | ||
戦士としては二流だな | ||
Time Out Outro | Time's up for you. | |
時間のようだな | ||
Mission Complete. | ||
任務完了だ | ||
Defeat | I'm sorry... Kokonoe... | |
Out of... Gas... | ||
Time Out Defeat | Poor calculations... | |
見誤った…… | ||
Shit. Didn't think about the time... | ||
しまった 時間を想定していなかった…… |
back to top
Partner Actions
Partner Swap
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Duo Change | Commencing mission. | |
I've got this. | ||
Partner Skill Change | Need to retreat! | |
Retreating. | ||
Cross Burst | Not on my watch. | |
Putting this on your tab. | ||
Partner Defeat | I didn't wanna do this... | |
This is critical! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Distortion Skill Duo (Tera-Break) | Pursuit! | |
I'm done with you! | ||
Cross Combo | Let's go! | |
With me! | ||
Assist Calls
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Generic | Would you mind? | |
Help me out. | ||
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge | Grim Reaper! | |
Go, Grim Reaper! | ||
Partner with Jin Kisaragi | Jin Kisaragi! | |
Can I trust you? | ||
Partner with Noel Vermillion | Noel Vermillion! | |
Get to work. | ||
Partner with Rachel Alucard | Rachel! | |
Could use a hand! | ||
Partner with Hakumen | Hakumen! | |
Go right ahead. | ||
Partner with Nu-13 | Murakumo! | |
Come! | ||
Partner with Hazama | Hazama! | |
Come! | ||
Partner with Makoto Nanaya | Makoto! | |
Requesting support. | ||
Partner with Platinum the Trinity | Platinum the Trinity! | |
Come! | ||
Partner with Izayoi | Tsubaki! | |
Come! | ||
Partner with Azrael | Mad Dog! | |
Remember, we're on duty. | ||
Partner with Celica A. Mercury | ||
Partner with Nine the Phantom | Nine! | |
Remember, we're on duty. | ||
Partner with Naoto Kurogane | ||
Partner with Susano'o | ||
Partner with Es | Es! | |
You've got work to do. | ||
Partner with Mai Natsume | Mai Natsume! | |
Show me what you've got! | ||
Partner with Jubei | Jubei! | |
Come! | ||
back to top
Ragna the Bloodedge
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Ragna: What the hell do you want? Tager: You are too dangerous! |
Sledge | What the hell... | |
→ Hammer | Can you change? | |
Outro | Blinded by power. | |
Jin Kisaragi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Sledge | NOL... | |
→ Hammer | That all you've got? | |
Noel Vermillion
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Sledge | Library... | |
→ Hammer | What a joke! | |
Litchi Faye-Ling
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: It's been a while, Litchi. Litchi: I'm sorry, but there is nothing else to say. |
Idle | Litchi. | |
Sledge | Where... | |
→ Hammer | Did you get that power? | |
Outro | Give up on him. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Is it really you? Arakune: Gya! Gyaah! |
Idle | Litchi's sad! | |
Magna Tech Wheel | So this is the path you've chosen! | |
→ Terra Break | Arakune! | |
Outro | What a disgrace! | |
back to top
Jin Kisaragi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Show me how you destroyed Ikaruga. Jin: Withdraw, this is not your fight! |
Outro | Heroes are so common these days. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | You're Hazama, then. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: You're Arakune, now? Arakune: Guah...goaaargh! |
Outro | Rest in peace, old friend. | |
Gigantic Tager Driver | You were like a brother to me, the least I can do. | |
Throw | You've made Litchi sad! | |
Magna Tech Wheel | So this is the path you've chosen! | |
→ Terra Break | And you've chosen to die! | |
Ragna the Bloodedge
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Ragna: Tch, of course! Tager: You are too dangerous! |
Idle | Bring it on, Ragna the Bloodedge! | |
Throw | Learn to use your power! | |
Barrier Burst | You damn reaper! | |
Gigantic Tager Driver | Don't tell me this is it...Grim reaper! | |
Round end | This is the grim reaper? | |
Show me the power of the azure! | ||
Outro | Blinded by power! | |
Noel Vermillion
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Come with me, Noel Vermillion. | |
Idle | I'm taking you into custody! | |
Standing Throw | You're no match for me! | |
Atomic Collider | Not this time, library! | |
Spark Bolt | What a joke! | |
Gigantic Tager Driver | I'm sorry, but these are my orders. | |
Round End | I don't want to hurt you. | |
Please, stay down. | ||
Outro | I didn't want this to happen. | |
Litchi Faye-Ling
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: It's been a while, Litchi. Litchi: I'm sorry, but there is nothing else to say. |
Gigantic Tager Driver | Forgive me litchi... GIGANTIC! | |
Idle | Litchi. | |
Throw | Kokonoe's sad! | |
Round end | I'm impressed, Litchi. | |
Now stand up! | ||
Outro | Give up on him. | |
Makoto Nanaya
