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From BlazBlue Wiki
Hostile response confirmed. Commencing disposal.
*Yaaawwnnn* Sleepy...[1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Vatista Main.png



Voice Actors

TŌYAMA Nao (Japanese)[2]
Xanthe Huynh (English)

Character Titles

The Autonomic Nerve[1] (自律神経回路-オートミックナーヴ-)[3]

Character Themes

Snow Sisters

Known as the Autonomic Nerve and taking the shape of a human, an ancient biological weapon. She percieves both the Void and In-Births as enemies.

Possessing a wealth of projectile skills, she's a character that excels at far-range battles. For opponents that dislike projectiles and flee by jumping into the air, intercept them with the Reversal Action Ruber Angels![4]

Command Lists


Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A ・ A ・ A ・ A ・ A
Smart Combo 2 B ・ B
Smart Combo 3 Midair A ・ A
Special Attack 1 Jumping C (charge)
Reversal Action
Ruber Angelus A + D
Follow-up Attack A or B or C during Ruber Angelus
Micro Ruceo ↓↘→ + A or B (midair also)
Lumen Stella ↓↙← + A or B (midair also)
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
Lux Fortis ↓↘→ + C (midair also)
Lumen Stella El Lance ↓↙← + C (midair also)
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Lacteus Orbis ↓↘→ + B + C (midair also)
Ruber Angelus Animus ↓↙← + B + C




Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro Autonomic Nerve Unit Number 10076: Vatista. Commencing activation tests.
Intro オートノミックナーヴ管理ナンバー10076バティスタ 起動試験開始
Intro ...I guarantee your survival. Fight me with everything you have.
Intro ……命の保証はします 全力で来るといい
Intro *Yaaawwnnn* Sleepy...
Intro ふわあぁ~…… ねむねむ
Intro Hostile response confirmed. Commencing disposal.
Intro 敵対反応確認 掃討を開始します
Intro Objectives unified. Combat ready.
Intro オペレーション・ユナイテッドコンバットレディ
Intro Commencing joint data-collection.
Intro 共闘データコレクションタスクへ移行
Outro Terminating Mop-Up Sequence.
Outro マッピングアップ 行動を終了します
Outro Shifting to Sleep Mode. Zzz... Zzz...
Outro シフト トウ スリープモード……むにゃむにゃ
Outro As predicted, no issues.
Outro データ通り 問題はない
Outro Resistance is matter how you try.
Outro 無駄な抵抗……何をやっても無駄
Time Up Outro Time waits for no one...
Time Up Outro 時の流れは止まらない……
Time Up Outro The result was unchangeable.
Time Up Outro 結果はわかっていた
Time Up Defeat Out of time..
Time Up Defeat タイムアウト……
Time Up Defeat Program update recommended...
Time Up Defeat 推進プログラムを更新……

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Gordeau
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Assigned tactical task complete. ...Your assistance was appreciated.
Outro with partner アン アサインド タクティカル タスク コンプリーテッド ……協力に感謝
Outro with partner We were able to execute the mission perfectly. It seems you are a superior specimen.
Outro with partner ミッションを忠実にこなすことができた 貴方は優秀個体のようだ

Noel Vermillion

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Noel: W-wake up! They're closing in on us!
Vatista: *Yaaaaaaaawwwnn* Morning...
Intro ノエル「お 起きてください!もうすぐそこまで敵がっ!」
Outro Vatista: Task complete... Good night...
Noel: Wha? Whaaat? You're gonna sleep here!?
Outro バティスタ「タスク消化……ぐっない……」
ノエル「え? ええ!? ここで寝ちゃうの!?」

Rachel Alucard

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Vatista: Activation... *yawn*
Rachel: Oh, have you awakened, little doll?
Intro バティスタ「アクティベーション……あふぅ……」
レイチェル「あら お目覚めかしら お人形さん?」
Outro Vatista: I request that you use discretion. A one-sided trampling of the enemy hinders my data collection.
Rachel: Oh, do forgive me... Perhaps I was a little overenthused.
Outro バティスタ「手心を所望する 一方的な蹂躙では 威力偵察のしようが無い」
レイチェル「あら 私としたことが つい興が乗ってしまったわ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Target determined to be a threat. Requesting armed reinforcement.
Vatista: The program has reached a conclusion. 87 to 13 for.
Nu/Vatista: Initiating annihilation of target./Begin annihilation of target.
Intro ニュー「対象を危険因子と断定 火力支援を要請する」
Outro Nu: Target incapacitated. Suppressive fire ceased.
Vatista: The difference in firepower is clear. Kapow, kapow.
Outro ニュー「対象沈黙 制圧射撃 終了」
バティスタ「火力の差は歴然 ふぃーばーふぃーばー」

