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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Location Test | ||
Rank Up (Network) | We've ranked up! Congrats! | |
段位が上がったわよ! おめでと! | ||
Oh, ranked up again...? You're amazing! | ||
あらあら、また昇段したの? すごいじゃない! | ||
That's amazing! I'm so happy... I might even give you a little "reward" later. I-I'm just kidding! | ||
やったわね! 私も嬉しいわ。 …あとで「ご褒美」あげちゃおうかしら。なーんてね。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) |
Now, give me the Azure Grimoire... there's no use feigning ignorance. I need that. | |
『蒼の魔道書』を渡しなさい。 シラを切っても無駄よ。私にはそれが必要なの。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) |
The Azure Grimoire... this isn't enough for me to save him... I need to do something about "her," too... | |
『蒼の魔道書』……駄目、これだけでは彼を救えない……。 やはり、『彼女』をどうにかしなければ……。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | It seems you can see something that I cannot... Please, tell me. What can I do to save the one I love...? | |
あなたには、私に見えていないものが見えているのね。 教えて、私はどうすればいいの? 助けたい人がいるのよ……。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) |
Lieutenant, don't stop me. I can't turn back now... even if I have to fight the world to get what I want. | |
少尉さん、止めないで。 私は何を敵に回しても、今更引くわけにはいかないの。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) |
I'm sorry... but to get him back, I need you to disappear. | |
ごめんなさい……彼を取り戻すために、貴女には消えてもらうわ。 | ||
Vs. Rachel Alucard | I will choose my own path... Nothing you say will stop me now. | |
私の道は私が選ぶ。貴女にとやかく言われたくはないわ。 | ||
Vs. Taokaka | Tao, let me make this clear to you... I don't have any food on me. You understand? Huh? My meat buns...? What on earth do you mean...? | |
分かって、タオ。今食べ物は持ってないのよ。 え? 私の肉まん? 何の話をしているの……? |
Vs. Iron Tager | Stay out of my way, Tager. I can't stop fighting until I return him to the way he was... | |
邪魔しないで、テイガー。 あの人を元に戻すまで、私は帰るつもりは無いわ。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Don't tell me... this is some kind of illusion created from seithr? What's going on...? | |
まさか、魔素で作られた幻影? 一体何が起きているの……? | ||
Vs. Arakune | Please come back... Roy...! | |
お願い……帰ってきて、ロイ……! | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Thank you very much for worrying, Bang... But I can't go back. | |
心配してくれてありがとう、バングさん。 でも、もう後戻りはできないの。 |
Vs. Carl Clover | You must be fighting for someone that means a lot to you, too... But I'm sorry. I cannot simply walk away from this one. | |
貴方も大事な人を助けるために、戦っているのね…… でも、ごめんなさい。子供が相手でも譲る気は無いの。 |
Vs. Hakumen (Act 1/2) |
I can feel it faintly... Don't tell me this is the Boundary's power...? What on earth are you? | |
微かに感じる……これはまさか、境界の力……? 貴方は一体何者なの!? |
Vs. Hakumen (Act 3) |
Hakumen of the Six Heroes... Or rather, the Susano'o Unit. I know there's a hint hidden somewhere within your vessel. A way to save Roy... | |
六英雄・ハクメン……いえ、スサノオユニット。 貴方の身体にヒントがある筈。ロイを器に繋ぎとめるヒントが。 |
Vs. Nu-13 | Nox Nyctores Murakumo... No... even this isn't enough power to bring him back... | |
事象兵器『神輝・ムラクモ』…… 駄目だわ……この力でも彼を元には戻せないのね……。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi (Act 1/2) |
Seems the NOL is still actively trying to capture the Grim Reaper. I need to make a move soon before it's too late... | |
やはり統制機構も『死神』捕縛のために動いているようね。 急がないと……先を越されるわけにはいかないわ。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi (Act 3) |
