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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | Ta-ta-ta-ta Tat-ta Tat-ta-ta! Makoto has leveled up! | |
テレレッテテー! マコトの段位がアップした~! | ||
Oh man... I'm becoming even stronger!? Am I like... invincible, or something? | ||
えへへっまた強くなっちゃったよ! あたしって、もしかして最強? |
Whoa! This is like... the power of our friendship, right? | ||
どやぁ…! これがあたしと君の、友情の力だね! |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) |
Heh heh heh! So much for the "Grim Reaper." You weren't that tough after all. Now, time to face the music! | |
へへーん! 『死神』も大したこと無かったね! さぁさぁ! 神妙にお縄につけぇい! |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) |
Oh man... wasn't expecting to run into Ragna... Better report this to Professor Kokonoe. | |
まさかラグナ君と鉢合わせしちゃうとはなぁ~。 しょうがない、ココノエ博士に報告しとこっと。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | M-Mr. Kisaragi... Thank you very much for the match. I will do everything in my power to support you. | |
キサラギ先輩、お手合わせ有難うございます! ……あたしはあたしにできること、やってみようと思います。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) |
Not. Good. Enough! You'll never beat me at this rate, Noellers. | |
脇があまーい! そんなんじゃ、何時まで経ってもあたしには勝てないよー。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) |
It's going to be okay, Noel... I'm going to create a world where we can all smile. | |
もう大丈夫だよ、ノエル。 皆で笑って過ごせる世界を、あたしがつくるからさ。 |
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 1/2) |
Ohmygosh! This child is so ADORABLE! You're like a little doll... can I take you home with me? | |
何この子かわゆい! お人形さんみたいだねぇ~! 家に連れて帰っちゃおうかな~! |
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 3) |
I can't really figure out why, but you seem in really bad shape... Leave Noel to me, and rest up, Rachel. | |
何だかよく解らないけど、調子悪そうだよ。 ノエルのことはあたしに任せて、レイチェルさんは休んでて。 |
Vs. Taokaka | Hmm? You wanna groom my tail? Uhh, I don't think so. What if you accidentally cut it off!? | |
え? 尻尾の毛づくろいさせて? ダメダメ! 万が一取れちゃったらどうすんのさ! |
Vs. Iron Tager | Shoot! I toootally went too far. I'm sorry Tager... Wahahahaha! Just kidding. How'dya like that, Red Devil!? | |
や、やりすぎちゃった! ごめ~んテイガーさん……じゃない! わ、わははははー。どうだ参ったか赤鬼めー。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | This is what you call "womanly charm?" Hmm... Looks like I've still got ways to go... | |
こ、これが大人の女の色気……! ん~……あたしには縁遠い世界だねぇ……。 |
Vs. Arakune | Ugh. I should've kept my coat on. Now I've got all this slimy stuff on me. Disgusting...! | |
うぅ~……上着脱がなきゃ良かった~…… ウネウネが肌にべっとり付いてるよ~気持ち悪いよ~……! |
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 1/2) |
Damn, I felt a burning sensation! There's nothing quite like close-quarter combat. Thanks for the match, old sport! Hm? Not an old man...? | |
くぅ~燃えた~! やっぱインファイトは滾るな~! 相手してくれてありがとう、おじさん! え? おにいさん? |
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 3) |
Oh yes... I agree some passion is exactly what his world needs right now. Buuut, you could probably use a chill pill... Or two. | |
うん……熱くなるのはいいことなんだけど、 やっぱりもう少し落ち着いたほうがいいよ。 |
Vs. Carl Clover | Carl, you need to loosen up a bit. I mean, a lot... Just relaaaaax. | |
カルル君、もっと肩の力抜きなよ~。リラックスリラックス~。 | ||
Vs. Hakumen | Ugh... I can still feel my body recovering from the body blows... You pack a real punch, mister. | |
っつ~効いたぁ……! ものすっごい剣圧……! まだ体の芯がビンビン響いてるよぉ~……! |
Vs. Nu-13 (Act 1/2) |
You look a lot like Noellers... but that doesn't make any sense. I mean, you seem more, uhh... reliable? Than she does. | |
この子、ちょっとノエルに似てる……わけないかぁ。 ノエルはもっと頼りない感じだもんねぇ。 |
Vs. Nu-13 (Act 3) |
Oh man, that was rough... but if I leave you alone, you might go for Noellers. | |
はぁ~きつかったぁ……。 でも、放っておいたら、ノエルを狙うかもしれなかったからね。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | I'm so sorry, Tsubaki! I'll make this up to you next time, I promise! You gotta let me off the hook just this once. | |
ごめんツバキ! この埋め合わせはまた今度! 今回は見逃してちょうだい! |
Vs. Hazama | Boy that felt good. I've been meaning to give you a good punch in the face for quite some time now! | |
あースカッとしたー! 前々からアンタの顔面に一発ブチ込みたかったんだよねー! |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) |
Noellers...? Um, are you auditioning for something? | |
のえるん……それって、何デビュー? | ||
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) |
Don't worry, I understand... you're Noel, but you're not... That doesn't mean you're not my friend, though. | |
あたしには解るよ……貴女はノエルだけど、ノエルじゃない。 でも、あたしの親友には変わりないね! |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Conquer your own weakness! Never forget diligence and hard work! | |
