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Gameplay:Azrael BBTAG Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki
Revision as of 22:32, 25 November 2022 by AzureFlamez (talk | contribs)
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Solo Actions


Situation Quote Audio
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 1
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Smart Combo 2
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)
Clash (Connect)


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio

System Mechanics

Situation Quote Audio
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Resonance Blaze
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Reject Guard
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)


Situation Quote Audio
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (6k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (8k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)
Combo (10k Damage)


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Two courses in a single battle...? Heh, now you're just spoiling me.
Intro I will feast until I'm satisfied!
Intro Think you can quench my thirst for blood?
Intro Scream! Cry! Make this fun for me!
Intro Stay out of my way or I'll be dining on three people...
Intro Once I'm done with them... You're the next course.
Outro Done already? Pathetic.
Outro What's wrong? Stand up. You're not done entertaining me!
Outro What a disappointment... You hardly qualify as an appetizer.
Outro I have no need for small fry. Swim away, little fish.
Time Up Outro Spoiled the food...
Time Up Outro
Time Up Outro That tasted alright.
Time Up Outro
Time Up Defeat What a pathetic way to win.
Time Up Defeat
Time Up Defeat This is hardly a victory.
Time Up Defeat

Partner Actions

Partner Swap

Situation Quote Audio
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Duo Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Partner Skill Change
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Cross Burst
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat
Partner Defeat


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Distortion Skill Duo (x)
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo
Cross Combo

Assist Calls

Situation Quote Audio
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Jin Kisaragi
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Noel Vermillion
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Rachel Alucard
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Iron Tager
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Hakumen
Partner with Nu-13
Partner with Nu-13
Partner with Nu-13
Partner with Nu-13
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Makoto Nanaya
Partner with Platinum the Trinity
Partner with Platinum the Trinity
Partner with Platinum the Trinity
Partner with Platinum the Trinity
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Izayoi
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Celica A. Mercury
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Nine the Phantom
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Naoto Kurogane
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Es
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei
Partner with Jubei



Situation Quote Audio
Outro with partner You might actually be worth eating, unlike those two.
Outro with partner
Outro with partner What sort of screams will I be listening to?
Outro with partner

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: Hors d'oeuvres first, then the main dish. Right, Grim Reaper?
Ragna: Sure. If you can make it till then, Mad Dog.
Outro Azrael: Pathetic... I'm not even full.
Ragna: Heh. You're really on the warpath.


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: Just don't get in the way of my meal, Library.
Hazama: Oh please, I have no interest in your beastly affairs.
Outro Azrael: Tch... No texture whatsoever...
Hazama: Oh my, what a mess... You have no manners.


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: Show me the strength of a god!
Susano'o: Very well. I'll carve it into your very marrow!
Outro Susano'o: Behold the might of God!
Azrael: Incredible... Just incredible!

Mai Natsume

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: Keep your distance, or I might just eat you too.
Mai: I appreciate the warning, but I won't get eaten so easily!
Outro Azrael: Oh, you're still alive.
Mai: Yeah... Technically...

Chie Satonaka

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael:
Show me the power of a real carnivore! It's time to EAT!PS4: Show me the power of a real carnivore!

Chie: Carnivore's kind of a loaded term! It's not like that!
Outro Azrael: Tch, pathetic. I don't even WANT to eat you.
Chie: Oh, so I guess you won't eat everything...

Kanji Tatsumi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kanji: Don't you dare hold back! A real man goes all out!
Azrael: Depends on the prey. It's hardly any fun if you break 'em too quickly.
Outro Azrael: Weaklings like you aren't worth listening to!
Kanji: Heh, see ya! Men speak with their fists!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: What would shadow meat taste like...?
Teddie: Th-This guy seriously wants to eat me...!
Outro Azrael: Huh. Crunchy on the outside, soft and juicy on the inside.
Teddie: Yeeeek! Somebody help me!

Akihiko Sanada

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Akihiko: Looks like your muscles were trained in battle... Not bad.
Azrael: I don't give a damn. I'm just here to eat.
Outro Akihiko: Two great strengths, coming together. That was a satisfying fight.
Azrael: Didn't come close to my main dish, though.


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: Let's have a taste of that power of yours.
Elizabeth: Hehe... I hope you have an appetite.
Outro Azrael: That's one hell of an appetizer.
Elizabeth: Shall I bring out the main course?


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Waldstein: Come, claws shall make you my prey!
Azrael: YOUR prey? Don't be absurd. They're ALL MINE.
Outro Waldstein: Unworthy! Absolutely unworthy!
You glutton... I hardly got to eat at all!PS4: You glutton... I've hardly eaten my fill!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: I don't need your blood. It'll spoil my food.
Carmine: Yeah, whatever. This place'll be a mess by the time you're done anyway.
Outro Carmine: See, what'd I say? Blood everywhere!
Azrael: Tch... A disappointing hunt for unworthy prey.


