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Gameplay:Carl Clover BBCF Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Rank Up (Network) We've leveled up! ...It seems Sister has blessed us, as well.
Rank Up (Network) 段位が上がりましたよ!
Rank Up (Network) Hey Sis, we've gotten stronger again! ...I love it when you're happy.
Rank Up (Network) 姉さん、また段位が上がったよ!
Rank Up (Network) I'm so glad to have met someone like you... combined, nothing will stand in our way!
Rank Up (Network) あなたの様な人に出会えて、良かったです。
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge
(Act 1/2)
The Azure Grimoire... finally, it's mine! Now, I can cure Sister's illness...!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge
(Act 3)
The Azure Grimoire... I suppose I should collect it, to be safe. I will try everything in my power... everything to save my sister...!
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge
(Act 3)
Vs. Jin Kisaragi Something the matter, sir? Seems like you were holding back...? Or is that just your excuse for when you lose?
Vs. Jin Kisaragi どうしました、先輩。随分と手加減していたようですが。
Vs. Noel Vermillion
(Act 1/2)
It seems I was one cut above... as a fellow Nox Nyctores wielder.
Vs. Noel Vermillion
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Noel Vermillion
(Act 3)
This was unexpected... I didn't think I would find a hint to saving my sister so close to me.
Vs. Noel Vermillion
(Act 3)
Vs. Rachel Alucard
(Act 1/2)
Nirvana is an object and a weapon... one that is in my possession. You have no business telling me how to use her.
Vs. Rachel Alucard
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Rachel Alucard
(Act 3)
A vampire's blood, said to have powers of immortality. I will use what I know from you to save my sister.
Vs. Rachel Alucard
(Act 3)
Vs. Taokaka
(Act 1/2)
H-Hey...! Stop sharpening your nails on Nirvana!
Vs. Taokaka
(Act 1/2)
こ、こら! ニルヴァーナで爪を研がないでください!
Vs. Taokaka
(Act 3)
I'm sorry, but... I cannot let any other chosen surpass me.
Vs. Taokaka
(Act 3)
Vs. Iron Tager
(Act 1/2)
I will not let you have Nirvana... I need her to complete my mission.
Vs. Iron Tager
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Iron Tager
(Act 3)
A cyborg...? I see. Hybrid of flesh and machine. Not a bad starting point for recreating my sister.
Vs. Iron Tager
(Act 3)
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling
(Act 1/2)
...Stand down. I do not wish to fight you.
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling
(Act 3)
Pardon me, Miss Litchi... but I'm going to take a peek into your soul.
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling
(Act 3)
Vs. Arakune
(Act 1/2)
Nirvana isn't food! I won't let you have her!
Vs. Arakune
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Arakune
(Act 3)
Don't you dare touch my sister with those dirty hands!
Vs. Arakune
(Act 3)
Vs. Bang Shishigami
(Act 1/2)
I had no idea that ninjas were such... cantankerous people. I really do not wish to be associated with you. If you'll excuse me.
Vs. Bang Shishigami
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Bang Shishigami
(Act 3)
I will be taking the Nox Nyctores from you... this is vital to my[1] erasing Miss Noel.
Vs. Bang Shishigami
(Act 3)
Vs. Carl Clover
(Act 1/2)
A cheap imitation... where on earth do you find these things...?
Vs. Carl Clover
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Carl Clover
(Act 3)
Please disappear... I will not forgive you, if you insult my sister any further.
Vs. Carl Clover
(Act 3)
Vs. Hakumen You are quite the swordmaster... but it seems you could not overcome the advantage that comes in numbers.
Vs. Hakumen 中々の使い手のようですが、数の利は覆せなかったと言う事ですね。
Vs. Nu-13
(Act 1/2)
Unfortunate for you, I have a powerful shield... Your "spray and pray" tactics have no effect on me.
Vs. Nu-13
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Nu-13
(Act 3)
A Dimensional Interface Prime Field Device... Incredible, and complete. I may be able to use you as material for recreating Sis yet.
Vs. Nu-13
(Act 3)
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi
(Act 1/2)
I don't wish to hurt you any more, Tsubaki... Tell me everything you know about the Grim Reaper, and this will all be over.
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi
(Act 3)
There's no point, Miss Tsubaki. Nothing will deter me from what I must do. I WILL erase Noel Vermillion.
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi
(Act 3)
Vs. Hazama
(Act 1/2)
It seems you know something about the Grim Reaper. I will make you talk... by any means necessary.
