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Gameplay:執事の矜持 BBDW Grimoire

From BlazBlue Wiki
Butler's Pride
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 16.png
Skill IconSkill Description
BBDW Status OD Gain Up.png
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 2
(At MAX)
 ⇑ Overdrive Generation Up: Increase Overdrive Generation per hit
Overdrive Generation Up 3
Name執事の矜持 (Shitsuji no Kyōji)
Profile Description (English)

Pouring tea of the highest quality is one of the vital duties of a butler. Everything from choosing the tea leaves to managing the heat to letting it cool in the cup are all handled perfectly by Valkenhayn.

Profile Description (Japanese)

主人のために上質かつ品位のあるお茶を滝れるのもまた、 執事にとって欠かせない大事な役目。 茶葉選びは勿論、温度から果てはカップに注ぐ際の停まいまで、 ヴァルケンハインは完壁の一言である。

HP (Min/Max)1017/2034
Atk (Min/Max)77/154
Def (Min/Max)57/114
Illustrator 懐良 匿 (Kanenaga Toku)
Release Date2021/02/16
(Wondrous Glasses and A Test of Love ~Spectacles of Eros CARNAGE~)
CharactersValkenhayn R. Hellsing
