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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | Ranked up...? I suppose this is the true power of the Izayoi. | |
昇段…これが十六夜の真の力です。 | ||
This power, I dedicate to exacting my justice... | ||
この力は、我が正義のために… | ||
It is not the Izayoi's power alone that brought me here. You have my deepest thanks... | ||
ここまで来られたのは、十六夜の力だけではありません…… あなたのご助力に、感謝します。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | Ragna the Bloodedge... I hereby judge you for the sins you have committed! | |
ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ…… 世界に仇為すその罪、我が正義を以て裁きます! |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | Jin... I will not let you kill Ragna the Bloodedge. For, that task is mine, and mine alone...! | |
ジン兄様……貴方にラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジは殺させません。 それは、私が成し遂げるべき役目です……! |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) | You will not find the answer to your justice here, Noel... Please, remember! | |
貴女の為すべき正義は此処には無いわ。 お願いよノエル、思い出して。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) | Don't lose sight of yourself, Noel... you're not the source of evil in this world. You're my best friend. | |
自分を見失わないで、ノエル。 貴女は世界の悪なんかじゃない……私の親友よ。 |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | There is no more doubt in my mind... I will believe in my own justice! | |
もう迷いません……私は私の正義に殉じます! | ||
Vs. Taokaka | Your thoughts have still not yet taken shape. I pray that you may find the answer you seek... soon. | |
貴女の想いはまだ形を成していない。 その答えが早く見つかると良いわね。 |
Vs. Iron Tager | You pride yourself on successfully carrying out missions... and I, on delivering justice. | |
命令の遂行が戦士の誇りならば、私も掲げた正義を貫くまでです。 | ||
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Only destruction lies at the end of your wish... Knowing that, do you still refuse to back down? | |
貴女の願いの先にあるのは破滅…… それを理解した上で、それでも突き進むつもりですか? |
Vs. Arakune | Your madness has taken away good and evil... your sense of self, too. What a pitiful soul. | |
善悪も自我すらも塗り潰す狂気……何て哀しい魂なの……。 | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Even in defeat, there is not a sliver of doubt in your integrity... I respect that strong mind. | |
敗北しても尚、その正義に曇り無し…… 貴方の強い心に敬意を表します。 |
Vs. Carl Clover | Don't let the emotions consume you, Carl... remember who you really are! | |
感情に呑まれないで、カルル君。本当の貴方を思い出して……! | ||
Vs. Hakumen | I have witnessed your determination, Lord Hakumen... I shall overcome this pain, and see my justice through. | |
ハクメン様の覚悟……確とこの身に刻みました。 この痛みを越え、私も己が正義を貫きます! |
Vs. Nu-13 | The heart of the Black Beast...? Forgive me, but for the sake of this world, I cannot let you roam free. | |
黒き獣の心臓……。 ごめんなさい、世界のためにも貴女を放っておくわけにはいかないの。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | You will not find your justice there... Please, remember. What is it that matters the most to you? | |
貴女の正義はそこには無い筈よ。 思い出して。貴女にとって一番大切なもの達を。 |
Vs. Hazama | I will never forgive you... for trying to make me kill Noel! | |
あの時、私にノエルを殺させようとした貴方の罪…… 絶対に許す事は出来ません! |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) | I see you've found your answer, Noel... | |
確かに見届けたわ……それが貴女の答えなのね、ノエル。 | ||
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) | You're Noel...? Or you're supposed to be, but... something's different. Tell me, where's the other "you." | |
貴女はノエル……そのはずなのに、何かが違う。 教えて……もう一人の貴女は何処にいるの? |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Your heart and mind is as straight as ever, Makoto... I hope that never changes. | |
貴女の心は本当に真っ直ぐね、マコト。 ……どうか、貴女は変わらないでいて。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | You may not be as strong as you once were, but... the resolve you've honed over years on the battlefield is true. I am humbled... | |