Vs. Hazama
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Hazama
(Act 3)
A vessel with a soul bound to it... Frustrating, but I must accept Father's genius.
Vs. Hazama
(Act 3)
Vs. Mu-12
(Act 1/2)
I can't believe Nirvana would be outperformed... Are you a Nox Nyctores, too!?
Vs. Mu-12
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Mu-12
(Act 3)
Frankly, I'm disappointed, Miss Noel. To think that the completed form of a PFD was so weak.
Vs. Mu-12
(Act 3)
Vs. Makoto Nanaya You should really be worried about yourself right now... not your friends.
Vs. Makoto Nanaya 先輩、他人の事よりもご自分の弱さを心配するべきだと思いますけど。
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
(Act 1/2)
I have no idea who or what you are... but don't you dare lay a finger on my tools.
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
(Act 3)
You may be old, but I will not hold back. I must defeat every chosen to get what I need... for the sake of my sister.
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
(Act 3)
Vs. Platinum the Trinity
(Act 1/2)
Nirvana... why have you stopped attacking!? Are you disobeying my order!?
Vs. Platinum the Trinity
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Platinum the Trinity
(Act 3)
I understand, Sis... I'll stop right here. But I WILL take the Nox Nyctores.
Vs. Platinum the Trinity
(Act 3)
Vs. Relius Clover
(Act 1/2)
Not yet, Father... This was nothing compared to the pain Mother endured...!
Vs. Relius Clover
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Relius Clover
(Act 3)
I don't have time for formalities... I'm going to take everything I can from you, Father.
Vs. Relius Clover
(Act 3)
Vs. Izayoi Justice and evil... they are both simply ways to manipulate the masses.
Vs. Izayoi 正義も悪も、使えるものは全て利用するまでです。
Vs. Amane Nishiki Let go of me! I told you I'm not going to become a performer!
Vs. Amane Nishiki 離してください! 僕は貴方にも舞踊にも興味はありません!
Vs. Bullet
(Act 1/2)
Sector Seven. Vigilantes... that has nothing to do with me. I'm going to defeat the Grim Reaper, plain and simple.
Vs. Bullet
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Bullet
(Act 3)
Let's go, Sis. Looks like there's nothing of any benefit to us here.
Vs. Bullet
(Act 3)
Vs. Azrael
(Act 1/2)
Your power is insane... How could Nirvana be overpowered...?
Vs. Azrael
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Azrael
(Act 3)
I'm almost jealous... you think you can solve any problem with sheer force.
Vs. Azrael
(Act 3)
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki You're supposed to be the commanding officer of the most elite? It's no wonder you need Vigilantes to help you.
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki 衛士最高司令官がこの様ですか。
Vs. Kokonoe
(Act 1/2)
Even Sector Seven's after the Grim Reaper...? Looks like I've got no time to waste.
Vs. Kokonoe
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Kokonoe
(Act 3)
Of course... that was the key to smelting a human all along. The marriage of science and magic. Amazing skill you possess.
Vs. Kokonoe
(Act 3)
Vs. Yuuki Terumi
(Act 1/2)
You seem to know Nirvana... but would you mind not laying a finger on her? She's my tool now...
Vs. Yuuki Terumi
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Yuuki Terumi
(Act 3)
This person... has no form. I believe further investigation is necessary. You may hold the secrets to saving my sister...
Vs. Yuuki Terumi
(Act 3)
Vs. Celica A. Mercury
(Act 1/2)
You were acquaintances with Nirvana...? I'm sure that was a long time ago. Now, she belongs to me.
Vs. Celica A. Mercury
(Act 1/2)
それは過去の話でしょう? 今の所有者はこの僕です。
Vs. Celica A. Mercury
(Act 3)
Stay away from me! Whenever you're nearby, Sis behaves oddly.
Vs. Celica A. Mercury
(Act 3)
Vs. Lambda-11
(Act 1/2)
You're nothing but a weapon, just like Nirvana... what good will emotions do you? Pathetic...
Vs. Lambda-11
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Lambda-11
(Act 3)
It's been rearranged a little bit, but you're no doubt my father's creation... You will become wonderful research material.
Vs. Lambda-11
(Act 3)
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku Valiant effort at assassination... But it will not work on me.
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku 死角からの奇襲は僕には通用しませんよ。
Vs. Nine the Phantom
(Act 1/2)
You could see through Nirvana's quirks...? Damn. Looks like I need to make some adjustments...
