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Grimoires (BBDW)

From BlazBlue Wiki

Grimoires are equipment that can be equipped on a character to boost their stats and apply an extra passive skill.

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5-star Grimoires

Filter ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★
IconNameRarityCost ATK HP DEF Effect Skill Effect & Flavor Text
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 63.png ブラッドエッジ
5 10 500 2022 1011
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 45% and
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 66.png 黒き獣
Black Beast
5 10 624 480 1120
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Light element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 15%
When attacked by an enemy of Light element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 69.png 事象の地平
Event Horizon
5 10 800 2240 480
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
When attacked by an enemy of Water or Earth element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 65.png 破壊神
God of Destruction
5 10 624 960 1056
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Water element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 15%
When attacked by an enemy of Water element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 67.png 悪夢再び
Nightmare Repetition
5 10 624 640 528
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Earth element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 15%
When attacked by an enemy of Earth element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 68.png 結ぶ誓いの眼差し
Oath Bound Within a Gaze
5 10 240 320 960
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 10% to self and
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 5% to all allies
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 64.png 最強と最高の夫婦
Strongest Husband, Most Supreme Wife
5 10 1248 960 528
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Wind element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 15%
When attacked by an enemy of Wind element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 60.png オートマトンダンスホール
Automaton Dancehall
5 10 410 2544 960
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
When attacked by an enemy of Light or Dark element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 58.png フォースイーター
Force Eater
5 10 531 3360 304
BBDW Status Distortion Up.png
 ⇑ Distortion Up: Distortion Drive Effectiveness Up
Distortion Up 20% and
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 6%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 55.png ジングルベルですよー!
It's Jingle Bells!
5 10 480 3120 304
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
To all allies of Water element,
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 59.png ノーネーム
5 10 301 4000 299
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 7% to all allies and
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 125 to self
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 57.png パーティタイム
Party Time
5 10 696 1360 525
BBDW Status Astral Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 20% and
 ⇑ Astral Up: Astral Heat Effectiveness Up
Astral Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 56.png 防御力増加S
S-Rank Defense Augmentation
5 10 463 1320 1325
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ DEF Up: Increase DEF Value by %
DEF Up 15% and
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 5%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 61.png スレイプニール
5 10 730 2480 304
BBDW Status Astral Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 10% and
 ⇑ Astral Up: Astral Heat Effectiveness Up
Astral Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 62.png 未来
The World to Come
5 10 870 1352 312
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 10% and
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 54.png 三輝神
5 10 176 1632 352
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 10% and
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 10% and
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 47.png 雪嶺の瞑想
Contemplation at the Mountain's Peak
5 10 420 1160 1104
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 25% and
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 8%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 48.png 虚無の楽園
Elysium of Emptiness
5 10 192 640 1248
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Fire element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 15%
When attacked by an enemy of Fire element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 51.png アフタースクール
After School
5 10 768 800 128
BBDW Status Revolver Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 52.png 駆け出し科学者
Fledgling Scientist
5 10 480 1920 128
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 53.png ヒヒイロカネ
5 10 432 640 416
BBDW Status Special Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 49.png クサナギの剣
5 10 749 1208 298
BBDW Status Revolver Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 25% and
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 46.png 黄昏・息吹
Twilight Breath
5 10 528 3480 296
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 2 and
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 40.png 亡国の夜明け
Daybreak in the Ruined Country
5 10 240 920 1584
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 20% and
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 2
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 41.png 禍つ黒龍の目覚め
The Awakening of the Black Dragon of Calamity
5 10 160 4960 376
BBDW Status Distortion Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 25% and
 ⇑ Distortion Up: Distortion Drive Effectiveness Up
Distortion Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 50.png ワダツミ月夜
A Moonlit Night in Wadatsumi
5 10 832 1386 320
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 20% and
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 44.png 優雅なお茶会
A Tea Party Most Elegant
5 10 176 4160 368
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 15% and
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 2
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 43.png 対峙する刃、戦いの果てに
The Opposed Blades at Battle's End
5 10 264 1040 1536
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 15% and
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 15%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 42.png 花園、二人の少女
A Garden and Two Maidens
5 10 408 2560 1024
BBDW Status DEF Up.png
 ⇑ DEF Up: Increase DEF Value by %
DEF Up 20% and
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 8%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 45.png 蒼星の絆
Blue-Star Bonds
5 10 624 1280 512
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Dark element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 15%
When attacked by an enemy of Dark element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 39.png 隻眼の戦士
One-Eyed Warrior
5 10 768 1120 544
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 1,
 ☗ Overdrive Extend: Add additional commands to Overdrive Chain
Overdrive Extend 1
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 38.png 新たなる邂逅
New Encounters
