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Gameplay:Susano'o BBTAG Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki
(Redirected from Susano'o/Quotes/BBTAG)


Solo Actions


Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)


Situation Quote Audio
Sundering Claw Sundering Claws
Sundering Claw
Sundering Claw Annihilation
Sundering Claw
Dancing Dual Kick Dual Kick
Dancing Dual Kick
Dancing Dual Kick Decimate
Dancing Dual Kick
Dancing Dual Kick Fly
Dancing Dual Kick
Megalith Megalith
Megalith Crush
Megalith Scatter
Inevitable Calamity Inevitable Calamity
Inevitable Calamity
Inevitable Calamity Lightning
Inevitable Calamity
Inevitable Calamity Burst Forth
Inevitable Calamity
Blade of Judgement Blade of Judgement
Blade of Judgement
Blade of Judgement Bleed
Blade of Judgement
Blade of Judgement Sever
Blade of Judgement
Splintering Thrust Hmpf. Splintering Thrust
Splintering Thrust
Splintering Thrust Now. Meet your End
Splintering Thrust
Splintering Thrust Run. Or Die
Splintering Thrust


Situation Quote Audio
Liberating Dagger Only darkness awaits
Liberating Dagger
Liberating Dagger Everything shall be cut down
Liberating Dagger
Liberating Dagger Farewell
Liberating Dagger
Liberating Dagger Disappear
Liberating Dagger
Bloodspiller Howling Thunder.
Bloodspiller Not a speck of dust shall remain


Situation Quote Audio
Roar of the Mad King I Tire of this. Everything shall return to chaos. This is how the world ends. SAVOR YOUR FINAL MOMENTS!
Roar of the Mad King
Roar of the Mad King The end comes. You. Your world. And all of its bullshit laws! CHAOS WILL DEVOUR YOU ALL!
Roar of the Mad King

System Mechanics

Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze Face your absolution.
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze This world is my domain.
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)


Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage) You are at my mercy
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage) You pose no challenge
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage) Accept your fate
Combo (10k Damage)


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Witness my brutality... and rejoice.
Intro 「仰ぎ讃えよ…… 我が暴虐を」
Intro Such blasphemy... ...Is worthy of death.
Intro 「その涜神…… 万死に値する」
Intro Bow down... and worship your god.
Intro 「伏して拝め…… 神の業を」
Intro Chaos... is all that awaits you.
Intro 「混沌へ…… 沈めてやる」
Intro Terumi: You're all invited.
Susano'o: To witness a power beyond legend!
Intro テルミ「まとめてご招待だ…!」
スサノオ「誘おう 神話の最果てへ……!」
Intro Terumi: Let's get this started.
Susano'o: I am the beginning of the end.
Intro テルミ「さぁて おっ始めるか」
Outro Accept your fate, and perish.
Outro 滅べ 其れが運命だ
Outro Begone, filth...
Outro 屑が……失せろ
Outro This was divine judgment.
Outro 此れが 神の裁きだ
Outro This repugnant soul shall crumble!
Outro 目障りだ……砕けよ
Time Up Outro Is that the extent of your power?
Time Up Outro どうした…その程度なのか…?
Time Up Outro That's not enough... Not at all!
Time Up Outro まだだ…全然足りんぞ…
Time Up Defeat I indulged myself for too long.
Time Up Defeat 少し遊びすぎたか…
Time Up Defeat Hmph! No matter.
Time Up Defeat ふん…まぁいい…

Partner Actions

Partner Swap

Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change Get down and pray!
Duo Change 伏して拝め!
Duo Change Worship me!
Duo Change 仰ぎ讃えよ!
Partner Skill Change How dull...
Partner Skill Change 詰らん…
Partner Skill Change My interest wanes...
Partner Skill Change 興が乗らん…
Cross Burst Unworthy!
Cross Burst 煩わしい…
Cross Burst Do not mock me!
Cross Burst 戯れるな。
Partner Defeat Our revelry has only begun!
Partner Defeat 宴は此れからだ!
Partner Defeat Your death approaches.
Partner Defeat 引導を呉れてやる。