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Makoto: I'm sorry but i'm gonna have to fight you, Red Devil! Tager: Very well, we shall fight Man to uh... Woman, as fellow soldiers. |
Idle | Let's see what you've got! | |
Ground Ukemi (Forwards/Backwards) | So you've got some moves! | |
Gigantic Tager Driver | Slow... Can you survive this? | |
Round end | ||
Outro | Very good, there is weight behind your fists. | |
Relius Clover
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Kokonoe has spoken of you. Relius: Kokonoe's toy soldier! |
Idle | Target Relius Clover! | |
Outro | Target down, we overestimated you! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Hakumen... Kokonoe wants you back. | |
Outro | I should've guessed! | |
back to top
Ragna the Bloodedge
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Ragna: God dammit Red Devil! Tager: We meet again, Ragna the Bloodedge. |
Idle | What's the matter, reaper? | |
Round end | Surely this is not all your power! | |
Outro | Don't tell me that was all! | |
Jin Kisaragi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: To think I would encounter the hero of ikaruga here! Jin: Sector Seven's Red Devil! |
Outro | Still a child! | |
Noel Vermillion
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Noel: Tager, please don't hold back on me! Tager: Let's see if you've become as strong as you say. |
Idle | Stand down, Lieutenant. | |
Throw | Come on, Lieutenant! | |
Gigantic Tager Driver | You have no one to blame... But yourself! | |
Round end | I'm taking you in! | |
I don't have time for this! | ||
Outro | I suppose there's some improvement... | |
Litchi Faye-Ling
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Litchi, what are you doing in the library? Litchi: If I win, you have to take me to the professor. |
Idle | Litchi. | |
Round end | Now, get up! | |
Not bad, Litchi! | ||
Outro | Let him go. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Arakune: Woah, ouaaaaagh! Tager: I'll do what I should've done long ago! |
Round end | Satisfied yet? | |
Expected! | ||
Outro | Why is it i'm always one step short? | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Long time no see, Hakumen. | |
Outro | I've witnessed the power of the six heroes! | |
Makoto Nanaya
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Makoto: This won't end well, for one of us! Tager: Show me your strength, Makoto! |
Idle | Let us put that power to the test! | |
Gigantic Tager Driver | Let's see you... Handle this! | |
Throw | Not good enough! | |
Round end | ||
Outro | Your punches pack weight! | |
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | May I have this battle? | |
Outro | Thank you for the valuable experience. | |
Relius Clover
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Relius: You damn toy! Tager: Relius Clover, what are you doing here? |
Idle | Let's begin, Relius. | |
Round end | You fail to live up to your rumors! | |
Outro | Why do I have a bad feeling? | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Bullet: Red Devil, where's Kokonoe? Tager: You were at sector seven. |
Outro | You're looking for Kokonoe? | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Azrael: Heh, i'll fold you up so you'll fit in a coffin! Tager: You maniac! |
Idle | Damn psychopath | |
Round end | ||
Outro | What's the matter, forgot how to fight? | |
Kagura Mutsuki
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kagura: Hey, Red Devi! Tager: To face you, I look forward to this battle! |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kokonoe: Let's see your performance. Tager: I never would've imagined I would fight you! |
Outro | This is why I should be on the field! | |
Celica A. Mercury
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Celica: It's your big brother, Minerva! Tager: You cannot defeat me with an automaton, Celica. |
Outro | Oh dear, perhaps I should take you to the medical ward. | |
back to top
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Outro with partner | Now THAT was a fight. You've got my respect. | |
成程 いい腕だ 優れた戦士には敬意を払おう | ||
I've collected some excellent data. Thank you for all your help. | ||
いいデータが取れた 協力に感謝する |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Hakumen: Stand down. You are nothing but the grimalkin's plaything. Tager: Hmm... It's not often that I'm made a rookie by comparison. |
ハクメン「退け 化け猫の傀儡に 用は無い 」 テイガー「やれやれ 今回ばかりは私がルーキーか」 |
Outro | Hakumen: Hmm... To think you would be a match for my swordsmanship... Tager: I've got a little pride of my own, you know. |
ハクメン「ほう 我が太刀筋に合わせるか……」 テイガー「生憎と 私にも意地があるのでな」 |
Makoto Nanaya
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Stay focused and ready, Makoto. Makoto: Yeah, I'm ready! Ready to punch 'em in the FACE! Tager: Did you hear a word I just said...? |
