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Gameplay:ブラッドエッジ BBDW Grimoire

From BlazBlue Wiki
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5Star Grimoire 63.png
Skill IconSkill Description
BBDW Status Critical Damage Up.png
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 45% and
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 10%
(At MAX)
 ⇑ Critical Damage Up: Critical Hit Effectiveness Up
Critical Damage Up 50% and
 ⇑ Special Up: Special Effectiveness Up
Special Up 15%
Nameブラッドエッジ (Buraddoejji)
Profile Description (English)

The pair of mirrored figures exist between different worlds. They do not touch,nor do they pull apart. They walk their own liminal paths, connected by their paired blades of blood.

Profile Description (Japanese)

すれ違う世界を生きる、相似形を成したふたつの姿。 鏡像のように触れ合うことはなく、別たれることもなく。 遙か異なる死線を歩むふたりを繋ぐ、一対の血の刃。

HP (Min/Max)2022/4044
Atk (Min/Max)500/1000
Def (Min/Max)1011/2022
Illustrator 柳葉キリコ (Kiriko Yanagiba)
Release Date2022/01/01
CharactersNaoto Kurogane,Ragna the Bloodedge
