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Gameplay:Hazama BBCF Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Rank Up (Network) I think we've been promoted. Well done!
Rank Up (Network) 段位が上がっちゃったみたいですよ? ご苦労さまです。
Rank Up (Network) Promotion again!? You really ARE strong.
Rank Up (Network) まだまだ昇段しちゃうんですかねぇ~。いや~、お強い。
Rank Up (Network) Outstanding! I'm never bored when I'm around you... I look forward to your continued patronage.
Rank Up (Network) 素晴らしい! 貴方といると退屈しませんねぇ!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge Oh, C'MON now! You gonna flop on me, just like that!? No one wants the ending where the Grim Reaper dies. You listening!?
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge ちょっとちょっと! な~に勝手に逝きかけているんですか!
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 1/2) Aww, now wake up Captain. If you don't, I'm going to send all your little subordinates in after you.
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 1/2) 早く起きてください大尉殿。
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 3) You're carrying around a rather odd presence with you, Major Kisaragi. Out of sheer concern, as a friend, I feel I should warn you... I don't think that "thing" is good for you.
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 3) 妙な気配を引き連れていますねぇキサラギ少佐。
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) Lieutenant Vermillion, could you please wake up now? This is going to look really bad on me... like I'm bullying you, or something...
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) ヴァーミリオン少尉、いい加減起きて下さいよ。
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) Come now, we're not done yet, missy... Let me SEE more of it! More of your despair!
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) ほらほら、まだ終わりじゃありませんよぉ? 
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 1/2) Um, Miss... Civilian? I don't mean this in a bad way, but I suggest you run along home, mmkay? Otherwise a scaaaaary snake might swallow you whole.
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 1/2) 一般人のお嬢さん、悪い事は言いません。早く帰った方が良いですよ?
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 3) Ahh, yes of course. I just remembered... you're... excuse me, "were" an Observer, yes? How on earth must you be feeling? Crawling on the ground like that?
Vs. Rachel Alucard (Act 3) あ~そうそう、思い出しました。確か貴女は……元・傍観者。
Vs. Taokaka Ugh, you filthy thing! All the cats in the world should just die. DIE! Achoo!
Vs. Taokaka あー汚らわしい。猫なんて絶滅してしまえばいいのに。
Vs. Iron Tager Sector Seven must really be rolling in the dough. I mean, you've got enough to pump out useless toys like these... right? I'm full of envy.
Vs. Iron Tager 第七機関は資金に恵まれているようですねぇ。
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling Um, excuse me... Hate to bother you while you're groveling on the ground like that, but... could you do something about this scrape? Yeah, thanks.
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling あのー、地面をお舐めになっているところ申し訳ございませんが、
Vs. Arakune Remember. Put the trash where it belongs... Thank you for helping us keep our city clean.
Vs. Arakune ゴミはゴミ箱へ。階層都市の美化活動にご協力くださいね。
Vs. Bang Shishigami Ahh, I'm sorry about that... but you just wouldn't stop talking...
Vs. Bang Shishigami ああ、これはすみません。お話が長かったのでつい。
Vs. Carl Clover A-tut-tut-tut... this weapon should most certainly not be in the possession of a little child like you. I'll take this off your hands and dismantle it.
Vs. Carl Clover いけませんねぇ、貴方のような子供がこんな兵器を持っては。
Vs. Hakumen Whew, close call... Need to remove threats like you before you really begin to undermine our operation.
Vs. Hakumen 危ない危ない。
Vs. Nu-13 What an annoying little toy you've become... Although, on second thought, you might still be worth something.
Vs. Nu-13 なんともまぁ傍迷惑な玩具ですねぇ。
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi I see... so that's the Sealed Armament: Izayoi. Pardon my presumptuousness, but... might I recommend a weapon that suits your skill level?
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi 成程。それが封印兵装・十六夜ですか。
Vs. Hazama Of course! One's ultimate enemy is himself... Ah, but our characters are quite at odds. If you'll excuse me.
Vs. Hazama そう、最大の敵は己なのです……
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) Huh? You're the infamous Kusanagi...? You should've said something. Oh boy... this isn't going to look good for me.
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) え? 貴女がが例のクサナギ? ちょ、早く教えてくださいよ。
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) So, this is the Kusanagi? It's coming together nicely... Now, why don't you just run along and stab the gods a few times for me. Yes?