テイガー「マコト くれぐれも警戒を怠るなよ」 マコト「ほいほーい!ガンガンいっちゃうよー!」 テイガー「本当に解っているのか……?」 |
Outro | Makoto: Whoa, that was a close one, wasn't it, Mr. Tager? Tager: Which is why I said we needed to stay-- Ugh, never mind. Well done. |
マコト「あっぶなかった~ ギリギリだったね テイガーさん!」 テイガー「だから警戒しろとあれだけ…… まぁ良い ご苦労だった」 |
Kanji Tatsumi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: The difference in our power is... Hmm... We'll have to be careful. Kanji: Heh, don't sweat the small stuff. We've just gotta win, right? Easy! |
テイガー「彼我の戦力差は…… 成程 油断ならんな」 完二「ヘッ ごちゃごちゃ言うな 勝てばいいんだよ 勝てば!」 |
Outro | Tager: You're a second rate soldier. Kanji: Yeah. And what's a second rate soldier to a first rate man?PS4: Looks like we just muscled our way through. |
テイガー「戦士としては二流だな」 完二「ま 俺らの「漢」が勝ってたっつー感じだな」 |
Akihiko Sanada
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Akihiko: A battle is determined by the quality and mass of a team's muscles. These guys don't stand a chance. Tager: ...Is that some sort of tactical calculation? |
明彦「戦いの決定打は筋肉量とその質だ その点で俺たちの勝利は揺るがない」 テイガー「……それは 作戦の暗号か何かか?」 |
Outro | Tager: You've got potential, but you overestimate your abilities. Akihiko: Victory only comes to those who train. |
テイガー「素質はあるようだが 過信したな」 明彦「鍛錬を怠ったものに勝利などあるはずもない」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Aegis: Let's go, Tager! Maximum power! Tager: Quick and decisive... I like it. |
アイギス「テイガーさん マックスパワーで行きましょう!」 テイガー「短期決戦か 悪くない選択だ」 |
Outro | Tager: Mission complete. Proceeding to the next waypoint. Aegis: Roger that. Away we go! |
テイガー「作戦終了 次のポイントへ移動する」 アイギス「了解です れっつらごー であります!」 |
Tohru Adachi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Let's just stick to the plan. Adachi: Right-o, yep. Roger that. |
テイガー「作戦通りに行くぞ」 足立「はいはい 了解ですよーっと」 |
Outro | Tager: Adachi, I thought I said to stick to the plan. Adachi: Hahaha, did you? Well, we still won. |
テイガー「足立 私は作戦通りと言った筈だが?」 足立「ははは そうだっけ? ま 結果が全てだよ」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Hyde: Are you ready for my REAL strength!? Tager: Calm down, Rookie. First we have to analyze the enemy's movements. |
ハイド「見せてやるよ 俺の力を!」 テイガー「逸るなルーキー まずは敵状分析に努めろ」 |
Outro | Hyde: Is that all you got? That's disappointing... Tager: Still so green...but you've got potential. |
ハイド「この程度かよ 拍子抜けだな」 テイガー「青いな……だが 悪くない」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Unknown enemy approaching... Let's see... How do you want to handle this, Waldstein?PS4: Unknown enemy approaching. How do we want to handle this? Waldstein: The only way I know how...with POWER! |
テイガー「アンノウン接近…… さて 如何様に対処したものか」 ワレンシュタイン「知れたこと 力で押し切るのみ!」 |
Outro | Waldstein: Weak! TOO WEAK! Tager: We've neutralized our opponents... But at the expense of our surroundings, I'm afraid. |
ワレンシュタイン「温い! 温過ぎるわ!」 テイガー「勝ちは拾ったが やれやれ……周辺被害は甚大だな」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Engaging defenses. Ugh, looks like they're a step ahead of us. Gordeau: Aww, lighten up. It's just a little fight, after all. |
テイガー「エンゲージ・ディフェンシブ やれやれ 後手に回ったか」 ゴルドー「まぁ そう構えなさんな コイツはただのケンカなんだからよ」 |
Outro | Gordeau: What a shame... This harvest isn't even edible. Tager: I...don't imagine you'd eat any of these people anway... |
ゴルドー「あっけねぇなぁ これじゃ『収穫』しても食えたもんじゃねぇ」 テイガー「全く 食えないのはお前だ」 |
Yang Xiao Long
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Yang: Do whatcha want, just take 'em out with a Yang! Tager: So much for coming up with a strategy... |
ヤン「んじゃ! お互いフィーリングで合わせていくってことで!」 テイガー「やれやれ 作戦を立てた意味が無いな……」 |
Outro | Yang: Yeah! See? No problem! Tager: Wrong. There WAS a problem, and we solved it. |
ヤン「イェア! ほら 何とかなったじゃん!」 テイガー「なったのではない 何とかしたのだ」 |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Tager: Voltage, hydraulics, all green. Revolution threshold exceeded...! Akatsuki: Engine activated... Battle voltage achieved! |
テイガー「電圧油圧確認 回転数臨界突破……!」 アカツキ「機関始動……戦闘電圧到達!」 |
Outro | Akatsuki: Combatants neutralized. Battle complete. Tager: Hardly any need for a damage report. |
アカツキ「残敵無し 作戦終了」 テイガー「ダメージレポートは無用のようだな」 |
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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | This is the power of the Azure Grimoire? I guess I expected too much. Or perhaps my body has been modified too much... Kokonoe... What a terrifying woman.. | |
これが「蒼」の魔道書の力か?むむ、期待しすぎたか。 いや、私の肉体が改造されすぎているのかもしれん。 ココノエ、恐ろしいやつだ。 | ||
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | I heard you had a personality like cold steel... I never thought I would find you out here, acting on your own, Major. | |
冷酷な性格とは耳にしていたが、少佐殿がこのような場所で、 無意味とも思える単独行動をするとは何事だ? | ||
Vs. Noel Vermillion | Are you OK? ...Hm, she's unconscious. I really don't enjoy fighting with little girls, but I have a mission to carry out. Forgive me. | |
大丈夫か....... む、気を失っている。 女子供との戦闘はさけたいのだが、 任務中なのでな。 すまない。 | ||
