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Gameplay:二人の冒険 BBDW Grimoire

From BlazBlue Wiki
Adventure for Two
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 4Star Grimoire 7.png
Skill IconSkill Description
BBDW Status Hate Value Down.png
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 60
(At MAX)
 ☗ Hate Value Down: Decrease chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Down 70
Name二人の冒険 (Futari no Bōken)
Profile Description (English)

Tiny and fleeting, a life small enough to fit in the center of one's palm, yet certainly alive. Surviving diligently. Its expressions of emotion gently heal her.

Profile Description (Japanese)

小さく儚い、手のひらに収まるほどの命。 たけどそれは、生きている。懸命に生きているのた。 それが発する喜怒哀楽は、 彼女にささやかな癒しを感じさせてくれる。

HP (Min/Max)1425/2850
Atk (Min/Max)132/264
Def (Min/Max)267/534
Illustrator やまだ六角 (Yamada Rokkaku (Hexagon))
Release Date2021/02/16
