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From BlazBlue Wiki
"Comrades," eh... how nostalgic can it sound.
I'll teach you... how to fight.[1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Gordeau Main.png



Voice Actors

TORIUMI Kōsuke (Japanese)
Ian Sinclair (English)

Character Titles

Harvester[1] (強欲の収穫者Harvester of Greed)[2]

Character Themes

Rushing Heart

A fighter-for-hire feared as the Ever-Victorious Mercenary. He has deep ties to Amnesia, a large organization of In-Births.

With the large coverage of the skill Grim Reaper, he is abnormally strong in grounded battles! In close combat, use Assimilation to demolish the opponent's guard![3]

Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A · A · A · A
Smart Combo 2 B · B · B
Reversal Action
Aim Opening
Eimu Ōpeningu
A · D simultaneously (midair also)
Grim Reaper
Gurimu Rīpā
↓↘→ + A or B
いただきだ (アシミレイション)
↓↙← + A or A
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
EX Grim Reaper
EX グリムリーパー
EX Gurimu Rīpā
↓↘→ + C
EX Assimilation
EX いただきだ (EX アシミレイション)
EX Ashimireishon
←↙↓ + C
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Mortal Slide
Mōtaru Suraido
↓↘→ + B · C simultaneously (midair also)
←↙↓ + B · C simultaneously
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
P during the main character's Distortion Skill

Evolution Championship Series Japan

Name Command
Smart Combo 1 ◻ · ◻ · ◻ · ◻
Smart Combo 2 △ · △ · △
Aim Opening
Eimu Ōpeningu
◻ · ✕ simultaneously (midair also)
Grim Reaper
Gurimu Rīpā
↓↘→ + ◻ or △
いただきだ (アシミレイション)
↓↙← + ◻ or ◻
EX Grim Reaper
EX グリムリーパー
EX Gurimu Rīpā
↓↘→ + ⭕
EX Assimilation
EX いただきだ (EX アシミレイション)
EX Ashimireishon
←↙↓ + ⭕
Mortal Slide
Mōtaru Suraido
↓↘→ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously (midair also)
←↙↓ + △ · ⭕ simultaneously
R1 during the main character's Distortion Skill



  • Color 18: Voice actor reference; Kōsuke Toriumi voices EXTRA Archer



Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
Situation Quote Audio
System Mechanics
Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Situation Quote Audio
Intro We've got ourselves an unexpected guest.
Intro こりゃまた珍しい客人だな
Intro We gonna do this?
Intro お相手願おうか
Intro I like the fire in your eyes.
Intro その眼……いいねぇ
Intro What a bizarre encounter...
Intro 奇妙な巡り合わせだねぇ……
Intro You wanna learn how to fight? Watch me.
Intro ケンカの仕方を……教えてやる
Intro Comrades... That takes me back...
Intro 仲間……懐かしい響きだ……
Outro The hell? You fight really rough...
Outro なんだ?ずいぶん荒っぽい戦い方だな
Outro You satisfied now?
Outro 気はすんだか?
Outro How am I supposed to relax in a place like this?
Outro こんなところでのんびりしてるわけにはいかないんでな
Outro You're easy to read. Makes you easy to beat.
Outro お前さんの考えなんざ 手に取るように分かるってな……
Time Up Outro Covering your ears won't do anything.
Time Up Outro 耳を塞いでも無駄だぜ
Time Up Outro Give up while you can.
Time Up Outro その辺でやめときな
Time Up Defeat Guess I was off my game...
Time Up Defeat ちーっと甘く見すぎたなぁ
Time Up Defeat How did I...?
Time Up Defeat 俺が油断……だと……?

