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Mission complete! Nobody can beat the Pachelbel and Mika super team! Anyone wanna try!? |
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ミッションコンプリート! んゆー♪ 我が相棒バッヘルベルがある限りミカちゃんに敵はいなーい! どっからでもかかってくるんゆー! |
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Awww, don't be so depressed... I'm just too strong! Hehehe... But it's not all sunshine and rainbows... Mo' strength, mo' problems, as they say. |
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落ち込むことはない。アチシが強すぎるのがいけないんゆー。 ふっふっふ。強すぎるというのも困ったものですよ。 みんなアチシの前に跪くんゆー♪ |
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*pant*... *pant*... Th-that... was close. You almost had me... But only because I was so hungry... |
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ぜぇ……ぜぇ…… い、今のは……なかなかに……危なかったー…… お腹が空いていれば致命傷だったかもしれないんゆー…… |
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Losing in battle's as good as dying... And with your resolve, there's no way you can stand against us Licht Kreis. Now, get out of here. You've gotta have a nice warm bed to get back to, right? |
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闘いに負けるということは死ぬということ。 その程度の覚悟では到底我等『光輪』には勝てはしない。 去るがいい。オマエ達にも帰るべき場所があるだろう……んゆー。 |
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As a member of a large organization, I'm naturally used to team-play. Well, kinda. I still blast my allies from time to time, but hey, a win's a win! |
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組織に属する身として協力プレーは当然慣れたもんゆー。 たまに味方ごと吹き飛ばしてどつかれるけど些細なこと。 気にしたら負け。負けなんゆー♪ |
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I WIN! It was hilarious seeing you try to match my power! ♪ Try again in a few years! |
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アチシ達の勝ちぃ! その程度のパゥワーで挑んでくるなんてお笑い種ですわー♪ 出直して来なさーい! |
Partner with Rachel Alucard |
Mika: An overwhelming victory! The era has spoken, and the cuties shall conquer! Rachel: Again, may I suggest that you refrain from calling me that...? |
Partner with Rachel Alucard |
ミカ「ミカちゃん達大勝利! やっぱり時代は可愛い系! これではっきりしたんゆー!」 レイチェル「せめて可憐と訂正して頂戴……」 |
Partner with Nu-13 |
Mika: That sucked! What is this, Mecha-girl? Amateur hour? Put some spirit into your strikes! Yell! Roar! Set your heart ABLAAAAAAAAZE! Nu: Useless. Worthless. Pointless. Nonsensical. |
Partner with Nu-13 |
ミカ「なっとらーん! なっとらんぞメカっ子! もっと一撃一撃に魂を込めるんゆ! 叫べ! 吠えろ! ハートを燃やせぇえええええ!」 ニュー「無駄、無益、無意味、理解不能。」 |
Partner with Hazama |
Mika: Courage to the brim! Overflowing power! And just a dash of justice! These three things are the key to victory! Now, say it with me! Hazama: Umm, can I pass? |
Partner with Hazama |
ミカ「漲る勇気! 溢れるパワー! そしてほんの少しの正義の心! これが勝利の合・言・葉! さぁ、復唱するんゆ!」 ハザマ「えーと、パスってありですか?」 |
Partner with Azrael |
Azrael: Tch... I'm too hungry for this. Where will I find prey that can satisfy my hunger!? Mika: Do not be afraid...walk, without hesitation. Walk, and you will understand! |
Partner with Azrael |
アズラエル「チッ……腹が空いて敵わん。 一体何処に在るというのだ、俺を満足させる餌場は!」 ミカ「危ぶむなかれ……迷わず行くんゆ、行けば分かるんゆ!」 |
Partner with Susano'o |
