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Gameplay:Makoto Nanaya BBCF Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Rank Up (Network) Ta-ta-ta-ta Tat-ta Tat-ta-ta! Makoto has leveled up!
Rank Up (Network) テレレッテテー! マコトの段位がアップした~!
Rank Up (Network) Oh man... I'm becoming even stronger!? Am I like... invincible, or something?
Rank Up (Network) えへへっまた強くなっちゃったよ!
Rank Up (Network) Whoa! This is like... the power of our friendship, right?
Rank Up (Network) どやぁ…!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) Heh heh heh! So much for the "Grim Reaper." You weren't that tough after all. Now, time to face the music!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) へへーん! 『死神』も大したこと無かったね!
さぁさぁ! 神妙にお縄につけぇい!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) Oh man... wasn't expecting to run into Ragna... Better report this to Professor Kokonoe.
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) まさかラグナ君と鉢合わせしちゃうとはなぁ~。
Vs. Jin Kisaragi M-Mr. Kisaragi... Thank you very much for the match. I will do everything in my power to support you.
Vs. Jin Kisaragi キサラギ先輩、お手合わせ有難うございます!
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) Not. Good. Enough! You'll never beat me at this rate, Noellers.
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) 脇があまーい!
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) It's going to be okay, Noel... I'm going to create a world where we can all smile.
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) もう大丈夫だよ、ノエル。
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 1/2) Ohmygosh! This child is so ADORABLE! You're like a little doll... can I take you home with me?
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 1/2) 何この子かわゆい! お人形さんみたいだねぇ~!
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 3) I can't really figure out why, but you seem in really bad shape... Leave Noel to me, and rest up, Rachel.
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 3) 何だかよく解らないけど、調子悪そうだよ。
Vs. Taokaka Hmm? You wanna groom my tail? Uhh, I don't think so. What if you accidentally cut it off!?
Vs. Taokaka え? 尻尾の毛づくろいさせて? ダメダメ!
Vs. Iron Tager Shoot! I toootally went too far. I'm sorry Tager... Wahahahaha! Just kidding. How'dya like that, Red Devil!?
Vs. Iron Tager や、やりすぎちゃった! ごめ~んテイガーさん……じゃない!
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling This is what you call "womanly charm?" Hmm... Looks like I've still got ways to go...
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling こ、これが大人の女の色気……!
Vs. Arakune Ugh. I should've kept my coat on. Now I've got all this slimy stuff on me. Disgusting...!
Vs. Arakune うぅ~……上着脱がなきゃ良かった~……
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 1/2) Damn, I felt a burning sensation! There's nothing quite like close-quarter combat. Thanks for the match, old sport! Hm? Not an old man...?
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 1/2) くぅ~燃えた~! やっぱインファイトは滾るな~!
相手してくれてありがとう、おじさん! え? おにいさん?
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 3) Oh yes... I agree some passion is exactly what his world needs right now. Buuut, you could probably use a chill pill... Or two.
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 3) うん……熱くなるのはいいことなんだけど、
Vs. Carl Clover Carl, you need to loosen up a bit. I mean, a lot... Just relaaaaax.
Vs. Carl Clover カルル君、もっと肩の力抜きなよ~。リラックスリラックス~。
Vs. Hakumen Ugh... I can still feel my body recovering from the body blows... You pack a real punch, mister.
Vs. Hakumen っつ~効いたぁ……! ものすっごい剣圧……!
Vs. Nu-13 (Act 1/2) You look a lot like Noellers... but that doesn't make any sense. I mean, you seem more, uhh... reliable? Than she does.
Vs. Nu-13 (Act 1/2) この子、ちょっとノエルに似てる……わけないかぁ。
Vs. Nu-13 (Act 3) Oh man, that was rough... but if I leave you alone, you might go for Noellers.
Vs. Nu-13 (Act 3) はぁ~きつかったぁ……。
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi I'm so sorry, Tsubaki! I'll make this up to you next time, I promise! You gotta let me off the hook just this once.
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi ごめんツバキ! この埋め合わせはまた今度!
Vs. Hazama Boy that felt good. I've been meaning to give you a good punch in the face for quite some time now!
Vs. Hazama あースカッとしたー!
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) Noellers...? Um, are you auditioning for something?
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) のえるん……それって、何デビュー?
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) Don't worry, I understand... you're Noel, but you're not... That doesn't mean you're not my friend, though.