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo

Assist Calls

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Entertain me.
Generic 興じさせよ。
Generic Amuse me.
Generic 座興だ。
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Ragna the Bloodedge!
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ!
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Let me see you struggle!
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge 足掻くが良い。
Partner with Jin Kisaragi Jin Kisaragi!
Partner with Jin Kisaragi ジン=キサラギ!
Partner with Jin Kisaragi Human filth!
Partner with Jin Kisaragi 人間ゴミ風情が!
Partner with Noel Vermillion Noel Vermillion!
Partner with Noel Vermillion ノエル=ヴァーミリオン!
Partner with Noel Vermillion Puppet!
Partner with Noel Vermillion 人形!
Partner with Rachel Alucard Rachel Alucard!
Partner with Rachel Alucard レイチェル=アルカード!
Partner with Rachel Alucard Vampire!
Partner with Rachel Alucard 吸血鬼!
Partner with Iron Tager Tager!
Partner with Iron Tager テイガー!
Partner with Iron Tager Your God calls you!
Partner with Iron Tager 人間ゴミ風情が!
Partner with Hakumen Incomplete!
Partner with Hakumen 成り損ないが!
Partner with Hakumen What are you capable of!?
Partner with Hakumen 足掻くが良い。
Partner with Nu-13 Murakumo!
Partner with Nu-13 ムラクモ!
Partner with Nu-13 Join the mad dance!
Partner with Nu-13 踊り狂え!
Partner with Hazama Hazama!
Partner with Hazama ハザマ!
Partner with Hazama Mere shell!
Partner with Hazama 器風情が!
Partner with Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya!
Partner with Makoto Nanaya マコト=ナナヤ!
Partner with Makoto Nanaya Vermin!
Partner with Makoto Nanaya 雑種!
Partner with Platinum the Trinity Platinum the Trinity!
Partner with Platinum the Trinity プラチナ=ザ=トリニティ!
Partner with Platinum the Trinity Join in the revelry!
Partner with Platinum the Trinity 踊り狂え!
Partner with Izayoi Tsubaki Yayoi!
Partner with Izayoi ツバキ=ヤヨイ!
Partner with Izayoi Join in the revelry!
Partner with Izayoi 踊り狂え!
Partner with Azrael Azrael!
Partner with Azrael アズラエル!
Partner with Azrael Human garbage!
Partner with Azrael 人間ゴミ風情が!
Partner with Celica A. Mercury Celica A. Mercury!
Partner with Celica A. Mercury セリカ=A=マーキュリー!
Partner with Celica A. Mercury Join in the revelry!
Partner with Celica A. Mercury 踊り狂え!
Partner with Nine the Phantom Nine the Phantom!
Partner with Nine the Phantom ナイン=ザ=ファントム!
Partner with Nine the Phantom Dance in my name!
Partner with Nine the Phantom 踊り狂え!
Partner with Naoto Kurogane Naoto Kurogane!
Partner with Naoto Kurogane クロガネ=ナオト!
Partner with Naoto Kurogane Outsider!
Partner with Naoto Kurogane 異分子な!
Partner with Es Guardian!
Partner with Es 門番!
Partner with Es Join in the revelry!
Partner with Es 踊り狂え!
Partner with Mai Natsume Mai Natsume!
Partner with Mai Natsume マイ=ナツメ!
Partner with Mai Natsume Join in the revelry!
Partner with Mai Natsume 踊り狂え!
Partner with Jubei Jubei!
Partner with Jubei 獣兵衛!
Partner with Jubei Mongrel!
Partner with Jubei 雑種!



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Cry now the name of your god!
Outro with partner 鬨を上げよ 我が名と共に……!
Outro with partner Welcome your demise, ignorant beasts!
Outro with partner 打ち囃せ 獣の如くな……!

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Terumi: Now heel, little puppy.
Susano'o: This is God's domain.
Ragna: Cram it. I'm on your side, you snaky asshole!
Intro テルミ「引っ込んでろよ 子犬ちゃぁん」
スサノオ「今此の刻は 神の幕だ」
ラグナ「粋がんな まとめて潰すぞ 蛇野郎が」
Outro Ragna: This is the power of the Azure!
Susano'o: And the rage of a god.
Outro ラグナ「これが 『蒼』の力だ」
スサノオ「そして 『神』の裁きだ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Hakumen: I am the void, I am steel, I am the sword!
Susano'o: I am might. I am power. I am EVERYTHING!
Hakumen: I am Hakumen...
Susano'o: You stand before Takehaya Susano'o!
Hakumen: The end has come!
Intro ハクメン「我は空 我は鋼 我は刃!」
スサノオ「――而して タケハヤスサノオノミコトなり!」
Outro Hakumen: This is the sword that destroys evil...
Susano'o: And this is the god-blade that will end existence.
Outro ハクメン「此れが 悪を滅する剣――」
スサノオ「――そして 全てを裁ち斬る神の剣だ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Terumi: Here's a little treat for you, Hazzy!
Susano'o: You will bear witness to my legend!
Hazama: Yes, yes, it's all VERY exciting.
Intro テルミ「大サービスだぜ ハザマちゃぁん!」
スサノオ「見せてやろう 神話の一端を……!」
ハザマ「はいはい あまりはしゃがないでくださいね」
Outro Susano'o: What's wrong? Our revelry has just begun.
Hazama: Are you blind? Your partygoers are all spent.
Outro スサノオ「どうした 宴はこれからだぞ?」
ハザマ「どう見てもお開きです さっさと帰りますよ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: Show me the strength of a god!
Susano'o: Very well. I'll carve it into your very marrow!
Intro アズラエル「見せて貰うぞ 『神』の力を……!」
スサノオ「良かろう 髄まで刻んでやる……!」
Outro Susano'o: Behold the might of God!
Azrael: Incredible... Just incredible!
Outro スサノオ「此れが 『神』の力だ……!」

