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Gameplay:Nu-13 BBCF Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki

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Situation Quote Audio
Rank Up (Network) Increase in level confirmed...
Rank Up (Network) 段位の上昇を認識。
Rank Up (Network) Increase in level confirmed... Hehehe.
Rank Up (Network) 段位の上昇を認識。…ウフフ。
Rank Up (Network) Massive increase in level confirmed. Ahahaha... yes! Wait for me, Ragna.
Rank Up (Network) 高段位の上昇を認識。……アハハ、やったね!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge Now, stand up Ragna... this isn't enough to satisfy me! You can do so much better than this, I know it...! C'mon, get up!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge さぁ、ラグナ……立って。まだまだ足りないよ。 
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 1/2) Ice... it's so cold, but beautiful... but that's all you have. What a boring man. Now, get out of my way.
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 1/2) 氷。つめたい、きれい。でもそれだけ。貴方はつまらない……それに邪魔。
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 3) Target's combat level declined... I will be taking the Nox Nyctores.
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 3) 対象の戦闘レベル低下を確認。
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) You're in my way... now disappear. Ragna belongs to Nu.
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) お前は邪魔……さっさと消えて。ラグナはニューのものだから。
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) Disappear... go away go away go away go away! Ragna belongs to Nu... I won't let you have him!
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) 消えろ……消えろ消えろ消えて無くなれ!
Vs. Rachel Alucard Target eliminated... Sankishin Tsukuyomi. You no longer serve my purpose.
Vs. Rachel Alucard 目標を排除。三輝神『ツクヨミ』に、もう価値は無い。
Vs. Taokaka An anomaly created from concentrated seithr... a monster designed by humans. Just like Nu...
Vs. Taokaka 魔素蓄積体異種。人に創られた化け物、ニューと同じ。
Vs. Iron Tager You're equipped with an artificial causality weapon... Termination complete. Don't get in Nu's way.
Vs. Iron Tager 模倣事象兵器搭載型個体の排除完了。ニューの邪魔をしないで。
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling Observing rise in Ars Magus within the target. This is... a cauldron?
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling 対象の内部で術式の増幅を確認。これは……窯?
Vs. Arakune Bugs, bugs, bugs... all bugs!? Where are you?
Vs. Arakune 虫、虫、ぜんぶ虫。あなたはどこ?
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 1/2) Shut up... get out of my way.
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 1/2) うるさい、邪魔、消えて。
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 3) Retrieving Nox Nyctores... Shut up.
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 3) 事象兵器の回収完了……うるさい。黙れ。
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 1/2) Nox Nyctores, Deus Machina: Nirvana... silenced.
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 1/2) 事象兵器『機神・ニルヴァーナ』の沈黙を確認。
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 3) Nox Nyctores wielder, decommissioned. Deus Machina, Nirvana retrieved. Commencing merge.
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 3) 事象兵器所持者の排除完了。
Vs. Hakumen (Act 1/2) The Susano'o Unit... get out of my way. I'm going to kill Ragna. Stay out of this!
Vs. Hakumen (Act 1/2) スサノオユニット。アンタは邪魔。
Vs. Hakumen (Act 3) Retrieval of Nox Nyctores, Ookami, complete. I'm done with you.
Vs. Hakumen (Act 3) 事象兵器『斬魔・鳴神』の回収完了。アンタは、もう用済み。
Vs. Nu-13 Who are you? Ragna belongs to me... now get out of here.
Vs. Nu-13 アンタ誰? ラグナは全部私のもの。邪魔をしないで。
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi There is no god... only the void and darkness.
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi 神なんていない。あるのは虚無だけ。
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) An empty vessel... of a snake. Your existence bears no meaning.
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) 蛇の抜け殻。貴方の存在は無意味。
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) The Nox Nyctores belong to me... I will not let you have it.
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) 事象兵器は私のもの。アンタなんかに渡さない。
Vs. Mu-12 You've been thrown away by this world... now die alone.
Vs. Mu-12 棄てられたアンタは、この世界で孤独に埋もれて死ねばいい。
Vs. Makoto Nanaya Beastkin... an irregular existence. Therefore, you are weak.
Vs. Makoto Nanaya 亜人種。歪な存在。だから弱い。
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing A wolf with no fangs will starve in the wilderness...
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing 牙の抜けた狼は餓えて死ぬだけ……。
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 1/2) Two souls inside one vessel. Your destruction is imminent.
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 1/2) 一つの器に二つの魂。消失は間近。
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 3) Your very existence is fading... This artifact will serve no purpose. I will put it to better use.
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 3) 消え行くだけの存在が、持っていても無駄。
Vs. Relius Clover The architect... Relius Clover. Don't get in Nu's way.
Vs. Relius Clover 創造主レリウス=クローバー。ニューの邪魔をしないで。
Vs. Izayoi An anti-Observer weapon... Not necessary in this world.
Vs. Izayoi 対観測者用兵装。この世界に不要。
Vs. Amane Nishiki Dancing... inefficient bodily movement. Chances of finding Ragna, 0%.
Vs. Amane Nishiki 舞踊。無駄な身体動作。ラグナ発見に繋がる確率0%……排除。
Vs. Bullet Target's combat level declining. Too weak.
Vs. Bullet 対象の戦闘レベル低下。脆弱すぎる。
Vs. Azrael Why are you laughing...? Does not compute.
Vs. Azrael 笑っているのは何故……? 解析不能。
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki Unknown hostility identified within target... Eliminating immediately.
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki 対象内部に正体不明の敵性反応を確認。直ちに排除します。
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 1/2) Adjusting target's threat level in database. Exterminating target...
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 1/2) 対象の危険度を再設定。殲滅行動を開始します。
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 3) Directive... capture the Susano'o Unit... understood.
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 3) 目的。スサノオユニットの入手……了解。
Vs. Kokonoe) Large amounts of magical energy detected... This is the basis of Ars Magus?
Vs. Kokonoe 多量の魔力を感知。これは、魔法? 術式の元となった力。
Vs. Celica A. Mercury Artificial causality weapon decommissioned. Exiting combat mode.
Vs. Celica A. Mercury 模倣事象兵器、沈黙。戦闘モード解除。
Vs. Lambda-11 The 11th PFD. Get out of my sight, you phony... We don't need you as long as Nu exists.[N 1]
Vs. Lambda-11 第十一素体……消えろ……偽物め。ニューがいれば、アンタは不要。
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku Speed means nothing to Nu...
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku ニューの前では速度は無意味。
Vs. Naoto Kurogane No... No no no no no... You're not Ragna! I'll erase your very existence.
Vs. Naoto Kurogane 違う……違う違う……お前はラグナじゃない!!
Vs. Nine the Phantom Shut up already, you old hag! I'm going to be together with Ragna, no matter what anyone says!
Vs. Nine the Phantom いい加減黙れ。おばさん。ラグナに逢うのを邪魔しないで。
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) Your existence is death...? Unable to compute. Nu is going to kill you.
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) 存在が死……? 理解不可。だったら……ニューが殺してあげる。
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) I will destroy anyone who stands between Nu and Ragna.
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) ニューとラグナの邪魔をするモノは排除するだけ。
Vs. Es (Act 3) Nu doesn't want the Azure... only Ragna.
Vs. Es (Act 3) 『蒼』なんて要らない。ニューが欲しいのは、ラグナだけ。
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) Inside the vessel is... a grimoire? Analysis... incomplete.
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) 器の中にあるのは……魔道書?
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) I will be taking the Phenomena Weapon. It won't do you any good, anyway.
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) 事象兵器はもらっていくね。


  1. "sight" is misspelt "sigh" in Act 3's English winquote.