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Gameplay:Platinum the Trinity BBTAG Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki


Solo Actions


Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio

System Mechanics

Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)


Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Luna: Let's go, Sena!
Sena: You bet.
Intro Luna: Sena, lend me a hand here!
Sena: No, I think you've got this, Luna.
Intro Luna: When Luna wins, Master Jubei's gonna pat me on the head!
Intro Sena: Let's try to keep this civil, please...
Intro Luna: Hey, isn't this kind of like 3 vs. 2?
Sena:Y-You think...?
Intro Luna: Stand in Luna's way and BE DESTROYED!
Sena: Y-You shouldn't talk to people that way...
Outro Luna: Luna wins! Whaddaya think of THAT?
Outro Sena: Whoa... You mean we actually won...?
Outro Luna: They're not even twitching... Do you EVER hold back, Sena?
Sena: Huh? I'm pretty sure that wasn't me...
Outro Luna: I wonder if Master Jubei's gonna praise us.
Sena: Of course he will! He's really, really nice...
Time Up Outro Luna: Luna wins!
Time Up Outro
Time Up Outro Sena: A victory for two! ♪
Time Up Outro
Defeat Luna: Luna...can't...lose...
Defeat Sena: I...can't...
Time Up Defeat Luna: No, no, no, no, no! NO!
Time Up Defeat
Time Up Defeat Sena: We're...out of time...
Time Up Defeat

Partner Actions

Partner Swap

Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo

Assist Calls

Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Nu-13
Partner with Nu-13
Partner with Nu-13
Partner with Nu-13
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Azrael
Partner with Azrael
Partner with Azrael
Partner with Azrael
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Sena: The three of us won...!
Luna: ...Why does this feel like cheating?
Outro with partner
Outro with partner Luna: Hey, you... You're not bad when you try.
Sena: Oh, Luna, why can't you just be honest for once?
Outro with partner

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Luna: Just stay out of Luna's way, you PEDO!
Ragna: I'm not a pedophile!!!
Intro Sena: Umm... Please don't hurt us, Mr. Pedo.
Ragna: I'm not a pedophile!!!
Outro Luna: You're pretty good...for a pedo.
Ragna: I said, I'm not a pedophile, dammit!!!
Outro Sena: Wow... That was pretty amazing, Mr. Pedo!
Ragna: I said, I'm not a pedophile, dammit!!!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Trinity:
Kazuma... I'm so sor--Actual quote: Kazuma... I'm so sorry.

Hazama: I think I'm hearing things! How scary...
Outro Hazama: Look at that, I did it all by myself.
I'm sorry... I can't stay here any--Actual quote: I'm sorry... I can't stay here any longer...

Celica A. Mercury

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Trinity: Let's have some tea once this is done.
Celica: That sounds nice. I'd invite Sis too, but...
Outro Luna: Huh!? What's goin' on? Is it over already!?
Celica: Hehe. Alright then, off we go!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Luna: Sh-She's so tiny...but so huge...
Sena: Yea, and uhm...bouncy.
Es: Tiny, but huge... Incomprehensible.
Outro Es: Target Incapacitated. Mission complete.
Sena: L-Look, Luna. I think we won.
Luna: Then why do I feel so defeated?


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Sena: Don't worry, Master Jubei, we'll protect you.
Luna: Bring it! I won't let you lay a finger on Master Jubei!
Jubei: Aw, shucks... I can always count on you two.
Outro Luna: We did it, Master Jubei! Praise us, praise us!
Jubei: H-Hold on, now, don't get too clingy!
Outro Sena: Master Jubeiii, I did my best.
Jubei: H-Hold on, now, don't get too clingy!

Yosuke Hanamura

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yosuke: Heh, I deal with kids all the time at Junes. Go ahead, do your worst!
Luna: Who are you calling a kid, you dumbass?
Yosuke: Eep! S-Sorry...
Outro Luna: Sooooo weaaaaak!
Yosuke: Well, that could've been worse...

Chie Satonaka

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Luna: Here's the plan: we're gonna kick their asses ASAP!
Chie: You bet! Lead the way, Platinum-chan!
Outro Luna: What a wimp! C'mon, get up...!
Chie: Hey! That's not nice! No bullying!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Luna: Why do I gotta fight with THIS little punk?
Teddie: Hey! You're the one who's a pipsqueak here!
Outro Teddie: Heh... How was that? Elegant enough for you?
Luna: Whoa... How is he so sparkly...?


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Sena: Ms. Labrys? Try not to break them too much...
Labrys: Well, I think they'll be okay! Probably... Anyway, let's rumble!
Outro Sena: Good going, Ms. Labrys.
Labrys: Haha! See? I could learn ya a thing or two.


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Luna: We can take care of this ourselves. Just stay outta the way, pipsqueak.
Linne: I swear... Better shut 'em up with skill.
Outro Linne: Hmph... Looks like that's that.
Luna: H-How....could she BE that strong...?


