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Gameplay:インストール BBDW Grimoire

From BlazBlue Wiki
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 21.png
Skill IconSkill Description
BBDW Status Healing Skill Up.png
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 15%
(At MAX)
 ⇑ Healing Up: Healing Skill Effectiveness Up
Healing Up 20%
Nameインストール (Insutooru)
Profile Description (English)

Member of the Yayoi Family of the Duodecim. Soldier of the Novus Orbus Librarium. More than anything else, a maiden that truly loves order. Today, she heads to the battlefield once again, that she might sever evil from this world.

Profile Description (Japanese)

十ニ宗家・ヤョイ家の者として。 統制機構衛士として。 何よりも―秩序を愛する一人の少女として。 悪を断つため、彼女は今日も戦場に赴く……

HP (Min/Max)792/1584
Atk (Min/Max)103/206
Def (Min/Max)78/156
Illustrator raiou
Release Date2021/02/16
(Guide of Devilish Dreams ~Nightmare Fiction~ (Rerun))
CharactersTsubaki Yayoi