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) これがクサナギですか。良い感じで仕上がっていますね。
Vs. Makoto Nanaya I'm not a huge fan of rodents running around, buuut I might've gone too far this time. Hm... guess you're not even listening.
Vs. Makoto Nanaya すみません、子ネズミがウロチョロしてると、鬱陶しくて。
やり過ぎちゃいましたかね? ああ……もう聞いてませんか。
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing Even the Six Heroes must one day succumb to age. Not that I'll hold back for you, or anything...!
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing 彼の六英雄も、寄る年波には勝てませんか。
Vs. Platinum the Trinity I'm really not good with children. Especially ones as stubborn and ignorant as you...
Vs. Platinum the Trinity 私、子供は苦手なんですよぉ。
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 1/2) I'd rather not be involved in your research... Would hate to end up being one of your little experimental dolls.
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 1/2) 貴方の研究には関わりたくありませんねぇ。
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 3) Really, I don't need your adjustments, anymore... in fact, you've become quite the nuisance, sir.
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 3) もう貴方の調整は不要……
Vs. Izayoi Hm? This is Izayoi's true form...? I-I'm sorry, it's just you were too weak, and I... *sigh*
Vs. Izayoi え? これが真の十六夜……ですか?
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 1/2) This area is on high alert. Civilians are not allowed, I'm afraid... Please vacate at once.
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 1/2) ここは警戒区域ですから、一般人の立ち入りは禁止ですよ。
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 3) You get involved in this world haphazardly, and you'll pay the price. Then again... I suppose I should give myself the same advice.
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 3) 伊達や酔狂でこの『世界』に関わると、痛い目を見ますよぉ?
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) What on earth is Colonel Mutsuki doing...? Letting a Sector Seven mole walk right through his front gates.
Vs. Bullet (Act 1/2) やれやれ、第七機関のネズミが入り込んでいるというのに……
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) You miserable weak little thing... this is why I hate pawns. You get used until the very very end.
Vs. Bullet (Act 3) 惨めで哀れで何より弱い……
Vs. Azrael Sit. Shake. Roll ove... Aw, done with playtime already? A dog with no tricks... that's no fun.
Vs. Azrael お座り、お手、伏せ……って、あらら。
もう遊ばないんですか? 芸のない犬は面白くありませんね。
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki Ahhh, you'll have to excuse me. I never expected THE Black Knight to be so, um... weak. I really was holding back, you know...
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki おぉ~っとこれは失礼。まさか『黒騎士』と呼ばれる大佐が
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 1/2) Oh...? What's this? Did I actually just win...? Or perhaps I should thank you, for so kindly holding back.
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 1/2) あら? あららら、私が勝っちゃいましたねぇ。
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 3) Oh? No longer interested in this "vessel?" In that case, don't mind if I do...
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 3) おや、もうこの『器』には興味が無いのですか?
Vs. Kokonoe You throw fire and lightning and ice at me on sight...? I see. Professor Kokonoe, you're quite the magician.
Vs. Kokonoe 出会い頭に炎だの雷だの氷だの……
Vs. Celica A. Mercury Ugh... Would you mind not stepping any closer? You're making me sick...
Vs. Celica A. Mercury うっ……ちょっと近づかないでもらえます?
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 1/2) Hm? What's going on here? It feels like this isn't the first time I've destroyed you...!
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 1/2) あれ? どうしてでしょう?
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 3) Say, do you remember the time I killed you? Hmm... I must say that is a rather nice feeling.
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 3) もしかして、私が殺した時の事を憶えてます?
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku I'm shocked you could erase your presence so... But then again, you seem to be pretty good at that. Hiding in Colonel Mutsuki's shadows.
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku ここまで気配を消すなんてビックリですよ!
Vs. Naoto Kurogane Umm... obstruction of justice? Damage of property... Whatever. You're annoying. That's enough for me to execute you.
Vs. Naoto Kurogane え~と……公務執行妨害? 器物損壊罪?
Vs. Nine the Phantom Boy, what a memento! It's not every day you get to kick the shit out of one of the great sages of our time.
Vs. Nine the Phantom いやー畏れ多くもかの大魔道士を足蹴にできるとは!