5 10 624 3360 336
BBDW Status Distortion Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 25%,
 ⇑ Distortion Up: Distortion Drive Effectiveness Up
Distortion Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 36.png グレイトコンビネーション
Great Combination
5 10 248 3680 304
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
When attacked by an enemy of Fire or Wind element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 12%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 35.png 黄昏フォトジェニック
Photogenic Twilight
5 10 1088 1000 200
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Fire or Wind element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 37.png 夏の海の宝物
Summer Sea's Treasure
5 10 456 1360 1200
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 6% for whole party.
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 34.png 審判者の威光
Arbitrator's Might
5 10 331 1408 1565
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 11%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 33.png 奔流する光焔
Cascading Incandescence
5 10 912 2240 261
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 25%,
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 30.png やわらかい時間(ナインVer.)
A Tender Moment (Nine)
5 10 813 1400 352
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Wind element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 25%
When equipped to Nine (PS),
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 32.png ウルトラチャチャアタック!
5 10 720 2400 306
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 35%
When equipped to Chachakaka,
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 29.png やわらかい時間(セリカVer.)
A Tender Moment (Celica)
5 10 298 3216 486
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
When Equipped to Celica A. Mercury,
 ☗ Resistance: Resist all status ailments with a percent chance of success
Resistance 70%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 31.png 月影の暗殺者
Moonlit Assassin
5 10 624 2688 266
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 35%
When Equipped to Shiori,
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 27.png ペインキラー
Pain Killer
5 10 667 1344 531
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 35%
When equipped to Meifang Lapislazuli,
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 28.png 束の間の休息
A Brief Respite
5 10 298 3120 512
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 20%
When equipped on Another Dark Mai,
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 26.png 耽美なる吸血鬼 (エステティック・トラキュリア)
Aesthetic Draculia
5 10 288 3240 522
BBDW Status Special Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 35%.
When equipped on Fuzzy,
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 45%.
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 25.png 碧翼の鎖
Chains of Azure Wings
5 10 653 1344 550
BBDW Status Critical Rate Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 30% to targets under
 ⇓ Poison: Damage per Turn
When equipped on Hazama,
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 20% (up to 50% to targets under
 ⇓ Poison: Damage per Turn
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 24.png 譲れぬ想い
Irreconcilable Concepts
5 10 269 3904 320
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 1,
 ☗ Fill Heat Gauge: Increase Heat Gauge by flat amount
Fill Heat Gauge 20 when attacking with Drive
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 23.png 陰陽師の舞
Dance of the Exorcist
5 10 396 2560 1024
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 7% for whole party.
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 21.png 新たなる可能性(ミライ)
A New Possibility (Future)
5 10 705 2416 307
BBDW Status Distortion Up.png
 ⇑ Distortion Up: Distortion Drive Effectiveness Up
Distortion Up 35%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 22.png 大切な人たち
The People Important to Me
5 10 398 2368 781
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 3.
When equipped on Es, increase by 1 additional point.
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 17.png 蒼の魔道書
Azure Grimoire
5 10 832 1360 320
BBDW Status Astral Up.png
 ⇑ Distortion Up: Distortion Drive Effectiveness Up
Distortion Up 25% and
 ⇑ Astral Up: Astral Heat Effectiveness Up
Astral Up 25%
BBDE Grimoire Burning Red.png バニングレッド
Burning Red
5 10 742 1568 272
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 40%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 5.png 聖傷痕 (デッドリー・サイン)
Deadly Sign
5 10 676 1360 528
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 4
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 13.png 根性でゴザル! !
5 10 248 3648 313
BBDW Status Fortitude.png
 ☗ Fortitude: Reduce damage taken when taking over 50% HP in one attack
Fortitude 27%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 11.png 次元干渉虚数方陣
Dimensional Interference Imaginary Number Field
5 10 662 2176 304
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 25% and
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 12.png 最高の暴力
Extreme Violence
5 10 800 1376 276
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 45%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 15.png 増幅陣 (ゲインアート)
Gain Art
5 10 755 1280 336
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 4
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 999.png 覚醒専用魔道書★5
Grimoire of Awakening ★5
5 10 1 1 1
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 1%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 14.png 幻想生物
Imaginary Creature
5 10 300 3584 320
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 3.png 武帝
Imperator of War
5 10 468 1400 1248
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 2.png 帝の光
Imperator's Light
5 10 420 1600 1113
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 40%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 7.png 諜報部
Intelligence Department
5 10 492 1248 1161
BBDW Status Hate Value Down.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 70
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 20.png 技の顕現
Manifestation of Technique
5 10 768 1608 252
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 40%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 1.png 夢幻
5 10 518 3288 310
BBDW Status Revolver Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 25% and
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire H.png 事象干渉
Phenomenon Intervention
5 10 628 2320 291
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 4
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 18.png 理の力
Power of Logic
5 10 272 3000 521
BBDW Status Critical Rate Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 10.png 疑似観測者
5 10 408 2496 940
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 19.png 罪の造形師 (シン・アーキテクト)
Sin Architect
5 10 552 1520 876
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 25% and
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 9.png 十二宗家の象徴
Symbol of the Duodecim
5 10 451 3480 320
BBDW Status Hate Value Up.png
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 175
BBDW Grimoire Tea Party.png ティーパーティ
Tea Party
5 10 304 3168 480
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 8.png 真実の翼
Wings of Truth
5 10 257 3616 328
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 10%

