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Gameplay:Yuuki Terumi BBCF Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Rank Up (Network) So what, we ranked up. Don't tell me you're already satisfied?
Rank Up (Network) 段位が上がったけどよ。
Rank Up (Network) Heh heh heh... now things are getting interesting!
Rank Up (Network) ヒヒヒ、楽しくなってきたぜぇ!
Rank Up (Network) You and I are like a match made in heaven... Heh heh heh!
Rank Up (Network) テメェと俺なら、マジ最強のタッグだな…ヒヒヒ!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge You remember me now, Raggy!? Crawling on the ground and crying really suits you. Just like back then!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge 思い出したかよ、ラグナちゃん。テメェは無様な負け犬で、
Vs. Jin Kisaragi Those eyes of yours make me sick. You trying to become a real "hero?" Forget it. Die.
Vs. Jin Kisaragi 胸糞悪ィ目だ……本物の『英雄』になるってか?
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) A poor little doll dancing on a fake stage. Heh heh heh... I guess this is the perfect story for you!
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) ハリボテの舞台で無様に踊る人形……ククク……
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) What'll it take to wake you up!? Open your eyes! Or, I'll kill you, you damn doll...!
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) 寝惚けてねぇでいい加減『眼』ぇ醒ませや。
Vs. Rachel Alucard Are you REALLY this weak now? Pathetic... It's payback time. For all the shit you put me through!
Vs. Rachel Alucard そこまで弱ったのかよ、ざまぁ無ぇな。
Vs. Taokaka Get away from me, you damn feline!
Vs. Taokaka 寄るんじゃねぇよ、キーキーやかましいクソネコがぁ!
Vs. Iron Tager Large pile of scrap metal, coming through! Heh heh heh!
Vs. Iron Tager 粗大ゴミ一丁上がり~。
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling Ugh, what a pain in the ass... Could you please go get on someone else's nerves?
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling あ~つまんねぇ。辛気臭ぇ女は余所へ行ってくれねぇか。
Vs. Arakune Oh how you've fallen... This is some kind of joke, right? I mean... c'mon! Kehehehe!
Vs. Arakune テメェも堕ちるとこまで堕ちたなぁ。
Vs. Bang Shishigami Loyalty, you say... Now, tell me. How does it feel to be used your whole life? As someone's slave...?
Vs. Bang Shishigami 忠義……忠義ねぇ。なぁ教えてくれよ。
Vs. Carl Clover Aww, too bad. Add a weakling to a weakling, and what do you get? Still a weakling!
Vs. Carl Clover はーい残念でしたー。
Vs. Hakumen (Act 1/2) Gimme a break... you steal my body and THAT's the best you can do? Hakky... I'm at a loss for words.
Vs. Hakumen (Act 1/2) おいおい、人様の躰パクっておいてその様かよ!
Vs. Hakumen (Act 3) Would you mind leaving that body behind, please...? So I can show you what the REAL Susano'o looks like.
Vs. Hakumen (Act 3) さっさとその躰から出てってくれねぇか?
Vs. Nu-13 You bugging out on me, you piece of trash!? I'll turn you into scrap metal.
Vs. Nu-13 バグってんじゃねぇぞ、このガラクタが!
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi I'm tired of watching you play victim. Good luck with that tragic heroine thing. Hope I never see you again.
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi マジで見飽きたわそのツラ。私不幸なんです~ってか?
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) Aww, Hazzy. Gone limp already...? I'm just getting started, buddy. Stand up!
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) おいおいハザマちゃん、しっかりしてくれよ~。
この程度、まだまだ序の口だぜ? オラ、立てよ。
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) Sorry, Hazzy... but I'm pretty much done with you. I've already found my next vessel.
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) 悪ぃなぁハザマちゃあん、テメェはとっくに用済みなんだわ。
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) I warned you, didn't I Kusanagi? I was gonna show you hell and then some. Get ready... heh heh heh.
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) あの時言ったよなぁ、クサナギ。テメェはもう一度絶望を
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) I'm beginning to like the way you look... C'mon, go crazy! Let your rage come to the surface and destroy everything!
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) 良いツラだぜぇ……オラ、もっと狂っちまえよ。
Vs. Makoto Nanaya Tch, you just love getting stomped on, don't you? I'll give you something good to think about. H'ragh!
