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Ikaruga Civil War

an evil sign, Remix Heart, Spiral Shift

With a permit from the Imperator, Hazama visited a laboratory that hosted Nu-13. He interrupted the scientists there who had just managed to finish the second part of her creation, and showed them his permit that would allow him to take Nu away from the area. After having slyly insulted the researchers, he was guided to the room where Nu lay, and Hazama traced his finger over her clavicle, remarking that she truly is the 13th device. He soon departed with Nu in tow. [1]

Sometime during the civil war, Hazama was visited by Relius, who told him about the possibility of the Burning Red Grimoire being inside the Military Academy. Upon hearing this news, he travelled to the Academy. [2] When he arrived at the cauldron of the city, he found Cypher Albar holding the Grimoire over the bodies of Shiori Kirihito and Mai Natsume. He seemingly killed Cypher, and took the Grimoire after looking down at Mai, making special note of her existence. Hazama soon left, not being found by Chachakaka when she travelled to the area later. [3]

Variable Heart

After the war ended, Hazama found Meifang bathing and told her that he was interested in what she was transporting to the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi. She attacked him, and Terumi assaulted her. [4] Hazama watched as Meifang, with a group of Fuzzy, battled against Jin and Mai, seeing her trying to turn herself into a Nox Nyctores. Eventually, Meifang lost, and Hazama noted that the event was generally uninteresting, but nonetheless left with Nine the Phantom. [5]

Calamity Trigger

In the afternoon of the 30th of December, Hazama made his way into the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi on board of an Ars Magus vessel. He travelled there with Noel under the guise of being her superior for retrieving Jin, who had gone AWOL. At the Kagutsuchi Port, Hazama made Noel aware of Ragna's presence throughout the city, telling her that she could attempt to apprehend him, but that he didn't care - instead, he was to make his way to the NOL branch and continue with his "mission" to search for Jin. All the while, he was being watched by Rachel Alucard. [6]

Around midnight at the top of the NOL branch, Hazama called Relius, telling him that all the preparations had been completed. After the call had ended, the Captain briefly spoke with Terumi, the both of them lamenting over the amount of effort they had exhausted into this timeloop. The following afternoon, Hazama saw that Jin had begun to assault Noel, and he created a smokescreen to save her from Yukianesa's fatal slashes. Having escaped, Hazama told her to not aggravate the Major, and she should wait until night when Ragna would be likely to attack the NOL branch. He entangled her in more lies before leaving her with searching for Jin again before the day ended. [7]

Inside the Cathedral, Hazama found Noel next to Jin's unconscious body. He startled her and began to prepare arrangements for Jin to be taken on board of an Ars Magus vessel under the care of Ellen Nelson. After manipulating Noel into venturing deeper inside after Ragna, Hazama began to laugh loudly to himself. [8] He walked deeper inside the facility, finding himself at the Sheol Gate and witnessed that Noel had broken the timeloops by saving Ragna from Nu-13 - she had become the Successor of the Azure. Hazama allowed Terumi to take over and forced Noel to Observe him. Hazama and Terumi had finally mind-melded and they left the facility after damaging it with Ouroboros and briefly fighting Iron Tager. [9]

Continuum Shift

A soldier of the Novus Orbis Librarium belonging to the Intelligence Department. His rank is Captain. Hiding his "true self" behind a gentle demeanor, he returns to the region of Ikaruga for certain purposes of his own. As of yet, there are none who notice his secretive actions or his true plan. [10]

Chrono Phantasma

Hazama attempted to use the Godslaying Sword "Kusanagi" to destroy the Master Unit, but Ragna stopped him. However, using that timing, he was able to succeed in seizing Takamagahara, which had been tied up. He travels to the Ikagura region having restarted his plans to destroy the Master Unit.[11]

Central Fiction

A soldier of the Novus Orbis Librarium belonging to the Intelligence Department. His rank is Captain. Having sworn loyalty to the Novus Orbis Librarium, he performs espionage to maintain its rule.[12]

