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Clavis Alucard

From BlazBlue Wiki
Revision as of 17:03, 7 February 2018 by Astraea (talk | contribs) (Library entry)
Clavis Alucard

Clavis Alucard Profile.png


Illusionary Creature/Vampire

Hair Color


Eye Color



Alucard Clan

Character Titles

No-Life King


BlazBlue: Phase 0
BlazBlue: Phase Shift 1
BlazBlue: Phase Shift 2
BlazBlue: Bloodedge Experience - Part 1
BlazBlue: Bloodedge Experience - Part 2

Clavis Alucard was a vampire, the father of Rachel Alucard and Raquel Alucard, and the former master of Valkenhayn R. Hellsing. Clavis was once one of the most powerful beings on the planet and held a life-long grudge against the Drive - Soul Eater. He dreamed for a world without Drives and had a life-force value so high it was unreadable.


Pale, old, and radiating an aura of wisdom. During the Dark War, Clavis had long gray hair, and a grey beard and moustache that covered his mouth. His eyes were as red as blood and he had sharp ears. Clavis was always seen in a brown robe that reached the ground and obscured his wrists with its long sleeves. Underneath it he wore a frilly red shirt and on top of his robe he wore a mantle that curved to the back of his head with its hood.

As a younger vampire, Clavis' face was more slender and he had long black hair. His eyes were said to be the color of fresh blood.


Towards the end of his life, Clavis was kind, wise, and surprisingly jovial. He understood his role in the fate of the world and the limits he had with interfering in it. Clavis would stand as the voice of reason and offer advice that would shape the personalities of Hakumen and Ragna the Bloodedge. He would intervene only if he thought it was the right thing to do.

In his youth, Clavis had pride bordering hubris. He was extremely confident in his abilities and was more interested in knowledge than fighting. He was, however, still a gentleman to both his opponents and strangers. Back then, he was in the pursuit of the Azure, wanting to use it to erase all "monsters" from the world and to return it back to humanity. Among those monsters he would erase is himself.


Clavis came into existence when a man touched a portion of the Azure, and used it to create the Vampire. Because of this, despite his strengths and identity, Clavis is an Illusionary Creature; his entire existence is like that of a Drive. He eventually clashed with the Soul Eater Drive, dedicating most of his time to taking them out. At some point, he arrived in Shin Kawahama City and battled against the user. In order to kill the user, he had to sacrifice 12,8932 people, causing the Mass-Disappearing Incident. Out of this, an Embryo was created.

In time, the Embryo became Raquel Alucard, and Clavis took her in as his own child, naming her and giving her a formal education in the space of a few months. Afterwards he directly connected her to the Boundary and streamed information into her mind. Raquel eventually left for Shin Kawahama, and Clavis followed for his daughter. Because of the Incident, Clavis was now being tracked by the Mitsurugi Agency and the [[Immortal Breakers (Group)|Immortal Breakers).

Bloodedge Experience - Part 1

The vampire tracked his daughter to the city and found that she was living in an apartment block owned by Yuki Hayami. He entered one of the apartments and met Haruka Hayami. She made him tea, which he thoroughly enjoyed, and used magic to put her to sleep in one of the rooms. Raquel, and her servant Naoto Kurogane, came back to the apartment as Clavis sat on the sofa.[1]

Clavis asked Naoto if it was alright for him to take Raquel back to the Alucard Castle, sternly telling his daughter that the question was not for her. He asked her if she would come back, also telling her to watch her language when speaking to her father. Clavis the grabbed the boy's right arm, briefly marvelled at it and then unattached it. He made the arm stronger and used new magic on it before reattaching it. Confident that Raquel was with the right kind of servant, he relinquished on asking her to return, and then apologized as it would get noisy. He promised to protect the kitchen and sofa as thanks for the tea.

Valkenhayn R. Hellsing burst through the doors of the apartment and attacked Clavis, but the vampire effortlessly threw him out of the entrance. Marionette arms then rose out of the floor as Relius Clover also attacked but Clavis effortlessly and cleanly cut them down. Valkenhayn, now in his wolf form, lunged at the vampire and sunk his teeth into his arm. Clavis looked at him and remarked how long it had been since he had seen a lycanthrope. He calmly walked to the nearest window and threw Valkenhayn out of it, following after him and apologizing for the state of the apartment.[2]

Bloodedge Experience - Part 2

In one of Shin Kawahama's supermarkets, Clavis used Phenomenon Intervention to freeze time for himself and Naoto. He greeted the teenager and told him that he wished to speak with him in peace and quiet without interference. He asked Naoto why Raquel chose him, but was met with the answer that he should ask his daughter. The vampire laughed to himself, remarking that if it was only that easy for all parents to interact with their children. Clavis then asked what Naoto's would do with the Azure, hearing that he wanted to become human again. Naoto asked the vampire if he had truly caused the Mass-Disappearing Incident, and Clavis bluntly began to tell him the truth.

Using Phenomenon Intervention, Clavis changed the scenery, showing Naoto what had happened 5 years prior in his battle against the Soul Eater wielder. He then explained his wish to obtain the Azure and to erase both monsters and Drives from the world, even if it meant he would be in more pain and would no longer be himself. He also explained Raquel's origins and unfroze time for the boy, leaving and telling him that they would eventually clash for the Azure itself.[3]

Clavis reappeared to block an attack from Kiiro Hikagami that was aimed to kill Raquel. He turned to her and told her to retreat, as he did not want to kill her. Kiiro, with some persuasion, left after realizing that she could not fight him by herself.[4]

Dark War

Phase 0, Phase Shift 1, Phase Shift 2

Powers and Abilities

When he was younger, Clavis was one of the most powerful beings to have existed. He could effortlessly defeat both Relius and Valkenhayn without feeling evenly remotely strained. His battle against the two of them was so incredibly one-sided that he protected three people and a kitchen while fighting them. He was seemingly immune to pain, not being fazed by Valkenhayn's sharp wolf teeth being buried in his skin. As well as this, the vampire could also use Phenomenon Intervention to stop time, albeit briefly.

Being a vampire, Clavis was capable of regenerating most wounds and displayed both incredible magical and physical strength.

Clavis was also a great teacher, and gave Raquel a formal education in the space of a few months. In his old age, he lost most of his overwhelming power and was bound to a wheelchair; he could stand, but not for long periods.

Library Entry

Clavis Alucard

A vampire who has lived for over a millennium, and has been quietly watching mankind's history unfold from high up in his ancient castle. He is Rachel's predecessor to the Alucard Manor, and the one who employed Valkenhayn at their residence.

Kind and gentle by nature, he wishes for a peaceful future in which mankind can assimilate with the other living creatures in the world.

But at the same time, he knows the darker side of mankind just as well. He is constantly torn by the will to instigate change, but the inability to do so as an Observer.[5]


  1. BlazBlue: Bloodedge Experience - Part 1, Chapter 2 - Immortal
  2. BlazBlue: Bloodedge Experience - Part 1, Chapter 3 - Mitsurugi
  3. BlazBlue: Bloodedge Experience - Part 1, Chapter 9 - Interference
  4. BlazBlue: Bloodedge Experience - Part 2, Chapter 11 - Fusion
  5. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Library Mode, Character #038