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Naoto Shirogane

From BlazBlue Wiki
Revision as of 15:10, 4 October 2021 by Desu (talk | contribs) (Name format update (Korean-Japanese))
Very well, let's have a fair fight.
I can't put up a bad show and bring shame upon the Shirogane name.[1]
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Logo.png
白鐘 直斗
Naoto Shirogane

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Naoto Shirogane Main.png


Naoto Shirogane

Voice Actors

PAKU Romi (Japanese)[2]
Valerie Arem (English)

Character Titles

The 2000-IQ Killjoy Detective[1] (IQ2000のKY探偵)[3]

Character Themes

Seeker Of Truth

The fifth generation of the Shirogane household of detectives, a second-year hailed as the Detective Prince. She investigated along with Yu's group the case of serial murders happening in Inaba. Her Persona is Sukunahikona.

In addition to shooting a pistol, she's a unique character that sets traps. Her Distortion Skills Hamaon and Mudoon place statuses that, when matured, will activate an Instant Kill effect. You can defeat your opponent in one hit! [4]

Command Lists

Name Command
Smart Combo
Smart Combo 1 A ・ A ・ A ・ A
Naoto performs two kicks followed by her Persona (which will hit twice) and a final pistol shot. The final shot will cause knockdown.
Smart Combo 2 ← + A ・ A ・ A ・ A
The same as Smart Combo 1, but prefaced by a quick swipe of her hand.
Smart Combo 3 B ・ B
Summons her Persona Sukunahikona for a downward slash and a slight forward thrust. The thrust causes knockback.
Smart Combo 4 Midair A ・ A
Summons Sukunahikona for a downward stab, then follows up with a kick in mid-air.
Special 1 ← + A
A quick swipe of the hand.
Reversal Action
Shield of Justice
Seigi no Tate
A + D
The Shield of Justice can absorb an opponent's attack and deal a counter attack. If the opponent is close by, it counters using Counter Shot. If afar, it uses Counter Shot EX. Time your execution well with the opponent's attack for a successful counter.[5]
Snipe Aim *1
狙撃構え *1
Sogeki Kamae
↓↘→ + A
After Snipe Aim you can press A or B or C to fire a projectile at different trajectories. Furthermore, Forward Roll is invulnerable to throws during its motion, allowing you to slip behind an opponent at a certain distance.[5]

Naoto forms a stance with her gun aimed forward. She will automatically cancel her stance after two seconds.
Double Fangs
Midair ↓↘→ + A
Naoto performs two aerial kicks while crossing about half the screen. The second hit is a high-hitting attack. Unlike grounded B Double Fangs, this won't transition into Snipe Aim.
Double Fangs *1
二連牙 *1
↓↘→ + B (midair also)
Naoto performs two kicks while crossing about three-fourths of the screen. The B version (grounded or midair) will automatically transition into Snipe Aim.
→ Snipe
A or B or C during *1
No matter the version, Naoto will fire five shots and reload at the end. A version shoots straight, B version shoots upwards at a 30 degree angle, and C shoots at the ground in front of her, rebounding upwards at a sharp angle. The A version will also wall-bounce.
→ Forward Roll →→ during *1
Naoto dashes across about half the screen, ending by returning to her Snipe Aim stance.
→ Aim Cancel
Kamae Kaijo
← during *1
Cancels the Snipe Aim stance.
Hair-Trigger Megido
Kan'atsu Kibiku-gata Megido
↓↙← + A or B (midair also)
Hair-Trigger Megido sets up a trap that detonates when the opponent touches it. It will be destroyed once Naoto or the trap itself gets hit, so be careful.[5]

The A version sets the trap in the air at Naoto's height; the B version drops it on the ground in front of Naoto, roughly under her front foot if she stands still.
Extra Skill (Takes 1 skill gauge)
Hold Up!
Hōrudo Appu
↓↘→ + C
During Hold Up! you can follow up with Snipe, Forward Roll, or Critical Shot.[5]

Naoto glows blue and walks across the screen, pistol aimed in front of her.
→ EX Snipe
EX 狙撃
EX Sogeki
A or B (Chargeable) during Hold Up!
If you hold A or B, Naoto will rapid-fire up to five shots. She won't reload until Hold Up! ends.
→ EX Forward Roll →→ during Hold Up!
Naoto slides in a crouch across about half the screen, ending in her Snipe Aim stance.
→ EX Critical Shot
EX クリティカルシュート
EX Kuritikaru Shūto
C during Hold Up!
Critical Shot is invulnerable from its startup.[5]

