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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | Level uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup! Not bad... Not bad at all! | |
段位アーーーップでござる! お主、なかなかやるでござるな! | ||
You and I shall restore Ikaruga to its former glory! | ||
拙者とお主で、イカルガを復興するでござる! | ||
Your burning soul and spirit has ignited my own! | ||
お主のあっぱれな熱い魂、拙者にもしかと伝わったでござるよ! | ||
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) |
I have defeated the Grim Reaper! Here and now! Let this be a new chapter in the tales of Bang Shishigami! | |
『死神』討ち取ったりぃ! 今! ここに! 萬駆列伝の新たなる1ページが刻まれたでござる! |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) |
Halt right there! I have no time to fight with you right now! I must protect those I love! | |
待たれい! 今はお主と争っている場合ではござらん! 拙者は、愛すべき者達を護らねば! |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 1/2) |
Oh? Oooooooh! What is this odd sense of satisfaction!? It's as though an everlasting vengeance has just now been vanquished. H'rrrraaaaaah! I am VICTORIOUS! | |
お? おおおおお!? 何でござるかこの晴れやかな気分は!? まるで君主の仇を討った正月元旦の朝のようでござる! ええい! 良く分からんが、とにかく拙者の勝利でござる! |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi (Act 3) |
Defeating you here will not bring back my late master. You must atone for those sins with your own hands. | |
ここでお主を仕留めた所で、殿はお戻りにならぬ。 その罪は、自身の手で贖うでござるよ。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) |
Hmm... You're rather lacking... compared to Miss Litchi... Wha--!? Why are you shooting me!? | |
うぅむ……ライチ殿に比べると随分と小ぶりな……ってうお!? いきなり撃ってきたでござる!? |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) |
Rest at ease, Miss Noel. The hero of justice, Bang Shishigami is here to protect any damsel in distress! | |
安心召されい、ノエル殿! 正義のヒーロー・シシガミ=バングは、 何時如何なる時もか弱き少女の味方でござる! |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | Mille crêpes? Financier...? These snacks sound so fluffy and wimpy! An Ikaruga ninja needs no such thing! Feast on RICE! | |
みるくれーぷ? ふぃなんしぇ? そんな軟弱そうな食べ物は イカルガ忍軍にはござらん! 米を食らえい米を! |
Vs. Taokaka | You would fall so easily from an attack of this magnitude? Pupil number one... how am I possibly supposed to share this food with-- Wha!? You're awake!? | |
この程度でノビるとは、だらしないでござるよ弟子一号! では、拙者は飯の支度を……ってもう起きてる! |
Vs. Iron Tager (Act 1/2) |
N'ouwaahahaha! It is a demon's fate to be defeated by justice! Time to meet your maker! | |
ぬわーはっはっはっは! 鬼は正義の味方に倒されるが定め! 往生せい! |
Vs. Iron Tager (Act 3) |
What say you, Lord Tager!? Have you felt the force of my burning soul... enough to burn through any alloy or metal! | |
どうでござるか、テイガー殿! これぞ鋼をも融かす、拙者の熱き魂でござる! |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Miss Litchi! Today of all days... I will confess the burning love in my heart! Please do not turn me down! | |
ライチ殿ぉ! 今日という今日こそ! 拙者の胸に熱く滾るこの愛を! 受け取って欲しいでござる! |
Vs. Arakune | You fiend! Disruptor of the innocent... I shall crush you under the fists of justice! | |
罪なき民の平和を乱す物の怪め! 拙者の正義の拳で退治してくれるわ! |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | The most handsome and nicest opponent I have fought to date... Brilliant work, sir. Brilliant! | |
今迄で最高の好敵手かつ最高のナイスガイでござった! いやお見事! あっぱれあっぱれでござる! |
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 1/2) |
It seems you have indeed earned your title as the strongest vigilante in this area! And at such a young age, no less... You have my respect, young one. | |
『最強の咎追い』の名は伊達ではござらんかった! 幼子ながらその強さ、まっこと見上げたものでござる! |
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 3) |
It is a master's duty to right their pupils' wrongs. Forgive me... pupil number two. | |
弟子の過ちを正すは、師の定め……許せ、弟子二号よ! | ||
Vs. Hakumen | An unwavering sense of justice, which you see through with no more than your own flesh and bone... Mmmm, it seems you and I are playing the same role, sir. | |
己が正義を掲げ、身一つでそれを体現する武人…… ムムム、拙者とキャラが被っているでござる……! |
Vs. Nu-13 | What bizarre witchcraft you use, young lady. Your strength... your insanity... What exactly are you? | |
不思議な術を使う娘でござった。 だがこの強さ、狂気……一体何者でござる? |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi (Act 1/2) |
Why, you, NOL! How dare you keep such beautiful women in your employ...? Err... *Ahem* I mean, how dare you send women to the front lines!? | |
