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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | I ranked up...? Heh, I hope this means more fun for me. | |
段位が上がったか…なるほど、もっと楽しめそうだ。 | ||
Yeeees, I can tell you've got quite the appetite, too. | ||
いいぞ。貴様もなかなかに、大喰らいと見える。 | ||
Magnificent! You and I can turn this into a free-for-all of the hungry! | ||
最高だ! 貴様と俺で、この餌場を喰らい尽くすとするかぁ!! | ||
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) | What a disappointment, Grim Reaper. You're rotten to the core, you're not even worth the hunt. | |
腑抜けたものだな、『死神』。 今の腐りきった貴様など、餌にもならん。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) | Not yet, Grim Reaper... I'm not even close to satisfied! Get up! Tell me this isn't all you've got! | |
まだだ、死神……俺はまだ満足しちゃいない! 立て! 俺の飢えを満たしてみせろぉ! |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | Are you holding back on me!? Give me everything you've got! And don't disappoint me, Hero of Ikaruga! | |
何故力を抑える!? 本気で来い! 俺をガッカリさせてくれるな、『イカルガの英雄』よ! |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) | You've pointed your gun at me, little girl... which means, I'm not going to show you any mercy. | |
女子供とはいえ、俺に銃口を向けたのだ。 相応の覚悟は出来ているのだろうな、小娘。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) | Puny... How could a little small fry like you inherit the Azure? Unbelievable... | |
喰らい応えの無い…… こんな雑魚が本当に『蒼』を継承したのか? とても信じられんな。 |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | Unfortunately, "manners" and I don't get along very well. I just sink my teeth into anything worthwhile. | |
生憎と礼儀作法とは無縁でな。 俺の喰らい方に行儀など存在しない。 |
Vs. Taokaka | An animal's sense of danger only makes it taste better. But it seems like you have no idea what "danger" means... | |
危機感は獲物の味を引き立てる……貴様にはそれが足りんな。 | ||
Vs. Iron Tager | I won't kill you yet, Red Devil. I'm saving you until I get my hands on Kokonoe, too...! | |
まだ殺しはせんぞ、赤鬼。 貴様とココノエは、まとめて喰らってやろう……! |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | There's a bizarre presence I sense within you... Heh heh heh. You just may be worth feasting on yet. | |
貴様の内に感じる気配……クク、成程。 いつかは喰らい応えが出るかもしれんな……。 |
Vs. Arakune (Act 1/2) | Tch... you scum. I prefer my prey freshly served. | |
チッ……ゲテモノめ。やはり素材はシンプルな物ほど美味い。 | ||
Vs. Arakune (Act 3) | Heh heh heh... Rejoice! I'll personally see to it that you're satisfactory... | |
ククク……さぁ、喜べ。 この俺が手ずから、貴様の飢えを満たしてやろう……! |
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 1/2) | This is the best a "ninja" can do...? You didn't put up much of a fight during the civil war, and you didn't put one up now. Nothing but disappointment. | |
忍とはこの程度か。 内戦の時も喰らい応えが無かったが……あまりガッカリさせるな。 |
Vs. Bang Shishigami (Act 3) | Didn't think I'd have to feast on such a small-fry, even if it's to retrieve the Nox Nyctores. What a killjoy. | |
まさかこんな雑魚を喰らう羽目になるとは。 事象兵器回収のためとは言え、興醒めも甚だしい。 |
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 1/2) | Hmph... THIS is the Nox Nyctores everyone was fussing over? Pathetic... I'll stick to flesh and bones for my prey. | |
噂に聞こえた事象兵器がこの程度か? チッ、やはり喰らうのは生きた餌に限るな。 |
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 3) | I don't give a damn if you think this is your sister, or whatever... I'm taking all Nox Nyctores. Apparently I need it to wage war against the "gods." | |
姉だか何だか知らんが、この事象兵器は頂くぞ。 『神』と戦うために必要なものでな。 |
Vs. Hakumen | The ultimate dish must be enjoyed with all five senses... Hakumen of the Six Heroes... I hope you can entertain me! | |
最上の料理は五感で味わうものだ。 六英雄・ハクメン、全身で堪能させてもらったぞ。 |
Vs. Nu-13 | This is the infamous Murakumo? Don't be ridiculous... It's broken! | |
これが、彼のムラクモだと? ふざけるな……これではまるで『壊れて』いるではないか! |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | I really had high hopes for the so-called Sealed Armament... but none of that matters if you're so damn weak... | |
封印兵装などと大層な名前だが、 やはり使い手が雑魚では餌にはならんな……。 |
Vs. Hazama | You've got some kind'a bizarre presence lurking around you. Next time, I suggest you bring him into the fight. Maybe you'll stand a chance. | |
貴様、妙な気配を連れているな? 今度は『二人』で来る事だ。それならば少しは楽しめよう。 |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) | Tch. I can't believe you're supposed to be the Godslayer. Although, I guess this makes sense... after all, I'm stronger than the gods themselves! | |
チッ……こんなものが『神殺し』とは。だが、それも当然か。 この俺は、その神よりも強いのだからな。 |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) | The Godslayer... Heh heh heh... You know how to get me excited, don't you? Pretty soon, that title's gonna belong to me! | |
『神殺し』か……ククク、実に胸が踊る響きだ。 その称号は、いずれこの俺のものとなる。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | You don't trust your instincts enough. Why not crave more power? You are half beast, after all... | |