Partner Actions

Partner Swap
Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Assist Calls
Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Hyde
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Linne
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Orie
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Merkava
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Vatista
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Seth
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Hilda
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika
Partner with Mika



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Heh. Guess I should act my age and take a backseat.
Outro with partner 年甲斐もなく浮かれてちまったみたいだ
Outro with partner Gettin' real tired of babysitting.
Outro with partner もうお守りはこりごりだぜ

Iron Tager

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Tager: Engaging defenses. Ugh, looks like they're a step ahead of us.
Gordeau: Aww, lighten up. It's just a little fight, after all.
Intro テイガー「エンゲージ・ディフェンシブ やれやれ 後手に回ったか」
テイガー「エンゲージ・ディフェンシブ やれやれ 後手に回ったか」
Outro Gordeau: What a shame... This harvest isn't even edible.
Tager: I... don't imagine you'd eat any of these people anyway...
Outro ゴルドー「あっけねぇなぁ これじゃ『収穫』しても食えたもんじゃねぇ」
テイガー「全く 食えないのはお前だ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Gordeau: My harvests are a little special. I can't guarantee that you won't get involved.
Hazama: Don't worry. I specialize in quick escapes.
Intro ゴルドー「俺の獲物はちょいと訳ありでなぁ 正直巻き込まねぇ自信は無ぇ」
ハザマ「ご安心を 即時離脱は私の十八番でして」
Outro Hazama: What a harvest! You're a greedy one.
Gordeau: Of course. I carry the name "Greed" on my shoulders.
Outro ハザマ「文字通り一網打尽とは 何とも欲張りなお方だ」
ゴルドー「そりゃそうだ こちとら"強欲"背負ってる身だからな」

Makoto Nanaya

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Makoto: Okay, let's get this thing started!
Gordeau: I like your spirit. This'll be a good fight.
Intro マコト「さぁて いっちょおっぱじめますかー!」
ゴルドー「気風が良いねぇ 楽しいケンカになりそうだ」
Outro Makoto: Yaaay! We steamrolled 'em!
Goin' crazy on your enemies without a thought. Heh. You're a lady after my own heart. PS4: Goin' crazy on your enemies without a thought. I can dig it.
Outro マコト「いっえーい! 圧倒的だね!」
ゴルドー「なにも考えず暴れる か 偶にはこんなケンカも悪かねぇ」

Nine the Phantom

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Gordeau: Uh oh. Hate to tell ya, lady, I'm not much of an escort.
Nine: Don't worry. I'm sure I'm in for a good time.
Intro ゴルドー「やれやれ レディのエスコートは不得手なんだがな」
ナイン「お構いなく 勝手に楽しませてもらうわ」
Outro Nine: How unamusing. You bored me.
Gordeau: Hell, maybe you didn't need an escort after all.
Outro ナイン「呆気ないわねぇ 退屈よ」
ゴルドー「確かに こりゃエスコートは要らねぇわな」

Naoto Kurogane

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Naoto: These numbers... Ugh, they're gonna be tough!
Gordeau: Good. My right hand's itchin' for some action!
Intro ナオト「この『数値』……ったく ヤバそうな連中だぜ……!」
ゴルドー「いいねぇ 右手が疼きやがらぁ……!」
Outro Naoto: Huh? The numbers just dropped.
Gordeau: Oops. Guess I harvested all they had.
Naoto: Damn. They don't call you greed for nothing.
Outro ナオト「ん? この『数値』は……」
ゴルドー「悪いな まとめて収穫させて貰ったぜ」
ナオト「ったく 欲張りな野郎だぜ……」

Yu Narukami

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yu:
Hard...boiled... Huh.PS4: Hard...boiled...?

Gordeau: Heh, now you're talkin' like a man.
Intro 悠「ハード……ボイルド……か」
ゴルドー「ふっ 俺も背中で語れる漢になっちまったか」
Outro Gordeau: You get too heated and you'll lose. Got it?
Yu: Yeah. I'm learning a lot.
Outro ゴルドー「ケンカは熱くなったら負けだ 覚えときな」
悠「ええ 勉強になります」

Yukiko Amagi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Gordeau: A pampered lady like YOU is gonna fight? You joking?
Yukiko: Just watch me and SEE if I'm joking.
Intro ゴルドー「あんたみたいなお嬢さんが戦うのかい 冗談だろ?」
雪子「冗談かどうか ご自分で試してみます?」
Outro Gordeau: Hey, not too shabby, young lady.
I hope you now understand how strong I've become.Actual line: I hope you understand now how strong I've become.
Outro ゴルドー「オイオイ やるじゃないのお嬢さん」
雪子「ちょっとは強くなったところ 見せられたかな?」