おのれ統制機構! このような可憐な女子がいるとは羨ま…… ゴホンゴホン! 女子を戦地に送るとは卑劣なりぃ! |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi (Act 3) |
Your graceful moves still pack a massive punch... what on earth has that small body of your seen...? | |
可憐ながらも、ものすごい気迫でござる! その小さき体に、何を背負っているのでござろう……。 |
Vs. Hazama | Stop flopping about, you fop! You're a MAN! Keep your back straight and hold your chest out proud! | |
フラフラするでない軟弱者がぁ! 男子たる者、何時如何なる時でも背筋を伸ばし! 胸を張るでござるよ! |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) |
UNACCEPTABLE! A woman should not show so much skin in public! Now, put on my jacket, I insist! Huh? You don't want to...? | |
ならんならんならーん! 女子がそのように肌を晒してはならん! さ、拙者の服を着るでござるよ……え? 嫌? |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) |
I've come to save you, Miss Noel! Surely that attire must be extremely cold for you... Now, put on my clothes. What? You don't want to...? | |
助けに来たでござるよ、ノエル殿! その姿では些か寒かろう。 さ、拙者の服を着るでござるよ……え? 嫌? |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 1/2) |
There is nary a point, NOL! Your sex appeal has no affect on me. Not. A. Single... G'argh! My nose... is bleeding. | |
無駄でござる統制機構! 色仕掛けなど拙者には通用せん! 決して! 断じて! 通用しないでござ……うぉっ! 鼻血が! |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya (Act 3) |
Miss Makoto, time to keep your promise! Now, you shall become pupil number four! What's that...? You would rather die? N-Now that's pretty harsh... | |
マコト殿、約束でござる! これで弟子四号に……何、死んでも嫌? ……さ、さすがに傷つくでござる……。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Your ability to transform into a wolf... 'Tis brilliant! Which ninja village do you come from? | |
その狼の姿……見事な変化の術でござるな! どこの里の忍でござるか? |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 1/2) |
Excellent! Starting today, you are going to be pupil number two! Or wait... was that supposed to be number three...? | |
よし、お主を拙者の弟子にしてやろう! 今日からお主は弟子二号でござる! いや……三号でござったか? |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity (Act 3) |
What's the matter, pupil number three? Are you not feeling well? | |
どうしたのでござるか、弟子三号。 どこか具合でも悪いのでござるか? |
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 1/2) |
Your mask! Highly suspicious... and that maniacal laugh of yours. You've got "bad guy" written all over you! | |
見るからに怪しい仮面! 不敵な笑い声! 悪の匂いがプンプンするでござるよ! |
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 3) |
I shall continue to fight... until I destroy every fragment of evil in this world... like you! | |
お主のような悪を討ち果たすその日まで、 拙者は戦い続けるでござる! |
Vs. Izayoi | I have witnessed your justice. HOWEVER! I, too, have my own justice I cannot deny. | |
お主の正義、しかと受け止めた! だが! 拙者には拙者の譲れぬ正義があるでござる! |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Oh? A dancer, you say...? Well, perhaps I can show you the ultimate belly-dancing... Wait! Where are you going!? | |
ほう! 舞踊とな! それでは、拙者とっておきの腹踊りを…… ん? ちょ、待たれぃ! 何処へ行くでござるか! |
Vs. Bullet | Your tanned skin... dripping sweat... and body in motion! It's amazing! The very definition of eye candy! Hm? Why are you trembling...? | |
焼けた肌! 弾ける汗! 跳ねる体! 素晴らしいでござる! 眼福でござる! ん? 何を震えているでござるか? |
Vs. Azrael (Act 1/2) |
*Pant pant pant* You see that... *cough* That was nothing! Nothing... I tell... you... | |
はぁはぁはぁ……拙者に、かかれば……げほっ…… この、ような、荒くれ者でも……はぁ……楽勝で、ござるよ……。 |
Vs. Azrael (Act 3) |
Let it be known, Mad Dog Azrael! I bear all the regret from my fallen comrades of Ikaruga! | |
思い知ったでござるか、狂犬アズラエル! これがイカルガに散った同胞の無念でござる! |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | Kagura! You bastard! The nerve... surrounding yourself with beautiful women. How envious... err, I mean. Enough is enough! I'll beat that twisted sense of romance straight! | |
カグラ! 貴様、今日もヘラヘラと女子をはべらせおって! 羨まし……軟派が過ぎるでござる! その腐った性根! 拙者が叩き直して進ぜよう! |
Vs. Kokonoe | Fire, lightning, and ice... You leave no room for a ninja to stand... | |
炎に雷に氷……に、忍者の立つ瀬が無いでござる……。 | ||
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | You've no body...? Why, you ghost! Spirit! Grrr... but how may I help you rest in peace? | |
体が無い? おのれ幽鬼の類か! ぐぬぬぬぬ…… じ、成仏させるにはどーすればいいでござるか? |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 1/2) |
Argh! That smile... you have a way of making others give into your wishes. That and your aura... you must be what we commonly refer to as... the heroine! | |