Vs. Rachel Alucard | A talking cat and a bat... I've never seen anything like that before... How interesting. I'll bet Kokonoe would be interested in taking a look at them. | |
しゃべる猫にコウモリか。 はじめて見るが興味深い。 ココノエに持って帰ってやればさぞかし喜ぶだろうな。 | ||
Vs. Taokaka | I-I'm not a toy! Hey, get off! | |
わ、私は遊具ではないぞ。 こら、登るな。 | ||
Vs. Iron Tager | Gah! Kokonoe... that woman... When did she make a second unit? | |
む!?ココノエ、あいつ、いつの間に2号機をつくっていたのだ? | ||
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Don't do it... There's no need to taint your hands with blood. | |
やめておけ、自ら罪を背負う必要はあるまい。 | ||
Vs. Arakune | You tapped into the power of the Boundary, and that's all you've got? You should contemplate your foolishness. | |
魔に堕ちてその程度か、自らの愚かさを噛みしめるがいい! | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Hmph. You died as ridiculously as you lived. | |
登場も派手なら散り様も派手だな。 | ||
Vs. Carl Clover | That... That's Deus Machina Nirvana! Kid, where did you get that? Hey! Hold on! | |
!?それは機神ニルヴァーナ!お前それをどこで手に入れた、 おい、 まて! | ||
Vs. Hakumen | I wouldn't do that if I were you... I've already analyzed your abilities. The result will be the same. | |
やめておけ、貴様の解析なら既に完了している。 今は何度やっても結果は同じだ。 | ||
Vs. ν-No.13- | I apologize, but your strength was too overwhelming. I couldn't hold anything back. | |
すまんな、 その力の強大さゆえに手加減をしてやれなかった。 |
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Situation | Quote | Audio |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | The Azure Grimoire is indeed the strongest of Grimoires... Yes... If you exclude certain people. | |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | You've fallen quite far, hero. | |
Vs. Noel Vermillion | I need to capture you before... before -they- find you. This is for your own good. | |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | I had no idea you and Kokonoe were acquainted. Although, I must admit...I've never understood her criteria for choosing "friends"... | |
Vs. Taokaka | You again... Stop getting in my way and go home. | |
Vs. Iron Tager | Kokonoe, I don't mind you creating a replica of me, but I would advise against letting him roam free, even for testing purposes. | |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Calm down, Litchi! Neither I nor Kokonoe want to force you. But I think you know this is the best course of action as well. | |
Vs. Arakune | That ought to put you out of commission for a few days. Now, stay put! | |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Do you enjoy picking fights with me? You're no different from the perpetually-hungry child! | |
Vs. Carl Clover | I must collect the Nirvana for study. There should be no problem if you come along as well, right? | |
Vs. Hakumen | I would expect nothing less from one of the Six Heroes... But you are still no match for me! | |
Vs. λ-No.11- | Test complete. But to use this little girl for combat... I will never understand what Kokonoe is thinking. | |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | Whatever your task may be, you are still nothing more than a tool of the Library. Don't waste your breath to try and give me orders. | |
Vs. Hazama | You...! Kokonoe has told me to avoid you at all costs, but I will put you down myself! | |
Vs. μ-No.12- | Number 12, the best I can do is temporarily suppress your powers. Do you truly wish to lead this world down the path of extinction? | |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | You need to work on your defense. I still don't trust you. Keep that in mind. | |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Valkenhayn... One of the Six Heroes. Back on the battlefield, then. I never thought I would meet four of the Six Heroes. That all of you have come does not bode well for our world. | |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | I'm sorry, but I have to take your Nox Nyctores-- Wh-What?! What are you saying?! I'm not a pervert! H-Hey! Be quiet! | |
Vs. Relius Clover | I'm confiscating the Detonator and returning to headquarters with it. | |
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Situation | Quote | Audio |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | The Azure Grimoire never ceases to amaze me... Surely it would have pulverized anyone but myself. | |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | I see... So you are no longer a soldier in the Librarium. Then calling you "Major" was a mistake. | |
Vs. Noel Vermillion | Little Azure girl... I apologize, but I need you to come with me. | |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | You are young only in appearance... but like Kokonoe, you must have lived for— I shall say no more. | |
Vs. Taokaka | Hey, stop that! There is nothing to be gained by groping at my chest! N-Noo! | |
