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Gameplay:アイアン・シェフ BBDW Grimoire

From BlazBlue Wiki
Iron Chef
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 22.png
Skill IconSkill Description
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 15%
(At MAX)
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 20%
Nameアイアン・シェフ (Aian Shefu)
Profile Description (English)

For my dear and precious family,

homemade food carefully and lovingly cooked with all my heart.
It's bound to be delicious!!

Profile Description (Japanese)

大事な大事な家族のために、 真心を込めて丁寧に作る愛の手料理。 こんなの、美味しいに決まっている!!

HP (Min/Max)424/848
Atk (Min/Max)82/164
Def (Min/Max)305/610
Illustrator RiM
Release Date2021/02/16
CharactersHinata Himezuru
