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Gameplay:Nu-13 BBTAG Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki
Revision as of 04:36, 28 August 2024 by AzureFlamez (talk | contribs)
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Solo Actions


Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio

System Mechanics

Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)


Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Murakumo Unit...Activate.
Intro ムラクモユニット 起動
Intro Target marked for elimination. Commencing combat.
Intro 目標を殲滅対象と認識 戦闘を開始します
Intro Target acquired. Transitioning into combat phase.
Intro 対象補足 これより戦闘フェイズに移行します
Intro Why do you get in Nu's way? ...Die.
Intro なぜニューの邪魔をするの? ……消えて
Intro Updating combat data. Commencing backup.
Intro 戦術データを更新 バックアップを開始します
Intro Who...are you? An enemy?
Intro アンタ……誰? 敵……?
Outro Target's threat level minimized. Exiting combat mode.
Outro 対象の戦闘力低下を確認 戦闘モードを解除します
Outro Target silenced. Standing by in combat mode.
Outro 対象……沈黙 準戦闘モードにて待機します
Outro You have outlived your purpose...Correcting.
Outro 脆弱な存在……二度と動けないようにしてあげる
Outro Combat mode disengaged. Ragna... Wait for me.
Outro 戦闘モード 終了 ラグナ……待っててね
Time Up Outro As simulated.
Time Up Outro 想定通りの結果
Time Up Outro Initiating rest phase.
Time Up Outro 待機フェイズに移行
Time Up Defeat Insufficient analysis...
Time Up Defeat 計算不足……
Time Up Defeat Timing error detected...
Time Up Defeat 時間認識の誤差が発生

Partner Actions

Partner Swap

Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo

Assist Calls

Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Platinum the Trinity
Partner with Platinum the Trinity
Partner with Platinum the Trinity
Partner with Platinum the Trinity
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Azrael
Partner with Azrael
Partner with Azrael
Partner with Azrael
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner Combat complete. Standing by, awaiting command.
Outro with partner 戦闘が終了しました 次の指示があるまでこの場で待機します
Outro with partner Inconsistency in data detected. Updating backup data.
Outro with partner 戦術データの差異を確認 バックアップの更新を実行します

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu:
Who are you? Who dares to stand in Ragna and Nu's way? Do you want to die?PS4: Who dares to stand in Ragna and Nu's way? You wanna die?

Ragna: Personally, I'd welcome death right about now...
Intro ニュー「誰?ラグナとニューの邪魔をするのは 死にたいの?」
Outro Nu:
Do you understand now? Nu is the only one allowed to hurt Ragna. The only one.PS4: Do you get it now? Nu's the only one allowed to hurt Ragna.

Ragna: When did I say you were allowed to hurt me...?
Outro ニュー「これで解った? ラグナを傷つけていいのは ニューだけなんだから」

Noel Vermillion

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Target, confirmed. Obstruction, confirmed.
Target acknowledged.PS4: Target acknowledged as an obstruction.

Noel & Nu: Commencing annihilation of the target.
Noel: Wait, what am I saying...?
Intro ニュー「対象 認識 障害 認識――」
ノエル「って……私 何を言って……?」
Outro Nu: Target incapacitated.
Noel: Functions ceased. Exiting battle mode. Gh... What's happening to me?
Outro ニュー「対象 沈黙」
ノエル「機関停止 戦闘モード終了―― っ……どうしちゃったの 私……」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Ragnaaa... Raaaaagnaaaa.... Nu's right here.
Hazama: Ugh, this again...? One of the hazards of working with a toy, I guess...
Intro ニュー「ラグナ――ラグナ――ニューはここだよ――」
ハザマ「またコレですか…… 全く オモチャのお守りも楽ではありませんね」
Outro Nu:
This isn't him... No. No! This is not Ragna...!PS4: No! This is not Ragna...!

Hazama: That's right. That thing over there is nothing but garbage...
Outro ニュー「違う これは こんなのはラグナじゃない……」
ハザマ「はいはい そうですね ソコのソレはもうただのゴミですよ」

Celica A. Mercury

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Out of my way. Nu will find Ragna herself.
Celica: But we'd find him faster together, wouldn't we?
Intro ニュー「ニューは一人でラグナを探す」
セリカ「二人の方がきっと早く見つかるよ ねっ?」
Outro Nu: Obstruction eliminated... Where is Ragna?
Celica: Nowhere around here, that's for sure.
Outro ニュー「障害を排除しました……ラグナ どこ?」
セリカ「きっと この辺りにはいないんじゃないかな」

Naoto Kurogane

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: No, you're wrong...!
Naoto: Please, just stay calm... *sigh* Who am I kidding?
Intro ニュー「ラグ…ナ? 違う お前は……!」
Outro Naoto: Phew. We managed to make it through.
Nu: This power... Are you Ragna...?
Outro ナオト「ふぅ 何とかなったみてぇだな」
ニュー「この力は……ラグ ナ……?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Es: Strategic data link established...beginning sync.
Nu: Error. Link broken. Only Ragna may connect with Nu.
Intro Es「戦術データリンク構築……同期開始」
ニュー「エラー リンク切断 ニューと繋がるのは ラグナだけ」
Outro Es: Exhaustion rate over 30%. I recommend immediate recovery.
Nu: Negative. Nu will search for Ragna.
Outro Es「損耗率30%オーバー 早急な補給を勧告します」
ニュー「勧告拒否 ニューは ラグナを探す……」