Vs. Iron Tager | I was wondering why you were collecting my data so frequently, Kokonoe... To create... this? | |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | You've gone too close to the Boundary. Do you really want to follow in Roy's footsteps? | |
Vs. Arakune | Roy, leave Litchi alone... Hmph, I know there is no point in trying to reason with you now... | |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Ikaruga is known for producing amazing ninja; however, there seems to be a large discrepancy between my records of "ninja" and... well... you. Are you really what one defines to be a "ninja"? | |
Vs. Carl Clover | We will do Nirvana no harm. Place your trust in Kokonoe. | |
Vs. Hakumen | Hakumen... Why do you refuse to believe in Kokonoe's cause? | |
Vs. ν-No.13- | This is the power of the Murakumo unit? It's quite... overwhelming. | |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | It is against my code to fight women and children, even if they are sent from the Library. Nonetheless, there is a greater cause for which I fight... and I cannot stand down. | |
Vs. Hazama | That murderous aura... You're insane. | |
Vs. μ-No.12- | Lieutenant...? My readings are off the chart. Is this the power of the sword of Kusanagi? | |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | You care for your friends deeply... That much I shall accept. | |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Valkenhayn of the Six Heroes, it was an honor to cross fists with you. And it would seem I still have much to learn. | |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | I will be taking this Nox Nyctores from you. W-What a pedoph—?! H-Hey, I think you're grossly misunderstanding my intentions! S-Stop that! Don't yell it out loud! | |
Vs. Relius Clover | Why do I feel like I've seen you before...? And that detonator of yours. Argh... my head...! | |
Vs. Izayoi | No matter how strong you become... I will not lose to those who have forgotten the true meaning of "power". | |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | you are what one calls a "performer." I shall add that to my database. | |
Vs. Bullet | Where have I seen you...? Gah. | |
Vs. Azrael | To unleash a madman like you... Sector Seven must be getting rather desperate. | |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | I expected as much from the Dark Knight Kagura... | |
Vs. Kokonoe | Tch, you should've left the mission to me... Why do this? | |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | Kokonoe, I've restrained the man known as "Terumi". Requesting new orders. | |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | Good heavens... Careful, you wouldn't want to sprain something. | |
Vs. λ-No.11- | I can't say why, but I feel something's changed... Has it? | |
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Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | Looks like we've leveled up... Well done. | |
段位が上昇したようだ。よくやったぞ。 | ||
All according to your calculation. I feel like we just can't lose... | ||
お前の計算通りだな。負ける気がしないぞ。 | ||
I am honored... to be able to fight alongside a first-rate warrior like yourself... | ||
お前のような一流の戦士と共に戦えることを、私は誇りに思う。 | ||
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) |
Combat terminated... damage minimal. You don't live up to your name, Grim Reaper. Time to claim the Azure Grimoire... | |
戦闘終了――損害軽微。意外にあっけなかったな、『死神』。 では、『蒼の魔道書』とやらは頂くぞ。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) |
Kokonoe's orders. Sorry, but I'm taking you in... Ragna the Bloodedge. | |
ココノエの命令だ。悪いが拘束させてもらうぞ、 ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 1/2) |
He gave me the match...? Why did it feel like that man was holding back his strength...? | |
勝ちを譲られた……? あの男、力を抑えて戦っていたようにも思えたが……。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 3) |
Why did you give me the win, Jin Kisaragi...? Don't tell me your body is...? | |
何故私に勝ちを譲った、ジン=キサラギ。 貴様、まさか身体が……? |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) |
Your skills as a marksman are sub-par. No Nox Nyctores could possibly make up for that difference... I'm taking these back to Kokonoe. | |
射手が未熟ならば、いくら魔銃と言えど脅威ではない。 悪いが、この事象兵器は回収させて貰うぞ。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) |
Kokonoe, I've restrained Noel Vermillion. Now returning to the lab. | |
ココノエ、ノエル=ヴァーミリオンを拘束した。 これよりラボへ搬送する。 |
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 1/2) |
This girl... what on earth is she!? Hmm, you did save me the trouble of recharging, though... | |
この少女、一体何者だ……? 何にせよ、充電の手間が省けたな。 | ||
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 3) |
Rachel Alucard. What could you possibly do in your weakened state...? | |
レイチェル=アルカード…… そこまで弱った身体で、これ以上何をするつもりだ。 |
