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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | You've been promoted. Congratulations. | |
段位が上昇しました。おめでとうございます。 | ||
I see you understand the necessity of order. | ||
秩序が必要ということ、よくわかっているようですね。 | ||
I am genuinely thrilled to have made it this far with you... I hope that we will continue to thrive under your guidance. | ||
あなたと共にここまで来れたことを、素直に嬉しく思います…。 これからも私の手を取って、導いてくださいますか? |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) |
I'm disappointed... this is the infamous Grim Reaper...? Doesn't matter. I'm placing you under arrest for your crimes against the NOL. | |
『死神』がこの程度だったとは少々拍子抜けですが…… 統制機構への反逆罪で、貴方を拘束します。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) |
For the sake of Order in this world... I will take your life right here! | |
この世界の秩序の為……貴方の命、ここで貰い受けます! | ||
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | I cannot expose you to any more danger, Jin... Please forgive me for this. | |
これ以上、貴方を危険に晒すわけには参りません…… お許しください、ジン兄様。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) |
You never change, Noel... That kindness will become the source of your torment. | |
相変わらずね、ノエル。 だけどその優しさは、いつか貴女自身を苦しめるわ。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) |
Don't forget, Noel. I am always on your side. | |
忘れないで、ノエル。私は、何時でも貴女の味方よ。 | ||
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 1/2) |
Why... do you have such sad eyes? | |
貴女……何故そんなにも悲しい目をしているの? | ||
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 3) |
I will obey my own justice, and dispose of all evil in this world. My resolution... is concrete. | |
私は、己が正義に従い、悪を裁くまで…… その覚悟は決して揺るぎません。 |
Vs. Taokaka | If you claim to be a Vigilante, then remember you are bound by the guidelines set forth under the NOL-- Eek! Wh-What do you think you're doing!? Listen to me! | |
貴女も咎追いならば、統制機構が定めた規約に従って……きゃ! ちょっと! ドコを触っているの!? 話を聞きなさい! |
Vs. Iron Tager | To think you could wield so much power... without using any seithr. Sector Seven's technology is truly terrifying. | |
魔素無しでこれだけの力が出せるなんて…… 第七機関の技術も侮れないわね。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling (Act 1/2) |
I'm going to look the other way, but just this once... You should be using your power to save the weak. Not question authority. | |
今回は不問といたします。貴女の力は今後、このような反逆行為 ではなく、弱者を救うために使ってください。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling (Act 3) |
Do you plan to erase your sins with even more crimes? I shall stop you in the name of justice. | |
罪を贖うために、新たな罪を重ねるおつもりですか? ならば、ここで見過ごすわけには参りません。 |
Vs. Arakune (Act 1/2) |
You must be the liquid seithr body that's terrorizing citizens... I'm taking you back to HQ. | |
一般市民に被害を与えている魔素流動体とは、貴方ですね。 これより本部へ連行させて頂きます。 |
Vs. Arakune (Act 3) |
Repent for your sins... all of them. | |
悔い改めなさい。あなたの罪深い所業の数々を。 | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 1/2) |
Remnants from Ikaruga... The scars of war have yet to heal... | |
イカルガの残党……やはり、内乱の傷痕は深いようね……。 | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 3) |
How many chosen are there in this world...? | |
一体この世界に資格者は何人いるの……? | ||
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 1/2) |
Your resistance will constitute treason against the NOL. Carl... Please, stop this. | |
これ以上の抵抗は統制機構への反逆になるわ。 カルル君、もう止めましょう? |
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 3) |
I'm so sorry, Carl... But I need to protect those dear to me, too... | |
ごめんなさい、カルル君……。 私も、大事な人を守らなければならないの……。 |
Vs. Hakumen | You have your justice... and I have mine. I'm not backing down from this fight. | |
貴方には貴方の……私には私の正義があります。 退く事は出来ません。 |
Vs. Nu-13 | You really do look like Noel... but that doesn't matter. If you disrupt the order, you are an enemy of mine. | |
本当にノエルに似ている……。 いえ、誰であろうと秩序を乱す者は許されません。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | I will make sure your flesh remembers the gravity of impersonating a member of the Yayois. | |
ヤヨイ家を騙る罪の重さ、その身を以て知りなさい。 | ||
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) |
Captain Hazama... I hope I don't have to report this to HQ. | |
ハザマ大尉……場合によっては本部に報告させて頂きます。 | ||
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) |
You may only be a vessel, but that does not free you from your crimes. Captain Hazama, justice shall be served! | |
たとえ器であろうと、その罪の重さは変わりません。 ハザマ大尉、貴方を断罪します! |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) |
Stop right there, Noel. You know very well I can't let you and your mysterious power on the loose. | |
止まりなさい、ノエル。 たとえ貴女であろうと、そのような得体の知れない力は看過できません。 |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) |
It's so odd... I know you're Noel, but... something doesn't feel right. What is it? | |
おかしい、確かに貴女はノエルのはずなのに…… 何なの、この違和感は? |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 1/2) |
My friend... tell me what it is you're after. I may be able to mitigate your sentence if I know... | |
旧友の好よ。貴女の狙いを教えなさい。 そうすれば、罪が軽くなるよう便宜を図ってもらうわ。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 3) |
Let's go, Makoto... it's time to save our friend, Noel. | |
さぁ、行くわよマコト。 ノエルを……私たちの親友を助けなくちゃ。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing (Act 1/2) |
Transforming into a wolf... Don't tell me, you're the legendary... | |
狼への完全獣化……まさか、『藍錆の俊狼』……? | ||
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing (Act 3) |
The strength of one of the Six Heroes... Your techniques have been finely honed through the years in history. Quite admirable... | |