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yuzuriha: Aww, there there... Big Sis will protect you, okay?
Luna: Stop treating us like kids! It's so annoying!
Outro Yuzuriha: Aww, it's okay... I know it was scary, but it's over now.
Luna: Cut it out already, dammit!

Weiss Schnee

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: Please try to stick to the plan.
Luna: Shut up! I don't take orders from flat-chested sidekicks!
Outro Luna: Well, I guess you did okay, in spite of your cup size.
EXCUSE YOU!? What does THAT have to do with leadership, anyway!?PS4: EXCUSE ME!?

Heart Aino

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Heart: Prepare to feel our love power!
Luna: Luna's gonna give you everything she's got!
Outro Heart: I think they really felt your love, Luna! ♪
Luna: Right? My next target's Master Jubei!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro with Hakumen, Nine, and Jubei Nine: My... What a lovely bunch of nostalgic faces.
Jubei: Never thought we'd see four of the Six Heroes gather in this day 'n age.
Luna: What's that!? You punks talkin' about Luna? Huh?
Hakumen: Words no longer bear meaning. If you wish to converse...then do so with your weapon!
Intro with Hakumen, Nine, and Jubei

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Luna: With our powers combined, we're INVINCIBLE!
Sena: Better luck next time.
Generic Luna: The winner is...everyone's favorite idol, Magical Girl Luna!
Sena: Eheheh... Guess we took it a little too far.
Generic Luna: Do you think Master Jubei's gonna be proud of us? He totally will, right?
Sena: He's gonna pat us on the head so much! I can't wait!
Generic Luna: What was that!? I'm gonna knock your socks off!
Sena: Luna, quit it... I feel bad for them...
Generic Luna: Argh! Why is EVERYBODY following Luna around!? Are you all pedos or something? Well, are you!?
Sena: Probably not all of them, Luna... Probably just about half.
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Sena: Lunaaa... Th-This guy's eyes are scaring me...
Luna: Right? He's TOOOTALLY a creeper.
Ragna: Gimme a break...
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Hazama Trinity: Kazuma... Is there nothing I can do...?
Hazama: Awful lot of bugs around here... And one just keeps buzz-buzz-buzzing in my ear. What a noisy place this is...
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Celica A. Mercury Celica: Platinum, are you okay with milk tea? There's cake too, so eat as much as you like.
Luna: What the heck? I never agreed to tea! *Munch munch*... Whoa, this is good!
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Es Luna: Dammit... Just... Just give me five years and I'll, I'll... Waaaaaaaaahhh! One day you'll be sorrry!
Sena: H-Hey, Luna! Where are we going...!?
Es: ...Ally lost. Why was she...crying?
Partner with Es
Partner with Jubei Luna: Hey, Sena! Stop hogging Master Jubei! It's my turn!
Sena: Aww, but you were hugging him so much earlier...
Jubei: Gee... They're almost more of a handful than those enemies were...
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura Luna: Ha-HAH! Under Luna's command, this is nothing! You ended up being pretty useful, too! Keep it up!
Yosuke: (Don't feel great to be bossed around by a kid, but hey...) Sure, you can count on me!
Partner with Yosuke Hanamura
Partner with Chie Satonaka Luna: Yeaaaaah! You better not step to Team Luna ever again!
Sena: *sniff sniff*... Chie! I smell meat! Hmm... It's this way! Chaaaarge!
Chie: Er... Can we really just leave them here like-- Wait, did you say MEAT!? I'm coming for you, meat!!!
Partner with Chie Satonaka
Partner with Teddie Luna: Where do you get off, callin' ME "pipsqueak"!? Luna's still growing, you know! Someday I'll be all big and bouncy and you'll be sorry!
Teddie: You started it by calling me a punk! Buuuut, if you grow up like you think you will, give me a call sometime!
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Labrys Labrys: Ya see that? I didn't break anything nearby, nobody got hurt, and we still won. I'd say that went pretty good, Sena-chan!
Sena: Umm, Ms. Labrys? Please take another look. The enemy is in pieces. They're going to be so sad. I feel sorry for them...
Partner with Labrys
Partner with Linne Linne: So, have you got anything to say to me?
Luna: W-Well... You did pretty good, for a pipsqueak! I-I guess I can take pity on you and let you fight with us again.
Partner with Linne
Partner with Yuzuriha Luna: You see now? Luna's super strong!
Yuzuriha: You did so good! What a smart girl you are... But remember, if you need any help, just call Big Sis, okay?
Partner with Yuzuriha
Partner with Weiss Schnee Weiss: I can't believe this! Nothing went according to plan, thanks to you!
Luna: Who cares? A win's a win.
Partner with Weiss Schnee
Partner with Heart Aino Luna: Alright! The power of love wins again! And my love for Master Jubei is the strongest of all!
Heart: That's right! As long as we've got love, we can get through anything!
Partner with Heart Aino