Vs. Taokaka | Are you some sort of mutant? What? A rocket punch...? Sorry, but I don't have such functionality... or... I shouldn't. | |
変形? 合体? ロケットパンチだと? すまないが、私にそのような機能は搭載されていない……はずだ。 |
Vs. Iron Tager | Dammit, Kokonoe... I didn't know you were making new prototypes. And... was it absolutely necessary to make it look like me on the outside, too? | |
ココノエめ……。 試作機とは言え、何も外見まで似せる必要は無いだろう。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Litchi... you're trying to do too much. Just as stubborn as Kokonoe. | |
ライチ。お前は一人で背負いすぎだ。 その頑固さはココノエにそっくりだな。 |
Vs. Arakune | I'd love to put an end to you right now, but... if I do, there are those who will be sad. I'm bringing you back with me... | |
ここで楽にしてやりたいが……お前が死ぬと悲しむ奴もいるのでな。 回収させてもらうぞ。 |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Hmph... what an energetic fool. That audacity will get you killed on the battlefield. | |
やれやれ、賑やかな男だ。その騒がしさは戦場では命取りだぞ。 | ||
Vs. Carl Clover | Such a small child on the battlefield... Though I may be ignorant of your reasons, I need to collect that weapon. | |
こんな子供を何が戦場に駆り立てたのか…… 私が知る由も無いが、その事象兵器は回収させて貰おう。 |
Vs. Hakumen (Act 1/2) |
Kokonoe! What is the meaning of this!? What is Hakumen doing here? | |
ココノエ! どういうことだ!? 何故、六英雄ハクメンが此処にいる? |
Vs. Hakumen (Act 3) |
Severe damage incurred... The Six Heroes name is not just for show. | |
かなりの損傷を受けてしまった。 六英雄の名は伊達では無いということか……。 |
Vs. Nu-13 | The Murakumo Unit... If I didn't have data beforehand, this would have been very dangerous... | |
これがムラクモユニット……事前にデータが無ければ…… 危ないところだったな。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | Gods don't give a damn about justice on the battlefield... You better learn fast: the only thing at stake in war are human lives. | |
戦場において神の裁きなど存在しない。 在るのは、人間同士の命の奪い合いだけだ。 |
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) |
The Librarium's Intelligence...? I see. That depressing aura of yours is just an occupational hazard. | |
図書館の諜報部だと? 成程、その辛気臭さは仕事柄と言うわけか。 |
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) |
Hazama... what happened to Yuuki Terumi? What are you planning to do in this world? | |
ハザマ……ユウキ=テルミはどうした。 この世界で、貴様は何を企んでいる。 |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) |
That armor... it's different from my data, but... don't tell me you're a Murakumo Unit, too...!? | |
その兵装……データとは異なるが…… まさかこいつも、ムラクモユニットか……!? |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) |
Don't worry... Kokonoe won't do anything bad to you. I think...? | |
安心しろ。ココノエならば、お前を悪いようにはしない……はずだ。 | ||
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 1/2) |
Thought you could defeat me with speed alone? I wouldn't judge another's specs from their appearance alone. | |
速度だけで私に勝てると思ったのか? 悪いが見た目通りの性能ではないのでな。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 3) |
Your weakness -- you rely too much on speed. Tired already? Suck it up... | |
お前の弱点は速度に頼りすぎるところだ。 何? もう疲れただと? 甘ったれるな。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | I'm amazed someone of your age can still move so well... It seems I have much to learn. | |
老いた身でありながら、そこまで動けるとは見事だ。 私もまだまだ精進せねばなるまい……。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | You're no ordinary child... Forgive me, but I need to bring you back to base. Orders, you see... | |
どうやらただの子供ではないな……? 悪いが、上の命令でお前たちを回収させてもらうぞ。 |
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 1/2) |
So, you're Relius Clover... Just how Kokonoe described you. | |
貴様がレリウス=クローバーか。 ココノエに聞いていた通りの男だったな。 |
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 3) |
Relius Clover... Kokonoe's orders, I'm not letting you interfere. | |
レリウス=クローバー…… ココノエの命令だ。貴様に手出しはさせんぞ。 |
Vs. Izayoi (Act 1/2) |
Seems you've got more than an ordinary sword... Unfortunately for you, I'll say my armor is quite extraordinary, too. | |
ただの剣では無さそうだが…… 生憎私の身体もただの装甲では無くてな。 |
Vs. Izayoi (Act 3) |
The Immortal Breaker... Although, right now, I'm far from what I would call "normal." | |
これが『不死者殺し』か…… だが、生憎私も、普通の身体ではないぞ。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | How could you penetrate my armor with a piece of cloth...? It seems I've greatly underestimated the power of a dance. | |
まさか布切れで私にダメージを蓄積させるとは…… 舞も侮れないな……。 |
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) |
In battle, the ones who lose their calm are the first to fall. Once you understand this, you will be a full-fledged soldier. | |
戦場では冷静さを欠いた者から脱落する…… それが分かればお前も一人前だ。 |
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) |
Captain...? But I'm...! Dammit, my memory it's... fuzzy. What's going on? | |
『隊長』だと……しかし私は……グッ。 くそ、記憶の混乱が激しすぎる。どうなっている? |
Vs. Azrael (Act 1/2) |
What on earth is this murderous intent...? | |
何だというのだ、この殺気は……。 | ||
Vs. Azrael (Act 3) |
This is over, mad dog... time to say your prayers. | |
いい加減終わりにさせてもらうぞ、狂犬。 | ||
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | I see... this is the Black Knight Kagura. Commanding officer of the NOL's Praetorian Guard. | |