貴様には本能が足りん。 半身に野生を宿す者ならば、もっと力に飢えてみろ。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Ah, these finely honed techniques...! I can feel the countless battles you've survived in every blow of your attack! | |
実に熟成された味わいだ! 歴戦の深みが五臓六腑に染み渡るぞ! |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | Punk... you better go play elsewhere. You won't satisfy MY appetite. | |
おい、ガキ。遊びは余所でやれ。貴様では小腹すら満たせんわ。 | ||
Vs. Relius Clover | I see... the puppeteer. Fascinating attacks! I like you... Mark my words, I WILL feast on you! | |
成程、これが人形師か。実に面白いぞ! 気に入った……貴様は必ず、この俺が喰らってやる! |
Vs. Izayoi | You said something about acting as a god...? Sorry to say, you're really no match for me. I suggest you bring your god with you next time. That might even the odds a bit…[N 1] Acting as the gods' servant... I'm not even remotely interested. But give me the gods themselves, and you've got my attention.[N 2] |
神の代行とか言ったな。だが、貴様では相手にならん。 次はその、神も連れて来る事だ。二人同時なら相手をしてやろう。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Now, get up! If you don't want to intervene, I think I can change your mind! | |
さあ立て! 貴様が干渉をしないというのなら、 無理矢理にでも干渉させてやるぞ! |
Vs. Bullet | Stand up as many times as you wish, the results are the same. | |
何度やっても同じだ。 やはり半人前の貴様では、俺の相手にはならん。 |
Vs. Azrael | Strength has meaning when witnessed by others. What purpose does fighting my shadow serve? | |
他者を糧にしてこその強者。己を喰らって何の意味がある? | ||
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 1/2) | You may be affected by this world, but still! You are too weak, Black Knight... Do not disappoint me further. | |
この世界の影響とはいえ、弱すぎるぞ黒騎士……。 これ以上俺を失望させてくれるな。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 3) | This is it! The Black Knight I've been yearning for! Now... let me feel more of it! Give me everything you've got! | |
これだ! これぞ俺が求めていた『黒騎士』だ! さぁ、刻め……もっと俺に貴様を感じさせてくれぇ! |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | A ghost with no form... If there IS such a thing as a "soul" in this world, then... who am I to not feast on one...? | |
実体の無い亡霊……魂と呼ぶものがこの世にあるのならば、 それを喰らうのもまた一興か……。 |
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 1/2) | Oh, ho ho, I'm just getting started. Payback's a bitch. You forgot? Well, too bad... I'm gnawing on your bones! | |
こんなもので終わると思うなよ……。 今までの礼だ。貴様が覚えていなくとも、骨まで喰らってやろう! |
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 3) | I grew tired, waiting for this day to come, Kokonoe... the day I get to rip your head from your body! | |
この時を待ちわびたぞ、ココノエ…… この手で、貴様を喰らい尽くす時をなぁ! |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | The power to heal...? Pathetic. What I want is to feast on the ultimate beast, with the power to destroy! | |
治癒の力だと……? つまらん。 俺が欲するのは、破壊の力を持った最上の餌だ! |
Vs. Lambda-11 | What a pathetic little toy. There's no point in feasting on one who has no desire to fight. | |
くだらん玩具だ。 己の意思で向かってこない者など、喰らう意味はない。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | It doesn't matter how fast you move... prey is prey. I'll feast on you one way or another. | |
いくら素早く動こうが、餌は餌よ。足掻きたければ、力を付ける事だ。 どの道喰らってやるがな。 |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | You've got potential, kid... I think I should let you live. You're gonna age nicely... Hahahahaha! | |
素材は悪くない……生かしておくか。 しばらく寝かせれば、極上の餌に育ちそうだ……フハハハ! |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | THIS is the power of the Six Heroes!? Why are you holding back... Don't you dare underestimate me, you sage! | |
六英雄の力とはそんなものか!? 何故本気を出さん……俺を舐めるなよ、大魔道士!! |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2) | Feasting on "death" doesn't seem like such a bad idea. I've got my sights on the gods or whatever comes my way! | |
『死』を喰らうというのも悪くはない。 神だろうが何だろうが全ては俺の餌だ! 喰らわせてもらうぞ! |
Vs. Izanami (Act 3) | Please... I just wanted to see how strong the gods are... Don't worry, I'll hold up my end of the contract. | |
なぁに、『神』の味を今一度確認したまでだ。 安心しろ、『契約』は果たしてやる。 |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) | Wonderful... The power of the gods! H'rrrg! I can't get enough of you! I'll make sure you accompany me to the bitter end! | |
素晴らしい……これが『神』! 喰らっても喰らっても喰らい足りん! もっとだ……最後まで付き合ってもらうぞ、『神』よ! |
Vs. Es (Act 3) | I've finally caught you, Gatekeeper... now, lead me to the world on the other side... the world known only to the gods! | |
ようやく捕らえたぞ、門番……さぁ、俺を導け。 『門』の向こう側……神々の世界へ! |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) | How dull... everything you do is half-baked. Not even worth tasting... | |
つまらんな……貴様は何もかもが半端だ。喰らう価値も無い。 | ||
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) | What a godsend! I never thought the day would come when I cross fists with the "strongest creature alive!" But this is still not enough. I hunger for more! | |
僥倖! 『地上最強の生物』にありつけるとは 全く以って僥倖だ! だが、まだまだ足りん…… 心行くまで喰らわせてもらうぞ、六英雄! |