4-star Grimoires

Filter ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★
IconNameRarityCost ATK HP DEF Effect Skill Effect & Flavor Text
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 36.png ブルー・アイズ
Blue Eyes
4 8 198 616 634
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Dark element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 38.png コーヒー係り
Coffee Duty
4 8 185 616 739
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Earth element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 39.png 二者択一
Only Two Choices
4 8 178 572 792
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Wind element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 37.png 共犯者
Partners in Crime
4 8 185 660 634
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Water element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 40.png 特異点
Singularity Point
4 8 224 572 686
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking an enemy of Light element,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 35.png 超ドリル祭り!
Super Drill Festival!
4 8 211 616 581
BBDW Status Astral Up.png
 ⇑ Distortion Up: Distortion Drive Effectiveness Up
Distortion Up 20% and
 ⇑ Astral Up: Astral Heat Effectiveness Up
Astral Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4star Grimoire 34.png ようこそ!イシャナ祭へ!
Welcome to Ishana Fest!
4 8 132 1452 225
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
When attacked by an enemy of Fire element,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 15%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4star Grimoire 33.png 緋槍一閃
A Flash of the Crimson Lance
4 8 198 638 581
BBDW Status ATK Up.png
When attacking Fire element enemies,
 ⇑ ATK Up: Increase ATK Value by %
ATK Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4star Grimoire 26.png モテメガネ
Spectacles of Eros
4 8 141 1558 243
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 60,
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 5%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4star Grimoire 32.png 臨戦態勢
Preparing for War
4 8 387 629 132
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 6%
When equipped to Mei,
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 6% for all allies.
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 11.png 秘書の務め
A Secretary's Duty
4 8 290 858 390
BBDW Status Fortitude.png
 ☗ Fortitude: Reduce damage taken when taking over 50% HP in one attack
Fortitude 24%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 15.png 熱烈歓迎!オリエントタウン
A Warm Welcome! Orient Town
4 8 168 1900 89
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 7.png 二人の冒険
Adventure for Two
4 8 132 1425 267
BBDW Status Hate Value Down.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 60
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 23.png 鬼の細胞
Devil's Cells
4 8 211 704 580
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 8%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 29.png 医者見習い
4 8 154 1936 106
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 13.png 果て無き探求
Endless Pursuit
4 8 191 726 549
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 14.png 爆炎の魔女
Fire Empress
4 8 387 770 134
BBDW Status Distortion Up.png
 ⇑ Distortion Up: Distortion Drive Effectiveness Up
Distortion Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4star Grimoire 999.png 覚醒専用魔道書★4
Grimoire of Awakening ★4
4 8 1 1 1
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 1%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 27.png 癒しの光
Healing Light
4 8 111 2112 171
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 9.png 氷刃の英雄
Hero of the Frozen Blade
4 8 298 796 211
BBDW Status Hate Value Up.png
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 150
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 12.png ハラペコーズ
4 8 160 1918 101
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 3
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 28.png 不死者殺し (イモータルブレイカー)
Immortal Breaker
4 8 306 765 239
BBDW Status Critical Rate Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 15%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 5.png 帝の面影
Imperator's Visage
4 8 149 1491 237
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 8%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 4.png 無垢なる願い
Innocent Wish
4 8 298 1117 153
BBDW Status Revolver Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 26.png インビジブル
4 8 197 1478 167
BBDW Status Hate Value Down.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 60
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 21.png キラー・キラー
Killer Killer
4 8 380 673 141
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 40%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 30.png 発掘兵装 (レガシーウェポン)
Legacy Weapon
4 8 257 880 369
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 1.png リミットブレイク
Limit Break
4 8 373 814 108
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 3
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 31.png 魔法少女
Magical Girl
4 8 303 1082 172
BBDW Status Special Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 10.png 一人きりの傭兵団
Mercenary Squad of One
4 8 224 1170 404
BBDW Status Hate Value Down.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 60
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 18.png 助けるに決まってるだろ!
Of course I'd help out!!
4 8 327 858 209
BBDW Status Hate Value Up.png
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 150
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 22.png 風になびく詩
Poetry Fluttering in the Wind
4 8 101 1848 94
BBDW Status Player EXP Up.png
 ☗ Player EXP Up: On quest clear, Player EXP increased
Player EXP Up 10
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 2.png リドルの時間
Riddle Time
4 8 394 655 159
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 40%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 8.png ふたりだけの秘密
Secret for Two
4 8 113 2094 167
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 3
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 3.png 夢重の盾
Shield of Dreams
4 8 244 660 607
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 8%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 20.png 生徒会
Student Council
4 8 228 1064 394
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 19.png 先手必勝
The Early Bird Gets the Worm
4 8 422 673 152
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 16.png 月夜の静寂
The Stillness of a Moonlit Night
4 8 198 774 591
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 8%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 17.png 断ち切る者
Those Torn Apart
4 8 321 844 380
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 24.png ウェアウルフ
4 8 293 814 200
BBDW Status Critical Rate Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 15%