Chie Satonaka

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Susano'o: I'll show you the power of God.
Chie: I'll show you the power of Kung Fu! A-CHO!
Intro スサノオ「見せてやろう 神の力を」
千枝「見せてやろう 私のカンフー! あちょーっ!」
Outro Susano'o: This is the essence of power.
Chie: Don't think, feel... Got it!
Outro スサノオ「此れが 力の真髄だ」
千枝「考えるな 感じろ……ってね!」

Akihiko Sanada

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: You're going down for the ten count.
Susano'o: Ten? This will be over in the blink of an eye.
Intro 明彦「10カウントで沈めてやろう」
スサノオ「無用だ 瞬刻で終わらせる」
Outro Susano'o: This is your end.
Akihiko: But I'll accept a rematch anytime.
Outro スサノオ「此れにて幕だ」

Tohru Adachi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Adachi: Gonna leave the heavy lifting to you, Mr. God.
Susano'o: So be it. But soon you too will be crushed beneath my heel.
Intro 足立「じゃ 後はお願いするよ 神サマ」
スサノオ「良かろう 其の不敬ごと打ち砕く迄だ」
Outro Adachi: Wow, you really smashed 'em to bits, huh?
Susano'o: And you are next.
Outro 足立「あらら 正に木っ端微塵ってやつ?」
スサノオ「次は 貴様の番だな」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Waldstein: Should be fun to fight alongside a god!
Susano'o: Mock me not. This battle is already over.
Intro ワレンシュタイン「神との共闘か これもまた一興!」
スサノオ「戯けが 興じる間など与えん」
Outro Susano'o: They were but insects before me.
Waldstein: How dull to swat them so quickly.
Outro スサノオ「矢張り 前座にもならんな」
ワレンシュタイン「つまらん 興も覚めてしまったわい」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Merkava: Your fate is sealed. You will be devoured!
Susano'o: Not a scrap of you will remain!
Intro メルカヴァ「逃さん 諸共我が糧と成り果てよ……!」
スサノオ「否 欠片も残さん……!」
Outro Merkava: This will not quell my hunger.
Susano'o: Hmph. It's meal enough for a beast.
Outro メルカヴァ「何とも食い出の無い様よ」
スサノオ「ふん 獣の餌には相応しかろう」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Vatista: Referencing library... No entry found. What are you?
Susano'o: Can a machine not recognize its god?
Intro バティスタ「ライブラリ参照――ノットアプリケイブル 貴方は 一体……?」
スサノオ「知れた事 全なる神だ」
Outro Vatista: So this is God. Your power surpasses all reason.
Susano'o: Thus is humanity ignorant of its own end.
Outro バティスタ「これが神――信仰の果てなる力」
スサノオ「故に 人には至れぬ力と知れ」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Mika: Look out, evildoers! My fists will punish you!
Susano'o: Nay. Their judgment must be divine!
Intro ミカ「この悪党めぃ! アチシの拳で成敗んゆー!」
スサノオ「否 裁くのは神なる我だ」
Outro Susano'o: You have been judged.
Mika: And punished with punches!
Outro スサノオ「神罰覿面……!」
ミカ「そしてぇ 成敗完了!」

Ruby Rose

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Ruby: Wowww! I love your samurai armor! It's so cool!
Terumi: Hold your tongue, little girl.
Susano'o: This armor is that of a god!
Intro ルビー「ワァオ! ジャパニーズヨロイ! はちゃめちゃクール!」
テルミ「喚くんじゃねぇよ 小娘がぁ」
スサノオ「此れは 神の器だ……!」
Outro Susano'o: Pay tribute to this divine vessel!
Ruby: Can... Can I try it on sometime?
Outro スサノオ「仰げ 此の絶対なる神器を……!」
ルビー「いいなぁ 私も着てみたいなぁ」