Vs. Izanami (Act 2) Excuse me? You'll grant me death? I think I'll pass. After all, I prefer dishing out the death. Not taking it...
Vs. Izanami (Act 2) え? 死をくれてやる……? いえいえ、遠慮しておきますよ。
Vs. Izanami (Act 3) I see you do not have the real Azure, after all... Oh what a waste of time.
Vs. Izanami (Act 3) やはり、本物の『蒼』はお持ちではないようですね……
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) My oh my... is that the best you can do, Terumi? Maybe you're letting this new vessel thing get to your head? You're stronger than this...
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) おやおやその程度ですかぁ、テルミさん?
Vs. Es (Act 3) Now, tell me... You know, don't you? The location of the True Azure!?
Vs. Es (Act 3) さて……教えていただきましょうか。
あなたはご存知なのでしょう? 『真なる蒼』の在り処を!
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) Pathetic as usual, Miss "no name." Kick and scream all you want, it won't change anything.
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) 相変わらず不様ですねぇ、『ノーネーム』さん。
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) PLEASE, will you just stay down? I can't stop sneezing whenever you mov... ACHOO!
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) お願いですから、そのまま倒れていてください。

System Voice

Character Select Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Character Select So, pick as is suitable.
Character Select さ、適当に選んじゃて下さい。
Ragna the Bloodedge Ragna the Bloodedge
Ragna the Bloodedge ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ
Jin Kisaragi Major Jin Kisaragi
Jin Kisaragi ジン=キサラギ少佐
Noel Vermillion The pitiable Second Lieutenant Vermillion
Noel Vermillion 哀れなヴァーミリオン小尉
Rachel Alucard Rachel Alucard
Rachel Alucard レイチェル=アルカード
Taokaka Taokaka...Achoo!
Taokaka タオカカ...ハックション
Iron Tager Red Devil
Iron Tager 赤鬼
Litchi Faye-Ling Litchi Faye-Ling
Litchi Faye-Ling ライチ=フェイ=リン
Arakune Arakune
Arakune アラクネ
Bang Shishigami Shishigami Bang
Bang Shishigami シシガミ=バング
Carl Clover Carl Clover
Carl Clover カルル=クローバー
Hakumen Hakumen
Hakumen ハクメン
Nu-13 Nu-13
Tsubaki Yayoi The pitiful First Lieutenant Yayoi
Tsubaki Yayoi 可哀想なヤヨイ中尉
Hazama Oh my, me is it? I see you're also quite peculiar.
Hazama おや、私(わたくし)ですか?貴方にも物好きですね。
Mu-12 Mu-12
Makoto Nanaya The backstabbing Second Lieutenant Nanaya
Makoto Nanaya 裏切り者のナナヤ小尉
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing ヴァルケンハイン=R=ヘルシング
Platinum the Trinity Platinum the Trinity
Platinum the Trinity プラチナ=ザ=トリニティ
Relius Clover Colonel Relius Clover
Relius Clover レリウス=クローバー技術大佐
Izayoi Izayoi
Izayoi イザヨイ
Amane Nishiki Amane Nishiki
Amane Nishiki アマネ=ニシキ
Bullet Bullet
Bullet バレット
Azrael Azrael
Azrael アズラエル
Kagura Mutsuki The traitorous Colonel Mutsuki
Kagura Mutsuki 反逆者のムツキ大佐
Yuuki Terumi Terumi
Yuuki Terumi テルミさん
Kokonoe Professor Kokonoe
Kokonoe ココノエ博士
Celica A. Mercury Geh, Celica A. Mercury
Celica A. Mercury げっ、セリカ=A=マーキュリー
Lambda-11 Lambda-11
Hibiki Kohaku The bootlicker, Captain Kohaku
Hibiki Kohaku 腰巾着のコハク大尉
Naoto Kurogane Kurogane Naoto
Naoto Kurogane クロガネ
Nine the Phantom Nine the Phantom
Nine the Phantom ナイン=ザ=ファントム
Izanami Izanami
Izanami イザナミ
Susano'o Oh? Terumi, is it?
Susano'o あ?テルミさんですか。
Es Es
Es エス
Mai Natsume Mai Natsume
Mai Natsume マイ=ナツメ
Jubei Jubei...Achoo!
Jubei 獣兵衛