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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | Promotion accepted. Now proceeding to the next mission. | |
段位上昇。次の任務に向かう。 | ||
I have not come here with my power alone... You have my thanks. | ||
私一人の力ではない、お前のおかげだ。礼を言うぞ。 | ||
You continue to surprise me... it's like watching my Captain in action. Umm... Th-Thank you. | ||
お前には本当に驚かされるな…。まるで、隊長を見ているようだ。 その…ありがとう。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) | THIS was the infamous Grim Reaper...? You're not even worthy of the Captain's time. Now, hand over the Azure Grimoire. | |
『死神』がこの程度とは……隊長が手を下すまでもなかったな。 さて、『蒼の魔道書』とやらを渡してもらうぞ。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) | Don't stand in my way, Ragna the Bloodedge... I'll let your debt slide this time. But next time I won't let you off so easy. | |
私に構うな、ラグナ=ザ=ブラッドエッジ。 あの時の借りで今回は見逃すが……次は容赦しないぞ。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | Jin Kisaragi... it seems the intel was wrong about you. You're much weaker than I thought. | |
ジン=キサラギ……情報ほどの使い手ではなかったな。 | ||
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) | I've survived countless battlefields. A few bullets from a little girl like you is nothing! | |
弾丸の飛び交う戦場を渡り歩いてきた私だ。 お前如きの銃で致命傷は受けん! |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) | It's all because of you... The Captain and everyone, they...! I will make you pay the price, Noel Vermillion! | |
貴様の所為で、隊長は……隊の皆は……! 代償は必ず支払ってもらうぞ……ノエル=ヴァーミリオン! |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | I've read about your kind in my reports. A vampire... Hmph. Can't believe I let my guard down because you were a child. I must train more... | |
資料で読んだ事がある。これが吸血鬼か……。 少女の見た目に惑わされるとは、私もまだまだ未熟だな。 |
Vs. Taokaka | Okay, okay! I'll buy you some food, dammit! Now stop... pulling... there! It's coming off! | |
分かった! 飯なら奢る! 奢るから! そんなところを引っ張るなぁ! 脱げるだろうが!! |
Vs. Iron Tager (Act 1/2) | Thank you very much for your combat training, sir. I hope to one day become as strong as you! | |
戦闘訓練、ありがとうございました! 自分も早く隊長のように強くなります! |
Vs. Iron Tager (Act 3) | What's the truth... where are you, Captain...? Answer me, Red Devil! | |
何が真実なんだ……私の隊長は何処にいるんだ……? 答えろ、赤鬼ぃ! |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling (Act 1/2) | I've got a question for you... seeing as you were formerly a researcher at Sector Seven. *Ahem* What is your, umm... relationship with the Captain? | |
第七機関の元研究者であるお前に聞きたい事がある。 オホン……その、隊長とはどのような関係なのだ!? |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling (Act 3) | You're not related to Sector Seven anymore...? Hmph, what a waste of my time. | |
もう第七機関とは無関係だと? くっ……無駄足だったか。 |
Vs. Arakune (Act 1/2) | This is Bullet. I've secured the second target. Now returning to base. | |
こちらバレット。第二目標を捕獲した。これより帰投する。 | ||
Vs. Arakune (Act 3) | Argh, it's like trying to grab water! Guess I won't be interrogating you for information... | |
なんてつかみどころのない体だ! 締め上げて聞き出すのは難しそうだな……。 |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | ...My intel suggested "ninja" were quiet assassins, but... perhaps the intel was bad? You have been quite... surprising. | |
……忍者とは暗殺者ではなかったのか? こうも賑やかな忍がいるとは驚きだ……。 |
Vs. Carl Clover | You live up to your name, the strongest Vigilante, Carl Clover... A brilliant show of rapid attacks, but what you lack right now is in experience. | |
流石は『最強の咎追い』と名高い、カルル=クローバー。 見事な連携攻撃だったが、私とは場数が違ったな。 |
Vs. Hakumen | Hakumen, of the Six Heroes... and only one third of your former power? Unbelievable... | |
六英雄・ハクメン……これで全盛期の三割以下の力だと? 馬鹿な、信じられん……! |
Vs. Nu-13 | I'll need to re-evaluate my combat strategy... I didn't realize fighting a long-ranged opponent could be this challenging. I require more training... | |
戦略を一度見直す必要があるな。如何に相手の懐に入るか…… もっと突き詰めねば一人前にはなれん。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | It seems to me like you believe in something... but the only thing you can trust on the battlefield, is yourself. If anyone tells you otherwise, then they're third-rate. | |
お前は何かを信仰しているようだが…… 戦場では己の身だけが頼り。第三者に頼るなど、半人前だ。 |
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) | I've read about you in the reports... Hazama from intelligence. You were marked as "high threat." | |
資料にあった……統制機構諜報部のハザマ。 要注意人物の一人だな。 |
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) | Tch... Couldn't get any information. I thought you're supposed to be from Intelligence... | |
ちっ……結局何の情報も聞き出せなかった。 伊達に諜報部の人間ではないということか。 |
Vs. Mu-12 | This is the Murakumo Unit...? What a terrifying weapon. I'll need to adapt my style to fight your kind. | |
これがムラクモユニット……恐るべき兵器だ。 何らかの対策が必要だな。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Much can be learned from how beastkin fight. I may be no match for your kind in physical aptitude, but combat is all about strategy. | |
獣人の動きからは学ぶべき点が多い。 身体能力では及ばないが、戦は戦術次第。私も精進せねば。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | You have honed your techniques to the absolute best that they can be... I am proud to be able to say I've crossed fists with a warrior of your caliber. | |