Vs. Makoto Nanaya ほんっとテメェは毎度毎度、俺に踏まれるのがクセになっちまったか?
だったら何度でも踏み潰してやるよ! オラオラオラァ!
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing Don't you dare show me that face again... Oh, I'm sorry. I don't speak dog. Did you understand me?
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing 二度とそのツラ見せんなよ……っと、あー悪い悪い。
Vs. Platinum the Trinity C'mon, I'm waiting for you, you damn four-eyes! Don't you dare ignore me, Trinity!
Vs. Platinum the Trinity おらおら、さっさと出てこいやクソメガネ!!
Vs. Relius Clover Yeah, weirdo... I'm not into whatever it is you're doing.
Vs. Relius Clover ったく……これだから変態ってヤツぁ始末に負えねぇな。
Vs. Izayoi Justice...? Is that what you use to stroke your ego at night? Hah!
Vs. Izayoi 正義だぁ?
Vs. Amane Nishiki Mind your place! I think it's a little too convenient. Another player showing up at the 11th hour? Please...
Vs. Amane Nishiki 立場を弁えろよテメェは。
Vs. Bullet Alright, loser. Why don't you start crying like one. I'm waiting!
Vs. Bullet おいおい、敗者は敗者らしくピィピィ鳴いてみせてくれよぉ。
Vs. Azrael Ahh, this is gettin' boring. Stop. Stop! How many times do I have to carve you before you DIE!?
Vs. Azrael あ~だりぃ。やめだ、やめ! 何回刻めば死ぬんだよテメェは!
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki So, you're supposed to be the commanding officer of the Praetorian Guards? Which makes you... the strongest? Hah, that's just sad.
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki 衛士最高司令官ってのはよ、つまり衛士の中で最高に
使えねぇクソ野郎って意味なのか? ヒャハハハハ!
Vs. Yuuki Terumi Aww, you've gotta be kidding me. What a pain in the ass... I don't know WHO you are, but just forget about using me.
Vs. Yuuki Terumi あーあーあーあー! ったく面倒くせぇなぁ!
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 1/2) What's this? I thought you were going to kill me, Grimalkin. Aww, this sure brings back memories. You know, when I KILLED your mother!
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 1/2) あっれぇ~? 俺を殺すんじゃなかったのかよ、化け猫さんよ。
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 3) Let go of your rage...? Who the hell do you think you're talking to, you damn feline!?
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 3) 憎しみをぉ~? 棄てたぁ~?
Vs. Celica A. Mercury Oh god, just standing next to you is making me sick. Someone get this bitch out of here!
Vs. Celica A. Mercury 無理無理無理、これ以上マジで無理。
Vs. Lambda-11 I may not look it, but I really hate clutter. And believe me, I see scrap metal in front of me.
Vs. Lambda-11 これでも俺ぁ綺麗好きでなぁ。
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku Quit flyin' around like some kinda insect. I'll swat you out of the sky!
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku まるでコバエみてぇに飛び回りやがって。
Vs. Naoto Kurogane Your arms make me sick... How about I cut them off for you right now? Kihehehe...
Vs. Naoto Kurogane 薄気味悪ぃ腕だなぁ、オイ。
何なら俺がブった斬ってやってもいいぜぇ? ケヒヒヒ……!
Vs. Nine the Phantom Don't get so full of yourself, you damn bitch! Want me to shove you down the Boundary again!?
Vs. Nine the Phantom 粋がってんじゃねぇぞクソアマ!
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) Tch... I'm tired of your little act. I think we both know this isn't enough to kill you.
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) チッ……下手な芝居してんじゃねぇぞ。
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) I've got no idea who you are... but you better KNOW your place. That body's way out of your league...
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) 誰だか知らねぇが弁えろや……その躰はテメェにゃ勿体無ぇ。
Vs. Es (Act 3) You're... from the gates...!? Heh heh heh... this is finally starting to get interesting...!
Vs. Es (Act 3) この小娘……まさか『門』の……!
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) Know your place, No Name... You're incomplete. When will you realize it?
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) 身の程を知れよ『ノーネーム』……テメェは所詮出来損ないなんだよ!
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) Alllllrighty! One piece of shit kitty cat, goooooooooing down!? Right this way, sir. To the bottom of the Boundary! Enjoy your stay! FOREVER!
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) はいは~い、境界のドン底へクソ猫1匹ご案な~い。