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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | We've increased in rank...? Do not cease the pursuit of improvement... | |
昇段か…。絶えず精進することだ。 | ||
...Considerable. I say this feat deserves praise. | ||
…大したものだ。賞賛に値する。 | ||
I have witnessed your sense of justice... I shall entrust you with mine blade. | ||
貴様の正義…しかと見せてもらった。 我が刃、貴様に託そう。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | Dark One… I shall sever the threads of our intertwining fate once and for all! Resound, Ookami! | |
黒き者よ……我らが縁、此の一太刀にて幕としよう! 哭け、鳴神! |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | It is mine blade that will dispose of the evil in our world. I will see it through, even if I must stand against the "will" of this world... | |
彼の『悪』を裁くのは我が刃。 譬え『世界の意思』とて、其の運命は枉げさせぬ。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) | Open your eyes and witness the darkness. Your path will present itself beyond... | |
『眼』を開け、闇を見つめよ。 其の果てに貴様の征くべき道は開かれる。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) | In the end, you still cannot reach... but Child of the Azure, you best remember, it will be my blade that severs your threads of fate...! | |
矢張り、未だ届かぬか……だが蒼の少女よ、覚えておく事だ。 貴様の命は、必ずや我が刃が断ち切る……! |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | You have truly become the harlequin of this world... Know your place. You've no strength. | |
真の道化に成り果てたか…… 弁えろ、最早力を失った貴様の出る幕は無い。 |
Vs. Taokaka | Remnants after all... Your strength is not far from that of an ordinary feline. | |
所詮は残滓……迅さ、膂力共に猫には遠く及ばん。 | ||
Vs. Iron Tager (Act 1/2) | Even within this fabrication, you do not disappoint, Red Devil... Your straight-forward honesty is a trait I can respect. | |
此の『世界』でも貴様は然程変わらんな、赤鬼。 兵卒の分を弁える其の愚直さは、嫌いでは無い。 |
Vs. Iron Tager (Act 3) | Tell your master... if she stands in my way, I WILL not hesitate to end her. | |
主に伝えよ。 此れより先、私の邪魔をすれば貴様とて斬る……とな。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | How foolish... you've become a puppet to your own emotions. This is a battlefield... not where you belong. Stand down. | |
愚かな……己が情に踊らされるとは。 此処は戦場、貴様の居場所等存在しない……早々に立ち去る事だ。 |
Vs. Arakune | All the knowledge in this world will not serve you... It will only serve to expose your ignorance to the world. | |
譬え此の世の総てを識った所で、貴様に益は無い。 只、己の無力を眼前に晒されるだけだ。 |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Remember this... You may preach your justice as much as you want... but without the power to enforce it, it is a painful sight. | |
覚えておけ…… どれ程信念を謳おうが、相応の力が無ければ見苦しいだけだ。 |
Vs. Carl Clover | Poor child... your soul has been tampered with enough. Nirvana... rest in peace with him at your side. | |
魂を翻弄され続ける、哀れな幼子よ……。 ニルヴァーナ……今は彼と共に眠るが良い。 |
Vs. Hakumen | Not once have I wavered... from the moment I picked up mine blade. | |
保身など疾うに忘却した。此の太刀を執った刻、既にな。 | ||
Vs. Nu-13 | Crimes and sin can no longer describe what you have done... I will reduce you to rust on my blade. | |
最早、罪も罰も語るまい……消えろ。我が刃の錆と成り果てるが良い。 | ||
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | Excessive power may be the spark of your destruction. There is more about this world you must know, Tsubaki... before you judge good and evil. | |