Celica A. Mercury

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Celica: Umm, we should be going... This way!
Vatista: Not that way. This way.
Intro セリカ「えーっと 目的地は……こっちだね!」
バティスタ「そちらではない あっち」
Outro Celica: This has got to be a shortcut!
Vatista: Why voluntarily choose a painful path?
Outro セリカ「きっと こっちの方が近道だよ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Vatista: Referencing library... No entry found. What are you?
Susano'o: Can a machine not recognize its god?
Intro バティスタ「ライブラリ参照――ノットアプリケイブル 貴方は 一体……?」
スサノオ「知れた事 全なる神だ」
Outro Vatista: So this is God. Your power surpasses all reason.
Susano'o: Thus is humanity ignorant of its own end.
Outro バティスタ「これが神――信仰の果てなる力」
スサノオ「故に 人には至れぬ力と知れ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Es: Enemy unit approaching.
Vatista: Confirmed. Beginning sweep operation. Crimson Wing: Seven Flowers.
Es: Crystal Sealing Blade: Murakumo.
Es & Vatista: Activate.
Intro Es「敵性個体接近」
バティスタ「確認した これより掃討する 紅翼『七花』――」
Outro Vatista: A narrow victory. Clutch.
Es: Clutch.
Outro バティスタ「紙一重だった せふせふ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Aegis: Commencing high-mobility assault. Please aid me.
Vatista: Request authorized. Support routine for Type-7, Aegis, initiated.
Intro アイギス「高機動モードによる強襲を実行します 援護を」
バティスタ「申請を許諾 七式アイギスの支援ルーチンを実行する」
Outro Vatista: Further resistance is pointless. This result is unchangeable.
Aegis: Mission complete.
Outro バティスタ「抵抗の続行は無意味 結果は変わらない」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Vatista: I will use force, as my master commands.
Elizabeth: I will be relentless, regardless of what my master commands.
Intro バティスタ「主の意図に則り 武力を行使する」
エリザベス「主の意図に則らず 勝手にハメを外します」
Outro Vatista: Clean-up complete. Fresh, fresh...
Elizabeth: Maybe my master gives me commands for a reason.
Outro バティスタ「クリーンアップ すっきりすっきり」
エリザベス「失礼 少々ハメを外しすぎました」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hyde: Guess I'll have to hit ya with everything I've got!
Vatista: No worries. I can assure your survival.
Intro ハイド「仕方ねぇ 力ずくで行かせてもらうぜ!」
バティスタ「命は保障するから あんしんあんしん」
Outro Hyde: Sorry, I've never been good at holding back.
Vatista: Well, you still have your body, so you should be okay.
Outro ハイド「悪いな 加減はどうも苦手でよ」
バティスタ「まぁ カタチは残っているから せふせふ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Linne: Sorry, but I'm doing this my way. I have no interest in playing with dolls.
Vatista: No problem. Utilize your combat abilities to your heart's content.
Intro リンネ「悪いが 好きにやらせて貰う 人形とごっこ遊びをするつもりはない」
バティスタ「のーぷろぶれむ 存分にその戦闘力を行使するが良い」
Outro Linne: Even the strong break easily the moment they falter.
Vatista: However, this internal conflict is the essence of human strength. It seems quite complicated.
Outro リンネ「一度揺らげば 強者ほど脆いものだ」
バティスタ「しかし その揺らぎこそが人の力を為す要素 実に難儀なものだ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Vatista: I will begin my sweep, in accordance with the master's will.
Merkava: Very well. If we are both non-human, than it seems only fitting we run amok.
Intro バティスタ「『主の命』に従い 掃討を開始します」
メルカヴァ「応よ 共に人外なれば 相応に猛り狂うまでだ」
Outro Merkava: Your attachment to your the reason for your loss.
Vatista: But the expandability of the mind software is quite intriguing...
Outro メルカヴァ「器への未練――其れが貴様らの敗因だ」
バティスタ「しかしそれ故の精神の拡張性 非常に興味深い」

Ruby Rose

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Ruby: Whoa! What's up with those wings on your back?
Vatista: Battle sequence ongoing. Your query is not suited to my current status.
Intro ルビー「わぁ! 貴方の背中の羽どうなってるの!?」
バティスタ「現在戦闘行動中 貴方の質問は今の状況に適していない」
Outro Vatista: Beginning battle data analysis.
Ruby: Hey! Why won't you listen to me!
Outro バティスタ「戦闘データの解析を開始」
ルビー「もう! 話を聞いてよ!」