成程、これが黒騎士カグラ。統制機構衛士最高司令官の力か……。 | ||
Vs. Kokonoe | What? You want me to collect the data again? ...No. Roger that... | |
何? データの採り直しだと? ……いや。了解した。 | ||
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 1/2) |
I have no idea who you are... but this ominous aura... I better report you to Kokonoe. | |
何者かは知らんが、この邪悪な気配…… 念のため、ココノエに報告しておくか。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 3) |
Kokonoe's orders... I'm taking you back in, Yuuki Terumi. | |
これは貴様専用の結界だ。 逃げられはせんぞ、ユウキ=テルミ。 |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 1/2) |
Kokonoe. I've run into the girl you call Celica. Shall I bring her back to... Um, I'm sorry... It appears I've JUST lost her. | |
ココノエ、セリカという少女を回収した。 そちらに……すまない。たった今ロストした……。 |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 3) |
This is where you've been, Celica... Now, you're coming back with m-- Kokonoe, I'm sorry... I've lost the target. | |
こんなところにいたのか、セリカ。さぁ、私と一緒に戻…… すまん、ココノエ。対象をロストした……。 |
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 1/2) |
It would seem I've come on top, but only just... how can you be so strong when you've only just awoken...? | |
やれやれ、どうにか上回ったが…… 何故目覚めたばかりでこれ程の動きを……? |
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 3) |
I've collected much more data than you have... a few days worth of data is not enough to surpass me. | |
悪いが、実戦経験は積んでいるつもりだ。 一朝一夕で得られるデータで、私は超えられない。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | Kagura's right-hand man... you are full of surprises. I cannot guarantee the same outcome, should we fight again... | |
さすがはあの、黒騎士カグラの側近だ。 次に戦う事があれば、同じ結果になるとは限らんな。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | I have never been so grateful for this body until today... Your flames would have scorched the flesh off of any living creature... | |
今日ほどこの身体に感謝したことは無いな。 あの熱量、生身で食らえば只では済むまい。 |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | I don't have any data on you... Who are you? What's your connection to the Grim Reaper? | |
データには無いが何者だ? まさか『死神』の関係者か……? | ||
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) |
If you want to kill me, you should've brought a drill and spanner. | |
悪いな。私に死を与えたければ、ドリルとスパナを持ってくる事だ。 | ||
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) |
Dammit... I can't move. Is this the cost of exceeding my limit...? But without going to this extreme, I fear winning is just not possible... | |
ぐぅっ……動けん。限界を超えた代償か。 だが、そうでもしなければ、私は敗北していただろう……。 |
Vs. Es (Act 3) |
Who the hell are you...? My sensors aren't reacting. But this appearance... could you be another PFD? | |
何者だ……センサーに全く反応しないだと……? だがこの容姿は……まさか新たな素体なのか。 |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) |
Mai Natsume... I respect your dexterity, but you'll need more power to defeat me. | |
マイ=ナツメ。その器用さは認めるが、 私を打倒するには突破力が足りなかったな。 |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) |
Argh, my sensors are completely useless. This is the speed of the One-eyed Lotus? | |
センサーがまるで役に立たん。 これが『双蓮の隻眼』の速度か。 |
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Situation | Quote | Audio |
Generic | This is Tager. I'm returning to base. ...I swear, the concept of "rest" is lost on her. | |
こちらテイガー。これより帰還する。 ……やれやれ、相変わらず人使いが荒いな。 | ||
Your attacks won't so much as scratch my armor! Hmm? Where did this bolt come from? | ||
貴様らの攻撃では私の身体を傷つけることはできん。 ……む? なんだこれは、ボルト……? | ||
You're a one-trick pony. No matter how many times we fight, the outcome will never change. | ||
ワンパターンな戦い方だ。 それでは何度やっても結果は同じだな。 | ||
I have absolute trust in you. That's what makes us a great team. | ||
チームとして、貴様になら背中を預けられる。 宜しく頼むぞ。 | ||
Thank you for your aid. I'm lucky to fight alongside such a capable soldier. | ||
協力感謝する。 お前のような戦士と出会えて私は運がいいようだ。 | ||
Partner with Hakumen | Tager: I've seen my fair share of battles. This body of mine should be proof enough of that. Hakumen: I've witnessed your power firsthand. Such genuine strength is not to be taken lightly. Your pride is well-earned. |
テイガー「これでも相応の修羅場は潜ってきたつもりだ。 まぁ、その結果がこの体だがな。」 ハクメン「貴様の力、確と見せて貰った。 其の体を、私は嗤うまい。精々誇るが良い。」 |
Partner with Makoto Nanaya | Tager: Your sharp instincts are praiseworthy, but if you continue to fight like that, all the intel those instincts provide you will be squandered. On the battlefield, the most important thing is to-- Makoto: (Oh boy... Heeeere we go...) |
テイガー「お前の勘の鋭さは称賛に値する。だが、そればかりに依存し、 戦術が一辺倒になってしまっては本末転倒だ。 戦場で何よりも重要なのは、冷静かつ客観的な――」 マコト「(ああ……これ、長くなるやつだ……)」 |
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi | Tager: It appears my calculations were incorrect. Such is the price of mistaking recklessness for bravery. Kanji: But hey, it was a good time, right? Hey! Brush up your skills and face us again! |
テイガー「どうやら、互いの力量差を見誤ったようだな。 それが、勇猛と蛮勇を履き違えた結果だ。」 完二「ま、そんでも嫌いじゃねえけどな。 もうちっと腕磨いて来いや!」 |