これが、六英雄の力なのですね…… 歴戦の中で磨かれた妙技、感服いたしました。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 1/2) |
A lost child...? All the way out here? I suppose it's our duty to find her parents, however... | |
どうして子供がこんなところへ……? はぁ……仕方ないわね。迷子の対応も衛士の務めだわ。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 3) |
Even children are among the chosen...? | |
こんな子供まで資格者だというの……? | ||
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 1/2) |
Why is Colonel Clover looking for me...? I should report this to Colonel Mutsuki as soon as I can. | |
どうしてあのクローバー技術大佐が私を……? とにかく、ムツキ大佐に報告が必要ね。 |
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 3) |
If you intend to take advantage of Noel... I will not forgive you. Superior or not! | |
貴方もノエルを利用するおつもりならば…… たとえ上官といえど、容赦はしません! |
Vs. Izayoi | K'uh... the Izayoi is reacting...? Who are you? | |
くっ、私の十六夜が反応を……? 貴女は一体何者ですか!? | ||
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 1/2) |
You appear to be a travelling performer... but I'm afraid you must vacate the premises immediately. We are currently on high alert. | |
旅の一座だろうが、警戒態勢が発令されているこの区域への 立ち入りは許されません。即刻退去を命じます。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 3) |
A beautiful dance... but I wished you had shown it to me off the battlefield. | |
美しい舞でした。でも、できることなら…… 戦いの場ではない所で、見せていただきたかったわ。 |
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) |
You are not authorized to enter this area... I'm turning you over to NOL Headquarters. | |
現在他機関の介入は禁止です。 貴女の身柄は統制機構本部へと連行させて頂きます。 |
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) |
How savage... you think you can solve all your problems with violence? | |
何でも力ずくで解決しようとするなんて、なんて野蛮なのかしら。 | ||
Vs. Azrael (Act 1/2) |
What's the Mad Dog of Ikaruga doing here...? And you're after the Grim Reaper, too? | |
どうしてイカルガの狂犬がここに…… まさか、この男も『死神』を狙っているの……? |
Vs. Azrael (Act 3) |
Judging wrongdoers like you is my destiny... The time for penitence is upon you, lost one! | |
貴方のような無法者を裁くことが私の使命。 懺悔なさい、迷えし者よ。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 1/2) |
How dare you try to flirt with me on the job...? This is a serious case of sexual harassment. I will be reporting this to Captain Kohaku. Immediately. | |
任務中の部下に手を出そうとするなんて…… この件はコハク大尉に報告しますので、そのつもりで。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 3) |
I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Kagura. I will accept my punishment later, but right now... There is somewhere I must really be. | |
申し訳ありません、カグラさん。 罰は後ほど甘んじて受けます……ですから、今は見逃してください。 |
Vs. Kokonoe | Scientific research...? Do you really believe that that is more valuable than peace? | |
科学の探究……果たしてそれは、平和より価値のあるものでしょうか? | ||
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 1/2) |
What is this disgusting feeling...? And this man... it's as though he has no physical form. | |
この気持ち悪い感覚は何なの……? それにこの男、まるで実体が無いみたい。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 3) |
Your crimes are not easily forgiven... I will make sure you pay, Yuuki Terumi! | |
あなたの罪は、到底贖い切れるものではないわ。 断罪の時です! ユウキ=テルミ! |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 1/2) |
Civilians aren't permitted to wield such weapons... Turn it over to the NOL at once. | |
民間人がそのような兵器を用いては危険です。 即刻統制機構に引き渡しなさい。 |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 3) |
A friend of Noel and Makoto's is a friend of mine. So please... don't get up. | |
ノエルやマコトの友達は、私にとっても大事な友人よ。 だから、お願い……手を引いて。 |
Vs. Lambda-11 | A new weapon from Sector Seven? But why does it resemble Noel...? What's going on? | |
まさか第七機関の新兵器? でも、あまりにもノエルに似ている……どういう事なの? |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku (Act 1/2) |
I see Colonel Mutsuki likes to keep only the strongest soldiers by his side... I must continue my training. | |
これがムツキ大佐の副官を務める大尉の実力……。 私も早く追いつけるよう、精進していきます。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku (Act 3) |
Noel is a dear friend of mine. I will not let anyone lay a finger on her. Even you, Captain Kohaku. | |
ノエルは私の親友です。 コハク大尉といえど、彼女には指一本触れさせません。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | Don't tell me... this is true magic!? No one in the NOL can even use it...! | |
そんな……まさかこれは魔法!? 統制機構ですら扱える者はいないはずなのに……! |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | Such sinister power... That may one day become a threat to this world. | |
何て禍々しい力なの…… いずれは世界の脅威となるかもしれないわ。 |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) |
Defeat Izanami and acquire the Azure to make your wish come true... What on earth IS the Azure...? | |
イザナミを倒し、蒼を手に入れれば願望が叶う…… 蒼とはいったい、何なの……? |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) |
This is... the Susano'o Unit's true power...? It's on a completely different level from Lord Hakumen. I don't believe it... | |
これが、スサノオユニットの真の力……? ハクメン様のものとはまるで違う、禍々しい力だわ。 |
Vs. Es (Act 3) |
What does this mean...? I cannot sense hostility or malice from this child... Am I to judge her nonetheless? | |
どういうこと……敵意も悪意も感じられない…… 私は、この子を裁くべきなのかしら……? |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) |
I'm really impressed, Mai... If only you joined the NOL, then maybe... No, never mind. There's no point in talking about "what ifs." | |
流石の実力ね、マイ。 貴女が統制機構に入ってくれれば……いいえ、仕方の無い話ね。 |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) |
Thank you very much. I have learned much from observing you, One-eyed Lotus. | |
感謝いたします。 『双蓮の隻眼』と称えられる武芸の冴え…… 色々と学ばせていただきました。 |