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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Location Test | You have my compliments... for coming out to our location test.[N 1] | |
I admire your dedication for participating in our location test. Perhaps you even deserve praise.[N 1] |
ロケテストにまでわざわざ来たこと、褒めてあげてもよくてよ。 | ||
Rank Up (Network) | Hehe... Expected. | |
フフフ。当然ね。 | ||
Impressive... For my slave. | ||
下僕にしてはやるじゃない。 | ||
Seems like we've leveled up. Of course... it shouldn't come as a surprise. | ||
段位が上がったようね。まぁ当然だけれど。 | ||
Not bad, I'll say... but still, you're only human. | ||
なかなかやるじゃない。 でも、この程度ならただの人間ってとこかしら。 |
I wasn't expecting you to be this good... I believe you deserve a reward. Join me for a cup of tea, won't you? | ||
貴方がここまでとは思わなかったわ。 ご褒美に、後でお茶をごちそうしてあげましょう。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) |
Why don't you use your brain for once... why do you suppose you're in the Embryo? You weren't even one of the chosen. In there, lies the key... | |
考えなさい。資格者でない貴方が何故この『エンブリオ』にいるのか。 それが、全ての鍵よ。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) |
Looks like someone's wearing a fresh attitude today. Go, Ragna... the choice is yours and yours alone... | |
随分とマシな顔になったわね。 なら、行きなさい。選択するのは貴方よ……ラグナ。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 1/2) |
You don't stand a chance against Ragna in your current state... Surely you are already aware of this? | |
今のままではラグナを殺す事は出来ない。 それは貴方も承知のはずよ。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 3) |
If you can't defeat me in my current state... you can't change anything, Mr. Hero. | |
今の私に勝てないようでは、 何も変えられはしないわよ、えいゆうさん。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion | Become stronger, Noel... Yes, strong enough to surpass me... | |
強くおなりなさい、ノエル。そう、私を超える程にね……。 | ||
Vs. Rachel Alucard | What a silly joke... hardly even funny. | |
悪い冗談ね……全く笑えないわ。 | ||
Vs. Taokaka | Tao, don't follow the foul scent. | |
タオ、嫌な臭いの方へ行っては駄目よ。 | ||
Vs. Iron Tager | I was expecting much more from you, given your... appearance. | |
図体の割に情けないのね。 | ||
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Too much self-indulgence will not end well for you. Don't you think, my dear? | |
あまり我儘が過ぎると、痛い目を見るわよ。ねぇ、お嬢さん? | ||
Vs. Arakune | Despicable... Don't ever show yourself again. | |
最悪ね。私の視界に二度と入らないでもらえるかしら。 | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Would you mind staying quiet for a little while...? | |
少しの間、静かにしてて頂戴。 | ||
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 1/2) |
I suggest you take good care of that little doll. | |
そのお人形……精々大切にすることね。 | ||
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 3) |
This presence... I believe you also have the potential to turn into a monster. | |
この気配……やはり貴方も、怪物になる可能性を秘めているのね。 | ||
Vs. Hakumen | I realize how foolish this may look... but I've made up my mind. I'm going to fight it until the bitter end... | |
ええ、自分でも愚かしいと痛感しているわ…… けれども、私は決めたの。醜くも最期まで足掻くと。 |
Vs. Nu-13 | The Murakumo Unit… For whom do you intend to wield that incomplete power? |
ムラクモユニット……。 その不完全な力を、貴女は誰のために振るうのかしら? |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi (Act 1/2) |
Anyone can follow orders... I suggest you think hard about what it is you actually want. | |
命令に従うだけなら家畜にもできるわ。 貴女に本当に必要なものは何か、思い出しなさい。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi (Act 3) |
This still won't do... I need you to become stronger... much stronger. I suggest you continue to train. | |
まだまだね……貴女には、強くなってもらわなければならない。 精々励むといいわ。 |
Vs. Hazama | I was about to say, I have no interest in the vessel... but you're hiding something. Aren't you? | |
器に興味は無い……と言いたいところだけれど、 貴方、何か隠していないかしら? |
Vs. Mu-12 | The power of the Azure that lies within you... don't ever lose sight of it. | |
貴女の中に在る『蒼』の力……その力だけは、見失わないで。 | ||
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | I would hardly call those scraps of cloth you wear "clothes..." It may do you some good to just remove it all together. | |
