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Sector Seven

From BlazBlue Wiki

Sector Seven (だいななかん) is an organization which engages in scientific pursuits. They actively oppose the Novus Orbis Librarium and do not use Ars Magus. The organization is run by the Committee and was founded by Yuuki Terumi.


During the Dark War, multiple countries had their leaders sheltered in the Magister's City of Ishana. After the Nox Nyctores - Gigant: Take-Mikazuchi crashed into Ishana while a head of the Black Beast was biting down on it, these leaders began to believe that Ishana was on the verge of its destruction. To them, however, this was optimal. Ishana had amassed too much power and these leaders had come to learn much more about the Arts during their refuge. Terumi, who knew the future because of the Looping World, made the group aware of what would happen. This group had already invested vast amounts of money into the Orbis Librarius Norma, and decided that after the war ended that they would act. This group would become known as Sector Seven.[1]

After the war ended, the OLN fused with the Mage's Guild to become the Novus Orbis Librarium. At some point, it split away from the organization, becoming independent. Unlike the NOL, which is similar to an international task-force, Sector Seven is closer to a confederation of like-minded scientists. They actively research and apply science in everything, believing that Ars Magus' application is too widespread - this said, they are not above using it when they need to. They consider themselves to be the exact opposite of the NOL despite being a much smaller organization. Even though Sector Seven is comprised mainly of scientists, they do engage in politics and deploy field agents to various locations across the world - they were an important player during the Ikaruga Civil War, but their actions never reached the public eye.

The organization's research has recently concerned the Boundary and seithr. Their headquarters and laboratories are fuelled with electricity, and not by Ars. Sector Seven's headquarters were built on top of the First District in Japan to prevent anyone from accessing Nine the Phantom's laboratory. Deep within the headquarters lies both the Dog House and a cauldron.

Their ultimate goal is to create a world without Ars Magus nor seithr, hoping to restore the world to the same way it was prior to the Dark War - their plan being to nullify Grimoires. They appear to have dropped this goal in the new world created by Ragna the Bloodedge.





Official Descriptions

BlazBlue: Central Fiction Library Entry

Sector Seven

An organization composed of multiple smaller groups that has existed since before the Dark War. Kokonoe and Tager are among its members.

They are enemies of the Novus Orbis Librarium, considering the Librarium's society based on Ars Magus unacceptable. They wish to restore the world of the past, not relying on Ars Magus or Seithr. To do so, they are searching for ways to nullify the driving force of Ars Magus, the 'Grimoires,' and thus wish to obtain one of the original Grimories, the 'Azure Grimoire.' [3]


  1. BlazBlue: Phase Shift 4, Chapter 1 - Swirling Tea
  2. Celica has the vs theme Sector Seven
  3. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Library Mode, Organization #014