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Gameplay:Tsubaki Yayoi BBCS Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki
(Redirected from Tsubaki Yayoi/Quotes/BBCS)


Solo Actions


Situation Quote Audio
Install Yaaa. . . Give me strength!
Install Haaa ! Charging Armagus !


Situation Quote Audio
Sanctus Aequum Aequum!
Sanctus Aequum
Sanctus Aequum Here goes!
Sanctus Aequum
Sanctus Veritas Veritas!
Sanctus Veritas
Sanctus Veritas Stop now!
Sanctus Veritas
Sanctus Decus Decus!
Sanctus Decus
Sanctus Decus Disappear!
Sanctus Decus
Benedictus Rex Benedictus Rex!
Benedictus Rex
Aequum Eleison Aequum Eleison!
Aequum Eleison
Aequum Eleison Go!
Aequum Eleison
Lux Aeterna Lux Aeterna!
Lux Aeterna
Lux Aeterna Hold still!
Lux Aeterna


Situation Quote Audio
Macto Maledictus Armegus!
Macto Maledictus
Macto Maledictus Lifting all restrictions!
Macto Maledictus
Confutatis Maledictis Divine light, cast judgement!
Confutatis Maledictis
Confutatis Maledictis Confutatis Maledictis!
Confutatis Maledictis


Situation Quote Audio
Requiem Aeternam White feathers for innocence, black feathers for darkest sin. We are the messengers and the hammers of god, come to deliver righteous justice-- let sinners be punished, let justice be done!
Requiem Aeternam


Situation Quote Audio
Taunt Confess your sins.
Taunt Still you resist?
Idle It's time to repent.
Idle Atone.
Combo (2k Damage) Repent.
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (2k Damage) How was that ?
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage) Absolution.
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage) Judgement comes.
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage) Pray for forgiveness !
Combo (5k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage) You should stop.
Combo (5k Damage)
Throw Pray!
Throw Got you!
Throw Whiff No!
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff How could I--
Throw Whiff
Throw Break I missed?
Throw Break
Throw Break How dare you!
Throw Break
Throw Escape Get off of me!
Throw Escape
Throw Escape Try again!
Throw Escape
Throw Escape Don't touch me!
Throw Escape
Throw Escape Easy!
Throw Escape
Guard (Mid) Not quite.
Guard (Mid)
Guard (Mid) Are you serious ?
Guard (Mid)
Guard (Heavy) Too close !
Guard (Heavy)
Guard (Heavy) This power. . . !
Guard (Heavy)
Taking Damage How could I. . .
Taking Damage
Taking Damage Forgive me !
Taking Damage
Taking Damage This is no--
Taking Damage
Taking Damage My shield !
Taking Damage
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) It's my turn !
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backwards) En Garde !
Aerial Ukemi (Backwards)
Aerial Ukemi (Backwards)
Aerial Ukemi (Backwards)
Turn around Over here.
Turn around
Turn around This way?
Turn around
Defeat How can this be...?
Defeat Jin... I...
Defeat I'm sorry everyone...
Time up Defeat How did it get like this. . . !
Time up Defeat
Time up Defeat
Time up Defeat



Situation Quote Audio

Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro You're... Ragna the Bloodedge!
Outro All of this... it's all because of you! Why are you here?!

Jin Kisaragi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Jin & Tsubaki: Dispatched in mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame!
Outro Jin... why?
Idle Jin, please wake up!
Combo (2k Damage) Please, don't get up!
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage) This is it?
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage) Jin, I'm sorry!
Combo (5k Damage)
Throw You're too slow, Jin!
Aerial Throw Got you!
Aerial Throw
Ground Ukemi (Forward, Backward) I'm impressed!
Ground Ukemi (Forward, Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) Still here!
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Sanctus Aequum Jin!
Sanctus Aequum
Confutatis Maledictis Jin... this is the end!
Confutatis Maledictis

Noel Vermillion

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Tsubaki & Noel: Dispatched, in mankind's darkest hour... We, are knights of the blue flame!
Idle Why must we...?
Combo (2k Damage) Give up Noel !
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage) Noel don't !
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage) How could this...
Combo (5k Damage)
Throw It's too late!
Sanctus Aequum Noel!
Sanctus Aequum
Confutatis Maledictis Noel... sorry !
Confutatis Maledictis

Iron Tager

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Sector Seven
Outro I expected more...

Carl Clover

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Carl: It's been awhile, Tsubaki.
Tsubaki: Carl, you're a vigilante now?
Outro Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.
Combo (2k Damage) Back down, Carl!
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage)
Confutatis Maledictis Carl, forgive me!
Confutatis Maledictis


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Tsubaki & Hazama: Dispatched, in mankind's darkest hour... We, are knights of the blue flame!