力は衰えたのかもしれませんが、 戦地で磨き抜かれたそのご覚悟……流石ですね。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | Your soul is on the verge of disappearing, but... I'm so sorry. There's nothing I can do for you right now. | |
魂が消えかかっている……だけど、ごめんなさい…… 私にはどうする事も出来ないの……。 |
Vs. Relius Clover | End of the line, Relius Clover. My blade will soon judge the evil that dwells within you! | |
ここまでです、レリウス=クローバー。 その内に在る悪意、我が刃を以て断罪します! |
Vs. Izayoi (Act 1/2) | Is this a result of this "space" as well? But I must warn you, nothing will change my resolve! | |
これも、この『場』の影響かしら? だけど私の覚悟は、何があろうと絶対に揺るぎません! |
Vs. Izayoi (Act 3) | This is... my shadow? Do you mean that this was part of your wish, Noel...? | |
私の幻影……これも、貴女の意思だと言うの、ノエル……。 | ||
Vs. Amane Nishiki | I don't care how this appears... I will follow the one path in which I believe. | |
貴方の眼にどう映ろうと構いません。 私はこの正道を進むだけです。 |
Vs. Bullet | People become stronger when they gain something which they must protect... Tell me, then, why do YOU seek more power? | |
護るべきものを定めることで、人は初めて強くなれる…… 貴女の求める強さは何のためにあるのですか? |
Vs. Azrael | It's over... You have no justice which you follow. A lost soul drowning in the insatiable desire for war and chaos. I will not lose to the likes of you! | |
退がりなさい。為すべき正義も掲げず、 ただ闘争に溺れるだけの輩に、私は決して屈さないわ! |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 1/2) | Mister Kagura... right now, your blade has forgotten the meaning of justice... Please, remember it. I beg of you! On the pride of the Black Knight. | |
カグラさん……今の貴方の剣に正義は宿っていません。 どうか思い出してください……黒騎士の誇りを。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 3) | I see your memory has returned, Mr. Kagura... I have born witness to the pride of the Black Knight. | |
どうやら記憶は戻られたようですね、カグラさん。 『黒騎士』の誇り、確かに見届けました。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | My justice exists to vanquish the likes of you. | |
私の正義は貴方のような悪を討つために存在するのです。 | ||
Vs. Kokonoe | Your conduct can hardly be constituted as "Justice." Continue down this path, and you will bear many sins along the way... | |
貴女の行いは正義とはいえないわ。 その道を歩けば必ず、多くの罪を背負う事になるわよ……。 |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | What a serene soul... Perhaps it is that pure heart and mind that gives your power shape. | |
何て澄んだ魂なの…… その純真な心が、貴女の力を形作っているのね。 |
Vs. Lambda-11 | Please, continue believing in yourself. I'm sure that one day that heart will become real. | |
どうか信じ続けて。 その心は、きっといつか本物になるから。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | I have a mission... and until I see it through, I will not falter. | |
私には使命があります。道半ばに倒れる事など出来ません。 | ||
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | I can feel it... something deep inside of me is telling me you're evil. What on earth are you? | |
私の中の正義が、貴方の存在を悪と断じている…… 貴方は一体何者? |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | Phantom... I sympathize with your pain, however... In the name of my own justice, I cannot look away from the sins you have committed! | |
ファントム……貴女には同情の余地があるわ……だけど。 我が正義に懸けて、その罪を見逃す事は出来ません! |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) | Now is the time to bear the banners of justice! My Immortal Breaker will be the last thing you see! Zero-Type... lend me your strength! | |
今こそ我が正義を示す刻! 『不死身殺し』起動……零織――執行します! |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) | You may be a god, but evil is still evil... I shall cast judgment upon your wicked heart! | |
たとえ『神』と言えども、悪は悪…… その邪心、我が正義を以て断罪します! |
Vs. Es (Act 3) | I sense neither good nor evil from your heart... like a machine. What on earth are you...? | |
善も悪も感じない……まるで機械みたいな心。 この子は、一体……? |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) | I barely recognized you, Mai... I see you've decided to walk your own path of justice. | |
見違えたわ、マイ。貴女は貴女の正道を歩んでいるのね。 | ||
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) | I cannot fall here. Just as you have your own mission, I have my own sense of justice I must see through. | |
ここで倒れるわけには参りません。 貴方に譲れぬ使命があるように 私にも貫くべき正義があるのです。 |