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: Now then, how do the feeding grounds look today?
Mika: It's like I'm looking at a full buffet!
Outro Mika: Huh? Is the buffet over already?
Azrael: And I'm still hungry... How disappointing.

Yang Xiao Long

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Yang: This is starting to look like a party!
Azrael: Now, let the feast begin!
Outro Azrael: Stand up! I still haven't had enough!
Yang: What, no afterparty?


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Azrael: You got somethin' tasty on ya, don't you?
Akatsuki: Hm? No food to my knowledge...
Outro Azrael: That thing's got some kick to it! Not bad!
Akatsuki: Ah, so that's what's tasty...

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Generic More... MORE! Keep struggling. Satisfy me. Prove to me that you are the ultimate GAME!
Generic It'd be a waste to kill you now... You'll grow into worthy prey in due time.
Generic You're tasteless no matter how a chef prepares you. Bring me some REAL prey to hunt!
Generic Nothing but small fry... If you two won't satisfy me, then perhaps I should add one more course to the meal.
Generic One day, I'll get around to you... I suggest you hone your skills until then...and stay out of my sight.
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge Azrael: Now, it's time for the main course. You better leave me satisfied, Grim Reaper...!
Ragna: Bring it. You just bit off more than you could chew!
Partner with Ragna the Bloodedge]
Partner with Hazama Azrael: Eatin' a bunch of small fry ain't gonna fill me up. Guess I gotta go after a bigger fish.
Hazama: Whoa now, you'll spoil your appetite!
Partner with Hazama
Partner with Susano'o Susano'o: You shall feast upon your divine punishment. A gift far exceeding what a stray dog deserves.
Azrael: Yes! Give me all the punishment you've got! I won't let any of it go to waste, God!
Partner with Susano'o
Partner with Mai Natsume Azrael: You're still untrained, but... I suppose there's a certain...flavor to being a spear-wielder.
Mai: Ugh... What is this chill...
Partner with Mai Natsume
Partner with Chie Satonaka Azrael: I see, your Meat-Lover nickname wasn't just for show. After the way you tenderized this meat, the texture will be perfect!
Chie: Have you even heard a word I've said? And why does it sound so gross when you talk about me tenderizing meat? Ew! Just stay away from me, you pervert!
Partner with Chie Satonaka
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi Azrael: Heh heh heh... Good. Your struggle satisfies my hunger... But I'm not done eating yet... More! Give me MORE!
Kanji: Damn, this dude's crazy... Just don't get any innocent people involved, okay?
Partner with Kanji Tatsumi
Partner with Teddie Teddie: S-Stop looking at me like that! I'm really not tasty at all! Barely even edible!
Azrael: I'll be the judge of that. Don't worry, I'm sure some of that meat on ya's gotta be good.
Partner with Teddie
Partner with Akihiko Sanada Akihiko: My muscles are twitching... That must mean they still have room to grow. It's too early for protein now, so this calls for more training!
Azrael: Good, I like that fighting spirit of yours... Very well! I'll take you on!
Partner with Akihiko Sanada
Partner with Elizabeth Azrael: This hunger's killin' me! Bring out everything you got! No holdin' out on me now, I'll devour you whole!
Elizabeth: Ah, I can hear his heart racing with excitement... Is this how I find the "answer"? Then I will devour everything on the table, plates and all!
Partner with Elizabeth
Partner with Waldstein Azrael: I'm starving... You robbed me of my prey, and now I'm starving... You're going to pay for this, old warrior...!
Waldstein: Disgraceful... Barking for food like a stray dog. Very well. I shall engrave the essence of strength into your body!
Partner with Waldstein
Partner with Carmine Azrael: If you put your pathetic hands on my prey again, it'll be the last mistake you ever make.
Carmine: Like I care. Why don't you go eat that small fry over there?
Partner with Carmine
Partner with Mika Azrael: Tch... I'm too hungry for this. Where will I find prey that can satisfy my hunger!?
Mika: Do not be afraid...walk, without hesitation. Walk, and you will understand!
Partner with Mika
Partner with Yang Xiao Long Yang: Chumps like these aren't gonna light a fire inside me.
Azrael: Oho... then how about we set that smolder ablaze!!
Partner with Yang Xiao Long
Partner with Akatsuki Akatsuki: The Blitz Motor's not something you can control. I wouldn't get too fixated, if I were you.
Azrael: I don't wanna control it, I wanna feast on it! It's the only way I can satisfy my hunger!
Partner with Akatsuki