何という老練の技だ……。 戦士として、貴殿と戦えたことを誇りに思おう。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | The battlefield is no place for a child to be. Put down that weapon, and go home... I mean it. | |
戦場は子供の来る所ではない。 その武器を置いて、大人しく家に帰るんだ。 |
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 1/2) | So you're Relius Clover... I've heard you were quite the engineer, but I confess I wasn't expecting you to be this skilled in combat. | |
これがレリウス=クローバーか……。 技術屋と聞いていたが、この戦闘能力はどういう事だ? |
Vs. Relius Clover (Act 3) | Tell me everything you know about Kokonoe... And I mean EVERYTHING! | |
ココノエの情報、あるだけ吐いてもらうぞ……力ずくでもな! | ||
Vs. Izayoi | You should always conduct yourself as though you were on a battlefield... for victory is the only form of justice in this world. | |
常在戦場の心得を覚えておけ。 勝つ事こそ、戦場における絶対的な正義だ。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 1/2) | K'uh... What is this...? Whenever I see your face, I hear this melody ringing in my head...! | |
くっ……何だこれは!? 貴様の顔を見ると耳障りな音楽が聞こえてくるぞ!? |
Vs. Amane Nishiki (Act 3) | Argh! I can't get that annoying song and dance out of my head! This is all your fault! How are you going to take responsibility!? | |
あの忌々しい踊りと音楽が脳裏から離れん! 貴様の所為だぞ! どう責任を取ってくれる!? |
Vs. Bullet | It's like fighting a bad reflection of myself... This can only mean one thing. I need more training. | |
自分が如何に未熟かを見せつけられた気分だ…… 帰ったら一から鍛え直しだな。 |
Vs. Azrael (Act 1/2) | You're the Mad Dog Azrael... Your power is terrifying. But I'm afraid I can't lose this fight, either! | |
これが狂犬アズラエル……恐ろしい力だ。 だが私とて、簡単に負けられない理由がある! |
Vs. Azrael (Act 3) | Now, answer me, Mad Dog... What the hell happened to my comrades the day you fought them...! | |
さぁ、答えてもらうぞ狂犬…… あの日、貴様と戦った部隊の事を……! |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | I am a soldier. You will pay the price for disgracing me. | |
私は戦士だ。 戦士を侮辱した罪は、その身体で支払ってもらうぞ。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | Such murderous intent... I've never felt this much rage on any battlefield. Yet it's like I'm punching air. What on earth are you!? | |
これほどの殺意……かつての戦場でも感じたことが無い。 それに先程の手応えの無さ……貴様、一体何者だ? |
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 1/2) | Professor, if this completes testing on your prototype, then I would like to excuse myself. | |
博士、新兵器のテストが終わったのでしたら、 私はこれにて失礼します。 |
Vs. Kokonoe (Act 3) | It's time you told me everything... about the operation to retrieve the Nox Nyctores! | |
いい加減吐いてもらうぞ……『事象兵器奪取作戦』の真相を! | ||
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 1/2) | Professor Kokonoe, I've encountered a girl with a mysterious doll. What!? Bring her back!? But that's-- Y-Yes, ma'am. Right away... | |
ココノエ博士、謎の人形を連れた少女と遭遇しました。 は? 連れて来い? それはどういう……いえ、了解しました。 |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury (Act 3) | I don't believe it... how can someone as weak as you fight with such courage? | |
不思議だ。戦闘力を持たないお前が、何故そうも勇敢に戦える? | ||
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 1/2) | You've designed something really bizarre here, Professor. It works really well as a punching bag, however. | |
博士も風変わりな兵器を開発したものだ。 まぁ、模擬戦の相手として不足は無いが。 |
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 3) | Morale can steer the outcome of a fight on the battlefield. You can never defeat me... without emotion. | |
戦場では、士気が戦況を左右することもある。 感情を持たないお前では、私には勝てない。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | Argh, ENOUGH! Quit playing with smoke and mirrors, and fight me head-on like a man! | |
えぇい! まどろっこしい! 小手先ばかり弄せず、真っ直ぐぶつかって来い! |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | Astonishing... you can turn blood into a weapon? That ability would be quite effective on the battlefield. | |
血が武器になるとは驚いた……。 戦場で最も欲しい能力の一つだな。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | Such destructive power... it's as though I'm standing in the middle of a battlefield. | |
何という破壊力だ…… まるで戦地のど真ん中に突っ立っている気分だったぞ。 |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) | This overwhelming pressure... I've felt this on the battlefield before. Death itself... | |
この威圧感……戦場で幾度となく感じたものに似ている……! そうだ、これは……『死』の匂いだ……。 |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) | Impossible... this isn't the power of a single warrior... This is war itself! | |
何てことだ……こんなものは戦力とは呼べない…… 戦争そのものではないか……! |
Vs. Es (Act 3) | Such beautiful swordsmanship... I was entranced... | |
流麗な太刀筋だ……私としたことが、思わず見惚れてしまったぞ。 | ||
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) | Looks like you've got some confidence in your strength, but... you have ways to go. I've seen dozens of spearmen at your level. | |
少しは腕が立つようだが、まだまだだな。 貴様程度の槍遣い、戦場にはごまんといる。 |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) | You've underestimated me, beastkin. If I cannot keep up with you physically, I simply must develop new techniques to adapt. | |
私を少々侮っていたようだな、獣人。 身体機能に差があるのならば それを埋める術を用いるまでだ。 |