3-star Grimoires

Filter ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★
IconNameRarityCost ATK HP DEF Effect Skill Effect & Flavor Text
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 3.png 優しい手
A Gentle Hand
3 6 69 741 118
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 6%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 23.png 錬金術
3 6 146 360 101
BBDW Status P$ Up.png
 ☗ P$ Gain Up: On quest clear, Platinum Dollar reward increased
P$ Gain Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 18.png 掲げる美形
Beauty Held Aloft
3 6 76 763 105
BBDW Status Hate Value Up.png
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 125
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 11.png パン食い競争
Bread Eating Contest
3 6 213 324 70
BBDW Status Critical Rate Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 8.png ブレイクタイム
Break Time
3 6 151 528 72
BBDW Status Hate Value Down.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 50
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 16.png 執事の矜持
Butler's Pride
3 6 77 1017 57
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 2
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 5.png 方向音痴
Directionally Challenged
3 6 54 998 67
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 6%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 4.png 見守り隊
Fan Club
3 6 100 314 302
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 6%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 24.png 裂空ムササビの術
Flaming Air Attack (Musasabi)
3 6 120 513 216
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 9.png フラックスナーチャー
Flax Nurture
3 6 199 372 54
BBDW Status Special Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 999.png 覚醒専用魔道書★3
Grimoire of Awakening ★3
3 6 1 1 1
BBDW Status P$ Up.png
 ☗ P$ Gain Up: On quest clear, Platinum Dollar reward increased
P$ Gain Up 1%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 6.png へカトン・ケイル
3 6 110 720 65
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 19.png 餌場
Hunting Ground
3 6 213 360 64
BBDW Status Critical Rate Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 10.png 一人でできるもん !
I can do it alone!
3 6 107 489 251
BBDW Status Character EXP Up.png
 ☗ Character EXP Up: On quest clear, Character EXP increased
Character EXP Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 21.png インストール
3 6 103 792 78
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 15%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 22.png アイアン・シェフ
Iron Chef
3 6 82 424 305
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 15%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 17.png カカ・パワー
Kaka Power
3 6 70 1161 63
BBDW Status Revolver Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 1.png 憂愁な復讐者
Melancholy Avenger
3 6 105 734 72
BBDW Status Special Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 2.png やつあたり
Nailed It
3 6 156 324 143
BBDW Status Revolver Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 25%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 12.png 忍術修行
Ninjutsu Practice
3 6 126 348 247
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 35%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 7.png 平和な日常
Peaceful Days
3 6 97 374 313
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 6%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 15.png セクターセブン
Sector Seven
3 6 134 240 308
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 2
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 20.png 美しきモノ
The Beautiful
3 6 144 288 238
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 13.png トップの戯れ
Top Playboy
3 6 155 333 133
BBDW Status Hate Value Up.png
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 125
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 14.png TRM
3 6 90 676 199
BBDW Status Hate Value Down.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 50

