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Gameplay:十二宗家の象徴 BBDW Grimoire

From BlazBlue Wiki
Symbol of the Duodecim
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 9.png
Skill IconSkill Description
BBDW Status Hate Value Up.png
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 175
(At MAX)
 ☗ Hate Value Up: Increase chance of being targeted by an amount
Hate Value Up 200
Name十二宗家の象徴 (Jūnisōke no Shōchō)
Profile Description (English)

Sometimes, I'm the NOL's Commander-in-chief. Sometimes, I'm the leader of the Imperial Guards. And other times? I dazzle the stage, all while saving damsels in distress! That's me, the dashing young man, who shows up out of nowhere. I'm a sucker for alcohol and women, but I can be relied on when it counts the most, y'know?

Profile Description (Japanese)

ある時は衛士最高司令官。ある時は近衛師団団長。 そしてまたある時は、美女のピンチに颯爽登場! どこからともなく現れるイケメンお兄さん。 酒と女にゃ目がないが、やる時はやるオトコだぜ?

HP (Min/Max)3480/6960
Atk (Min/Max)451/902
Def (Min/Max)320/640
Illustrator やまだ六角 (Yamada Rokkaku (Hexagon))
Release Date2021/02/16
CharactersKagura Mutsuki
