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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | So what, we ranked up. Don't tell me you're already satisfied? | |
段位が上がったけどよ。 テメェ、まさかこの程度で満足してるわけじゃねえよな? |
Heh heh heh... now things are getting interesting! | ||
ヒヒヒ、楽しくなってきたぜぇ! | ||
You and I are like a match made in heaven... Heh heh heh! | ||
テメェと俺なら、マジ最強のタッグだな…ヒヒヒ! | ||
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | You remember me now, Raggy!? Crawling on the ground and crying really suits you. Just like back then! | |
思い出したかよ、ラグナちゃん。テメェは無様な負け犬で、 地べたを這いつくばるのがお似合いだってよぉ! |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | Those eyes of yours make me sick. You trying to become a real "hero?" Forget it. Die. | |
胸糞悪ィ目だ……本物の『英雄』になるってか? くっだらねぇ、さっさと死ねよ。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) |
A poor little doll dancing on a fake stage. Heh heh heh... I guess this is the perfect story for you! | |
ハリボテの舞台で無様に踊る人形……ククク…… テメェにぴったりの端役じゃあねぇか! |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) |
What'll it take to wake you up!? Open your eyes! Or, I'll kill you, you damn doll...! | |
寝惚けてねぇでいい加減『眼』ぇ醒ませや。 じゃなきゃぶっ壊すぞ、この人形が……! |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | Are you REALLY this weak now? Pathetic... It's payback time. For all the shit you put me through! | |
そこまで弱ったのかよ、ざまぁ無ぇな。 今まで散々世話になった礼を返させてもらうぜぇ! |
Vs. Taokaka | Get away from me, you damn feline! | |
寄るんじゃねぇよ、キーキーやかましいクソネコがぁ! | ||
Vs. Iron Tager | Large pile of scrap metal, coming through! Heh heh heh! | |
粗大ゴミ一丁上がり~。 じゃーなー。回収業者はテメェで呼べや。ヒヒヒヒ! |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Ugh, what a pain in the ass... Could you please go get on someone else's nerves? | |
あ~つまんねぇ。辛気臭ぇ女は余所へ行ってくれねぇか。 | ||
Vs. Arakune | Oh how you've fallen... This is some kind of joke, right? I mean... c'mon! Kehehehe! | |
テメェも堕ちるとこまで堕ちたなぁ。 こりゃあ惨め通り越して最早ギャグだろ……ケヒヒヒ! |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Loyalty, you say... Now, tell me. How does it feel to be used your whole life? As someone's slave...? | |
忠義……忠義ねぇ。なぁ教えてくれよ。 利用されるだけの人生ってのは一体どんな気分なんだ!? |
Vs. Carl Clover | Aww, too bad. Add a weakling to a weakling, and what do you get? Still a weakling! | |
はーい残念でしたー。 雑魚と雑魚が組んでも雑魚のままなんだよ、この雑魚が! |
Vs. Hakumen (Act 1/2) |
Gimme a break... you steal my body and THAT's the best you can do? Hakky... I'm at a loss for words. | |
おいおい、人様の躰パクっておいてその様かよ! マジ勘弁してくれよハクメンちゃん! |
Vs. Hakumen (Act 3) |
Would you mind leaving that body behind, please...? So I can show you what the REAL Susano'o looks like. | |
さっさとその躰から出てってくれねぇか? 特別に見せてやっからよ……『本物のスサノオ』ってヤツをな。 |
Vs. Nu-13 | You bugging out on me, you piece of trash!? I'll turn you into scrap metal. | |
バグってんじゃねぇぞ、このガラクタが! 屑鉄にされてぇのか! |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | I'm tired of watching you play victim. Good luck with that tragic heroine thing. Hope I never see you again. | |
マジで見飽きたわそのツラ。私不幸なんです~ってか? ケッ、一生悲劇のヒロイン演じてろ。 |
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) |
Aww, Hazzy. Gone limp already...? I'm just getting started, buddy. Stand up! | |
おいおいハザマちゃん、しっかりしてくれよ~。 この程度、まだまだ序の口だぜ? オラ、立てよ。 |
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) |
Sorry, Hazzy... but I'm pretty much done with you. I've already found my next vessel. | |
悪ぃなぁハザマちゃあん、テメェはとっくに用済みなんだわ。 新しい『器』はもう、決めちまったからよ。 |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) |
I warned you, didn't I Kusanagi? I was gonna show you hell and then some. Get ready... heh heh heh. | |
あの時言ったよなぁ、クサナギ。テメェはもう一度絶望を 味わうって……ヒヒヒヒ、楽しみにしてろよ。 |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) |
I'm beginning to like the way you look... C'mon, go crazy! Let your rage come to the surface and destroy everything! | |
良いツラだぜぇ……オラ、もっと狂っちまえよ。 憎しみの赴くまま、全部ぶっ壊しちまえよぉ! |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Tch, you just love getting stomped on, don't you? I'll give you something good to think about. H'ragh! | |