そんな中途半端な布切れを纏うくらいなら、 いっそのこと全て脱ぎ去ってみてはいかが? |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | It seems I'm only causing you pain these days, Valkenhayn... I won't ask you to understand me, but please... do not stand in my way. | |
貴方には心配ばかりかけているわね、ヴァルケンハイン。 解ってとは言わないわ。……止めないで。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | Now, were you the one who called me a little twerp...? | |
さて、私をチンチクリンと言ったのはどちらだったのかしら……? | ||
Vs. Relius Clover | It's time for you to repent for your sins... You can still speak, yes? | |
さぁ、思う存分懺悔なさい。喉を潰した覚えは無くってよ。 | ||
Vs. Izayoi | Is the Immortal Breaker just a decoration? You will not achieve anything if you are too afraid to dirty your hands. | |
『不死身殺し』を遣わなかったのね。 手を汚すことをためらっていては、何も得られないわよ。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Spectators jeering can ruin the stage, do you not agree...? Observer... | |
観客の野次は舞台の興を削いでしまう…… そう思わなくて? ねえ、傍観者さん。 |
Vs. Bullet | You must accept your defeat... and your inexperience. That is, if you do not want to live with regret. | |
敗北も未熟も全て受け入れなさい……後悔したくなければね。 | ||
Vs. Azrael (Act 1/2) |
Some dog you are... a mongrel AND a stray. What you lack is discipline. Don't you dare defy humans. | |
犬は犬でも駄犬の上に野良犬だなんて……。 人様に迷惑をかける犬には、躾が必要ね。 |
Vs. Azrael (Act 3) |
Not an ounce of discipline... I would love to see the face of your owner. | |
躾のなっていない犬を野放しにするなんて、 飼い主の顔を見てみたいものだわ。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 1/2) |
You've become quite a bore... not even worth kneeling before me. | |
今の貴方は酷く退屈だわ……私の前に跪く価値も無いわね。 | ||
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 3) |
Now, stand up... or is this the extent of your ideals? | |
さぁ、立ちなさい。 それとも、貴方の理想はここで終わりなのかしら? |
Vs. Kokonoe | Your pursuit of perfection has only made you fragile. The strongest and wisest genes aren't what you'd expect them to be... | |
完璧を追求し過すぎた故に、貴女は酷く脆い。 『最強』と『最高』の遺伝子も考え物ね……。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | Good-bye. I'll enjoy watching you wither away in madness. Now, let me hear you scream. | |
さようなら。貴方が狂い果てるのを、ここで座って見届けてあげる。 さぁ、最高の悲鳴を聴かせて頂戴。 |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | Celica... you should be smiling. Your smile will become the beacon that shines light on someone else's path. | |
セリカ……貴女は笑っていなさい。 その微笑みが誰かの道を照らす光になるわ。 |
Vs. Lambda-11 | I will not pity you... after all, you chose this path on your own. | |
哀れとは言わないわ……貴女が自らの意志で選んだ道ですもの。 | ||
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | Ambushing an old woman from behind...? You're quite the beast on the inside, despite your calm demeanor. | |
淑女を死角から襲うなんて…… 澄ました顔をして、実はケダモノだったみたいね。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | You have no right to do what you please with the world... I'm more possessive than I might look, you see. | |
貴女に世界をどうこうする権利は無いわ。 私、これでも独占欲は人一倍強いの。 |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | I will not accept it... I will not accept your existence...! Disappear from this world at once! | |
認めない……貴方の存在なんか私は認めないわ…… 今すぐこの世界から消え去りなさい……! |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) |
If you love the world of the dead so much... how about I send you there, personally? It'll be the perfect sideshow for my tea party. | |
そんなにも『死の世界』を望むのならば、勝手に一人でお死になさい。 お茶受け代わりには丁度良い余興だわ。 |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) |
This is truly going to be your end... Now, disappear from this world, Yuuki Terumi. | |
これで本当に最期…… この世界から消えなさい、ユウキ=テルミ。 |
Vs. Es (Act 3) |
I confess, I have no dream that I wish upon the Azure. | |
お生憎様。今更『蒼』にかける『願望』なんて、 私は持ち合わせていないわ。 |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) |
My, you... have a rather interesting body. | |
あら、あなた…… 随分と難儀な体をしているのね。面白いわ。 |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) |
Heavens, I never thought I would find you in such a miserable state. Don't tell me you're finally showing signs of regret after all these years? | |
その体たらくはどういうつもりかしら。 まさか貴方、今更迷いを抱えているというの? |
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Location test lines are only available in-game as audio and only in Japanese, but they are translated in the game's files.