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) あたしには解るよ……貴女はノエルだけど、ノエルじゃない。
Vs. Makoto Nanaya Conquer your own weakness! Never forget diligence and hard work!
Vs. Makoto Nanaya 己の弱さに打ち克つ! 日々精進あるのーみ!
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing Hmm... why does it feel like you were pulling punches...? I appreciate the whole "chivalry" thing, but you really don't have to worry about that with me. Really...
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing むむ~何だか手加減されてたような……
Vs. Platinum the Trinity Whoops, sorry about that. Oh, now don't cry little girl. Err... little boy? This is confusing.
Vs. Platinum the Trinity あーごめんごめん! 泣かないでお嬢ちゃん!
……ん? あれ? いつの間にボクちゃん?
Vs. Relius Clover I don't know what it is you're up to... but you lay a finger on my friends, and I'll make sure you pay the price. You got that!?
Vs. Relius Clover アンタが何企んでるかは知らないけどさ……
Vs. Izayoi I understand your resolve now, Tsubaki... but there's a reason why I can't back down, either!
Vs. Izayoi ツバキの覚悟は良く分かったよ……
Vs. Amane Nishiki You're not stopping MY punches with a piece of cloth!
Vs. Amane Nishiki 剛能く柔を断つ!
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) Do you ever listen to people!? I'm not your enemy! What? Password...? Uhh... I forgot?
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) あーもーアンタも人の話を聞かないなぁ!
あたしは敵じゃないっての! ほら、合言葉は? え? 忘れた?
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) As a fellow woman on the battlefield, I can say without a doubt, there is one thing that you lack... That is feminine charm! Huh? It's not...?
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) 同じ戦う女として、アンタには決定的に足りないものがある。
それは……女子力だよ! ……え、違う?
Vs. Azrael You freaking monster! How are my punches not having any effect!? Time to get the hell out of here!
Vs. Azrael 何このバケモノ! 殴っても殴っても全然効かないし!
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki Umm, Kagura? You know what happens to sexual harassing old pervs, don't you? Hm, you don't? Well how about I show you... with my FISTS!
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki カグラさん、セクハラ親父の末路って知ってる?
Vs. Yuuki Terumi My fists... will punch even your soul!
Vs. Yuuki Terumi あたしの拳はッ! 魂を貫く拳だぁ!
Vs. Kokonoe C'mon, Professor Kokonoe... Do you REALLY need to test every single weapon on me? Every time?
Vs. Kokonoe いい加減にしてよ~ココノエ博士。 
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 1/2) I know we only just met, and this may sound weird, but... I think we're gonna be real good friends!
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 1/2) 会ったばかりで言うのも照れるんだけどさ……
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 3) Man, I broke a sweat... but that was fun, Celica! Let's take a quick break, then get a bite to eat!
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 3) ふ~、いい汗かいたね、セリカちゃん!
Vs. Lambda-11 You sure make some dangerous weapons, Professor... But why does this girl seem so familiar...?
Vs. Lambda-11 博士も物騒なもの造るなぁ……
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku Trying to attack from my blind spot? Good luck with that. My instincts are "animal-like."
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku 死角から攻めたって無駄無駄! 
Vs. Naoto Kurogane What is this feeling...? Like when I look into your eyes, my heart begins racing... Who are you?
Vs. Naoto Kurogane 何だろう……その眼を見てると、変な胸騒ぎがする……
Vs. Nine the Phantom Your fire's pretty impressive, but... FYI, my soul burns pretty hot, too!
Vs. Nine the Phantom アンタの炎も大したもんだけどさ、あたしの魂はも~っと熱いよ?
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) I don't care if you're "death" or whatever! You hurt the people I love, I bash your skull in with my fists. Don't forget that!
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) 『死』だろうが何だろうが!
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) I can tell, there's something very dangerous about you... but there's no way I'm backing down, either!
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) アンタは危険だって、本能で分かるよ。
Vs. Es (Act 3) Hmm... do we have beef with each other? I don't recall ever doing anything to such a cute girl like you...
Vs. Es (Act 3) ん~……あたし何かしたかなぁ……
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) Ahh, my friend and rival from the Academy. Your moves are sharper than before! But I hate to break it to you... so are mine!
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) さっすがあたしの親友! 士官学校の頃とはキレが段違い!
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) Heh heh heh! You know what they say about a "cornered rat biting a cat." Is that how the saying goes?
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) へっへ~ん!
……え? 意味が違う?