Tohru Adachi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Gordeau: They're lookin' ripe for the harvesting.
Adachi: You're sure excited. Well, guess they're all yours.
Intro ゴルドー「さぁて まとめて収穫といくか」
Outro Adachi: This is total carnage. You didn't even need me!
Gordeau: Says the guy who was havin' all the fun.
Outro 足立「あらら根こそぎだよ 僕いなくてよかったんじゃない?」
ゴルドー「よく言うぜ 一番楽しんでた癖によ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Gordeau: Alright, time for a harvest.
Waldstein: I'll tear you out by your roots!
Intro ゴルドー「さぁて 『収穫』の時間だ」
Outro Waldstein: Bah, what a pathetic show of strength..
Maybe compared to you... Tough luck for you guys, runnin' into us.PS4: Maybe compared to you... Tough luck for you guys.
Outro ワレンシュタイン「フン 何と痩せた力か」
ゴルドー「そりゃアンタと比べたらねぇ…… お前さん方 運が無かったな」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Carmine: Stay in your lane, "Greed."
Gordeau: Well, they don't call me that for nothin'. Sorry if I hurt your feelings...
Intro カーマイン「出しゃばるんじゃねぇぞ 『強欲』」
ゴルドー「いやいや 俺は欲張りなんでね 気に障ったら許してくれ……」
Outro Gordeau: Heh, this chaff isn't worth reaping.
Carmine: In other words, come back when you die!
Outro ゴルドー「ま この分じゃ刈り取るまでもねぇな」
カーマイン「要は 死んでから出直して来いっつう話だ!」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Seth: I'll take your heads.
Gordeau: That mean I get their souls?
Intro セト「その首 貰い受ける」
ゴルドー「んじゃ 魂は俺が頂戴するぜ」
Outro Gordeau: Aw, man. I was just gettin' warmed up.
Seth: We've wasted enough time already.
Outro ゴルドー「あーあ もう終わっちまったか」
セト「戯れが過ぎる 時間の無駄だ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yuzuriha: Oho, our foes seem to be in high spirits.
Gordeau: Good. It'll make reapin' 'em all the better.
Intro ユズリハ「ほっほぅ 奴さん随分と威勢が良いねぇ」
ゴルドー「結構じゃねぇか そういうのこそ倒し甲斐があるってもんだ」
Outro Gordeau: Buncha cowards. Energy's all ya had goin' for ya.
Yuzuriha: Or maybe they were just so in love with me, they couldn't bear to fight. ☆
Outro ゴルドー「腑抜けてんなぁ 結局威勢だけかよ」
ユズリハ「それとも おねーさんに見惚れちゃったかなぁ? なんちって☆」

Ruby Rose

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Gordeau: My Devourer will carve out your spirit...
Ruby: And my Crescent Rose will claim our victory!
Gordeau: Now, let's get this party started!
Intro ゴルドー「我が魔錬は魂を刈り取り―――」
ルビー「私のクレセント・ローズは 勝利を掴み取る!!」
ゴルドー「さて 楽しいパーティーの始まりだ」
Outro Ruby: Woo! ♪ That was so much fun! ♪
Gordeau: Well, aren't you rowdy?
Outro ルビー「フゥ~♪ たっのし~♪」