過ぎた力は己が身を灼く。 善悪を問う前に、貴様には知るべき事が在る筈だ……ツバキ=ヤヨイ。 |
Vs. Hazama | Just the vessel... yet I sense his remains within you. Hmph... Yuuki Terumi. Mark my words, you will atone for your sins. | |
器のみか……しかし、奴の残滓は確かに感じる。 ユウキ=テルミ……その罪は必ず償ってもらうぞ。 |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 1/2) | I can see right through you... and the doubt within, Azure child. If you claim to be a Godslayer, then you best cast aside your own soul. | |
迷いが透けて見えるぞ、蒼の少女よ。 『神殺し』を名乗るならば、己の魂如き呑み込んで来い。 |
Vs. Mu-12 (Act 3) | Ah... a fragment you've cast aside. Why let go of the power of the Godslayer, Child of the Azure? | |
成程、斬り捨てられた片割れか。 何故『神殺し』を手放す、蒼の少女よ。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Feeble pride will only hamper you... if you truly care about your friends, seek strength instead. | |
力無き矜持に意味は無い。友を失ないたくなくば、強さを欲す事だ。 | ||
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Stand down, Valkenhayn... Right now, you have no value to me. Why not protect your master instead of wasting my time? | |
退け、ヴァルケンハイン。現在の貴様に価値は無い。 道化の御守でもしているが良い。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | A sanctuary for your soul... Platinum the Trinity. Is this what atonement looks like to you? | |
憑代の救済……。 プラチナ=ザ=トリニティよ……其れが貴様の贖罪か。 |
Vs. Relius Clover | You choose solitude because of your role as architect...? How arrogant. I shall bestow upon you another form of solitude... death. | |
『創造主』足る孤高だと? 傲慢だな。 貴様には、死と言う名の孤独こそ相応しい。 |
Vs. Izayoi | Do not stray, Tsubaki Yayoi... what is it that you see at the edge of your blade? Your own justice...? Or someone else's directive. Take one more good look. | |
逸るな、ツバキ=ヤヨイ。其の切っ先に宿るものは己の正義か、 はたまた借り物の使命か……今一度省みる事だ。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Get out of my sight, Observer... this world is not a source for your amusement. | |
目障りだ傍観者。世界は貴様の慰み物では無い。 | ||
Vs. Bullet | Leave. The path of righteousness is not kind to those who crave battle. | |
去れ。戦いに焦がれる輩に、正道は阻めぬ。 | ||
Vs. Azrael | You live and die to fight the strongest this world has to offer... In that case, I offer you death, Mad Dog... say your prayers. | |
飽く迄強者との邂逅を欲すか、狂犬。 為らば貴様の行く先は一つ……冥界だ。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 1/2) | Not even a glimmer of your former swordsmanship... I suggest you look deep within yourself, Kagura. | |
嘗ての剣技の冴が見る影も無い。今一度、己を見直す事だ。 | ||
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 3) | Magnificent swordsmanship, Black Knight. But you are still a far cry from me... | |
良い太刀筋だ、黒騎士。 だが、我が研鑽には未だ遠く及ばぬ。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | End of the line, Terumi... Never again will you torment this world with your evil! | |
此処までだ、ユウキ=テルミ…… 総ての負の因果、今此の場で断ち斬らせて貰う! |
Vs. Kokonoe | Cease your resistance and be consumed by this world, Grimalkin... that is, if you do not have the courage to stand up to your mother. | |
大人しく此の『世界』に飼われて居ろ、化け猫よ。 母に仇為す覚悟が無ければな。 |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | Leave this place at once... there is no need for you to bear any more wounds. | |
去るが良い。貴様は此れ以上、疵を負うべきでは無い。 | ||
Vs. Lambda-11 | For whom do you wield thine blade...? Until you can face the truth, you will be nothing more than a cheap imitation. | |