Blake Belladonna

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Susano'o: Show me how you struggle, Mongrel!
Blake: Wouldn't want to disappoint you, "Oh mighty god."
Intro スサノオ「其の足掻き 興じさせて貰うぞ 雑種」
ブレイク「ええ 精々ご期待にお応えするわ 神様」
Outro Susano'o: You played your part, Mongrel.
Blake: You did okay too, for a god.
Outro スサノオ「似合いの様だったぞ 雑種」
ブレイク「貴方も流石の力ね 神様」

Neo Politan

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Neo: ............
Susano'o: You are a blight. Begone, illusionist.
Intro ニオ「…………」
スサノオ「目障りだ 失せろ 幻燈風情が」
Outro Neo: ............
Susano'o: Your tricks make mockery of my absolution.
Outro ニオ「…………」
スサノオ「下らん手品だ 興醒めも甚だしい」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Your gods and your demons shall crumble before my might. I am absolute.
Generic 神拝も涜神も最早意味を為さん。 我が力の前では、一切等しく無価値と知れ。
Generic Everything will be destroyed. No matter how the world may change, God's rule is absolute.
Generic 凡てを壊す―― 如何に違えた世界であろうと、神の規律は不変だ。
Generic Good. No more beating around the bush, huh... It's time to destroy everyone and everything!
Generic あぁ、いいぜぇ……もうメンドクセェのは無しだ…… どいつもこいつも全部まとめてぶっ壊してやるよ……!
Generic You will watch as the world caves in on itself. Such is your fate. This is why you were born, and how you shall die.
Generic 閉じ行く世界の観測――其れが貴様の使命だ。 只其れのみに生き、只其れのみに死ね。
Generic Take comfort in what idle pleasures remain to you. Dance, and revel in the world's demise.
Generic 精々踊り狂うが良い。 其の命の散り際にて、世界の終焉を飾らせてやろう。
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Susano'o: Human powers are all meaningless in the face of a god. Your precious Azure Grimoire included.
Ragna: Oh yeah? How 'bout I test your little theory? With the power of the Azure... and with my own!
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge スサノオ「如何なる力も、神前に於いては悉く無力。 況や『蒼の魔道書』なぞ、及ぶべくも無い。」
ラグナ「面白ぇ、だったら試してやろうじゃねぇか。 『蒼』の力を――そして、俺の力を!」
Partner with Hakumen Susano'o: There is no reason for you to wield that vessel. This world ill needs two gods.
Hakumen: This body is now more than a blade. Even if a god chooses to hinder my righteous path, I shall cut him down.
Partner with Hakumen スサノオ「成り損ないが……貴様がその器を駆る道理など無い。 神は、この世に二柱も要らぬ。」
ハクメン「今や此の身は一振りの剣―― たとえ神であろうと、我が正道を阻むことは適わん。」
Partner with Hazama Susano'o: Repent and worship! For you have borne witness to God's true power!
Hazama: Uh huh, fantastic, great job. Get that out of your system yet?
Partner with Hazama スサノオ「伏して拝め! 仰ぎ讃えよ! 鬨を上げ打ち囃せ! 此れが、真なる神の力だ!」
ハザマ「はいはいお見事お見事すごいすごーい。 これで宜しいですか?」
Partner with Azrael Susano'o: You shall feast upon your divine punishment. A gift far exceeding what a stray dog deserves.
Azrael: Yes! Give me all the punishment you've got! I won't let any of it go to waste, God!
Partner with Azrael スサノオ「褒美だ、貴様には極上の神罰をくれてやる。 野良犬には過ぎた餌と知れ。」
アズラエル「是非も無いっ! ありったけの罰を下すが良いっ! 一口たりとも残さんぞ、神よっ!」
Partner with Chie Satonaka Susano'o: Power is truth. And a god is power made manifest. Technique, strategy, and weaponry are all children of human weakness.
Chie: I'm...not sure I get what you're talking about, but... If power's that important to you, I can show you my kung-fu movies?
Partner with Chie Satonaka スサノオ「力こそ真理、其の極点こそが神。 業も、術も、冴も、万事は人の脆さの具現に過ぎぬ。」
千枝「えーっと…なに言ってんのかよく分かんないけど…… 力がどうのってなら、カンフーのDVD貸してあげよっか?」
Partner with Akihiko Sanada Akihiko: Power's not about winning or losing. It's all about having a challenger's mentality. I don't care whether you're a god or not, just stop talking trash.