System Voice
Situation | Quote | Audio |
"Here Comes A New Challenger" Screen | ||
Character Select Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Character Select | Who shall be the one to entertain me, I wonder? | |
私を楽しませるは誰かしら? | ||
Ragna the Bloodedge | Ragna. | |
ラグナ. | ||
Jin Kisaragi | The Hero | |
英雄さん | ||
Noel Vermillion | Noel | |
ノエル | ||
Rachel Alucard | Oh my, you certainly have good prospects, hm? | |
あら、あなた、見どころあるがね? | ||
Taokaka | Tao | |
タオ | ||
Iron Tager | Iron Tager | |
テイガー | ||
Litchi Faye-Ling | Litchi Faye-Ling | |
ライチ=フェイ=リン | ||
Arakune | Arakune | |
アラクネ | ||
Bang Shishigami | Bang Shishigami | |
シシガミ=バング | ||
Carl Clover | Carl Clover | |
カルル=クローバー | ||
Hakumen | The Hero | |
英雄さん | ||
Nu-13 | Nu-13 | |
ニュー・サーティーン | ||
Tsubaki Yayoi | Tsubaki Yayoi | |
ツバキ=ヤヨイ | ||
Hazama | Hazama | |
ハザマ | ||
Mu-12 | Mu-12 | |
ミュー・テュエルブ | ||
Makoto Nanaya | Makoto Nanaya | |
マコト=ナナヤ | ||
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Valkenhayn | |
ヴァルケンハイン | ||
Platinum the Trinity | Platinum the Trinity | |
プラチナ=ザ=トリニティ | ||
Relius Clover | Relius Clover | |
レリウス=クローバー | ||
Izayoi | Izayoi | |
イザヨイ | ||
Amane Nishiki | Amane Nishiki | |
アマネ=ニシキ | ||
Bullet | Bullet | |
バレット | ||
Azrael | Azrael | |
アズラエル | ||
Kagura Mutsuki | Kagura Mutsuki | |
カグラ=ムツキ | ||
Kokonoe | Kokonoe | |
ココノエ | ||
Yuuki Terumi | Yuuki Terumi! | |
ユウキ=テルミ! | ||
Celica A. Mercury | Celica | |
セリカ | ||
Lambda-11 | Lambda-11 | |
ラムダ・イレブン | ||
Hibiki Kohaku | Hibiki Kohaku | |
ヒビキ=コハク | ||
Nine the Phantom | Nine the Phantom | |
ナイン=ザ=ファントム | ||
Naoto Kurogane | Ugh...Don't you dare use that voice around me. | |
んっ。。。その声を止めっとけなさい。 | ||
Izanami | Izanami! | |
イザナミ! | ||
Susano'o | Susano'o | |
スサノオ | ||
Es | Es | |
エス | ||
Mai Natsume | Mai Natsume | |
マイ=ナツメ | ||
Jubei | Jubei | |
獣兵衛 |