Partner with Akihiko Sanada | Akihiko: A good battle like that deserves a good celebration! A toast, with the finest ale-- or, maybe the finest beef bowls! Tager: Very well. But if you wouldn't mind, please pour me a glass of natural oil. |
明彦「互いに全力を出しきったいい試合だった。 勝利の美酒……いや、勝利の牛丼で乾杯と行こうじゃないか。」 テイガー「良いだろう。ただし私の杯は、天然オイルで頼む。」 |
Partner with Aegis | Aegis: High speed navigational sequence active. Closing in on waypoint. It seems the two of us are perfectly synchronized. Tager: But that's no excuse to let our guard down. The first to lose focus in combat is usually the first to lose their life. You would do well to remember that. |
アイギス「高速航行シークエンスを継続、ポイントまであとわずかです。 我々の相性はバッチリですね。」 テイガー「気を抜くな。 戦場では油断しているものから命を落とすと決まっている。 さあ、作戦ポイントについたぞ。次の任務を開始するとしよう。」 |
Partner with Tohru Adachi | Tager: You do like your grandstanding, don't you, Adachi? I'd think your time in the force would've taught you to play things close to the vest. Adachi: Hahaha! Are you seriously lecturing me? Please... You remind me of an old partner of mine. |
テイガー「少々スタンドプレーが過ぎるようだな、足立。 お前も組織に属していた人間ならば、協調の意義を知っているはずだが。」 足立「ははは、僕に説教? まったく、やだなぁ……誰かさんを思い出しちゃうじゃない。」 |
Partner with Hyde | Hyde: Man, what the hell is with you? "Green" this, "rookie" that... Come at me and I'll show you just how strong I am. Tager: You just proved my point, Rookie. A soldier who ignores the battlefield to focus on himself is second-rate. Watch your opponents, the flow of battle, and above all, your allies. Only then can you call yourself "strong." |
ハイド「ったく何なんだよ、さっきから青いだのルーキーだの…… 俺だって、何時までも弱いままの俺じゃねぇっての。」 テイガー「それが青いと言うのだ、ルーキー。戦場に己ばかりを投影する戦士は、 所詮二流に過ぎん。敵を、戦況を、そして何よりも仲間を想え。 力を誇るのは、それからだ。」 |
Partner with Waldstein | Tager: I fully understand the capacity of your strength, but you should consider brushing up on your tactics a little more. Not all battles can be won with brute force alone. Waldstein: Don't make me laugh. Little tricks and gambits are meaningless in the face of raw power. My claws will make short work of them. |
テイガー「お前の力は十分に理解できた。 だが、もう少し戦術を練ってみてはどうだ。 力押しだけで渡れるほど、戦場は甘くはないぞ。」 ワレンシュタイン「甘いのはお主だ。些々たる術理など、力の前には無意味。 左様な猪口才こそ、我が爪の餌食となる定めよ。」 |
Partner with Gordeau | Gordeau: Sorry I went a little wild there. This scythe's a bit too unwieldy to navigate around that big body of yours. Tager: Not a problem. You're a valuable part of this team. Don't hesitate to use your full power as we continue fighting. |
ゴルドー「悪いな、遠慮なく暴れさせて貰ったぜ。 お前さんの図体に合わせられるほど、 俺も魔鎌も器用じゃないもんでな。」 テイガー「問題無い。お前は貴重な戦力だ。 引き続き、存分に力を振るって貰うぞ。」 |
Partner with Yang Xiao Long | Yang: Now that I'm all warmed up, let's hurry along to the next fight! Tager: Hold on. Before we go, we must review our strategy. Even a thousand lives wouldn't be enough to save me from your recklessness. |
ヤン「いよぅし! 体も温まってきたし、早速次いってみよー!」 テイガー「待て。その前に戦術の見直しが先だ。 お前の無謀に付き合っていては、命がいくつあっても足りん。」 |
Partner with Akatsuki | Tager: I've gotten a good look at your skills now. The way you tear across the battlefield really is worthy of the moniker "Thunder God." Akatsuki: I'm just grateful I lived long enough to fight alongside the "Red Devil." |
テイガー「その異名の所以、確と見せて貰ったぞ。 電光と共に戦場を切り拓く様は、正に『雷神』だな。」 アカツキ「長生きはしてみるものだ。 まさか『赤鬼』と共闘する日が来るとはな。」 |
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Blazblue Alternative: Dark War
Situation | Quote | Audio |
New Unit | Where on earth is this... Is this Kokonoe's work again? ...I see. Understood. I am TR-0009, Tager. If you're fine with me, I'll lend you a hand. I've understood the strategy. Commencing immediately. | |
ここは一体……またココノエの仕業か?……なるほど、了解した。私はTR-0009、テイガー。私で良ければ、力になろう。作戦内容は了解した。直ちに開始する。 | ||
Ascension (SS+) | Thank you. I can move my body smoothly now. | |
有難い。おかげでスムーズに体が動く | ||
Ascension (SS++) | I can trust you. | |
お前なら信用できる | ||
Ascension (SS+++) | Behold, the power of a devil! | |
鬼の力、見るがいい!! | ||
Home Screen | ||
Talk | What is it? Never seen a cyborg before? The others call me the Red Devil. I've got devil DNA in me here, or something...but I'm thankful for this body. | |
どうした?サイボーグは珍しいか?周囲からは『赤鬼』と呼ばれている。鬼の遺伝子とやらを組み込んでいるらしいが……この体には、感謝している。 | ||
Likes | I may look like this, but I like reading mystery novels. I'm reading this one right now. ...What? You know this one? Wait, don't tell me who the culprit is! | |
こう見えても、私は推理小説を読むのが好きでな。今読んでいるのはこれだ。……何?知っているのか?待て、犯人の名前を言うのはよせ! | ||
Dislikes | Actually... I'm bad with saltwater. Battles at sea require that much more equipment and mental preparation.... | |
実は私は……塩水が苦手でな。海での戦いは、それなりの装備と心構えで挑む必要がある……。 | ||
Hobby | Interested in ships in a bottle? Hm, pretty well-constructed don't you think? You see, I actually made this one here. It may come as a surprise to you but.....It's actually my hobby. | |
ボトルシップに興味があるのか?うむ、中々よくできているだろう。実はそれは、私が作ったものだ。意外かもしれないが……趣味でな。 |
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