Weiss Schnee

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: No need to wake up for this.
Vatista: *Yaawwn*...Executing reserved task.
Intro ワイス「眠っていてもよろしくてよ」
バティスタ「ふわあぁ~…… リザーブドタスクを実行する」
Outro Vatista: Your capabilities have surpassed those of humans...
Weiss: Oh, have you noticed? I tend to agree.
Outro バティスタ「お前の人としての能力は逸脱している」
ワイス「あら わかります? 私もそう思いますわ」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Your attacks cannot penetrate the Crimson Wing's defense. Your combat capacity may exceed the modern average, but you still pale in comparison to an Autonomic Nerve.
Generic 貴方達の攻撃では『紅翼』の防御障壁を超えることは不可能。 個々の戦力としては現代の平均を上回っていても、 我ら自律神経回路には到底及ぶものではない。
Generic I recognize the concept of etiquette toward the vanquished, but fail to understand it. However, to honor your customs, allow me to say, "Thank you very much."
Generic 敗者に敢えて言葉を掛ける『礼儀』という概念。 知り得ても理解はしかねる。 だが、貴方達に合わせるのならこう言うのだろう。『お疲れ様でした』。
Generic Your strength is so negligible that I can defeat you even after waking from a long sleep. *yaaaawn* Zzz...
Generic 貴方達程度の戦力では 永い眠りから覚めたばかりの私でも対処可能。 ……ふわぁぁぁ……ねむねむ……
Generic This battle was not part of the master's orders. Cease your resistance, and I shall not attack you any further. Please, leave this place at once.
Generic 我が主からの命令には今回のような戦闘は含まれていない。 抵抗・反撃しない限りこれ以上私から攻撃はしない。 早急にこの場から退避して。
Generic A joint operation with a third party is highly anomalous, making its resulting data even more valuable. I shall apply it to future battles to optimize my actions.
Generic 他者との連携は非常に稀。 加えて実践データはとても貴重。 次の戦闘では行動を最適化し、戦闘時間の短縮を図るとしよう。
Partner with Noel Vermillion Noel: Just who is this girl...? Does she even eat...? I only have simple, portable rations to offer, though...
Vatista: I will leave this decision to the program... With a vote of 99-to-1, we have decided against ingesting this "dark matter."
Partner with Noel Vermillion ノエル「一体何なのこの子は……ご飯あげたら、食べるかな……? 簡単な携帯食しかないけど……」
バティスタ「これは――指令による決議。1対99で反対多数。 残念だが、この身に『暗黒物質』を摂取するわけにはいかない。」
Partner with Rachel Alucard Rachel: An Autonomic Nerve... But whose mind has been placed within you, I wonder?
Vatista: Irrelevant. A personality is contrary to the inorganic nature of a doll and would impede my ability to serve my master. All that matters is societal management and preservation.
Partner with Rachel Alucard レイチェル「自律神経回路―― その身に宿った心は、一体誰のものなのかしら。」
バティスタ「無論、私の所有物には該当しない。 『人形の無機』に叛する人格は、主の意図するところ。 我々が管理保全すべき対象は、『人の業』そのものなればこそ。」
Partner with Nu-13 Vatista: A strategy devised around each teammate's unique capabilities... And a disproportionately high task-processing rate... But are these human fluctuations -- these "feelings" -- operating as its master intended?
Nu: Feelings... Nu's feelings...are for Ragna...
Partner with Nu-13 バティスタ「不均等な個体性能によって編成される戦術…… その不合理に不釣り合いなタスク消化率の高さ…… これが、人の揺らぎ――主の意図する『想い』というものか。」
Partner with Celica A. Mercury Celica: I'll find us a path, Vatista! We'll be fine this time, I'm sure of it!
Vatista: My master configured me to pursue efficiency, not adventure. Thus, I advise you to hand the map to me.
Partner with Celica A. Mercury セリカ「バティスタちゃん、道案内は私に任せて! 今度こそ大丈夫だから。」
バティスタ「私は主により、手段ではなく効率を求めるよう最適化されている。 よって、地図を私に渡すべき。」
Partner with Susano'o Vatista: This power far exceeds the processing capabilities of this unit. Requesting immediate instruction from the program to counteract this problem.
Susano'o: A futile gesture. You shall diligently observe, doll, as I send you, your master, and everything you know to the other side.
Partner with Susano'o バティスタ「この力は当機の処理能力を遥かに凌駕している。 該当問題の対応において、指令機関による迅速な総括を求む。」
スサノオ「無駄だ。努めて傍観せよ、人形。 貴様も、其の主も、何れは諸共に彼岸へと送ってやる。」
Partner with Es Vatista: Mission over. All due to the master's--
Es: --Azure's guidance. That is the reason I exist.