Mitsuru Kirijo

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Enemy analysis complete. High-level entity confirmed.
Mitsuru: *chuckle* I'll show you that victory cannot be determined by data alone.
Intro ニュー「当該敵性対象解析終了 高レベル体の存在を確認」
美鶴「フフフ データだけで勝敗は決しない事を見せるとしよう」
Outro Nu: Battle complete. Revising target threat level downward.
Mitsuru: I hate to say I told you so, but...
Outro ニュー「戦闘終了 対象の脅威判定を下方修正」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Obstruction confirmed. Begin elimination of the target.
Elizabeth: As you wish. Let us make our bloody bargain.
Intro ニュー「障害確認 対象の殲滅を開始します」
エリザベス「かしこまりました 出血大バーゲンで参ります」
Outro Nu: Target silenced. Ending battle mode.
Elizabeth: Our bargain has been made.
Outro ニュー「対象沈黙 戦闘モード終了」
エリザベス「並びに バーゲン終了でございます」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: 5th Generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon Labrys... Beginning data collection.
Labrys: You watchin', Nu-chan!? Then get a load of THIS!
Intro ニュー「対シャドウ特別制圧兵装五式ラビリス…… データ取得を開始する」
ラビリス「よっし いっくでー!ニューちゃん 見とってや!」
Outro Nu: Suppression complete. Requesting damage report?
Labrys: Ain't nothin' wrong with me, I can keep goin'!
Outro ニュー「制圧完了 被害状況の報告を求む」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Target determined to be a threat. Requesting armed reinforcement.
Vatista: The program has reached a conclusion. 87 to 13 for.
Nu/Vatista: Initiating annihilation of target./Begin annihilation of target.
Intro ニュー「対象を危険因子と断定 火力支援を要請する」
Outro Nu: Target incapacitated. Suppressive fire ceased.
Vatista: The difference in firepower is clear. Kapow, kapow.
Outro ニュー「対象沈黙 制圧射撃 終了」
バティスタ「火力の差は歴然 ふぃーばーふぃーばー」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Enemies confirmed. Deploying petals.
Hilda: Looks like I get to try out my new toy.
Intro ニュー「敵性因子を確認 ペタル展開」
ヒルダ「良い機会ね 新しいオモチャを試すには」
Outro Nu: Target silenced. If you're not Ragna...then you should die.
Hilda: Oh no. Don't tell me she's defective.
Outro ニュー「対象沈黙……ラグナじゃないなら 死んじゃえ……」
ヒルダ「あらぁ? もしかしてこれ 不良品?」


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Nu: Target threat level updated. Engaging with maximum firepower.
Mika: That's the spirit, Mecha-girl! Give 'em a wallop!
Intro ニュー「対象の脅威判定更新 最大火力にて応戦します」
ミカ「その意気だメカっ子! 思うがままにぶっ放すんゆー!」
Outro Nu: Removal complete... Your efforts were pointless...
Mika: I can't hear you! When you win, you've gotta get loud! From the belly!
Outro ニュー「排除完了……全部無駄なのに」
ミカ「声が小さぁい! 勝鬨は高らかに! 腹から出すんゆ―!」

Weiss Schnee

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Weiss: We'll do this properly, fair and square.
Nu: Illogical. Eliminate all who get in the way.
Intro ワイス「正々堂々 真摯に参りましょう」
ニュー「理解不能 邪魔するヤツは 排除するだけ」
Outro Nu: Confirming damage report -- damage negligible.
Weiss: Under my command, what else do you expect?
Outro ニュー「被害状況確認 損害軽微」