ほんっとテメェは毎度毎度、俺に踏まれるのがクセになっちまったか? だったら何度でも踏み潰してやるよ! オラオラオラァ! |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Don't you dare show me that face again... Oh, I'm sorry. I don't speak dog. Did you understand me? | |
二度とそのツラ見せんなよ……っと、あー悪い悪い。 人間様の言葉は犬畜生には解んねぇか。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | C'mon, I'm waiting for you, you damn four-eyes! Don't you dare ignore me, Trinity! | |
おらおら、さっさと出てこいやクソメガネ!! お~い、何無視してんだよ、トリニティさ~ん。 |
Vs. Relius Clover | Yeah, weirdo... I'm not into whatever it is you're doing. | |
ったく……これだから変態ってヤツぁ始末に負えねぇな。 | ||
Vs. Izayoi | Justice...? Is that what you use to stroke your ego at night? Hah! | |
正義だぁ? そりゃ結局テメェのエゴを貫くための言い訳だろぉが! |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Mind your place! I think it's a little too convenient. Another player showing up at the 11th hour? Please... | |
立場を弁えろよテメェは。 今更役者気取りってのは都合が良すぎるんじゃねぇの? |
Vs. Bullet | Alright, loser. Why don't you start crying like one. I'm waiting! | |
おいおい、敗者は敗者らしくピィピィ鳴いてみせてくれよぉ。 | ||
Vs. Azrael | Ahh, this is gettin' boring. Stop. Stop! How many times do I have to carve you before you DIE!? | |
あ~だりぃ。やめだ、やめ! 何回刻めば死ぬんだよテメェは! | ||
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | So, you're supposed to be the commanding officer of the Praetorian Guards? Which makes you... the strongest? Hah, that's just sad. | |
衛士最高司令官ってのはよ、つまり衛士の中で最高に 使えねぇクソ野郎って意味なのか? ヒャハハハハ! |
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 1/2) |
What's this? I thought you were going to kill me, Grimalkin. Aww, this sure brings back memories. You know, when I KILLED your mother! | |
あっれぇ~? 俺を殺すんじゃなかったのかよ、化け猫さんよ。 あーなんか思い出すわ。お前の母親をぶっ殺した時をよぉ! |
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 3) |
Let go of your rage...? Who the hell do you think you're talking to, you damn feline!? | |
憎しみをぉ~? 棄てたぁ~? どの面下げてほざいてんだよ、化け猫が! |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | Aww, you've gotta be kidding me. What a pain in the ass... I don't know WHO you are, but just forget about using me. | |
あーあーあーあー! ったく面倒くせぇなぁ! 誰だか知らねぇがキモい手使ってんじゃねぇよ! |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | Oh god, just standing next to you is making me sick. Someone get this bitch out of here! | |
無理無理無理、これ以上マジで無理。 テメェの顔見るだけで吐き気がするぜ……さっさと死ねや! |
Vs. Lambda-11 | I may not look it, but I really hate clutter. And believe me, I see scrap metal in front of me. | |
これでも俺ぁ綺麗好きでなぁ。 不良品はスクラップにしねぇと気が済まねぇんだよ! |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | Quit flyin' around like some kinda insect. I'll swat you out of the sky! | |
まるでコバエみてぇに飛び回りやがって。 うぜぇうぜぇ。そんなに叩き落されてぇのかよ? |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | Don't get so full of yourself, you damn bitch! Want me to shove you down the Boundary again!? | |
粋がってんじゃねぇぞクソアマ! もっかい境界の底にブチ込んでやらぁ! |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | Your arms make me sick... How about I cut them off for you right now? Kihehehe... | |
薄気味悪ぃ腕だなぁ、オイ。 何なら俺がブった斬ってやってもいいぜぇ? ケヒヒヒ……! |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) |
Tch... I'm tired of your little act. I think we both know this isn't enough to kill you. | |
チッ……下手な芝居してんじゃねぇぞ。 この程度でテメェに死を与えられるなんざ、微塵も思ってねぇよ。 |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) |
I've got no idea who you are... but you better KNOW your place. That body's way out of your league... | |
誰だか知らねぇが弁えろや……その躰はテメェにゃ勿体無ぇ。 | ||
Vs. Es (Act 3) |
You're... from the gates...!? Heh heh heh... this is finally starting to get interesting...! | |
この小娘……まさか『門』の……! そうか……やっと面白くなってきやがったぜ……! |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) |
Know your place, No Name... You're incomplete. When will you realize it? | |
身の程を知れよ『ノーネーム』……テメェは所詮出来損ないなんだよ! | ||
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) |
Alllllrighty! One piece of shit kitty cat, goooooooooing down!? Right this way, sir. To the bottom of the Boundary! Enjoy your stay! FOREVER! | |
はいは~い、境界のドン底へクソ猫1匹ご案な~い。 精々、満喫してこいや……ヒャハハハハハ! |