Blake Belladonna

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Blake: You can have your fun, just don't get in my way.
Gordeau: Aw, lighten up. Enjoy yourself a little.
Intro ブレイク「楽しむのは勝手だけど 邪魔だけはしないでね」
ゴルドー「しけてんなぁ もっと余裕を持とうぜ」
Outro Blake: Well, that's one way to pass the time.
Gordeau: See? You ARE having fun.
Outro ブレイク「ま 暇つぶしくらいにはなったわね」
ゴルドー「んだよ 結局テメェも楽しんでんじゃねぇか」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Damn, where's your head at? If you're gonna half-ass the fight, why fight at all?
Generic やれやれ。ちょいと根性が足りてないんじゃないか? 中途半端で諦めるなら、最初から戦いなんてやめときな……
Generic Don't get mad at me -- you shot yourself in the foot. Who knows what would've happened if you gave the match your all.
Generic そう怒るなよ。お前さん達は自分自身に敗れたんだぜ。 実力を存分に出せていたら結果は分からなかった。 俺達にキレるのは筋違いってもんだよ。
Generic I can feel your fighting spirit burning from here. If you're up for a rematch, I'm happy to oblige.
Generic 熱い鼓動を感じる凄まじい闘気だ。 いいぜ。再戦がお望みなら何度でも戦ろうじゃないか。 いつでも来な。
Generic My scythe can harvest my opponent's fighting spirit. ...Yeah, that's a lie, but you lost the battle the moment you lost focus.
Generic 我が魔鎌は相手の闘志をも刈り取る。 ……ってのは冗談だがお前さんたちは既に心が折れちまっている。 そんなんじゃあケンカには勝てないぜ。
Generic Letting someone watch your easier said than done. You really need to trust 'em.
Generic 背中を誰かに預ける…… 簡単なようでなかなかに難しい。 心から信頼出来る相手でないと、不可能なことだからな。
Partner with Iron Tager Gordeau: Sorry I went a little wild there. This scythe's a bit too unwieldy to navigate around that big body of yours.
Tager: Not a problem. You're a valuable part of this team. Don't hesitate to use your full power as we continue fighting.
Partner with Iron Tager ゴルドー「悪いな、遠慮なく暴れさせて貰ったぜ。 お前さんの図体に合わせられるほど、 俺も魔鎌も器用じゃないもんでな。」
テイガー「問題無い。お前は貴重な戦力だ。 引き続き、存分に力を振るって貰うぞ。」
Partner with Hazama Gordeau: Look, isn't it about time you drop the act? My instincts are telling me that you are RIPE for harvesting...
Hazama: Oh my, you are a curious one. But you do know there's no point in harvesting crops that have already rotten, don't you?
Partner with Hazama ゴルドー「お前さん、そろそろ下手な芝居はやめちゃあどうだ。 俺の直感がずっと囁いてるんだよ。 目の前のコイツをとっとと『収穫』しちまえってな……」
ハザマ「いやはや、貴方も物好きですねぇ。 『収穫』された所で意味なんてありませんよ? 何せ、どうしようもなく性根が腐っていますから。」
Partner with Makoto Nanaya Makoto: That was awesome! I'd call us unbeatable, but that'd be an understatement!
Gordeau: Unbeatable, huh? ...And here I thought you'd already have gotten sick of me. Guess I've got a chance to turn my life around a little.
Partner with Makoto Nanaya マコト「良い感じ良い感じ! 控えめに言ってアタシ達、最強じゃない?」
ゴルドー「最強、か……とっくに愛想を尽かされたとばかり思ってたが、 今ならちったあ振り向かせられるかもな。」
Partner with Nine the Phantom Nine: You're not having much fun with small fry like that, are you? How would you like to try me?
Gordeau: Are you kidding? If we fought, it'd turn into an all-out war. I just want a simple fight.
Partner with Nine the Phantom ナイン「あんな雑魚が相手じゃ、貴方も満足できないでしょう? よろしければ、私との仕切り直しはいかが?」
ゴルドー「冗談。お前さんみてぇのと戦り合ったら、 そりゃもう『戦争』になっちまう。 俺が望んでんのは、飽くまでただの『ケンカ』さ。」
Partner with Naoto Kurogane Gordeau: You've got a weird makeup, don'tcha? I don't think you're fit for harvest. Too bad.
Naoto: Real sorry about that. I'll relay your complaints to the vampire who made me this way.
Partner with Naoto Kurogane ゴルドー「どうにも奇妙な“造り”してんなぁ、お前さん。 参ったぜ、これじゃあ収穫の仕様が無ぇなぁ。」
ナオト「そいつは悪かったな。 文句なら吸血鬼のお姫様にでも伝えとくよ。」
Partner with Yu Narukami Gordeau: A real man speaks with his actions, not his words. On the battlefield, the good talkers are usually the first to die.
Yu: Wow... I don't think I've ever met anyone who emanates such manly energy...