Makoto Nanaya

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Tsubaki: Dispatched, in mankind's darkest hour... We are knights of the blue flame!
Makoto: Dispatched in mankind’s darkest…erm…uh…oh, forget it!
Tsubaki: You're gonna practice that until you get it right!
Intro Tsubaki & Makoto: Dispatched, in mankind's darkest hour... We, are knights of the blue flame!

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge Ragna the Bloodedge! All of this has happened because of you. I will never forgive you. Prepare yourself. Play
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ! あなたが今回の事件の発端。私はあなたを許しません。覚悟して下さい。 Play
Vs. Jin Kisaragi Please understand, Jin... I never wanted this to happen... Play
Vs. Jin Kisaragi ジン兄様、ご理解下さい。 私とてこのような状況を望むわけが・・・・・・ありません。 Play
Vs. Noel Vermillion Noel... I hope that you will understand... Please... Play
Vs. Noel Vermillion ノエル・・・・・・あなたなら解ってくれると信じてる。お願い。 Play
Vs. Rachel Alucard Who are you? Ugh... My eyes...! Play
Vs. Rachel Alucard あなたは、誰? うっ・・・、目が、眩む・・・。 Play
Vs. Taokaka What? My hat's bothering you? No! I can't give you this! Play
Vs. Taokaka え、私の帽子が気になるの? だ、駄目! あげられないの! Play
Vs. Iron Tager You have done far more than simply flout the law. Your actions endanger national security. In the name of the Librarium, I must place you under arrest. Play
Vs. Iron Tager あなたの行動は条例違反のみならず、既に国家単位の犯罪に値しています。 統制機構の名の元に、あなたを拘束します。 Play
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling It seems you are quite good at fighting. I will entrust this town's security to you. At any rate, I am in a hurry, so... Play
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling 優れた戦闘力をお持ちのようですね。街の警備、お任せします。 それでは、私は急いでいるので。 Play
Vs. Arakune I shall purify that which has possessed you with my light. Play
Vs. Arakune 不吉な物の怪、私の光で成仏させてあげます。 Play
Vs. Bang Shishigami Vigilantes are supposed to work alongside the Librarium. I must ask that you do not veer too far from that path. Play
Vs. Bang Shishigami 咎追いは統制機構と協定を結んでいるはずです。 あまり身勝手な行動は慎んでください。 Play
Vs. Carl Clover Carl... You can't hope to bear the weight of your problems alone. Come to your senses before you lose what few friends you have left... Play
Vs. Carl Clover カルル君・・・・・・。


Vs. Hakumen Why would one of the legendary Six Heroes be here...? No matter. If you raise your sword against the Librarium, you are my enemy. Play
Vs. Hakumen なぜ古の六英雄が・・・・・・? しかし統制機構に牙を向けるなら、あなたも敵です。 Play
Vs. λ-No.11- Where...where have I seen your face before...? Wh-Who are you...?! Play
Vs. λ-No.11- この顔、どこかで・・・・・・? あ、あなたは何者!? Play
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi How dare you try to impersonate me! Your actions bring shame to the Yayoi name! I will not forgive you! Play
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi 私の姿を真似る不届き者! ヤヨイ家の名を汚すその行為、容赦しません! Play
Vs. Hazama Captain, would you please explain this situation to me? Why must you and I fight? Where should I direct my determination? Play
Vs. Hazama 大尉、状況を説明して下さい。


Vs. μ-No.12- No, you're not...! You can't be! That's impossible! Why do these things keep happening?! Please... If this is a dream, wake me up! Play
Vs. μ-No.12- そんな、まさかあなた・・・・・・嘘、嘘よ! なぜ次から次へとこんなことが? 夢ならなぜ醒めないの? Play
Vs. Makoto Nanaya Please forgive me, Makoto... I can only move forward now. Play
Vs. Makoto Nanaya マコト、許して・・・・・・私、進むしかないの。 Play
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing A beastkin? No... that's not possible. I've never seen one that can transform like that. Play
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing 亜人種・・・・・・? いえ、完全な獣に変化できる種族を見たのは初めてだわ。 Play
Vs. Platinum the Trinity Are you really a child? You wield such great and... unstable power! Play
Vs. Platinum the Trinity あなたは本当に子供なの・・・・・・? なんて強大で、不安定な力。 Play
Vs. Relius Clover Colonel Relius Clover, what are you doing here? And is it true that you're Carl's father...?! Play
Vs. Relius Clover レリウス=クローバー技術大佐・・・・・・何故貴方が此処に・・・・・・。 カルル君の父君とは本当ですか? Play