Are you chasing Professor Kokonoe...? I suppose everyone here is one of the chosen... | |
ココノエ博士の追手……? いえ、やはり全員が資格者なのね……。 |
Vs. Hazama | Don't underestimate me. I'm not giving in that easily... | |
見くびらないで頂戴。私の覚悟はそんなにヤワじゃないわ。 | ||
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) |
Who are you...? Why are you so afraid? | |
貴女は誰……? 何をそんなに怯えているの? | ||
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) |
I've already decided I'm going to save him, no matter the cost...! | |
何を犠牲にしてでも彼を救う……私はそう決めたの。 だから……! |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 1/2) |
That's not much of a disguise... you're NOL. Now tell me... Where's the Grim Reaper? | |
服装を変えても分かるわ。貴女は統制機構ね? 教えてもらうわよ……『死神』の居所を。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 3) |
Did I go a little too far? But I'm fighting for someone dear to my heart. Please don't hold this against me... | |
やりすぎちゃったかしら。 でも、私も大事な人のために戦っているの。悪く思わないでね。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | I know you... you're one of the Six Heroes, Valkenhayn. Perhaps you can lend me some of your wisdom... as a survivor of the Dark War. | |
その姿……貴方が彼の六英雄・ヴァルケンハイン殿ですね。 暗黒大戦を生きた貴方の知識、どうか貸して頂けませんか? |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 1/2) |
Is this a Nox Nyctores...? And two personalities... what are you? | |
これはまさか、事象兵器? それに、二つの人格……一体何者なの? | ||
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 3) |
Platinum, are you okay!? No, your body's so weak... you need treatment right away! | |
大丈夫、プラチナちゃん!? 酷い衰弱……いけない、直ぐに治療が必要だわ……! |
Vs. Relius Clover | Professor Relius Clover... You're going to tell me everything you know about the smelting research you did. | |
レリウス=クローバー博士……教えてもらうわよ。 かつて貴方が研究していた、人体精錬について。 |
Vs. Izayoi | I don't care what you preach as justice... I'm not backing down. I'm going to save him... That is MY justice. | |
貴女がどんな正義を掲げようと、私も引けないの。 必ず彼を救ってみせる……それが私の正義よ。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | What a strange person... What is it you're Observing in this world? | |
不思議な人……貴方はこの世界の、何を観測ているの……? | ||
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) |
Professor... do you insist on getting in my way...!? | |
博士は、どうしても私の邪魔をするつもりなのね……。 | ||
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) |
Are you Tager's...? But as long as you're a chosen, I cannot just hand over the Azure. | |
貴方、もしかしてテイガーの……? ……だけど、貴女も資格者である以上、『蒼』は譲れないわ。 |
Vs. Azrael | You've built up that body of yours with no medicine or external treatments...? A very curious specimen as a doctor... | |
何の薬も術も用いず、その肉体を作り上げたというの……? 一人の医師として興味深い現象だわ……。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | I'm sorry. I really appreciate your offer, but... there's someone I need to save. | |
ごめんなさい。せっかくのお誘いだけれど…… 私には救わなきゃいけない人がいるの。 |
Vs. Kokonoe | You look down on everyone else, pretending to know everything... Always. Now, why don't you just leave me alone!? | |
全て見下して、一人で理解して、貴女はいつもそう……。 私のことは、もう放っておいてください! |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | This seithr concentration and lack of feedback... Do you not have a physical form...? | |
この魔素濃度、それに手応えの無さ……。 貴方まさか、実体が無いの……? |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | Your healing magic... Say, can you lend me your powers? You might be the key to saving him...! | |
その治癒魔法……私に協力してもらえないかしら。 貴女なら、彼を治す手がかりになるかも……! |