Naoto performs a heavy upwards kick that will cause wall bounce.
EX Double Fangs *1
EX 二連牙 *1
EX Nirenga
Midair ↓↘→ + C
This version deals slightly more damage than its non-EX version (1698 vs 1544).
EX Hair-Trigger Megido
EX 感圧起爆型メギド
EX Kan'atsu Kibiku-gata Megido
↓↙← + C (midair also)
Hair-Trigger Megido sets up a trap that detonates when the opponent touches it. It will be destroyed once Naoto or the trap itself gets hit, so be careful.[5]

The EX version sets both A and B versions simultaneously.
Distortion Skill (Takes 2 skill gauge)
Anti-S SP Pistol Alpha I
Tai-S Jianyō Tokushū Shōjū
↓↘→ + B + C
Naoto jumps backwards into the air and shoots 12 shots at a downward angle with a machine gun.
Anti-S SP Pistol Beta I
Tai-S Jianyō Tokushū Shōjū
Midair ↓↘→ + B + C
When you hit an opponent with Anti-S SP Pistol Alpha 1, the effects of Hamaon and Mudoon change.[5]

Naoto jumps backwards in the air and shoots one strong shot with a rifle.
↓↙← + B + C
Hamaon cannot deal damage at first, but if the opponent was hit by the Anti-S SP Pistol Alpha 1 beforehand, it can deal fatal damage to the opponent.[5]

Naoto summons Sukunahikona, then makes a shooting motion. The opponent will be hit with 16 shots without damage. A 17th shot will only be fired if the opponent was hit by Anti-S SP Pistol Alpha 1 before, dealing 99,999 damage.
Midair ↓↙← + B + C
Mudoon cannot deal damage at first, but if the opponent was hit by the Anti-S SP Pistol Alpha 1 beforehand, it can deal fatal damage to the opponent.[5]

Naoto summons Sukunahikona, which blasts purple smoke in front of it, reaching three-fourths of the screen. If the opponent was hit by Anti-S SP Pistol Alpha 1 before, a second hit will follow up and deal 99,999 damage.
Distortion Skill · Duo (takes 2 skill gauge)
Critical Shot
Kuritikaru Shūto
P during the main character's distortion skill
Astral Heat
Judge of Hell
Jyajji Obu Heru
↓↓↓ + B + C



Tactics Mode

<tabs plain> <tab name="Numpad Notation">

For an explanation of how numpad notation works, see also "Numpad Notation" on Dustloop.
  1. 5AAA > 2C > 236B~A
  2. 5AAA > 5BB > 236B+C
  3. [Activate Anti-Air Attack] 2B > jc > j.B > jc > j.B > j.C > j.214B+C
  4. B+C > 2C > 214A > 5A > 2B > jc > j.B > jc > j.B > j.236B~A
  5. 5AA > 2C > 236C~[A/B]~C > 2B > 236B~A
  6. [Start in Corner] Activate Resonance Blaze > 5AA > 2C > 214C > 5A > 2B > jc > j.B > jc > j.B > j.236A > 2B > 236B~A > 236B+C

</tab> <tab name="In-Game Notation">

  1. Standing AAA > Crouching C > ↓↘→ + B~A
  2. Standing AAA > Standing BB > ↓↘→ + B+C
  3. [Activate Anti-Air Attack] Crouching B > Jump Cancel > Midair B > Jump Cancel > Midair B > Midair C > Midair ←↙↓ + B + C
  4. B + C > Crouching C > ←↙↓ + A > Standing A > Crouching B > Jump Cancel > Midair B > Jump Cancel > Midair B > Midair ↓↘→ + B~A
  5. Standing AA > Crouching C > ↓↘→ + C~[A or B (Charge)]~C > Crouching B > ↓↘→ + B~A
  6. [Start in Corner] Activate Resonance Blaze > Standing AA > Crouching C > ←↙↓ + C > Standing A > Crouching B > Jump Cancel > Midair B > Jump Cancel > Midair B > Midair ↓↘→ + A > Crouching B > ↓↘→ + B~A > ↓↘→ + B + C

</tab> </tabs>


Main Illustration


DLC Icons


External Links


  1. 1.0 1.1 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #8
  2. Weekly Famitsu, 5/10-17/2018 issue, pp 66-67
  3. NicoNico, Arc System Works Official Video Channel, "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle" Character Introduction PV #8
  4. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Characters, Naoto Shirogane
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Tactics Mode, Characters, Naoto Shirogane, Character Explanation