Partner with Es バティスタ「戦闘終了。全ては『主』の――」
Partner with Aegis Vatista: This being, though possessing the body of machine, is equipped with a humanlike thought program. Necessity of investigation with my own program confirmed. Requesting spirit/software analysis.
Aegis: As a current member of the Shadow Operatives, I'm afraid I have to refuse due to potential obstruction of my mission.
Partner with Aegis バティスタ「機械の身でありながら人間に近い思考プログラムを持つ者。 指令機関により調査の必要性を確認。 精神の解析を希望する。」
アイギス「私は現在『シャドウワーカー』に所属する身。 申し訳ありませんが任務に支障を来す恐れがありますので、 遠慮させて貰います。」
Partner with Elizabeth Elizabeth: What do you say? Wouldn't you enjoy rebelling against your master? Just a bit?
Vatista: The program has decided, by a 99 to 1 vote, no. I will not stray from my commands. All is according to the master's will.
Partner with Elizabeth エリザベス「いかがでしょうか? 貴女様もまた、主にちょっぴり反抗期かましてみるというのは。」
バティスタ「指令機関による決議――99対1で反対多数。 この身が目指す地点が揺らぐことはない。全ては主の意図するままに。」
Partner with Hyde Hyde: Man, I just wanna go home already... How much longer are the two of us gonna have to fight?
Vatista: To borrow a human phrase, "God only knows." Though, "A bad idea is worse than none at all" may also apply.
Partner with Hyde ハイド「ったく、さっさと元の世界に帰りたいってのに…… 何時まで戦えば良いんだよ、俺たちは。」
バティスタ「貴方達の言葉を用いるなら、『神のみぞ知る』と言ったところか。 『下手の考え休むに似たり』でも可。」
Partner with Linne Linne: I'm honestly surprised. I guess even dolls have some art and instinct to them.
Vatista: We autonomic nerves are made when doll bodies (inorganic) are bestowed with human souls (organic). If art and instinct are skills of the soul, then this body having one is a logical choice.
Partner with Linne リンネ「正直驚いた。人形の挙止にも、術理は宿るのだな。」
バティスタ「『自律神経回路』は『人形の体』に『人間の心』を宿した存在。 そして術理は『心』由来のものなれば、 この『体』に人の影を見出すのは、当然の帰結と言える。」
Partner with Merkava Merkava: I walk from humanity to nothingness, while you were born in nothingness and strive to be human. If we are both covered in nothingness, then the destruction of natural law must suit us best.
Vatista: False. Although parallel processing is the autonomic nerves' chosen deliberation method, I reject your enforcement of the idea of a heterogeneous origin.
Partner with Merkava メルカヴァ「人より虚無に向かう我と、虚無より人を目指す貴様。 共に虚ろを纏う身なれば、天則の脅威こそが相応しかろう。」
バティスタ「否。『並列化』こそ『自律神経回路』の在り方なれど、 異種由来の『同調圧力』は拒否させて貰う。」
Partner with Ruby Rose Ruby: I'm faster than anyone, and I can move all over the place-- that's my Semblance! What do you think? Pretty cool, huh?
Vatista: Semblances... Auras... The phenomena achieved are immense versus their minor cost. Your people are possibly a risk factor. It seems that there are many variables we are yet unaware of.
Partner with Ruby Rose ルビー「誰よりも速く、自由自在に駆ける――これが私のセンブランス。 どう? すごいでしょ!」
バティスタ「センブランス、オーラ――対価に比べ得られる現象が強大。 貴方達は危険因子の可能性ありと判断します。 我等はまだ知らねばならぬことが多く在るようだ。」
Partner with Weiss Schnee Vatista: Such immense power, despite not possessing the Vessel... Is this what these humans, God's children, are capable of?
Weiss: I'm not entirely sure what you're saying, but we are full of possibilities. Hehe, you've got a good eye.
Partner with Weiss Schnee バティスタ「器を持たざるとも強大な力を有する個体が…… これが神の子たる『人』の可能性だというのか。」
ワイス「貴方が仰る意味は分かりませんが、私が可能性の塊なのは事実。 フフン。なかなか見どころのある人ですわね。」


Main Artwork



BlazBlue Radio

DLC Icons



  • Color 18: Nao Tōyama also voices Lyria in Granblue Fantasy

External Links

  • BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Official Website (JP), Vatista
  • Under Night In-Birth Wiki, Vatista


  1. 1.0 1.1 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #8
  2. Weekly Famitsu, 5/10-17/2018 issue, pp 66-67
  3. NicoNico, Arc System Works Official Video Channel, "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle" Character Introduction PV #8
  4. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Vatista