Susano'o: You speak out of turn, human filth. You desire a challenge? Then face the greatest this world has to offer: God's judgment!
Partner with Akihiko Sanada 明彦「強さとは即ち勝敗ではない。それは、試練に挑む心の在り方だ。 たとえ神といえど、敗者への侮辱は控えてもらおうか。」
スサノオ「随分と吹くではないか、人間風情が。 然らば其の身に下してやろう、此の世の試練の極地――神の裁きを!」
Partner with Tohru Adachi Susano'o: Your day of judgment has come. You shall pay for your irreverence in blood.
Adachi: Man, how'd I wind up in all this trouble? Guess I should've just let sleeping gods lie.
Partner with Tohru Adachi スサノオ「さぁ、裁きの刻だ。 其の不敬の代償、貴様の五体に悉く刻んでやろう。」
足立「ったく、面倒なモンに目をつけられたなぁ。 正に“触らぬ神に祟りなし”ってね、良い勉強になったよ。」
Partner with Waldstein Susano'o: This was inevitable. You are all just roaches, crawling through the dirt before me.
Waldstein: Unbelievable... I didn't intend to preach to a god today, but you've left me no choice. I must show you the joy of battle!
Partner with Waldstein スサノオ「斯様な小競り合い如きに浮かれおって。 雑種の力比べなぞ児戯も同然。我が力こそ、唯一無二と知るが良い。」
ワレンシュタイン「やれやれ……釈迦に説法を説くつもりは無いが、致し方あるまい。 委細教示して進ぜよう、戦の興というものを!」
Partner with Merkava Susano'o: You are but a beast clad in sin. Loathsome in every regard. I shall give you the absolution you so desperately deserve.
Merkava: That will not be necessary. I have long since passed any hope of salvation. I am a mad beast, following my instincts.
Partner with Merkava スサノオ「業を抱えし獣……其の愚かさは余りにも度し難い。 手向けだ、我が名に於いて相応の裁きをくれてやろう。」
メルカヴァ「無用だ。この身には贖いも救いも意味を為さん。 ただ只管に、本能の猛りを擦るのみだ。」
Partner with Vatista Vatista: This power far exceeds the processing capabilities of this unit. Requesting immediate instruction from the program to counteract this problem.
Susano'o: A futile gesture. You shall diligently observe, doll, as I send you, your master, and everything you know to the other side.
Partner with Vatista バティスタ「この力は当機の処理能力を遥かに凌駕している。 該当問題の対応において、指令機関による迅速な総括を求む。」
スサノオ「無駄だ。努めて傍観せよ、人形。 貴様も、其の主も、何れは諸共に彼岸へと送ってやる。」
Partner with Mika Susano'o: Right and wrong are human constructs. Trash to be eliminated with the rest of this world. You are either God or not God. That is the only distinction that matters.
Mika: I don't give a damn! My fists will decide what's right or wrong! And that's how I'll dish out justice!
Partner with Mika スサノオ「善悪など、所詮は浅薄な人間共の分界に過ぎん。 神か否か――其れこそ、唯一絶対の境と知れ。」
ミカ「知ったこっちゃないんゆー! アチシの善と悪はっ! アチシの正義とっ! この拳が決めるんゆー!」
Partner with Ruby Rose Ruby: That armor's really tough, but the design's so elaborate! The tail and the hair look real! It's just so cool! Can I try it on, pleaaaaase?
Susano'o: Oh? You have ambition, girl. But to don this vessel is to consign your flesh to a vortex of infinite resentment. If you are prepared to face death, then by all means!
Partner with Ruby Rose ルビー「このヨロイ、パワーもスゴいけどデザインも凝ってるね! 尻尾も髪の毛も本物みたいで超クール! やっぱり私も着てみたーい!」
スサノオ「ほう、然らば纏って見せろ。幽世の果て無き怨嗟―― 其の渦中に心骨を委ねる覚悟が有るの成らばな……!」
Partner with Blake Belladonna Susano'o: Enough of this mockery! You were born a mongrel, and you shall die as such. Such pathetic beings are hardly worthy of my absolution!
Blake: I don't care what the gods think of me. My friends are proud of me, and they're all that matter.
Partner with Blake Belladonna スサノオ「もう飽いた、混ざり物は所詮混ざり物か。 斯様な不条理は、此処で塵と成り果てるのが相応しかろう。」
ブレイク「神様の評価なんて関係無い。 仲間に誇れる自分であれば、私はそれで構わない。」
Partner with Neo Politan Susano'o: Your apparitions make light of my very presence. Death is kinder than you deserve. Your punishment shall be eternal!
Neo: ......
Partner with Neo Politan スサノオ「疾く砕けよ。戯れで神の幕を穢す其の不敬、 永劫贖えぬ大罪と識れ、幻燈……!」