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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | I thought I may never improve again at this age... I was wrong. | |
この齢で段位が上がるとは…恐縮です。 | ||
My oh my... one's growth can be truly amazing. I congratulate you! | ||
いやはや、人の成長とは本当に喜ばしいことですな。 昇段、おめでとうございます。 |
Watching you grow... it reminds me of when I served the late Master Clavis. | ||
貴方様を見ていると、 クラヴィス様にお仕えしていた時のことを思い出しますな。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | How dare you flash your insolence before me? I'll shred you to pieces and gnaw on your bones, punk! | |
どうやら無礼者の末路を知らんようだな。 その体……肉まで食い千切ってくれようか、小僧。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | I suggest you hone your skills, young warrior. Do not become drunk with your own power, or consumed by death. Become the just sword that opens your path. | |
絶えず練磨するが良い、若き武人よ。 才に溺れず、死に呑まれず、征くべき道を拓く剣であれ。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion | Power is hard to master, and easy to lose... Be disciplined in your training, and never lose sight of your goal, young lady. | |
修めるに難く、失うは易い……力とはそういうものです。 ゆめお忘れなきよう、これからも修練に励みなさい。 |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | Madam Rachel... Please forgive my insubordination... but there is nothing in this world that means more to me than your safety, Milady. | |
レイチェル様、どうか此度の不忠をお許しください。 私にとって御身の命、この世界よりも重いのです。 |
Vs. Taokaka | Oh ho ho... you wake up the moment you hear the words "tea" and "snack?" I respect your tenacity. | |
おやおや、お茶と聞いた途端お目覚めですか。 その生への執念、私も見習わなければなりませんな。 |
Vs. Iron Tager | Do you understand now? This is the difference between a "mission" and "loyalty." | |
お解りになりましたかな? これが『任務』と『忠義』の差でございます。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | You may have yet to realize this, but... I suggest you stop right there. What you seek, you will not find within the Boundary. | |
ご自身では気付いておらぬようですが……。 程々にしておきなさい。境界に貴女の望むものはありません。 |
Vs. Arakune | How despicable... I shall sever you from this world. | |
何と痛ましい姿…… その妄執、僭越ながら断ち切らせて頂きましょう。 |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Please, use your inside voice. Loyalty is not spoken through words, but actions. | |
少々お黙りなさい。 忠義とは言葉ではなく、挙止によって語るものでございます。 |
Vs. Carl Clover | Nox Nyctores, Deus Machina: Nirvana... Where does your heart lie, young child? | |
事象兵器『機神・ニルヴァーナ』…… 貴公の心は果たして何処にあるのやら。 |
Vs. Hakumen | I see you've grown impatient, Lord Hakumen. In your current state, I fear you cannot even best an old man like myself. | |
焦りが見えるな、ハクメン殿。 その様では錆びれた老体すら討てぬぞ。 |
Vs. Nu-13 | How the blade you've forged has transformed in this manner. Fate works in mysterious ways... | |
彼女が鍛えし刃が、斯様な変貌を遂げようとは。 何とも数奇な巡り合わせですな…… |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | If there is even a shred of doubt in your sense of duty, you should not be fighting. You will only damage your own pride. | |
己の責務に疑念をお持ちならば、貴女は戦うべきではない。 今のままでは、ご自身の誇りを傷つける結果になりましょう。 |
Vs. Hazama | ...I see you haven't merged yet. But that expression, and your name... you couldn't be...? | |
……まだ融合は果たされていないようだな。 しかしその顔、その名前……まさか、奴だと言うのか……? |
Vs. Mu-12 | Power of the Godslayer... Once you hone your techniques, I fear even I may no longer stand a chance. | |
『神殺し』の力。これがもし錬熟した技で振るわれたと思うと…… いやはや、久方振りに嫌な汗をかいてしまいましたな。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | The beast that sleeps within you is... you, yourself. Do not try to tame it. Coexist. | |
その身に眠る獣は貴女自身。 飼い慣らすのではなく、並んで歩む器量が肝要でございましょう。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | The Alucard manor only needs one servant. Suppose you may be another "possibility" I shall not stand aside. | |
アルカード家にお仕えするのは私一人で十分。 貴公がたとえ可能性の一つだとしても、これだけは譲れぬ。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | Hmm... she's not here? This IS rather troubling. How to make a young child stop crying... is beyond my expertise. | |
うーむ……彼女は不在か…… 参りましたな、この娘らを泣き止ませるにはどうしたものか……。 |
Vs. Relius Clover | My fangs may grow old, but it is more than enough to rip your throat to shreds! Nevertheless, I doubt that that would be enough to kill you. | |