Susano'o: Right and wrong are human constructs. Trash to be eliminated with the rest of this world. You are either God or not God. That is the only distinction that matters. Mika: I don't give a damn! My fists will decide what's right or wrong! And that's how I'll dish out justice! |
Partner with Susano'o |
スサノオ「善悪など、所詮は浅薄な人間共の分界に過ぎん。 神か否か――其れこそ、唯一絶対の境と知れ。」 ミカ「知ったこっちゃないんゆー! アチシの善と悪はっ! アチシの正義とっ! この拳が決めるんゆー!」 |
Partner with Chie Satonaka |
Mika: Maybe that was a little childish... But that's okay! It's not my fault! You got the last hit in, so it's all your fault, Chie! Chie: My fault!? After those big punches you threw? Oh I'm not the only one at fault here! No way! |
Partner with Chie Satonaka |
ミカ「ちょっと大人げなかったですかね…… 大丈夫! ミカちゃん悪くない! トドメの一撃は千枝だったから悪いのは千枝んゆ!」 千枝「え、あたし!? ミカちゃんだってもの凄いパンチしてたじゃん! 悪いのあたしだけじゃないよね!? 絶対!」 |
Partner with Akihiko Sanada |
Mika: Total victory! ♪ C'mon, let's run toward the sunset! Akihiko: Sure, I could use a jog! And once we're done, let's celebrate with some protein shakes. |
Partner with Akihiko Sanada |
ミカ「大勝利だんゆー♪ さあ、あの夕日に向かってダッシュだんゆー!」 明彦「ああ、まだまだ走り足りないな。 トレーニング後はプロテインで乾杯だ!」 |
Partner with Linne |
Linne: Oh, please... I could've handled opponents like this by myself. Mika: Which means I could've handled 'em with one hand behind my back! |
Partner with Linne |
リンネ「やれやれ。 この程度の相手ならば、私一人で十分だったな。」 ミカ「つまりは! アチシ半人前でもヨユーだったんゆ!」 |
Partner with Waldstein |
Waldstein: It's simple: "Fighting is Power." That is the one and only truth you need know. Mika: Whoa! That's so deep! And so cool! Thanks, Teach! |
Partner with Waldstein |
ワレンシュタイン「つまりは至極単純な話に過ぎぬ。 『戦いとは力』――此れこそ、唯一無二の真理に相違あるまい。」 ミカ「押忍! 深いっす先生! マジリスペクトっす先生!」 |
Partner with Orie |
Mika: That's my best friend and best partner! Nice support, and nice assists! Even the gods are stunned by our synchronicity! Orie: You say that all so casually! Try to be a little more modest, for my sake at least.. |
Partner with Orie |
ミカ「さっすが我が心の友よー! ナイス補佐あーんどナイス機転! 阿吽もビックリの同調っぷりんゆー!」 オリエ「気楽に言っちゃって。 付き合わされるこっちの身にもなって欲しいものね。」 |
Partner with Yang Xiao Long |
Mika: The first deployment of the army of beauties -- the Mika Militia -- was a success! Please, please, hold your applause! And what's our secret? Our Infinite Worth EXS! Yang: ...I can't use EXS, and I'm not a member of the Mika Militia. Though to be fair, it sounds kind of fun. We have to change the name to something cooler, though. |
Partner with Yang Xiao Long |
ミカ「此処に! 我等美少女戦士! ミカちゃん軍団! 爆誕んゆー! さあさあ、喜び讃えるんゆ!! 合言葉は、いんふぃにっとーーーわーーす! いぐ! じすとーー!!」 ヤン「いや私顕現使えないし、ミカちゃん軍団でもないし…… まあでも、いいね、楽しそうじゃん。 軍団名だけは変えてよね。なんかこう……いいカンジで!」 |
Partner with Neo Politan |
Mika: Huh? I won before I even realized it. What in the world... Ah! Could it be... Have I finally awakened to a new, hidden power...!? Neo: ...... |
Partner with Neo Politan |
ミカ「んゆー? 何か知らん間に勝ってたんゆー? 一体どうなって……ハッ! も、もしや…… アチシに秘められしニューパワーが、遂に覚醒を……!?」 ニオ「…………」 |
Partner with Heart Aino |
Heart: Yaay! That was a full serving of Love! Mika: Victory! My heart was served in full too! |
Partner with Heart Aino |
はぁと「やったー♪ 愛情、たっぷりお届けしたよ!」 ミカ「ヴィクトリー! アチシのハートも、がっつり届けたんゆ!」 |