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic Scanning for damage -- Damage, negligible. No negative effects on mission predicted.
Generic 被害状況確認――損害、軽微。 作戦行動への影響は認めらません。
Generic Running analysis. Minor damage to arm units detected. Prioritizing data backup.
Generic 状況を確認。腕部ユニットに軽微な損傷あり。 データのバックアップを最優先します。
Generic Target silenced. No one will get in Nu's way...
Generic 対象、沈黙しました。 ……ニューの邪魔は誰にもさせない。
Generic Combat phase complete. Transferring unison test results.
Generic 戦闘フェーズ終了。 ユニゾンテストの結果を送信しました。
Generic Get in Nu's way and I'll kill you, too.
Generic ニューの邪魔をしたら、アンタも殺すよ?
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Nu: Hey, Ragna, Nu did her best, right? Tell me I'm a good girl♪
Ragna: Sigh... No matter what I say, she's gonna hear what she wants to hear.
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge ニュー「ねぇラグナ、ニュー頑張ったよ! 褒めて褒めて♪」
Partner with Noel Vermillion Nu: Ragnaaaaa, where are youuuu?
Noel: What is I feel...? Could it be...her feelings?
Partner with Noel Vermillion ニュー「ラグナ――どこにいるの――?」
Partner with Hazama Nu: Raaaagnaaaaa... Where are you, Ragna? Nu wants Ragna...
Hazama: Oh, just can it already, would you? I'd rather not have to scrap such a big piece of garbage.
Partner with Hazama ニュー「ラグナ――ラグナはどこ――ニューは、ラグナを――」
ハザマ「もういい加減その戯言を止めていただけませんか? 粗大ゴミの廃棄なんて面倒な手間、私かけたくありませんので。」
Partner with Celica A. Mercury Nu: Ragna... Ragna, and Nu...
Celica: It's gonna be just fine. We're searching so hard for him, after all. I'm sure you'll see him in no time!
Partner with Celica A. Mercury ニュー「ラグナ……ラグナは、ニューと……」
セリカ「大丈夫、こんなに一生懸命探しているんだもん。 きっとすぐにラグナに会えるよ!」
Partner with Naoto Kurogane Nu: No, no no no no... You're not him... You're not Ragna... Who are yooooouuuu!
Naoto: I told you, I'm Naoto Kurogane! How many times do I have to tell you!? Please, just...listen for once!
Partner with Naoto Kurogane ニュー「違う、違う違う違う……お前は違う…… お前なんかラグナじゃない……お前誰だぁあああああああ!」
ナオト「だからクロガネナオトだっつってんだろっ! ちったぁ人の話聞けよっ! 何回繰り返すんだよこのやりとりっ!」
Partner with Es Es: Murakumo... Do you seek the Azure as well?
Nu: I don't care about that. All Nu needs is Ragna.
Partner with Es Es「ムラクモ……貴女もまた、『蒼』を求めているのですか?」
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo Mitsuru: Sheer force, while helpful, is not the only factor that determines a match. Luck and experience can also play a major role.
Nu: No matter how many times you try, the outcome will always be the same.
Partner with Mitsuru Kirijo 美鶴「純粋な戦力だけが雌雄を決すると思わない方がいい。 運用する経験の差も、戦況を左右するものだ。」
Partner with Elizabeth Nu: Ragna... Wait for me. Nu will find you... Nu will find you, and kill you...!
Elizabeth: Murderous love... Well, love and hate are two sides of the same coin. Perhaps I should give this strange bond a try.
Partner with Elizabeth ニュー「ラグナ……待ってて、すぐにニューが見つけるから…… 見つけて、殺してあげるからねぇ……!」
エリザベス「殺意と恋情――さながら同じコインの裏表。 成程、それもまた一つの『絆』の在り方というわけですか。」
Partner with Labrys Labrys: We're pretty compatible, Nu-chan! Maybe it's just 'cause we ain't your run-of-the-mill ladies.
Nu: Incorrect. Only Ragna is compatible with Nu.
Partner with Labrys ラビリス「やっぱニューちゃんとは相性いいと思うんよ。 普通の人らと違うもん同士、通じるとこもあるんかな?」
Partner with Vatista Vatista: A strategy devised around each teammate's unique capabilities... And a disproportionately high task-processing rate... But are these human fluctuations -- these "feelings" -- operating as its master intended?
Nu: Feelings... Nu's feelings...are for Ragna...
Partner with Vatista バティスタ「不均等な個体性能によって編成される戦術…… その不合理に不釣り合いなタスク消化率の高さ…… これが、人の揺らぎ――主の意図する『想い』というものか。」
Partner with Hilda Nu: Useless... If it's not Ragna, it's useless. And what's useless to Nu should disappear... It should all die...!
Hilda: Ugh, how am I supposed to use a toy like this? Amnesia has no use for junk.
Partner with Hilda ニュー「いらない……ラグナじゃないものは、ニューにはいらない…… いらないものは、消えて……全部消えて……!」
ヒルダ「あ~あ……もう使い物にならないわねぇ、コレ。 『忘却の螺旋』にガラクタは必要無いわぁ。」
Partner with Mika Mika: That sucked! What is this, Mecha-girl? Amateur hour? Put some spirit into your strikes! Yell! Roar! Set your heart ABLAAAAAAAAZE!
Nu: Useless. Worthless. Pointless. Nonsensical.
Partner with Mika ミカ「なっとらーん! なっとらんぞメカっ子! もっと一撃一撃に魂を込めるんゆ! 叫べ! 吠えろ! ハートを燃やせぇえええええ!」
Partner with Weiss Schnee Weiss: Do you mind!? It's fine to improvise, but would you at least mind listening to your leader's instructions a LITTLE?
Nu: Who is this..."leader"?
Partner with Weiss Schnee ワイス「ちょっと貴女! 好き放題暴れるのは結構ですが、 少しはリーダーの指示に従ってくれませんこと!?」
ニュー「リーダー? 誰?」