我が爪牙、老いたとて貴様の喉笛を切り裂くぐらいは容易いぞ! ……もっとも、それで貴様が死ぬとも思えんがな。 |
Vs. Izayoi | Resolution means to come face-to-face with the burden one bears. Averting your eyes is not the answer. | |
覚悟を掲げるということは、責を負い決断を為すということ…… 決して、その重荷から目を背けてはなりませんぞ。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Should you try to mislead my master with your nonsense... I shall not hesitate to dye your cloth in crimson red. With your blood. | |
これ以上我が主を惑わそうというのなら、 その装束、真紅の血染めに仕立て直しても構わんのだぞ? |
Vs. Bullet | Miss. Strength is not determined by the number of enemies you've defeated. I hope that this defeat will help you learn something. | |
お嬢さん、強さとは打ち倒した敵の数では測れません。 この敗北から、何かを学んでいただけたら幸いでございます。 |
Vs. Azrael | I do not sense even a fragment of dignity within your punches. Such manner of attack is meaningless to one who has devoted themselves entirely to a single purpose! | |
貴様の拳には欠片も矜持が宿っていない。 忠義を誇りとする我が身に、斯様な進撃は無意味と知れ! |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | A young blade that burns bright with only ideals... I fear you may be too bright for one as old as I... | |
理想に燃える若き剣か…… いやはや、老いぼれには少々眩しすぎますな。 |
Vs. Kokonoe | I do not know if I should be happy or sad... that as "their" daughter, you take up arms and fight in this war... | |
彼らの才能を受け継いだ貴女が、武器を執り戦うことを、 私は喜ぶべきなのか、悲しむべきなのか……。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | The sins you have committed will close their doors upon your path. Bear their weight and return to the darkness whence you came! | |
貴様の道は此処に鎖された! 罪の重みを背負い、虚無へと消え果てるがいい! |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | The moment I look away, you somehow manage to find trouble. You are always keeping me on my toes, young lady... | |
貴公は目を離すとすぐに無茶ばかりする。 相変わらず、気の抜けぬ娘だ……。 |
Vs. Lambda-11 | The hollow child... You are the only one who can determine the value of your life. No one else... | |
がらんどうの娘か……その命の価値は貴女がご自身で測られよ。 | ||
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | You must realize, the greatest dishonor to one's master is not disobeying an order... but perishing before them. | |
主に対する最大の不敬は、その命に反することではなく、 主よりも先に果てることと知りなさい。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | Deplorable... Not only have you fallen into the Boundary, but so has your soul. The least I can do for you is end your life swiftly. | |
嘆かわしい……境界に落ち、魂までも堕ちたか。 せめて一思いに終わらせてやろう。 |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane (Act 1/2) |
It's been a long time, young lad. Perhaps this is fate playing tricks on us... I'll let you by, just this once. I suggest you return to whence you came, when you recover from those injuries. | |
久しいな、若造……これも何かの縁だ、此度は見逃してやる。 四肢が再生したら大人しく帰るが良い。 |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane (Act 3) |
That's enough, punk... What you seek, you will not find in this world. Or do I need to shred you to pieces to jolt your memory... again? | |
いい加減にしろ、若造。この世界に貴様の求めるものは無い。 それとも……今一度、その腹をぶち抜かれたいのか? |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) |
The incarnation of death... Who would imagine that a personality and will could reside in one such being? The irony... | |
死の化身か……斯様な存在に、人格と意思が宿ろうとは。 何とも皮肉な話だ。 |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) |
Oh, the humanity... How dare you stand in front of me with that vessel!? I shall never forgive the insult to my comrades! | |
この外道が……貴様にその器を駆る資格は無い! 我が同志への侮辱は、断じて許さんぞ! |
Vs. Es (Act 3) |
You wield thine blade with both grace and power... and the presence of the Azure I sense from behind you... You are no ordinary child...! | |
流麗にて苛烈な太刀筋、そして微かに感じる『蒼』の気配…… この娘、只者では無いな……! |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) |
You'll have to pardon this old sport... Allow me to prepare a cup of tea, as an apolog-- Oh? You do not like it? | |
失礼、年寄りの戯れが過ぎましたな…… お詫びに紅茶をご用意しま……おや? 紅茶はお嫌いですかな? |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) |
No mercy against an old man and an old comrade like me? You were always a tough one. | |
やれやれ、この老体にも容赦無しとは…… 我が戦友ながら手厳しいものだ。 |