己の弱さに打ち克つ! 日々精進あるのーみ! | ||
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Hmm... why does it feel like you were pulling punches...? I appreciate the whole "chivalry" thing, but you really don't have to worry about that with me. Really... | |
むむ~何だか手加減されてたような…… 紳士なのは結構だけどさ、次は本気で戦ってよね! |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | Whoops, sorry about that. Oh, now don't cry little girl. Err... little boy? This is confusing. | |
あーごめんごめん! 泣かないでお嬢ちゃん! ……ん? あれ? いつの間にボクちゃん? |
Vs. Relius Clover | I don't know what it is you're up to... but you lay a finger on my friends, and I'll make sure you pay the price. You got that!? | |
アンタが何企んでるかは知らないけどさ…… あたしの大切な友達に手ぇ出したらタダじゃおかないからね! |
Vs. Izayoi | I understand your resolve now, Tsubaki... but there's a reason why I can't back down, either! | |
ツバキの覚悟は良く分かったよ…… でも、あたしにもやらなきゃいけないことがあるんだ! |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | You're not stopping MY punches with a piece of cloth! | |
剛能く柔を断つ! そんな布っきれじゃあ、あたしの拳は止められないよ! |
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) |
Do you ever listen to people!? I'm not your enemy! What? Password...? Uhh... I forgot? | |
あーもーアンタも人の話を聞かないなぁ! あたしは敵じゃないっての! ほら、合言葉は? え? 忘れた? |
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) |
As a fellow woman on the battlefield, I can say without a doubt, there is one thing that you lack... That is feminine charm! Huh? It's not...? | |
同じ戦う女として、アンタには決定的に足りないものがある。 それは……女子力だよ! ……え、違う? |
Vs. Azrael | You freaking monster! How are my punches not having any effect!? Time to get the hell out of here! | |
何このバケモノ! 殴っても殴っても全然効かないし! 今の内にとっとと撤退!! |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | Umm, Kagura? You know what happens to sexual harassing old pervs, don't you? Hm, you don't? Well how about I show you... with my FISTS! | |
カグラさん、セクハラ親父の末路って知ってる? 教えてあげるよ……あたしのこの……鉄拳制裁で!! |
Vs. Kokonoe | C'mon, Professor Kokonoe... Do you REALLY need to test every single weapon on me? Every time? | |
いい加減にしてよ~ココノエ博士。 新武装のテストにいちいちあたしを巻き込まないでください! |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | My fists... will punch even your soul! | |
あたしの拳はッ! 魂を貫く拳だぁ! | ||
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 1/2) |
I know we only just met, and this may sound weird, but... I think we're gonna be real good friends! | |
会ったばかりで言うのも照れるんだけどさ…… あたし達、良い友達になれるかも! |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 3) |
Man, I broke a sweat... but that was fun, Celica! Let's take a quick break, then get a bite to eat! | |
ふ~、いい汗かいたね、セリカちゃん! 一休みしたら、何か食べに行こうか! |
Vs. Lambda-11 | You sure make some dangerous weapons, Professor... But why does this girl seem so familiar...? | |
博士も物騒なもの造るなぁ…… でもこの子、どこかで見たことがあるような……? |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | Trying to attack from my blind spot? Good luck with that. My instincts are "animal-like." | |
死角から攻めたって無駄無駄! あたしの野生のカンを舐めないでよね! |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | Your fire's pretty impressive, but... FYI, my soul burns pretty hot, too! | |
アンタの炎も大したもんだけどさ、あたしの魂はも~っと熱いよ? | ||
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | What is this feeling...? Like when I look into your eyes, my heart begins racing... Who are you? | |
何だろう……その眼を見てると、変な胸騒ぎがする…… アンタ、一体何者……!? |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) |
I don't care if you're "death" or whatever! You hurt the people I love, I bash your skull in with my fists. Don't forget that! | |
『死』だろうが何だろうが! あたしの大切な人を傷つけるものは、この拳で全部ぶっ飛ばす! |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) |
I can tell, there's something very dangerous about you... but there's no way I'm backing down, either! | |
アンタは危険だって、本能で分かるよ。 でも、逃げるわけにはいかないんだから! |
Vs. Es (Act 3) |
Hmm... do we have beef with each other? I don't recall ever doing anything to such a cute girl like you... | |
ん~……あたし何かしたかなぁ…… こんな可愛い子に襲われる覚えは無いんだけどなぁ……? |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) |
Ahh, my friend and rival from the Academy. Your moves are sharper than before! But I hate to break it to you... so are mine! | |
さっすがあたしの親友! 士官学校の頃とはキレが段違い! でも、あたしだって強くなってるんだからね! |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) |
Heh heh heh! You know what they say about a "cornered rat biting a cat." Is that how the saying goes? | |
へっへ~ん! これぞホントの『窮鼠猫を噛む』ってね! ……え? 意味が違う? |