うおっ! 思わず護ってやりたくなるようなその笑顔! そして『おーら』! さてはお主が『ひろいん』という者でござるな! |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 3) |
Miss Celica... it is dangerous for a woman to travel these areas alone... Wha--!? Where did she go? | |
セリカ殿、ここから先は女子ひとりでは危険でござる。 拙者がえすこーとして進ぜよう……ってもう居ない!? |
Vs. Lambda-11 | She stopped moving... H-Hello? You okay in there? What's this? I hear something... Error...? What witchcraft is this? | |
急に動かなくなったでござる……お、おーい。大丈夫でござるかー? ん? 何か聞こえて……え、「えらー」? 何の呪文でござるか? |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | A man must train his strength! You may move faster than your opponents, but your attacks lack power! And without power... you cannot defeat evil. | |
男子たるもの腕っぷしを鍛えよ! 速度で勝ろうとも、そのような貧弱さでは悪は討てぬでござるよ! |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | En garde! Your evils and plots will end today! For it is I who will protect the smiles and tomorrows of everyone on this world! | |
御覚悟! 貴様の悪しき野望はここまででござる! 世界の明日は! 皆の笑顔は! 拙者が護るでござる! |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | A... A blade made from blood? How cool... No no no no no! Your strange arts... I cannot simply pretend I did not see! | |
ち、血の刃……かっこいいでござる……いやいやいや! そのような面妖な術! 野放しにはしておけぬでござる! |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) |
I refuse to believe it! You cannot possibly be our Imperator... there is only one true ruler of us all![N 1] I do not accept it! I refuse to...! How could you be the Imperator!? There is only one master in this world I serve.[N 2] |
認めぬ! 貴様が帝など、拙者は断じて認めぬ! 拙者の主君は、殿ただ一人でござる! |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) |
Hng... how could you suppress my burning heart...!? You are no mere mortal! | |
ぐぬぬ、拙者のハートが気圧されるとは! お主、只者ではないでござるな! |
Vs. Es (Act 3) |
I have underestimated you...! Swordplay as graceful as a dance. Brilliant, I say! | |
お見逸れ申した! 舞の如き太刀捌き、まっことあっぱれでござる! |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) |
Noooo! A woman should never be dressed as such! What!? You're not a woman...? Unbelievable. | |
ならんならんならーん! 女子がそのように肌を晒してはならん! ……って、何? 女子ではない……? |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) |
Ah-! Your speed and training is unbelievable. Does this mean Tao will one day become as strong as you? Th-This is not good... How will I be able to call myself her master!? It is a crisis! | |
何という速さと錬度……いずれタオも このような強さを手に…… い、いかん……師匠の沽券に関わるでござる……! |
System Voice
Situation | Quote | Audio |
"Here Comes A New Challenger" Screen | ||
Character Select Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Character Select | Let us go! We meet! We engage! | |
行きさるござる。出会い!出会い! | ||
Ragna the Bloodedge | Ragna the Bloodedge | |
ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ | ||
Jin Kisaragi | Jin Kisaragi | |
ジン=キサラギ | ||
Noel Vermillion | Lady Noel | |
ノエル殿 | ||
Rachel Alucard | Rachel Alucard | |
レイチェル=アルカード | ||
Taokaka | First Disciple | |
殿一号 | ||
Iron Tager | Lord Tager | |
テイガー殿 | ||
ライチどのおおおおぉぉっ | ||
Arakune | Arakune | |
アラクネ | ||
Bang Shishigami | The Hero of Justice, Shishigami Bang, dropping in unannounced! | |
正義のヒーローシシガミ=バングでござる。推参でぎざる! | ||
Carl Clover | Second Disciple | |
殿二号 | ||
Hakumen | Hakumen | |
ハクメン | ||
Nu-13 | Nu-13 | |
ニュー・サーティーン | ||
Tsubaki Yayoi | Lady Tsubaki | |
ツバキ殿 | ||
Hazama | Hazama | |
ハザマ | ||
Mu-12 | Mu-12 | |
ミュー・テュエルブ | ||
Makoto Nanaya | Lady Makoto | |
マコト殿 | ||
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Lord Valkenhayn | |
ヴァルケンハイン殿 | ||
Platinum the Trinity | Third Disciple | |
殿三号 | ||
Relius Clover | Relius Clover | |
レリウス=クローバー | ||
Izayoi | Izayoi | |
イザヨイ | ||
Amane Nishiki | Amane Nishiki | |
アマネ=ニシキ | ||
Bullet | Bullet | |
バレット | ||
Azrael | Azrael | |
アズラエル | ||
Kagura Mutsuki | Kagura! | |
カグラ! | ||
Kokonoe | Lady Kokonoe | |
ココノエ殿 | ||
Yuuki Terumi | Yuuki Terumi | |
ユウキ=テルミ | ||
Celica A. Mercury | Lady Celica | |
セリカ殿 | ||
Lambda-11 | Lambda-11 | |
ラムダ・イレブン | ||
Hibiki Kohaku | Lord Hibiki | |
ヒビキ殿 | ||
Nine the Phantom | Nine the Phantom | |
ナイン=ザ=ファントム | ||
Naoto Kurogane | Naoto Kurogane | |
クロガネ=ナオト | ||
Izanami | Izanami | |
イザナミ | ||
Susano'o | Susano'o | |
スサノオ | ||
Es | Es | |
エス | ||
Mai Natsume | Mai Natsume | |
マイ=ナツメ | ||
Jubei | Jubei | |
獣兵衛 |