Partner with Yu Narukami ゴルドー「漢なら言葉じゃあなく、拳で語るもんだ。 戦場じゃ口が軽いやつと利口な奴から死んでいく。 覚えておくんだな。」
Partner with Yukiko Amagi Gordeau: Damn, that was scary. I thought I was gonna be burned to a crisp. Take it easy, will ya?
Yukiko: Don't worry. Even if I do burn you, I can heal the damage. I'm a good healer, so you have nothing to worry about.
Partner with Yukiko Amagi ゴルドー「おー怖っ。俺まで燃やされるところだった。 ちょっとは手加減して欲しいね。」
雪子「大丈夫。燃やし過ぎちゃっても回復してあげるから。 私回復得意だし、気にせず黒焦げになっていいよ?」
Partner with Tohru Adachi Gordeau: I really gotta start actin' my age... I just get fired up when I'm in a good fight! Maybe I shouldn't be sayin' all this to a cop, though...
Adachi: By all means, fight, have fun, indulge your baser nature... I don't have the authority to crack down on you anymore.
Partner with Tohru Adachi ゴルドー「ったく、年甲斐無く熱くなっちまった……楽しいケンカになるとすぐこれだ。 お役人の手前恐縮だが、生憎とこれは性分なもんでね。」
足立「ケンカねぇ……ま、好きにやれば? それを取り締まる義務も権利も、僕にはもう無いからね。」
Partner with Waldstein Waldstein: Just as I thought, these people were unworthy to harvest. They're nothing but cowards, running rampant around the battlefield... How utterly unfortunate.
Gordeau: Ah, relax. You'll get a ripe one one of these days.
Partner with Waldstein ワレンシュタイン「矢張り、此奴等も『外れ』か。 戦場に跋扈するは、漢気を欠いた腑抜けばかりと来た…… 全く嘆かわしい限りよ。」
ゴルドー「まぁ、気長に行こうや。 何時かは『当たり』を引けるだろうよ。」
Partner with Carmine Carmine: So, when do you plan on dying, huh?
Gordeau: Not sure I like that question... We're supposed to be "friends" now, aren't we?
Partner with Carmine カーマイン「んで? テメェは何時になったらくたばってくれんだぁ、ああ?」
ゴルドー「その態度、つれないねぇ…… 今は『仲間』だろう、俺達は?」
Partner with Seth Gordeau: Damn, man, you gotta lighten up. Have some fun! We don't get to fight people like this every day.
Seth: That's not happening. I'm an assassin. I don't revel in my work.
Partner with Seth ゴルドー「やれやれ、どうにもせっかちでいけねぇ。 お互いもっと楽しもうや、折角のケンカが勿体無ぇよ。」
セト「無理な相談だ。 暗殺以外の術は、生憎と持ち合わせが無い。」
Partner with Yuzuriha Gordeau: Damn, hardly got to swing this thing around at all.... At least I got to fight next to a pretty lady for a while.
Yuzuriha: I just want some rice crackers. Maybe some tea, too.
Partner with Yuzuriha ゴルドー「ったく、満足に魔鎌も振るえやしねぇ…… ま、早々に上玉に有り付けりゃあ苦労は無ぇわな。」
Partner with Ruby Rose Ruby: I haven't met another scythe user in a really long time... Actually, Uncle Qrow might be the only one I know. Anyway, good work, old man! I've gotta make sure I can keep up.
Gordeau: Good grief... Did you just call me "old man"? Do I really look that old? I've gotta take some time to process this...
Partner with Ruby Rose ルビー「鎌を武器にしている人に会うなんて久しぶり。 というかクロウおじさん以外知らないかも? おじさんやるね! 私も負けてられないや。」
ゴルドー「やれやれ、俺もおじさんと呼ばれるようになっちまった。 ……そんなに老けて見えるのか。参ったね、どうも。」
Partner with Blake Belladonna Blake: You're all over the place... I can't even keep track of who the enemy is.
Gordeau: Don't be like that. Evasion is right up your ally, isn't it?
Partner with Blake Belladonna ブレイク「まったく……やりたい放題ね…… どっちが敵なんだか解ったものじゃないわ。」


Main Artwork






  • Gordeau's alternate palette references include the following:
    • Testament (Guilty Gear series)
    • Kagura Mutsuki
    • Junpei Iori (Persona series)
    • Yuzuriha (Under Night In-Birth series)
    • Jaune Arc (RWBY series)
    • Gambit (X-Men series)
    • Archer/Robin Hood (Fate series)

External Links


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #4
  2. NicoNico, Arc System Works Official Video Channel, "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle" Character Introduction PV #4
  3. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Gordeau