誰が為に剣を振るうのか…… 己と向き合わなければ、貴様は何時迄も模造品の儘だ。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | Pawns have their own way of living... I've born witness to your loyalty and resolution. | |
駒には駒の生き様が在る……成程、貴様の忠義とはこう謂う事か。 | ||
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | That arm... Your demonic strength... Impossible. How could there be two Black Beasts in this world!? | |
其の腕……禍き力……莫迦な、黒き者だと!? | ||
Vs. Nine the Phantom | Curse me if you want, sorceress... But I will make sure your flames do not scorch this world. | |
呪いたくば呪うが良い。 然れど其の憤怒の炎で此の世界は灼かせはしない。 |
Vs. Izanami | I see... it all makes sense now... death cannot be killed. Which means the key can only be... | |
成程。死を殺せぬとは、こう謂う事か。為らば、やはり鍵となるのは……。 | ||
Vs. Susano'o | Futile... That is not something just anyone can easily wield... Let Izanami take you to the depths below, Terumi... | |
無駄だ。其れは貴様ごときに易々と扱える代物ではない。 冥府の塵と消えよ。テルミ。 |
Vs. Es | The "Azure" is pointless... One's justice can only be realized through one's blade. | |
『蒼』など無用……我が正義は、此の刃で斬り拓く迄。 | ||
Vs. Mai Natsume | Begone. This is not your fight. | |
去れ。此処は貴様の戦場では無い。 | ||
Vs. Jubei | Grimalkin. You should have already realized. There is no path for us to retreat. That is why I will fulfill my calling. Simple. | |
猫、貴様ならば理解して居る筈だ。 最早、我らに退(しりぞ)く道は無い。 故に、私は使命を果たす迄だ |
System Voice
Situation | Quote | Audio |
"Here Comes A New Challenger" Screen | ||
Character Select Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Character Select | Now is the time for the decisive battle. Take up your blade. | |
今こそ決戦の時。剣を取れ。 | ||
Ragna the Bloodedge | Dark One | |
黒き者 | ||
Jin Kisaragi | Jin Kisaragi | |
ジン=キサラギ | ||
Noel Vermillion | Girl of the Azure | |
青の処女 | ||
Rachel Alucard | Get out of my way. | |
どけ。 | ||
Taokaka | Replica of the Awakened | |
覚醒のレプリカ | ||
Iron Tager | Red Devil | |
赤鬼 | ||
Litchi Faye-Ling | Litchi Faye-Ling | |
ライチ=フェイ=リン | ||
Arakune | Arakune | |
アラクネ | ||
Bang Shishigami | Bang Shishigami | |
シシガミ=バング | ||
Carl Clover | Carl Clover | |
カルル=クローバー | ||
Hakumen | The end has come. (lit. Advancing on your position) | |
押して参る | ||
Nu-13 | Murakumo | |
叢雲 | ||
Tsubaki Yayoi | Tsubaki Yayoi | |
ツバキ=ヤヨイ | ||
Hazama | Hazama!! | |
ハザマ!! | ||
Mu-12 | Kusanagi | |
草薙 | ||
Makoto Nanaya | Makoto Nanaya | |
マコト=ナナヤ | ||
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Valkenhayn | |
ヴァルケンハイン | ||
Platinum the Trinity | Platinum the Trinity | |
プラチナ=ザ=トリニティ | ||
Relius Clover | Relius | |
レリウス | ||
Izayoi | Izayoi | |
イザヨイ | ||
Amane Nishiki | Amane Nishiki | |
アマネ=ニシキ | ||
Bullet | Bullet | |
バレット | ||
Azrael | Mad Dog | |
狂犬 | ||
Kagura Mutsuki | Black Knight | |
黒騎士 | ||
Yuuki Terumi | Terumi! | |
テルミ! | ||
Kokonoe | Grimalkin | |
化猫 | ||
Celica A. Mercury | Celica A. Mercury | |
セリカ=A=マーキュリー | ||
Lambda-11 | Lambda-11 | |
ラムダ・イレブン | ||
Hibiki Kohaku | Hibiki Kohaku | |
ヒビキ=コハク | ||
Naoto Kurogane | Naoto Kurogane | |
クロガネ=ナオト | ||
Nine the Phantom | Nine | |
ナイン | ||
Izanami | Hades | |
冥王 | ||
Susano'o | Terumi, you bastard. | |
テルミ、貴様 | ||
Es | Es | |
エス | ||
Mai Natsume | Mai Natsume | |
マイ=ナツメ | ||
Jubei | Cat | |
猫 |