Vs. Lambda-11 | A PFD... If you were smelted from seithr, then you might be vital to healing Roy... | |
次元境界接触用素体……これが魔素から精錬された存在なら、 ロイを治すヒントになるかもしれないわ。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | I'm sorry, I wish it didn't come to this... I simply need to find the Azure Grimoire. Where is he...? | |
強引な手段でごめんなさい。 私はただ、『死神』と、彼の持つ魔道書を探しているだけなの。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | This is neither Ars Magus nor science... it's true magic? The lost arts... | |
術式でも科学でもない……これが本物の魔法。 失われた魔法なら、あるいは……。 |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | The Boundary's...? No, it's similar, but... different. Perhaps it's worth researching. | |
これは境界の……いえ、近いけれど異なる『何か』……。 調べる価値はありそうね。 |
Vs. Izanami | I don't care what you are... I'm not ready to die today. Until I've fulfilled my mission... | |
貴女が何者であろうと、死を受け入れるわけにはいかないわ。 私の背負う責任を果たすまでは……。 |
Vs. Susano'o | It doesn't matter who you are... there's a mission which I need to complete. I will never give up... ever. | |
例え貴方が何者だろうと、私には果たさなければならない 使命があるの。絶対に諦めないわ。 |
Vs. Es | The presence I sense from this child... it's like the Boundary. Or something even deeper... Is this the Azure? | |
この子から感じる気配は、境界の……いえ、その更に深部…… まさか、これは『蒼』……!? |
Vs. Mai Natsume | You'll make a wonderful canvas! ...Oh dear, what am I talking about? I've got to do something about this habit. | |
貴女、素晴らしい素材ね! ……っと、いけないクセが出そうになっちゃったわね。 |
Vs. Jubei | Your strength is unbelievable... You are the source of the Kaka Clan's speed and power. | |
凄まじい身体能力だわ…… これがカカ族のベースとなった力なのね。 |
System Voice
Situation | Quote | Audio |
"Here Comes A New Challenger" Screen | ||
Character Select Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Character Select | I wonder what kind of patient I'll have next? | |
次の患者さんどんなったかしら | ||
Ragna the Bloodedge | Ragna the Bloodedge | |
ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ | ||
Jin Kisaragi | Jin Kisaragi | |
ジン=キサラギ | ||
Noel Vermillion | Miss Second Lieutenant | |
少尉さん | ||
Rachel Alucard | Rachel Alucard | |
レイチェル=アルカード | ||
Taokaka | Tao, It's no good if you dont do it right. | |
タオ、ちゃんとしなかだめよ | ||
Iron Tager | Tager | |
テイガー | ||
Litchi Faye-Ling | Oh my, me? | |
あら、私? | ||
Arakune | Roy! | |
ロイ! | ||
Bang Shishigami | Bang | |
バングさん | ||
Carl Clover | Carl | |
カルルくん | ||
Hakumen | Hakumen | |
ハクメン | ||
Nu-13 | Nu-13 | |
ニュー・サーティーン | ||
Tsubaki Yayoi | Tsubaki | |
ツバキちゃん | ||
Hazama | Captain Hazama | |
ハザマ大尉 | ||
Mu-12 | Mu-12 | |
ミュー・テュエルブ | ||
Makoto Nanaya | Makoto | |
マコトちゃん | ||
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | |
ヴァルケンハイン=R=ヘルシング | ||
Platinum the Trinity | Platinum | |
プラチナちゃん | ||
Relius Clover | Professor Relius | |
レリウス博士 | ||
Izayoi | Izayoi | |
イザヨイ | ||
Amane Nishiki | Amane Nishiki | |
アマネ=ニシキ | ||
Bullet | Bullet | |
バレット | ||
Azrael | Azrael | |
アズラエル | ||
Kagura Mutsuki | Kagura Mutsuki | |
カグラ | ||
Kokonoe | Professor Kokonoe | |
ココノエ博士 | ||
Yuuki Terumi | Yuuki Terumi | |
ユウキ=テルミ | ||
Celica A. Mercury | Celica A. Mercury | |
セリカ=A=マーキュリー | ||
Lambda-11 | Lambda-11 | |
ラムダ・イレブン | ||
Hibiki Kohaku | Hibiki Kohaku | |
ヒビキ=コハク | ||
Nine the Phantom | Nine the Phantom | |
ナイン=ザ=ファントム | ||
Naoto Kurogane | Naoto Kurogane | |
クロガネ=ナオト | ||
Izanami | Izanami | |
イザナミ | ||
Susano'o | Susano'o | |
スサノオ | ||
Es | Es | |
エス | ||
Mai Natsume | Mai Natsume | |
マイ=ナツメ | ||
Jubei | Jubei | |
獣兵衛 |