Along with many others, Hazama was absorbed into the Embryo, although the details of his memories being altered remain hazy. He met Terumi in Kagutsuchi’s NOL branch, and was detailed about the events that had transpired with everyone being taken into the Embryo and the circumstances both he and everyone else was in. [13] He eventually found Noel in Roningai, and directed her to the Kaka Village under Terumi’s orders. [14] Much later on, Hazama visited Kagura, and was taken by Noel to Ragna’s cell in the NOL branch where he interrogated Ragna, binding him with Ouroboros and revoking several of his traumatising memories. He stopped when the branch was under attack [15], and made his way to the cauldron where he watched as Nu and Noel battled and then as Ragna took Noel’s place. [16]

He was transported with Terumi to Ikaruga by Nine and was told that killing Izanami would grant him a piece of the Azure. He began discussing things with Terumi, finding out that his wish was to fuse with him and that the Azure could do just that. [17] In Kazamotsu, he found Noel and Mai – pretending to have orders from higher up, he attempted to arrest the former but was stopped by the latter; despite Mai’s best efforts, Hazama soundly beat her. Sadly, for Hazama, he was stopped by Kagura and was forced to give both of his victims up. [18]

Hazama’s first taste of pain

Somehow, Hazama found himself in an alternate version of the Embryo, finding Mu-12 within it. He took her to the Altar above Kagutsuchi and waited for Ragna to appear – when he did, Hazama told him about his desire to feel pain, and showed the “scar” on his chest before ordering Mu to kill him while he escaped. [19]

Hazama fought Izanami and claimed his piece of the Azure [20], later finding Terumi and demanding that they fuse using the Azure piece so that Hazama can be in control and experience true power, if only for a while. [21] Terumi later used the Hihiirokane to separate himself from Hazama, and the two parted ways after Terumi absorbed it into himself. [22] He later found Rachel within the frozen space-time, and bound her near a cauldron with the same device he used to torture Saya. He left her there, wondering what would happen if he cut Rachel into pieces and threw them into the Boundary. At some point, he came back, telling her that Izanami had been defeated, acknowledging that the vampire had suffered enough pain to die over ten times already. [23] He saw Relius off as the puppeteer jumped into the Boundary. [24]

Off to a new “possibility”

Hazama was soon found by Ragna, where he revealed that he had tortured Saya years before, and that he was currently torturing Rachel to his heart’s content. The two battled, and the hatred Ragna held towards Hazama allowed him to activate his own Azure Grimoire. He was defeated and nearly killed by Ragna had Naoto Kurogane not intervened. Hazama then jumped into the cauldron after telling Trinity how much he hated her eyes. [25]

Bloodedge Experience - Part 2

Hazama reappeared in the Bloodedge Experience possibility. For unknown reasons, he appears much younger, looking like a teenager, and is seemingly aligned with the Mitsurugi Agency. He appeared in front of Valkenhayn and Relius when they apprehended Saya Terumi.[26]


  1. BlazBlue Material Collection, Nu-13 Short Story - an evil sign
  2. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 19
  3. BlazBlue: Remix Heart, Chapter 24
  4. BlazBlue: Variable Heart, Chapter 04
  5. BlazBlue: Variable Heart, Chapter 18
  6. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Part 2, Chapter 1 - Orient Town
  7. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Part 2, Chapter 3 - False Hero
  8. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Part 2, Chapter 4 - Memorable Church
  9. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Part 2, Chapter 5 - Calamity Trigger - Successor to the Azure
  10. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend Official Site (JP), Hazama
  11. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Official Site (JP), Hazama
  12. BlazBlue: Central Fiction Consumer Edition Official Site (JP), Story - Hazama
  13. ’BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 002, Chapter 009, Sub Scenario 1
  14. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 003, Chapter 016
  15. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 004, Chapter 027
  16. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 004, Chapter 033
  17. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 006, Chapter 043
  18. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 006, Chapter 050
  19. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 008, Chapter 062
  20. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Arcade Mode, Hazama, Act II
  21. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 010, Chapter 079
  22. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 010, Chapter 086, Sub Scenario 1
  23. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 011, Chapter 091
  24. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 011, Chapter 093
  25. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 011, Chapter 094
  26. BlazBlue: Bloodedge Experience - Part 2, Outside Chapter - Fragment