Vs. Nine the Phantom
(Act 1/2)
Vs. Nine the Phantom
(Act 3)
The creator of the Nox Nyctores... the witch. There are so many questions I have for you...!
Vs. Nine the Phantom
(Act 3)
Vs. Naoto Kurogane This power... I think it's best if we avoided each other from now on.
Vs. Naoto Kurogane この力は……どうやら、深追いは避けた方が良いみたいですね。
Vs. Izanami
(Act 2/3)
I can't die here... not yet. I need to save my sister!
Vs. Izanami
(Act 2/3)
僕はまだ死ぬわけにはいかない! 姉さんを助けるんだ!
Vs. Susano'o
(Act 3)
This power is insane... There's no way we can take this head-on. We're retreating, Sis!
Vs. Susano'o
(Act 3)
Vs. Es
(Act 3)
What are you...? Neither human nor machine... How could something like this exist in the world?
Vs. Es
(Act 3)
Vs. Mai Natsume
(Act 3)
You're... this isn't the Military Academy anymore. I have my reasons why I cannot let you win.
Vs. Mai Natsume
(Act 3)
Vs. Jubei
(Act 3)
The DNA platform for the Kaka Clan. You've piqued my interest. Pardon me while I collect a few samples.
Vs. Jubei
(Act 3)

System Voice

Situation Quote Audio
"Here Comes A New Challenger" Screen
"Here Comes A New Challenger" Screen

Character Select Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Character Select Well then, Shall we begin the duel?
Character Select さー、デュエルを始めましょう
Ragna the Bloodedge Ragna the Bloodedge
Ragna the Bloodedge ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ
Jin Kisaragi Kisaragi Senpai
Jin Kisaragi キサラギ先輩
Noel Vermillion Noel Senpai
Noel Vermillion ノエル先輩
Rachel Alucard Rachel Alucard
Rachel Alucard レイチェル=アルカード
Taokaka Miss Cat
Taokaka 猫さん
Iron Tager Iron Tager
Iron Tager テイガー
Litchi Faye-Ling Miss Litchi
Litchi Faye-Ling ライチさん
Arakune Arakune
Arakune アラクネ
Bang Shishigami Mr. Bang
Bang Shishigami バングさん
Carl Clover Come, let's go, Sister.
Carl Clover さあ、行くよ、姉さん。
Hakumen Hakumen
Hakumen ハクメン
Nu-13 Nu-13
Nu-13 ニュー・サーティーン
Tsubaki Yayoi Tsubaki Senpai
Tsubaki Yayoi ツバキ先輩
Hazama Hazama
Hazama ハザマ
Mu-12 Mu-12
Mu-12 ミュー・テュエルブ
Makoto Nanaya Makoto Senpai
Makoto Nanaya マコト先輩
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing ヴァルケンハイン=R=ヘルシング
Platinum the Trinity Platinum the Trinity
Platinum the Trinity プラチナ=ザ=トリニティ
Relius Clover Dad
Relius Clover 父さん
Izayoi Izayoi
Izayoi イザヨイ
Amane Nishiki Amane Nishi-woah, wait a minute, stop that!
Amane Nishiki アマネ=ニシっ、うわ、ちょっと、止めってください!
Bullet Bullet
Bullet バレット
Azrael Azrael
Azrael アズラエル
Kagura Mutsuki Kagura Mutsuki
Kagura Mutsuki カグラ
Kokonoe Kokonoe
Kokonoe ココノエ
Yuuki Terumi Yuuki Terumi
Yuuki Terumi ユウキ=テルミ
Celica A. Mercury Celica A. Mercury
Celica A. Mercury セリカ=A=マーキュリー
Lambda-11 Lambda-11
Lambda-11 ラムダ・イレブン
Hibiki Kohaku Hibiki Kohaku
Hibiki Kohaku ヒビキ=コハク
Nine the Phantom Nine the Phantom
Nine the Phantom ナイン=ザ=ファントム
Naoto Kurogane Naoto Kurogane
Naoto Kurogane クロガネ=ナオト
Izanami Izanami
Izanami イザナミ
Susano'o Susano'o
Susano'o スサノオ
Es Es
Es エス
Mai Natsume Mai Senpai
Mai Natsume マイ先輩
Jubei Jubei
Jubei 獣兵衛
  1. Translation typo. The correct word in this case would be "me".