2-star Grimoires

Filter ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★
IconNameRarityCost ATK HP DEF Effect Skill Effect & Flavor Text
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 10.png ある男の仮面
A Certain Man's Mask
2 4 70 163 105
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 4.png ブレインキャット
Brain Cat
2 4 43 270 108
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 4%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 5.png 獣兵衛ぬいぐるみ
Cuddly Jubei Doll
2 4 30 535 31
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 1
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 8.png かわいい生き物?
Cute Creature?
2 4 42 188 163
BBDW Status Hate Value Down.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 40
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 3.png デスディナー
Death Dinner
2 4 105 143 30
BBDW Status Critical Rate Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 5%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 999.png 覚醒専用魔道書★2
Grimoire of Awakening ★2
2 4 1 1 1
BBDW Status Character EXP Up.png
 ☗ Character EXP Up: On quest clear, Character EXP increased
Character EXP Up 1%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 7.png ナイフ
2 4 101 159 29
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 11.png 萬天棒
2 4 82 265 29
BBDW Status Special Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 2.png ターターさん
Mister Tartar
2 4 55 397 31
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 30%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 9.png プリン
2 4 29 397 55
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 1.png 天玉うどん
Tentama Udon
2 4 28 546 35
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 4%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 6.png トンファー
2 4 81 158 53
BBDW Status Revolver Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 2star Grimoire 12.png 手配書
Wanted Poster
2 4 84 130 53
BBDW Status Hate Value Up.png
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 100

1-star Grimoires

Filter ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★
IconNameRarityCost ATK HP DEF Effect Skill Effect & Flavor Text
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 1.png 慈愛
1 2 14 280 14
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 7.png 燃焼
1 2 42 70 28
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 1
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 2.png 快復
1 2 14 280 14
BBDW Status Regeneration.png
 ☗ Regeneration: Restore Health by a % each turn
Regeneration 4%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 8.png 昂揚
1 2 42 70 28
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 999.png 覚醒専用魔道書★1
Grimoire of Awakening ★1
1 2 1 1 1
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 1%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 9.png 鉄壁
1 2 21 70 84
BBDW Status Damage Reduction.png
 ⇑ Damage Reduction: Reduce Damage taken by value
Damage Reduction 4%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 10.png 連撃
Rapid Attack
1 2 50 70 14
BBDW Status Revolver Up.png
 ⇑ Revolver Up: Revolver Effectiveness Up
Revolver Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 5.png 増強
1 2 21 70 84
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 1
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 6.png 充填
1 2 21 70 84
BBDW Status Heat Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Heat Generation Up: Increase Heat Generation per hit
Heat Generation Up 10%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 4.png 狙撃
1 2 42 140 14
BBDW Status Critical Rate Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Rate Up: Critical Hit Chance Up
Critical Rate Up 5%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 11.png 特撃
Special Attack
1 2 50 70 14
BBDW Status Drive Up.png
 ⇑ Drive Up: Drive Effectiveness Up
Drive Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 12.png 超撃
Super Attack
1 2 50 70 14
BBDW Status Special Up.png
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 20%
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 1star Grimoire 3.png 帯刀
1 2 42 140 14
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 30%